Chapter 1: Understanding Diversity: Class 6 Polity

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Chapter 1: Understanding Diversity

1.Many things we do are similar except that we do in different ways.

2.we have Different languages ,cultures,tradditions,festivals,foods
3.People travel from one place to another place insearch of
food,settlement,trade,natural disasters,famines etc.
4.Diversity Depends on Geographical factors.
Example : Ladakh and Kerala
Kerala Ladakh
1.One side sea and other side hills 1.A Desert in Jammu
2.well suitable for agriculture 2.Scope for the Agriculture is
less because it is covered
with snow mostly
3.Rice,fish,vegetables,pepper,cloves 3.Meat and milk products
4.Jewish and arabs comes here to 4.Travellers carried textiles
settle ,spices and carpets

5.British used “Divide and Rule policy”.

6.The Blood of Hindus and Muslims flows together today -song
composed to honour the memory of brave people
7.songs &poems reflects our unity.
8.Diversity is a source of strgenth to our country .

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