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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
City of Iriga


December 14 – 18, 2020

Learning in the new normal is a pressing challenge for teachers, students and
parents. Transitioning from classroom instruction to modular and online class has
made an abrupt and incontrollable change to both the educators and stakeholders.
This premise calls for an ardent need for trainings to deal effectively and efficiently
with this educational adjustment. This quest for the unceasing learning and
professional development for the teachers in this new normal education, the
Department of Education (DepEd) sets for a five day In-Service Training for

To embrace the change, San Antonio Elementary School conducted 2020

School-Based In-Service Training for Teachers. This training focused on the
following objectives: 1. Equip teachers with the knowledge and guidelines for
assessment and grading in the new normal education; 2. Provide teachers with the
insights on individual monitoring and providing interventions to struggling learners
under the new normal; 3. Train teachers on audio and television based lessons and
script writing and 4. Enrich teacher’s skills on basic audio and video editing. This is
made possible thru the effort of the competent speakers and the insurmountable
support of the School Principal Mr. Aldrin Osias C. Ibarreta.
The first day of the training was on December 14, 2020. Opening program
was held. It started with a prayer led by Mrs. Annabelle A. Laniog, Grade 1 Rose
Adviser followed instantly by the Philippine National Anthem by Mrs. Agnes G.
Pante, Grade 2 Pearl Adviser. The opening remarks was rendered by the faculty
president, Mrs. Unicy M. Matalote. An inspirational message was given by the
School Principal, Mr. Aldrin Osias C. Ibarreta. He addressed the importance of the
training not just to the teachers but also to the pupils. An icebreaker was facilitated
by Mrs. Eden V. Sentillas, Grade 5 Patience Adviser.
After the Opening Program, the seminar formally started with the first speaker
Mrs. Paulita I. Guadalupe, Master Teacher 1. She tackled on the Role of Teachers
in the New Normal. She presented the three indispensable roles of the teachers as
a team player, a motivator and innovator of change in this new normal situation and
discussed it thoroughly leading to the conclusion that teacher play a vital role in the
growth of learner’s educational development be it in virtual or online.

The second topic for the day was the Guidelines on Assessment and Grading
System under the New Normal Education. This was discussed by the Mrs. Vivien A.
Balang, Master Teacher 1. She elucidated well the Deped Order No. 31 series 2020
re: Interim Guidelines for Assessment and Grading in Light of the Basic Education
Learning Continuity Plan. Accordingly, only Written Works and Performance Tasks
are the assessment components for rating the learners. She also emphasized that
assessment and feedback is a shared responsibility among teachers, learners and
their families. So to make the assessment to pupils possible, there must be
paramount cooperation between parents and teachers.

Before the next topic, an icebreaker was facilitated by the officers of the day,
Mrs. Eden V. Sentillas and Mrs. Maryjean M. Ciron. Then, it was immediately
followed by the Workshop on the Actual Computation of Grades Based from DepEd
Order No. 31, series 2020 by the skillful speaker in Math, Mr. Dennis T. Ciron,
Master Teacher 1. He presented the weights of the Assessment Components in the
different subjects. The template can be downloadable, so there is just a need to
input the rating for the written works and performance rating. However, he also
provided a sample computation of the rating. A health break was declared. Then,
the participants presented their output.

On the second day of the training, the officers of the day, Mrs. Unicy N.
Matalote and Mrs. Maricel M. Cheng, were assigned to direct the preliminaries.
They also introduced Mrs. Portia M. Ablan as the first speaker of the day.
Mrs.Portia Ablan tackled on the Learning Interventions for Struggling Learners under
the New Normal. She started by defining the instructional intervention as a program
or steps to help kids improve what the pupils struggled with and its importance to the
learning journey of their kids. She bestowed the different intervention that can be
usable for Modular Distance Learning and how it will be implemented. She also
reckoned the Six Steps to Create Effective Intervention, Five Principles for
Supporting Struggling Learners and Ways to Help Students Struggling with Reading
leading to the creation of the Intervention Plan as the workshop of the participants.
Format was provided to expedite the workshop.

The second speaker was also introduced by the officers of the day. She is
Mrs. Agnes G. Pante, Master Teacher 1 who discussed on Individual Monitoring
Plan for Learners. In her systematic talk, she explained that Individual Learning
Monitoring Learning Plan is utilized to monitor the progress of the learners especially
to identify pupils who lag behind. She presented the purposes of ILMLP as feedback
data, support to learners, awareness on academic progress of the learners, show the
effectivity of the learning modality and guide teachers in adjusting content and task
of the weekly home learning plan. The session ended by the workshop on preparing
the monitoring tool of the pupils who lag behind by the participants.

The third day commenced with preliminaries led by the officers of the day,
Mrs. Mary Ann M. Corporal. The first speaker was introduced by Mrs. Annabelle
Laniog, Master Teacher 1. The speaker is Ms. Meagan Alexis A. Almasco, Teacher
1 of San Nicolas Elem. School with her topic: Training on Television Based Lesson
Scriptwriting. She accentuated on the huge capacity of television in the learning of
the learners through the Core of Learning. She tackled also on the principles of
scriptwriting and some tips for preparing the script and the flow for checking the
script in the division. She also talked on the proper ways of filming the script. After
the eloquent discussion, workshop in scriptwriting was made. Then ice breaker
happened. Thenceforth, the editing and critiquing of the script occured. Then in the
afternoon, the video recording of the TV Based Lesson ensued. Mr. Benjie Sederia,
grade 6 teacher and Mrs. Maricel M. Cheng, grade 3 teacher had the chance of
video recording of their script. It was indeed a fruitful day for the new experience.

The excitement in the third day equate in the fourth day of the training. It was
activated by checking of attendance and preliminaries facilitated by Mrs. Agnes D.
Bonde. Mrs. Nilda P. Laut introduced the speaker for the day. She is Mrs. Rema V.
Montes, Master Teacher 1. Her topic focused on Radio-Based Lesson Scriptwriting.
In her talk, she emphasized the use of radio as a platform to facilitate learning in this
new normal. She elaborated the role of the teacher as a conveyor of the lesson as
radio teacher and scriptwriter. She presented the ways to write a script for radio
broadcast and stages in broadcast scriptwriting. Hence, concluding the discussion
by highlighting that there must be proper editing of the script and prepare it for
microphone presentation. After which was the workshop for radio script writing. To
energize the participants, an ice breaker was given. Then, the editing and critiquing
of the script transpired. In the afternoon, the audio recording of the script emerged.
Mrs. Vivien A. Balang and Mrs. Rema V. Montes made the sample of the recording.

The fifth day was as exciting as the other days as the officer of the day
opened the morning with the preliminaries and introducing the speaker for the day.
The speaker was Mrs. Daisy L. Tangelon, Teacher III of Sto. Niňo Elementary
School, who discussed on Basics on Audio-Video Auditing. She introduced the
application Filmora 9 as a popular video editing tool for making high quality videos.
Along the lecture was the workshop of the participants. She taught the participants
on cutting, editing, merging, trimming clips and adding music to the clips for a perfect
atmosphere while the participants were performing what was being taught.
Incorporating animation was instilled to them to further enhance the videos. After the
lecture-workshop, the participants presented their output with fulfillment and pride.
Then, critiquing of the output was realized. She had given suggestions and
recommendation to improve the output.

The last day of the week was also the indication that the training had come to

an end so a closing program was held. It commenced with the singing of the

nationalistic song conducted by Mrs. Bernadette DV. Nolasco, kinder Teacher. Mrs.

Agnes D. Bonde, grade 1 Tulip Teacher, delivered her impressions. She reiterated

that “as educators, we must always grab every opportunity along the way. She then

realized ,that we have to be optimistic rather than pessimistic. There are still lots of

problems, and lots of things to do because of this pandemic . Now, we have

solutions. As educators, we are expected to become not only as teachers but trouble

shooters, inventors, innovators and creators on our own special way. A fruit of

painstaking days was conducted, the awarding of the certificate of participation was

given. A challenge was communicated by Mr. Aldrin Osias C. Ibarreta, school

principal. He said that learning in the new normal is a challenge for the DepEd

officials ,teachers, students and even parents. The DepEd is optimistic that despite

the various socio-economic situations of families which affect the provision of

learning support in the home, and the peculiar needs of different learners, the  Basic

Education Learning Continuity Plan could be the key to providing quality basic

education which is accessible and responsive in the new normal. He reinforced by

advising the teachers, not to stop learning. The teaching profession allows to be
engaged in a life process. The teachers must expose themselves to new ideas and

be intellectually stimulated because these factors give mentors a drive to teach.

To give appreciation to the people behind the success of the School-Based

In-Service Training of the Teachers, a closing remark was conveyed by Mrs.

Rema V. Montes. To finally close the program, a prayer by Mrs. Portia N. Ablan

was bestowed. The master of ceremony for the closing program was Mr.

Benjie O. Sederia.

Prepared by:


Elementary School Principal-1


Education Program Supervisor-Monitor

Recommending Approval:


Asst. Schools Division Superintendent



Schools Division Superintendent

Address: San Antonio Iriga City
Telephone No. 299-1761
Email Address:
Foods for Lunch and Snacks

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