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SQL Server 2005 Adoption Report

SQL Server 2005 Adoption Issues:

Evaluating Risks and Readiness

Industry Insight Report

888.788.2444 © 2005 Edgewood Solutions. All rights reserved. ESL10272005-01

SQL Server 2005 Adoption Report

Table of Contents

Survey Demographics .......................................................................................................................... 3

About This Research ............................................................................................................................ 3

About Edgewood Solutions .................................................................................................................. 3

Executive Summary.............................................................................................................................. 4

Survey Demographics .......................................................................................................................... 5

SQL Server 2005 Primer ...................................................................................................................... 7

SQL Server 2005 Adoption – Risks...................................................................................................... 9

SQL Server 2005 Adoption – Benefits ............................................................................................... 11

SQL Server 2005 Adoption – Findings............................................................................................... 13

Edgewood Solutions SQL Server 2005 Upgrade Recommendations................................................ 17

SQL Server 2005 CTP Testing Feedback.......................................................................................... 19

General SQL Server 2005 Adoption Rate Comments ....................................................................... 22

Switching to SQL Server 2005 ........................................................................................................... 24

Appendix 1 – Detailed Survey Statistics ............................................................................................ 26

Appendix 2 – Additional SQL Server 2005 Resources ...................................................................... 36

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SQL Server 2005 Adoption Report

Survey Overview

The SQL Server 2005 Adoption Plans Industry Insight report outlines the findings from 462
respondents who participated in a survey conducted by Edgewood Solutions between August 15,
2005 and September 15, 2005. These findings are not necessarily the opinions of Edgewood
Solutions, but rather the opinions of the SQL Server community survey participants.

About This Research

As leading SQL Server experts, Edgewood Solutions has extensive hands-on experience
planning, managing and executing SQL Server upgrades from the early SQL Server 6.5 days to
the present. Edgewood Solutions undertook this study to determine what issues the SQL Server
community considers the biggest obstacles to SQL Server 2005 upgrade. Specifically, this report
was created to help DBAs, database developers and IT managers gain a better understanding of
how their peers were planning SQL server implementation: the questions they ask; the issues
they face; the steps they take.

To conduct the study, we created a battery of questions, pooled a small set of Edgewood
Solutions customers for feedback and adjusted the questions accordingly. The survey was then
announced to the SQL Server community with random members of the community completing it.
Edgewood relied on its strong technical, analytical and communication skills to compile and
analyze the results in an unbiased manner yielding the SQL Server 2005 Adoption Plans Industry
Insight report.

The report compiles a broad cross section of SQL Server community responses regarding
intentions for SQL Server 2005 upgrade. It offers you essential industry information to assist in
making appropriate decisions for SQL Server 2005 adoption. This report outlines information on
several levels: personnel role, organizational size and an organization’s years in business. These
three factors serve as a means to compare the results to your own organization' s criteria. The
analysis also details critical risks, valuable benefits and overall findings; such as adoption time
frames, switching from Oracle to SQL Server, technical and business drivers, heterogeneous
environment support, project budgeting and upgrade roadblocks.

About Edgewood Solutions

Edgewood Solutions is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner offering a full spectrum of database
solutions and tools to solve SQL Server challenges of any size. Experts at SQL Server database
administration, development, performance issues and problem-solving, Edgewood combines an
understanding of business goals and effective project management to deliver complete SQL
Server solutions. More information about Edgewood Solutions can be found at

Visit for additional industry insight on critical SQL Server topics
vital for CTOs, DBAs and Developers. © 2005 Edgewood Solutions. All rights reserved. ESL10272005-01

SQL Server 2005 Adoption Report

Executive Summary

SQL Server 2005 Overview SQL Server 2005 Adoption Benefits and Risks

SQL Server was originally introduced a decade ago Based on the survey results, below outlines the top
and has experienced major advancements with five benefits and risks :
each new edition. SQL Server 2005 is no different
with its vast array of improvements from Business Benefits Risks
Intelligence to XML. Based on the survey results, Performance Bugs in SQL Server
the overall top five new features in SQL Server .NET integration Insufficient knowledge
2005 for high impact systems are: Integration Services Cost\time to upgrade
T-SQL Migrate from a stable
1. Performance Enhancements platform
2. Security BI\Reporting Immature security
3. T-SQL Services
4. Business Intelligence (BI)
5. SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Driving the Upgrade Decision
General Demographics With SQL Server 2005, IT is steering the ship as
opposed to the business units when it comes to the
Edgewood Solutions conducted the SQL Server upgrade decision. According to 30% of the
2005 Industry Insight from August 15, 2005 through respondents, the single most compelling reason to
September 15, 2005. A total of 462 IT upgrade to SQL Server 2005 is the new features.
Professionals responded to the survey with
approximately 80% having a role of Database Upgrade Roadblocks
Administrator or Developer. Ninety-five percent of
the respondents indicated their proficiency with According to 20% of the responses, time is the
SQL Server is categorized as medium, medium- single biggest roadblock to upgrading to SQL
high or high. Server 2005. Only 13% of the respondents
indicated that they are free of any roadblocks and
SQL Server 2005 Adoption Rates are ready to upgrade immediately.
The SQL Server 2005 adoption rates for high Switching Platforms
impact systems based on the organizational size:
Competition among the major DBMS vendors is
Size Time Frame Percentage intense. With SQL Server 2005, Microsoft has met
Micro 3 Months 22% the mark, with 30% of the respondents indicating
Micro 6 Months 27% that SQL Server 2005 gives them a compelling
Micro 1+ Year 40% reason to switch platforms.
Micro Never 11%
Small 3 Months 12% Budgeting
Small 6 Months 35%
Small 1+ Year 50% Only 35% of the respondents have budgeted for
Small Never 3% the migration in their 2006 budget. Only 17% of the
Medium 3 Months 13% respondents have budgeted for the migration of all
Medium 6 Months 35% SQL Servers.
Medium 1+ Year 45%
Medium Never 7% Educational Readiness
Large 3 Months 12%
Large 6 Months 27% When it comes to the IT team being ready for SQL
Large 1+ Year 55% Server 2005, 80% of the respondents indicated
Large Never 6% they need more time for preparation and/or training.
But 53% of the respondents indicated they will
have the proper knowledge when they upgrade. © 2005 Edgewood Solutions. All rights reserved. ESL10272005-01

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