Chapter-123 Accounting Graduates

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A research paper

Presented to the faculty of the

Accountancy and Business Department

Tomas Del Rosario College

Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City, Bataan

In partial fulfillment

Of the requirements for the subject

AE6: Accounting Research Method










In any educational institution or university, the primary mission is to produce an individual

who can satisfy the growing human resource needs in various sectors. This only means that the

legacy of any institution or university depends on the employability and performances of their

graduates in their own chosen endeavor. So, each institution focuses on the curriculum that they

provide to their students since this will serve as the training ground that would prepare the students

in the field of work. They are expecting their graduates to deliver their best as there is high

expectation in the workplace. However, the problem of graduates today is meeting the market

demand based on skills, quality and qualifications.

As viewed in several publications, graduates do not possess the required skills to plunge

themselves into the real world of work. This is supported by result of the survey of 1,012 graduates

and 531 senior HR professionals was undertaken by Survation in November 2019, it shown that

one out of five graduates are unprepared for the workplace when they leave the institutions, HR

managers feels, and many lack crucial skills including leadership, negotiation and planning

(Webber, 2019). These findings are also found in the review of literature of Osamani, Weerakkody,

Hindi, Al-Esmail, Eldabi, Kapoor and Irani, (2015) related to employability. The lack of

competence and adequate practical preparation for those who just got their degree is a growing

concern (Andrea, 2018; Tymon 2013). According to a research of Harvey and Mason, (1996) the

employers look for a graduate who has the ability to contribute knowledge, ideas, and logical,
analytical, critical, problem-solving skills which can impact the innovations of a company. The

willingness and speed to learn as well as the capacity to adapt to constant changes in the

organization are also positive qualifications of a graduate that employers would want to employ.

In other words, the profession, government, business, industry and home expect so much from the

academe to produce qualified graduates, but the gap remains evident. So, it is important to the

graduates to possess the required skills and competencies that will meet employers’ satisfaction.

In addition, it is apparent that during the hiring process, graduates from prestigious universities

have the upper-hand as compared to graduates from smaller universities and colleges.

In recent years, the passing rate in Certified Public Accountant Licensure Exam (CPALE)

in the Philippines has continually been decreasing. In fact, according to the data from Pilapil,

(2019) around 8,200 new CPAs were produced in 2016, 7,900 in 2017, 6500 in 2018, and a drop

to 3,800 in 2019 despite having an average of almost 24,000 takers in all the mentioned years. As

of 2018, there are 188,203 CPAs in the Philippines, on the record (Tan-Torres, 2018). This only

means that accounting schools need to have higher standards of curriculum in order to produce

graduates having the sufficient knowledge and competence in order to be successful in their chosen


Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA) of Tomas Del Rosario College (TRC), together

with Junior Philippines Institute of Accountants - Local Chapter is known for producing the best

curriculum for future accountants in the province of Bataan. In fact, it produces thousands of

accountants and CPAs around the province, country and globe.

Thus, the aim of this study is to measure the level of employers’ satisfaction toward

employability skills possessed by Tomas Del Rosario College accounting graduates at the


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to measure the level of employers’ satisfaction towards employability skills

possessed by Tomas Del Rosario College accounting graduates at the workplace. Specifically, it

seeks to provide answer to the following:

1. What is the respondents’ appraisal on level of graduates’ competencies in terms of the


1.1. technical and functional skills;

1.2. communication skills; and

1.3. organizational and business management skills?

2. What is the respondents’ appraisal on the level of satisfaction to the graduates?

3. If there is a significant relationship between an employer's level of satisfaction and

technical and functional skills?

4. If there is a significant relationship between an employer's level of satisfaction and

communication skills?

5. If there is a significant relationship between employer’s level of satisfaction and

organizational and business management skills?

Relevance of the Study

This research study could determine the level of employers’ satisfaction in Accountancy

Graduates. Furthermore, this study will be of great benefit to the following sectors:

Accounting Graduates. As this study can enhance the knowledge about the employers’

satisfaction. In order for them to seek the skills, training and qualifications in the best colleges,

universities or business schools can offer. So that they have the employability skills that may help

them get employed faster in the workplace.

Field of Accountancy. Especially to the academic department as this would provide the

necessary information about employers’ satisfaction that may help to produce the best curriculum

to offer to their students as their training grounds beforehand in the workplace. Also, in order to

produce qualified graduates who have the skills and competencies that will meet employers’


Government and institution. As this study would provide necessary information on the

current state of employers’ satisfaction towards graduates. This would expectedly heighten the

awareness of the government and academe and move them to support graduates to improve the

skills, quality and competencies in the workplace and provide seminars and workshops about the

accounting profession in order to help build such a strong competency in the world of scholars.

Further researcher/s. This study can provide the baseline information on the current status

of employers’ satisfaction towards accounting graduates.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses mainly on the employers’ level of satisfaction with the goal to determine

the circumstances of employing accounting graduates in the accounting profession. A standardized

questionnaire was given to the employers of Tomas Del Rosario College’s Accounting Graduates.

Since the purpose of this study is all about determining the employers’ level of satisfaction,

the researcher chose a standardized questionnaire formulated by the group of Amanuddin

Shamsuddin, Mohamad Ishak Mohamad Ibrahim and Mohd Hisyam Ghazali @ Mohd Zain of

Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Campus that adopted from the elements of

survey questionnaires of Kavanagh and Drennan (2008), Zaharim, et al. (2009) and Technical

Education and Skill Development Authority (2012) that consist of 23 questions divided into four

parts: Technical and Functional Skills, Communication Skills, Organizational and Business

Management Skills and Employer’s Level of Satisfaction.

This study will be conducted at Tomas Del Rosario College with duration of March 2021

- January 2021 with the participation of the employers who are currently employed Tomas Del

Rosario College’s accounting graduates from school year 2016-2019 in the period of time.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined according to its conceptual and operational use in this


Accounting Graduates. According to thoughtco, accounting graduates mean individuals

who have graduated with an accounting degree that completed an accounting education program
at a college, university or business school. As for this study, it was defined as a person who has

graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy who practices the accounting profession.

Communication Skills. According to, communication skills are the abilities

to communicate to other persons in order to give and receive different kinds of information. This

involves listening, speaking, observing and empathising. In this study, it pertains to how the

graduates facilitate understanding and ability to comply with their responsibilities effectively. This

includes delivering messages to the board of directors, investors and financiers about the financial

performance and theory used in the report.

Competency. According to the definition of managementstudyguide, it is the set of

individual characteristics which are observable, measurable and vital to the success of an individual

or company performance. As for this study, competency is the characteristic of the graduates

brought to the company. It was molded during graduate school in the form of seminars and

workshops provided by the institutions and government.

Employability skills. According to Doyle (2020), employability skills are the core skills

and traits that are needed in every job that makes an applicant desirable to an organization. As for

this study, this is the attributes that graduates utilized in their workplace and influenced their

employability in their respective companies and employers. Also, this pertains to technical and

functional skills, communication skills and business management skills.

Employers. As defined by Mighty Recruiter, it's an individual person or it may be a

company representing many people who employs and pays employees to do their labor. As for this
research, employers are a person who works in the same organization and superior to the graduates

that can be managers, supervisors, directors and others.

Organizational and Business Management Skills. As defined in, this is an

attribute that will help to ensure its business goals are met. As for this study, it was defined as an

expertise of the graduates to guide or administer the business organization.

Satisfaction. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, it is defined as the fulfillment

of a need or want. Moreover, it pertains to the quality or state of being satisfied. As to this research,

this is defined as the employers’ feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from what is

expected or desired compared to what is actually experienced throughout the job.

Skills. According to the definition of yourdictionary, it is the expertise or talent of a person

to do the task or job assigned to them. It can also help you succeed in life whether in school, work,

sport or hobby. Example of skills is a job skill that helps you get through your everyday work. As

for this study, it was defined as an expertise of the graduates that possessed and learned in their

graduate school.

Technical and Functional Skills. According to the definition of thebalancecareers it is the

ability and knowledge that is necessary to work on specific tasks. They are seen as practical and

can be related to mechanical, information technology, mathematical or scientific tasks. Examples

of this include knowledge of programming languages, design programs, mechanical equipment or

Notes in Chapter 1

Andreas, S. (2018). Effects of the decline in social capital on college graduates’ soft skills.
Industry and Higher Education, 32(1), 47–56.

Business Management Skills: Definition and Examples. (n.d.). Indeed Career Guide.

Communication Skills: Definitions and Examples. (n.d.). Indeed Career Guide. Retrieved
March 18, 2021, from

Considering Earning an Accounting Degree? Here Are the Details. (n.d.). ThoughtCo.
Retrieved March 18, 2021, from

Definition of Competency - What are Competencies ? (n.d.). Management Study Guide.

Examples of Skills. (n.d.). Your Dictionary. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from
Harvey, L., & Mason, S. (1996). A quality Graduate. The Management of Independent
Learning, 13–28.

Kavanagh, M. H., & Drennan, L. (2008). What skills and attributes does an accounting
graduate need? Evidence from student perceptions and employer expectations.
Accounting & Finance, 48(2), 279–300.

List of Technical Skills for Resumes, Cover Letters, and Interviews. (n.d.). The Balance

Mighty Recruiter. (n.d.). employer. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from
Osmani, M., Weerakkody, V., Hindi, N. M., Al Esmail, R., Eldabi, T., Kapoor,
K., & Irani, Z. (2015). Identifying the trends and impact of graduate attributes on
employability: a literature review. Tertiary Education and Management, 21(4),

satisfaction. (n.d.). The Merriam-Webster.Com Dictionary. Retrieved March 18, 2021,


Tan-Torres, J. L. (2018, July 8). Numbers that count | Joel L. Tan-Torres. BusinessMirror.

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority. (2012). Employer Satisfaction

Survey. Employer Satisfaction Survey, 1.

Tymon, A. (2013). The student perspective on employability. Studies in Higher Education,

38(6), 841–856.

Webber, A. (2019, December 18). Graduates “lacking key skills”, HR managers say.
Personnel Today.

Zaharim, A., Yuzof, Y. M., Omar, M. Z., Mohamed, A., & Muhamad, N. (2009).
Perceptions and Expectation Toward Engineering Graduates by Employers : A


This chapter presents the relevant theory, related literature and studies used in the study. It

also includes the study’s conceptual framework and hypotheses.

Relevant Theories

The study is anchored on the Expectancy-Disconfirmation Theory (1977 and 1980) by

Richard L. Oliver, the Theory of Cognitive Dissonance (1957) by Leon Festinger and the

Dispositional Theory (1936) by Gordon Allport.

Expectancy-disconfirmation theory (1977 and 1980) by Richard L. Oliver is also known as

expectation theory. This theory is the most widely accepted theory concerning the customer

satisfaction process. The theory claims that satisfaction or dissatisfaction result from customer’s

comparison of performance with predetermined standards of performance. The predetermined

standards are the customer’s predictive expectations or perspective. Also, it assumes an important

part to the customer satisfaction process and can also be extended to discuss the relationship

satisfaction between business to business. The higher expectation in relation to the real execution

or performance, the more noteworthy the level of disconfirmation and the lower of satisfaction.

This model considers satisfaction as a capacity which incorporates the difference between the

actual result (product) performance and prior expectation regarding the actual outcome or

performance. Thus, it is hypothesized primarily that consumer satisfaction is a function of


This theory will support the study since it is concerned and dealt with the satisfaction of

the employers. Employers, as customers, have a higher expectation to the academe to produce high

quality graduates, as products, who have skills and competencies for the workplace. So, when the
graduates perform in the workplace, they are expected to meet the required skills and competencies

that employers are looking for. When the graduates meet or exceed the performance expectations

of its employers, it can tell us that employers are likely to be delighted or satisfied. It only means

that the academe provides the quality curriculum that gives the graduates the best training ground

to enhance their skills, competencies and qualities. This denotes that the university is on its right

track of curriculum and may improve it accordingly to produce better quality graduates who will

meet and satisfy the employers’ expectation.

Another theory will support this study and the Expectancy-disconfirmation theory, namely

the Theory of Cognitive Dissonance (1957) by Leon Festinger. This theory suggests that a person

who expected a high value product and received a low-value product would recognize the

difference and experience a cognitive dissonance or conflict.

It is stated that employers have a higher expectation of the universities to produce

highquality graduates. They are expecting well-equipped potential employees that can satisfy the

responsibilities and job in the workplace. So, when the employer receives a lack of skills and

incompetent graduates, the employer would immediately recognize the deficiency in the

performance that is required and the performance rendered. Therefore, it is very important for

universities to provide the best training ground to its students to avoid this kind of problem and

disposition to the institutions.

The Trait Theory or Dispositional Theory (1936) by Gordon Allport will also be the

backbone of this study. This is an approach to study human personality and behavior that postulates

that an individual has a strong predisposition towards a certain level of satisfaction, and that these

remain fairly constant and stable across. Another thing, this theory is claiming that each person

has a certain stable, long lasting disposition.

Therefore, this pertains that employers have a disposition about graduates , especially to

the new ones. Employers are expecting the graduates to perform a job well done to the workplace

as they are newly equipped with 21st century skills such as collaboration, digital literacy, critical

thinking and problem-solving. Within these expectations, there is a certain level of satisfaction to

meet or to exceed. The graduates must possess the expected skills, competencies and qualifications

of their employers in order to satisfy their employer. Another thing, if the graduates know what is

the disposition of their employers, they may develop and enhance their skills and traits to meet or

exceed the level of satisfaction or expectation towards them. Last thing, if graduates and academe

knows the disposition of the employers to the workplace, they may be able to create and find the

best curriculum to train individuals for the certain workplace.

Related Literature

Technical and Functional Skills

According to Kenya Lucas, functional and technical skills are the focus of job interview

and the ability to perform well that can make or break an offer. Functional skills are easily

transferable across workplace. This includes the communication, information management and

organization. Technical Skills are role of the position applying for and mostly the outlined in the

job description. Therefore, applicants should prepare for the questions and develop response

strategies that ensure the employer they possess the knowledge, interest, and ability to perform at

a superior level.

For Technofunc, technical skills are the abilities, knowledge and competence needed to perform

specific tasks. This also refers to the expertise in programming, the analysis of complex figures,

or the use of specific tools. People who have technical skills are practical and often related to

mechanical, information technology, mathematical or scientific tasks. So, this article says that
technical skills as gaining knowledge of technologies current workplace is complex and changing

at a fast pace.

As this skill is the expertise and competence required to enable to perform specific digital

or physical skills. So, it said by McGarry (2020), technical skills is very important to business and

employees on order to fulfill the jobs successfully, no matter what sector you belong. Having these

skills, employees will be happier and productive in the workplace. This will be the lead to

competitive edge over others.

In addition, according to Indeed Editorial Team technical and functional skills plays an

important role in one’s ability. Technical skills are also known as hard skills, a graduate can

enhance his expertise by performing physical and digital task. It has a vital role in an industry since

it relies on different tools, programs and processes and jobs mostly relies on these skills. Whereas

functional skills give graduates a vital knowledge on the things a graduate should learn to be a

more effective employee in the workplace, it focuses on literacy and numeracy skills which are

essential in the later. It includes the ability to read write and communicate while enhancing the

understanding of numbers and mathematical concepts. It would also provide graduates a more

relatable actual way of learning and application of their knowledge from their previous level.

Communication Skills

According to Skills You Need, communication skills may take a lifetime to master because

this abilities is combination of verbally, written, visually or non-verbally language. This skill will

able to transmit and receive information effectively. It also said that ability to communicate

information accurately, clearly and as intended, is a vital life skills that should not be taken for

granted. Also, in this article, it stated that communication skills are needed in all most all aspect

of life especially in professionally and businesses and organizations. Communication skills is

needed in professionally because if youre a applying for jobs or looking for a promotion with

current employer, you must have good communication skills to convince them that you got the

qualification and competencies in that position. It also need in businesses and organization because

it will make interaction with a wide range of organizations and institutions including, shareholders,

customer, managers and board of directors. Having communication skills, it will able to connect

to the individual or group with calmly and cleary and also take on board the responces. In the

survey conducted by Robert Half Technology, it viewed those communication skills, including

written, interpersonal and face to face and problem-solving skills is the top areas that chief

information officers thinks could use to improve and most important to employees who want to

advance their careers. As said by John Reed, the executive director of Robert Half Technology,

technical skills will open the door to new career opportunities and soft skills such as

communication skills and problem-solving skills are essential for getting promotions and

leadership roles. He also added that employees, who want to advance their careers in their

workplace, must have a healthy mix of business acumen, interpersonal skills and technical ability.

Reed also indicated that soft skills are must developed gradually and should be a priority

throughout one’s career.

Organizational and Business Management Skills

According to Alison Doyle, organizational skills are the ability to create, boost one’s

productivity, and to prioritize tasks that should be finished first, it is doing work efficiently and

effectively. It is a set of capabilities which enable an employee to plan, prioritize and achieve goal

which could result to an effective and efficient success of the entity he belongs. Doyle also stated

that during the hiring process managers often look for the organizational skills and use this as a
criterion for the applicants due to its importance in the organization and the fact that it is a

transferable job skill.

For Ajeet Khurana business management skills is the bottom line of an entity’s success and

managers hold the key by guiding and leading the employees in the direction the business needs

to go. In order for the manager to do so he must be equipped with the essential skills included in

business management such as multi –tasking, decision making, leadership, motivation, business

development skills, and effective communication.

In the article of Desda Moss (2018), there is top 10 management skills

Employers’ Level of Satisfaction

In the article of James Kon (2021), the Ministry of Education through its Higher Education

Division, together with public and private higher education and technical institutions are having

the Graduate Employment Studies and Employer Satisfaction, based to the idea of Brunei Vision

2035. It said by Permanent Secretary (Higher Education) at the MoE Dr. Haji Azman bin Ahmad

that the purpose of this studies is that to monitor and evaluate the marketability and on-the-job

performance of the graduates. It also it said that it expected to provide insight into the effectiveness

of current policies and strategies. So, the findings of this study will be benefit to the higher

education because it may develop and implement initiatives that can boost employers’ confidence

in hiring the graduates and result to increase graduates’ employment rates.

In the article of Carl O’Brien (2019), it said that employers are very satisfied to the

graduates as it viewed in the result of the surveyed conducted to more than 700 employers, 86%

of them are overall satisfied in the quality and standards of higher education graduates and further,

education and training graduates overall satisfied the employers with percentage of 84%. In the

breakdown of the data, it viewed that education and training graduates are slightly higher than
college graduates in the areas of team-working, commercial awareness, and entrepreneurial skills.

On the other hand, college graduates got a slightly higher on the computer skills and interpreting

numerical data.

In contradicted to this, in the article of Bauer-Wolf (2018), it said that employers think the

college students are not ready for the job. It viewed to the survey conducted by National

Association of Colleges and Employers with participation of 4,213 graduating seniors and 201

employers on eight competencies that it considers necessary to be prepared to enter the workplace.

The result of the survey is high percentage of students are viewed proficient to every category, but

the employers disagreed to it. It most evident to the professionalism and work ethic, oral and

written communications and critical thinking. It viewed that almost 90% of the students believed

that they are proficient to professionalism and work ethic but its only 43 percent for the employers/

As for the oral and written communications and critical thinking, almost 80% of the students

believed they are competent in this two category but it only roughly 42% and 56% of employers,

respectively, indicated that students were successful in those areas. The only category that

employers believed that students are more likely equipped and proficient in the digital technology

skills. It viewed in the almost 66% of the employers rated compared to almost 60% of the students.

It also supported in the article of Mark Siegel (2020), it said that employers indicated there

are three skills that new employees or freshly graduates are lacking, namely communication,

problem solve and consider the future. So, it tells that educational institutions need to train their

students, with the ability to communicate, problem-solve and consider the future because its one

key duty of schools, in order to graduates to get and hold a job as wells as be successful in a

competitive workplace.

Also, in the article of Study International Staff (2019) said that employers are facing a skills

gaps to the skills of graduates. For two consecutive year’s report of QS Global Skills Gap, from
2018 to 2019, it viewed in the findings that the top three skills gaps are problem solving, resilience

and communication. It also viewed that creativity, flexibility or adaptability and leadership skills

are reported significant skills gaps. So, it said that many employers identify the same valuable

skills and skills shortages in graduates across industries and countries. It suggested that graduates

may be overlooking essential soft skills development when undertaking their degree. In the same

article, employers are most satisfied with teamwork, technical skills and interpersonal skills but

least satisfied with negotiating skills, leadership, and commercial awareness. It also viewed that

students are most likely to taken-for-granted the data skills and resilience with ranking of 12th and

13th, respectively.

Related Studies

According to Abas and Imam (2016), our world in this 21st century is a picture of a

revolution of rising skills. This call of time eventually requires matching the skills levels of

graduates of higher education institutions (HEIs) and the employability skills requirements of the

present and future workplace environments. So, the group of Lisa (2019) said that it's essential to

focus on mitigating the differences between graduates’ and employers’ of the level of acquired


In the study of McMurray et. al. (2016), it was found that the most important factors to

employers in employing graduates were personal attitude, employability skills, relevant work

experience and degree and most important transferable skills were trustworthiness, reliability,

motivation, communication skills and a willingness to learn. It is also supported by Sithole (2015),

as the result of her study showed that employers required graduates to be highly skilled in

measurement skills, reporting skills and research skills. It was also stated by the group of Low

(2019), employers are looking for professionalism, life experience, personalities conducive to firm

culture and an ability to provide meaningful responses to interview questions to the graduates or
candidates. Lowden et. al. (2015) also stated that employers expect graduates to have technical and

discipline competencies from their degrees but required graduates to demonstrate a range of

broader skills and attributes that include team working, communication, leadership, critical

thinking, problem solving and managerial abilities.

Therefore, the said expected skills of the employees to the graduates to the study of

McMurray et. Al. (2016), Sithole (2015) and Low et. al. (2019), are referred by Brits (2018) as

general skills that are deemed important to satisfy the employer. However, to the study of Cory

and Pruske (2012), it was said that it said that it was difficult to provide courses that covers the

necessary accountingrelated skills and topics that will satisfy the both sectors of accounting

profession namely public and non-public accountants but it would be essential to included some

of it in the accounting curriculum.

The skill of critical thinking was rated as the most important with 98% of participants

indicating that this skill is very important for the successful performance of the job followed by

listening skills and teamwork (Brits, 2018). It also stated in the study of Pactacsil and Tablatin

(2017) that students must also improve the other skills such as negotiation and critical thinking.

Technical skills is the acquired knowledge of the skilled workers in their higher education

institutions that has applied to the real working environment whose highly regarded, (Md Nasir

et. al., 2011). Also, technical skills are the entry level to the industry that also crucial skills that

must be acquired, (Pactacsil and Tablatin, 2017). So, in the study of Glass et. al. as cited in Lowden

and company’s research paper (2015), a minority of the employers in the case studies hired

individuals from universities specifically for the technical skills that employers hope graduates

will bring to the organization. On the other hand, non-technical skills are recognized and

acknowledged as an indispensable skill by industry for the reason that most industries perceive to
have an employee or workers who have better soft or non-technical skills such as teamwork and

communication skills. (Pactacsil and Tablatin, 2017).

The claim of Pactacsil and Tablatin (2017) is supported by several studies of Md Nasir et.

al. (2011), Archer and Davison cited in the study of Lowden and company (2015) and Low et. al.

(2019). In the study, Md Nasir and company, saided that the current industries are focusing on the

skilled workers who have excellent integration between technical and non-technical skills. Due to

the result of the study that skilled workers lack non-technical skills more than technical skills, the

development of skilled workers’ productivity in the industry sector has been retarted. So, the

authors connoted this that having good abilities in non-technical skills such as communications

skills, problem solving skills and decision making skills will be used to improve the ability of

skilled workers in the industry. As for cited study of Archer and Davison in “Employers’

perception of the employability skills of new graduates.”, the two researcher found out that

regardless of the size of the company, soft or non-technical skills were recognized to have more

weight than technical or hard skills. Lastly, the result of the study of Low and company (2019),

suggested that employers find the non-technical skills more important or at least equally important

as technical skills. The most required skills were found to be in graduates’ interpersonal skills,

ability to work with the organizational culture of the firm, as well as oral communication. There is

also emphasis for listening skills, teamwork skills, problem-solving and perceived ambition or


In the finding of the study of Sotco Claudius Komba (2016), it showed that majority of the

university students perceived that communication skills course is an important course for the

acquisition of communication skills needed in academic settings. However, Asemanyi (2015)

found out that students do not find difficulty in communication skills, it is just that students don't
have interest in the course and so do not approach or consult their lecturers for academic help when

in difficulty. Also, it also found out that students do not spend much time to enhance their

communication skills, so they don't learn. It found out too that students only approach their lecturer

when only having problems with their grades. Therefore, the study of Iksana et. al. (2012) connoted

that students should equip themselves with constructs and substructs of communication skills,

before they venture into the working world. The verbal communication skills, written

communication skills and social communication skills can be combined and incorporated into the

learning. It also stated that students may not only develop their communication skills inside of the

classroom, they may also develop it in the real world.

The study of Tudy (2017), reaffirms the body of literature on the significance of both

technical and soft skills as essential requirements for employees to possess to be useful in the

workplace. It was also supported by Md Nasir et al (2011) that concluded that both technical and

non-technical skills are essential to all skilled workers in any industry to enhance their productivity

in the workplace that will result in an increase of the country’s economy through a variety of

industry sectors.

Employers’ feedback on the performance of new college graduates is an important piece

of information that schools must consider to determine the relevance and responsiveness of their

curriculum, programs, and services. Furthermore, the

constant feedback from employers is still very much valuable information

especially for schools and other training institutions. In this

study, it was argued how a survey on employers’

satisfaction could provide reliable information for the service provider, schools in particul

ar, in assessing and improving its programs and services to meet the needs and demands

of the industry.(Tudy, 2017)

The study of Chaker and Abdullah (2011), showed that accounting graduates recognized

themselves being good in professional ethics, interpersonal and communications skills, auditing

skills and information development and distribution skills. It showed in the study that accounting

graduates understand the code of professional ethics and apply it to the workplace. So, it showed

in the study of Sithole (2015) and Low and company (2016) that employers are satisfied with the

skills of the graduates. There is a satisfactory rate from employer to the word-processing and

knowledge of communications software skills of the accounting graduates, (Sithole, 2015). These

skills are included in the eight critical skills or topics deemed by the both sectors of the accounting

profession namely public and non-public accountants. The eight critical skills or topics deemed by

the two groups is, spreadsheet software (Excel), word processing software (Word), creativity in

problem solving, Windows, awareness of ethical issues, internet research, presentation software

(PowerPoint), and database software (Access), (Cory and Pruske, 2012). The group of Low (2017)

found out that the majority of the employers are satisfied with the accounting graduates and their

expectations are being met. It also found out that half of the employers firmly believe academic

institutions are properly training their students for the workplace.

However, these claims are contradicted also by the author. Sithole (2015) stated that

accounting graduates need more training and knowledge about accounting packages and

spreadsheets. It was noted in the study of Low and company (2017) that some graduates are

deficient in terms of interpersonal and communication skills, as also in the ability to problem solve

and take initiative outside of theoretical problems.This statements is also supported by the

statement of Harath and Ranasinghe (2011) connoted that employers always favor employing an

over-qualified applicant to the organization but mostly they select professionals rather than

graduates due to the perspective that professionals have more qualifications, skills and work

oriented than the graduates. So, it concluded that business graduates have the unnecessary skills
and qualities needed to work in private sector workplaces. However, it doesn’t exceed or meet the

expectation of the private sector employer. So, Lisa and company (2016), stated that its obvious to

the graduates that they are expecting their employers to be satisfied, while employers are

dissatisfied. This makes an expectation gap.

In order to resolve this expectation gap, the study of Brits (2018), Pactacsil and Tablatin

(2017), Harath and Ranasinghe (2011), Sithole (2015), Low et. al. (2016) and Lisa et al (2016),

suggested some resolution to the problem. Brits (2018) stated that Academic departments need to

select the skills that are embedded in the curriculum while the university is the one that implements

strategies to develop teaching innovations from within. Embedding skills into the university not

only improves the student's learning experience, but also improves employer satisfaction. For

Pactacsil and Tablatin (2017), academic institutions must help the students to enhance the relevant

non-technical skills as employers place significant importance to this. As for Harath and

Ranasinghe (2011), graduates must improve the essential qualifications, skills and attitudes,

especially in the English language proficiency and ICT skills that will create themselves a good

demand in the available job market and to compete with other professionally qualified personnel.

For Sithole (2015), to address the deficiencies in accounting packages and spreadsheet

competencies, accounting instructors are required to look beyond the basic computer skills of

Word, Excel and Access. They must incorporate advanced Excel Skills and the teaching of

widelyused accounting packages skills such as Pastel and QuickBooks. As connoted by Low and

her proponents, it will be solved by having initiatives such as internship opportunities, dynamic

group work, and greater instruction around communication skills that would benefit both students

and employers. At last, Lisa and her group stated that one way to reduce the gap in the perception

of the graduates and employer is to promote mandatory students’ internship, enable active contacts

with employers and labor market, and promote self-management skills, such as self-awareness.
Most of the studies conducted regarding Employability skills (Technical and functional

skills, communication skills and, organizational and business management skills) and Employers’

perceptions and employability skills requirements, only focus to the new graduates specifically

accounting graduates. They aim to find the difference between graduates’ and employers of the

level of acquired skills and their perception that correlates to the objective of this study to measure

the level of employers’ satisfaction toward employability skills possessed by Tomas Del Rosario

College accounting graduates at the workplace that will give baseline to the status of employability

skills requirement in the labor market. Also, the presented studies discussed the different

perspective of employers from the skills they are looking for employing to the extent to promotion.

Lastly and foremost, all the presented studies are covering all the independent and dependent

variables of the study that may support the result and discussion in the latter chapter of this study.
Independent Variable Independent Variable/ Dependent

Variable Dependent Variable

Figure 1: Paradigm of the Study Concepted by the Researcher

Conceptual Framework of the Study

The study’s paradigm adopted the Independent Variable (IV)- Independent

Variable/Dependent Variable (IV/DV)- Dependent Variable (DV) model to present the conceptual

model use to measure the level of employers’ satisfaction toward employability skills possessed

by Tomas Del Rosario College accounting graduates at the workplace.

The first frame contains the major variable of the study which is the accounting graduates

and it’s sub variables namely technical and functional competency, communication competency,

and organizational and business management competency.

The second frame contains the independent/dependent variables which is divided into two

the employability skills and the employers satisfaction, employability skills is divided into three:

communication skills, technical and functional skills and organizational and management skills.

The third frame contains the dependent variable which is the employer's level of satisfaction

and in the end of this study the researchers are expecting to know whether it is related to the

independent variables.

Research Hypothesis

Ho: There is no significant relationship between Employers’ level of satisfaction and

Technical and Functional Skills.

Ho: There is no significant relationship between Employers’ level of satisfaction and

Communication Skills.

Ho: There is no significant relationship between Employers’ level of satisfaction and

Organizational and Business Management Skills.

Employer’s level of appraisal on employee’s competence has no significant relationship

with technical and functional skills.

Employer’s level of appraisal on employee’s competence has no significant relationship

with communication skills.

Employer’s level of appraisal on employee’s competence has no significant relationship

with organizational and business management skills.

Notes in Chapter II

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This chapter presents the methods and techniques, respondents of the study, data gathering

procedure and data processing and statistical treatment used in this study.

Methods and Techniques of the Study

This study made use of a quantitative research method, specifically descriptive research.

Descriptive research seeks to describe the flow status of a distinguished variable. These exploration

ventures are intended to give precise data about a phenomenon. The analyst does not, as a rule,

start with a theory but rather creates one in the wake of gathering information. The examination

and combination of the information give the test of the hypothesis. Deliberate gathering of data

requires cautious choice of the units considered and watchful estimation of every factor. The sort

of question asked by the researcher will eventually decide the kind of approach significant to finish

an exact appraisal of the current point. Elucidating, they were fundamentally worried about

discovering "what is". Most quantitative research falls into two areas: studies that describe events

and studies that aim to discover inferences or casual relationships. Descriptive studies are aimed

to find out “what is”, so observational and survey methods are frequently used to collect descriptive

data (Borg and Gall, 1989). Studies of this type might describe the current state of employers’

satisfaction towards accounting graduates.

Moreover, the researchers chose this research method because it is applicable to the research

purpose which is to determine the employers’ satisfaction towards accounting graduates and to

determine what competencies that graduates need in the workplace in order to satisfy the
employers. The researchers will tackle the competencies needed by employers in the workplace

that might lead the way to improve the curriculum provided by the educational institutions to their

students. Also, the researchers will tackle what factors may result in employers being dissatisfied

with the accounting graduates. Thus, people, specifically the educational institution and graduates,

will learn and understand the competencies needed by the employers in the workplace.

Population and Sampling of the Study

This study was confined to all employers of Accounting graduates of Tomas Del rosario

College from the academic year 2016 to 2019. This includes one hundred (100) employers from

different companies who employed accounting graduates from the time of this study. Furthermore,

out of 100 expected respondents, there were only ____ who participated in the survey which almost

__% of the entire population.

Instruments of the Study

The researchers chose a standardized questionnaire formulated by the group of Amanuddin

Shamsuddin, Mohamad Ishak Mohamad Ibrahim and Mohd Hisyam Ghazali @ Mohd Zain of

Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Campus that adopted from the elements of

survey questionnaires of Kavanagh and Drennan (2008), Zaharim, et al. (2009) and Technical

Education and Skill Development Authority (2012) that consist of 23 questions divided into four

parts: Technical and Functional Skills, Communication Skills, Organizational and Business

Management Skills and Employer’s Level of Satisfaction. As the questionnaire is a standardized

one, there is no need for it to be validated by an expert. The survey was done and tallied by the

researchers and was computed afterwards under statistical approach.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers asked the number of accounting graduates from year 2016-2019 and also

their contact details to the Office of Alumni of Tomas Del Rosario College. Then, the researchers

asked for the guidance and support of the graduates to conduct a survey to their employees.

Afterwards, the questionnaires were given to the employers with the same quantity of questions

through their emails. In the questionnaire, it is indicated that responses will be treated with utmost

confidentiality and will not required to indicate their name anywhere in the questionnaire. The

questionnaire result was collected after two weeks. Subsequently, the data were tallied by the

researchers accompanied by the computation under applicable statistical approach of the study.

Finally, the conclusion of the study was done as well as its recommendations.

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

Data collection was done through the questionnaire posted in the Survey Monkey. The

answers from the questionnaires were encoded to excel and transferred to IBM SPSS Software, a

leading statistical software used to unravel an assortment of business and research issues.

Responses to the questionnaire by the employers were statistically analyzed with Statistical

Package for the Social Sciences. Employers were statistically analyzed with the date instrument of

the study and the descriptive statistics such as frequency count, mean, percent and standard


To know if there is a significant correlation between the employer’s level of satisfaction to

technical and functional skills, communication skills and organizational and business management
skills, Pearson’s Product-Moment correlation was utilized in this study with 0.05 level of

Notes in Chapter III

41.1 WHAT IS DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH? (1989). The Association for Educational

Communications and Technology.

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