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The students are a monolingual (Russian) class of 10 adults (8 women and 2 man).

Their age range is 21-

50 years old. The students have got absolutely different jobs such as: a librarian, a baker, a bank
manager, a shop assistant, an engineer, etc). They have various hobbies but the common one is

The majority of students have some prior knowledge of the English language (studied it at school).
However, there are those who studied other foreign languages (German and French) at school. The
students who studied English were taught by using the grammar translation method which didn’t give
them enough of progress. As a result, they are not enthusiastic about grammar and they often use
Russian at the lesson to help them understand.

Their motivation to study English has intrinsic nature. During the lessons and the interview all the
students claimed that they are eager to travel, make new friends with foreigners. Travelling is their
favourite topic to discuss. Consequently, the most important skill they want to develop is speaking as it
will help them feel comfortable during their trips.

As for learning preferences I suppose most of them are visual learners. During our lessons I noticed that
they could easily memorize the words when I provided some visual aids. Moreover, students really
enjoyed different mingling and project activities (making some craft). The reason for this is that the
classes were in the evening, the students were tired after their working day, so they wanted to keep
their minds off it.

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