Module 6 Curriculum Implementation

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Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum
This module was prepared for you to work on diligently and independently. Remember, this is meant for

you to advance your knowledge in curriculum and become confident in teaching the subject area not

only in your practicum but also when you are already a full-fledged teacher. Learning on to this course is

challenging but with the help of your course facilitator (that is me) and your enthusiasm, you will be able

to ace it.

1. Manage your time well. Schedule properly your reading and your activity accomplishments. Have your

planner or calendar of activities ready. Remember you have other modules to accomplish for this


2. Focus your attention. Make sure that you do things one at a time. Read the material over and over

until you are able to get the point of the lesson. If you do not understand the lesson, you can read other

materials found in other resources like books or internet. Also you can ask the help of your parents,

siblings or friends. Do not forget, I am here to help and assist you. You can message me through platforms

I will be giving you.

3. Give your best. In doing the assessment tasks whether formative or summative, target the highest

standard because you need to finish with quality of work. Be honest too, you can search in the internet if

there are topic you need to understand but in doing the assessment please answer it with the best of

your own knowledge. You can do it. I believe in you.

4. Submit on time. Before the end of midterms and finals, you will be submitting the accomplished

activities in the module through correspondence. Once I received your materials, I will inform you


5. Be patient. I will make sure to give my feedbacks on your work to ensure that you are in the right track.

While waiting for my feedback, you can continue working on the other activities. Make sure that you do

not miss any important part in the module.

6. Answer confidently. In answering the assessments and activities you are expected to do the following:

Write neatly and legibly and write only on the module if you are sure of your answers. Make sure to give

your answers completely and concisely. If the questions need to be answered in essay form, stick to


7. Work independently. It is expected that you work on the module on your own. You can ask help from

other but do your best to do it first.

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum

8. Keep updated. I will be giving some announcements and reminders from time to time, so make sure

you are updated to the following:

Official FB Group of the course: PROF ED 4 – BSED II English

Official Chat Group: PROF ED 4 – BSED II English

Google Classroom: Prof Ed 4 (Code: mkuwvwr)

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum
How to learn from this module?
1. Read the instructions carefully.
2. Before you study the concepts in this module, take the pretest.
3. Study the lessons included in this module until you gain mastery of the topics.
4. Do all the activities and answer the questions in each activity.
5. Take the self-test that accompanies each lesson.
6. After mastering all the lessons, take the posttest.
7. If your posttest score does not reflect
mastery, go over the module again.

This chapter considers what the curriculum is and how it should be derived from the school’s educational
vision. It highlights the fact that qualifications form only part of the curriculum. Every school is unique and
school leaders must consider how to support its implementation, which may necessitate changes to a
school’s structure and operations. We introduce some fundamental principles that need to be considered
in the curriculum design process.

This module provides information on the process of curriculum implementation as an important phase of
curriculum development. This includes lessons on curriculum sources and influences.

LESSON 1: Curriculum Implementation

This chapter discusses the processes in implementing curriculum as presented by different scholars in
curriculum especially in the field of curriculum leadership and supervision. Is specially designed for
educators and pre-service teacher education students to understand how a curriculum is
implemented in the Philippine context. In this chapter you will be able to:
● Identify the different curriculum workers;
● Analyze different levels of curriculum implementation in the Philippine context; and
● Discuss the factors to consider in implementing a curriculum.

Identify different people who are involve in curriculum development. Rank them according to their
importance. Explain your ranking.

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum
Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum
Answer the following questions:

1. Who are the different curriculum workers?


2. What are the different levels of curriculum implementation?


3. What are the different factors to consider in implementing a curriculum?


Curriculum Implementation

Curriculum implementation, from the term itself, focuses on the actual implementation of the
curriculum from the national level to the local school context. It describes the dynamics of how
various curriculum workers strive to do their functions in order to attain educational goals, programs,
and policies set by the country, region, division, district, and down the local school level. Each of
these levels has specific functions to do.

Curriculum Workers

The success or failure of any curriculum depends on the people working for its implementation. At
any level of curriculum implementation, curriculum workers, through their expertise, creativity, and
dedication, make sure that curriculum is implemented as planned.

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum
aonnin Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum
1. Teachers – the most visible among the curriculum workers. Their roles as implementers of the
curriculum are very crucial. It is through their expertise, creativity, and commitment that any
curriculum success is attributed.

2. Principals – the chief academic and administrative officer of the school. They provide
curricular and instructional leadership and supervision to the teachers and other school
personnel in the local school context. It is they who lead teachers in planning different school
activities and make sure tat all educational goal set by the Department of Education are

3. Curriculum Consultants – individuals with a rich experience on doing curriculum projects

related to curriculum planning, curriculum development, and curriculum evaluation.

4. District Supervisors – responsible for supervising the implementation of the curriculum in the
district level. They help public school principals in ensuring that the programs of the DepEd
are implemented in their respective schools. They also implement policies and program of
DepEd in private schools.

5. Education Supervisors – assigned to specific subject areas in basic education. They help the
district office of the DepEd in supervising the implementation of projects and programs
specific for each subject area.

6. Division Superintendents– the chief academic officer of each division. They supervise the
implementation of the DepEd curriculum, programs, and projects in the division level for both
public and private schools. Usually, each province or city is considered a division for DepEd.

7. Regional Directors – manage the programs and projects of the DepEd in the regional level.

8. Education Program Specialists – work at the national level or at the central offices of the
CHED and DepEd. They assist the two government agencies in the development of
curriculum policies that will help teachers and other curriculum leaders in the implementation
of the curriculum.

9. Technical Panels and Technical Committees – professors and individual experts from different
disciplines and fields that assist the CHED in developing curriculum policies, and evaluating
the compliance of higher education institutions to CHED program standards.

Levels of Curriculum Implementation

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum

To ensure the smooth implementation of curriculum, each department or ministry of education in
any country has established a system that will take charge of the whole work planning,
development, implementation, and evaluation of the curriculum. Integrated in this system are the t
curriculum workers mentioned earlier in this chapter to work in different levels of the bureaucracy.

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum

srd in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum
A. National Level – Through the leadership of the Secretary of Education, the Undersecretaries,
Assistant Secretaries, and different Bureau Officers are responsible for the following:
● Formulating national educational policies;
● Formulating a national basic education plan;
● Promulgating national educational standards;
● Monitoring and assessing national learning outcomes;
● Undertaking national educational research and studies;
● Enhancing the employment status, professional competence, welfare, and working
conditions of all personnel of the Department; and
● Enhancing the total development of learners through local and national programs and/or

B. Regional Level – Consistent with the national educational policies, plans, and standards, the
regional office under the Regional Director shall be responsible for the following:

● Defining a regional educational policy framework which reflects the values, needs, and
expectations of the communities they serve;
● Developing a regional basic education plan;
● Developing regional educational standards with a view toward benchmarking for
international competitiveness;
● Monitoring, evaluating, and assessing regional learning outcomes;
● Undertaking research projects and developing and managing region-wide projects which
may be funded through official development assistance and/or other funding agencies;
● Ensuring strict compliance with prescribed national criteria for the recruitment, selection, and
training of all staff in the region and divisions;
● Formulating, in coordination with the regional development council, the budget to support
the regional educational plan which shall consider the educational plans of the divisions and
● Determining the organizational component of the divisions and districts and approving the
proposed staffing pattern of all employees in the divisions and districts;
● Hiring, placing, and evaluating all employees in the regional office, except for the position of
assistant director;
● Planning and managing the effective and efficient use of all personnel, physical and fiscal
resources of the regional office, including professional staff development;
● Managing the data base and management information system of the region; and
● Approving the establishment of public and private elementary and high schools and learning

C. Division Level – A division consists of a province or city. Consistent with the national educational
policies, plans and standards, the division level through the leadership of the Division Superintendent
shall be responsible for the following:
● Developing and implementing division development plans;
● Planning and managing the effective and efficient use of all personnel, physical, and fiscal
resources of the division, including professional staff development.

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum

● Hiring, placing, and evaluating all divisions supervisors and school district supervisors as well as
all employees in the division, both teaching and non-teaching personnel, including school
heads, except for the assistant division superintendent;
● Monitoring the utilization of funds provided by the national government and the local
government units to the school and learning centers;
● Ensuring compliance of quality standard basic education programs and for this purpose
strengthening the role of the division supervisors as subject area specialists.
● Promoting awareness of and adherence by schools and learning centers to accreditation
standards prescribed by the Secretary of education.

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum
D. School District Level – A school district through the leadership of District Supervisor is responsible for
the following:

● Providing professional and institutional advice and support to the school heads and
teachers/facilitators of schools and learning centers in the district or cluster thereof; and
● Curricula supervision.

E. School Level – Consistent with the national educational policies, plans and standards, the school
level through the leadership of school heads is responsible for the following:

● Setting the mission, vision, goals, and objectives of the school;

● Creating an environment within the school that is conducive to teaching and learning;
● Implementing the school curriculum and being accountable for higher learning outcomes;
● Developing the school education program and school improvement plan;
● Offering educational programs, projects, and services which provide equitable opportunities
for all learners in the community;
● Introducing new and innovative modes of instruction to achieve higher learning outcomes;
● Administering and managing all personnel, physical and fiscal resources of the school;
● Recommending the staffing complement of the school based on its needs;
● Encouraging staff development;
● Establishing school and community network and encouraging the active participation of
teachers organization, non-academic personnel of public schools, and
parents-teachers-community associations; and
● Accepting donations, gifts, bequests, and grants for the purpose of upgrading teacher’s
learning facilitators’ competencies, improving and expanding school facilities, and providing
instructional materials and equipment.

For Higher Education Institution (CHED)

● The CHED has two levels: Central Office and Regional Office
● The CHED Central Office focuses on the development of policies and sets the national
direction for higher education in the country.
● The CHED Office for Program Standards (OPS) is responsible for curricular matter.
● The CHED issues a memorandum order (CMO) per program to serve as guide to HEI’s on the
courses that should be offered per program.
● Experts in different academic fields and disciplines are invited to become members of
different Technical Panels and Technical Committees to help the Commission of these CMOs
per program
● The Regional Office of CHED is responsible for the monitoring and implementation of the
policies and guidelines developed by the Central Office.
● The monitoring work is done with the help of regional experts on different fields known as
Regional Quality Assurance Team (RQuAT). It is their duty to ensure that all HEIs in their regions
comply with CHED requirements and policies.
● State colleges and universities must seek the approval of their academic councils and their
corresponding board regents for any curriculum changes and curriculum proposals before
these curriculum proposals are sent to CHED for approval

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum

● Private HEIs may also add more subjects as institutional requirements per program based on
the mission, vision and philosophy of the HEI concerned.
● For state universities and colleges, their individual charters guide their program offerings.
● The academic freedom of individual HEI and faculty members also highly influences
curriculum development in higher education.
● For vocational and technical courses, the TESDA is the government agency that prescribes
the curriculum and requirements for the implementation of the program.

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum
Things to Consider in Implementing the Curriculum

Curriculum implementation must be systematically planned. At any level, it requires careful

consideration of several factors and variables:

1. Government Requirements – include memoranda, policies, guidelines, and requirements from the
Department of Education, Commission on Higher Education, and Technical Skills Development
Authority (TESDA). The competencies required by the board exam are also considered.

2. School Philosophy, Vision and Mission, and Core Values – must be considered at the school level
especially when selecting the specific contents and learning experiences for all students enrolled in
each program.

3. Learning Environment – includes the various school facilities required for the implementation of
each program. These facilities include laboratories, classrooms, libraries, sports facilities, instructional
technologies and other facilities prescribes by the government for each program.

4. Needs and Demands of the Society – are the needs and demands of the society that the
curriculum must responds to. Curriculum can address these needs and demands in the macro level
by adding subjects or contents, or in the local school level by integrating specific competencies in
the various syllabi for each course.

5. Needs of the Students – including interests, are considered when the school develops academic
policies and, in the preparation, of course syllabi. At the least, the school, college or university should
have and idea of the general profile of students including their needs and interests when planning
and implementing the program.

6. Faculty Expertise – the faculty is considered as the most important assets of each school, college
or university. They also play an important role in the implementation of the curriculum.

7. The Changing Nature of Knowledge- includes the theories and research from different areas and
professional organizations in the academe that are also influential in the implementation of the
curriculum. It could result to the integration of important topics or subjects, and additional facilities.

These factors were emphasized by different curriculum experts (Tyler, 1949; Sowell, 1996; Ornstein,
1993; Marsh, 2004; Tanner and Tanner, 2007) as influential in planning, developing, implementing,
and evaluating a curriculum. In the context of curriculum implementation, curriculum leaders and
curriculum workers consider these factors in making curricular and instructional decisions.

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum

At any level of educational bureaucracy, the success of curriculum implementation can be
attributed to how curriculum leaders and workers plan, design, and develop the implementation of
the curriculum. School resources and the implementers at the school level are also contributory to
the success of curriculum implementation.

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum
A. Reflect on and address the following:
1. Identify the name of school officials in your district or division. Indicate his/her name and the

2. Set an interview schedule with one of these officials to know more about the following:

What are the priority programs and projects that DepEd implemented this school year?

What are the challenges, issues, and problems they met in their division or district in relation to
curriculum implementation?

What are the strategies they are implementing to address these issues, challenges, and problems?

B. Reflect on and address the following:

1. Describe the process of curriculum development practiced by your college and university.

2. Develop flowchart describing how a curriculum proposal reaches the level of approval in your
college or university.

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum

3. Identify the people involved and their level of involvement.

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum
4. Discuss how your college/university addresses several issues and challenges and integrates them
in the curriculum.

C. Reflect on and address the following:

1. Collect samples of syllabi in your school.


2. Examine how each syllabus considers the various factors affecting the identified curriculum

Pawilen, Greg T. The Teacher and the School Curriculum: A Guide to Curriculum Development
Practice. Rex Bookstore, 2019. Metro Manila.

Module in Prof Ed 4 – The Teacher and The School Curriculum

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