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Subject Area: MATHEMATICS Grade Level: 4 Quarter: First Week: 8

Content Standard: The learner is able to demonstrate understanding of multiplication and division of whole numbers including money

Performance Standard: The learner is able to apply multiplication and division of whole numbers including money in mathematical problems and real -life

Most Essential Competencies: The learner solves multi-step routine and non- routine problems involving division and any of the other operations of whole
numbers including money using appropriate problems solving strategies and tools.

Day/Lesson Number/Topic: Facebook Live Session Day 1 (Live Streaming Teacher) / Lesson 14/ Solving Routine and Non- Routine Word Problem
Involving Division and solving Multi-step Routine and non- Routine Word Problems Involving Division.

Objectives Materials Teacher’s and Learners’ Activities Assessment

At the end of the Self – Learning Facebook Live Session
discussion, the learners Module (SLM)
should be able to: A. Preliminaries
1. Solve on step DepEd Learners  Greetings
and multi-step Module (DLM)  Presenting of the topic and the learning objectives based on the
routine and non Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC)
routine Power point The learner …
problems Presentation a. solves multi-step routine and non- routine problems involving
involving division and any of the other operations of whole numbers including
division of 3 – Facebook money using appropriate problems solving strategies and tools.
to 4 – digit
number by 1 – Laptop
to 2 – digit B. Lesson Proper
numbers LCD Projector  Drill ( have a drill in basic division facts)
money using Video Camera Let us consider this problem
appropriate and lighting
problem solving Read and Understand the problem.
strategies and
tools. Leo bought 4 T-shirts and 2 pairs
of pants for only Php3,000. If
the T-shirt cost Php300 each,
find the cost of each pair of pants


What is asked? N is the cost of pair of pants

What are the given facts?
4 T-shirts and 2 pairs of pants for Php 3 000
T-shirt cost Php 300


What are the operations to be used?

Multiplication (cost of 4 T-shirts)

Subtraction (amount spent minus total cost of 4 T-shirts)
DIVISION (Divide by 2 to get the cost of pair of pants)


Step 1 : Find the total cost of 4 T-shirts

300 + 300 + 300 + 300 = Php 1 200

( cost of 4 T-shirts)
Step 2 : Subtract the total cost of 4 T-shirts from the total amount



Php 3 000 - Php 1 200 = Php 1 800

Step 3: Divide the remaining amount by 2 to get the cost of each

pair of pants Php

N = Php 1800 ÷ 2
N = Php 900

Php. 900

The cost of each pair of pants is Php. 900.


4 t-shirts = Php 1 200

2 pairs of pants = Php 1 800

N =1 200 + 1 800
N = Php3 000 amount spent in all


1. A school library has 1 850 books. The number of books in the

library is 2 times more than the bookstore. Find the total number of
books in the school library and the bookstore.


What is asked? Find the total number of books in the school library
and the bookstore

What are the given facts?

1 850 books in the School Library
Books in the library is 2 times more than than


What are the operations to be used?

Division (to find the number of books in the bookstore)

Addition (Add the number of books in the School library and the


Step 1 : Find the number of books in the bookstore

1 850 books

School library


N = 1 850 ÷ 2
N = 925

The bookstore has 925 books.

Step 2: Add the number of books in the School library and the

N =1 850 + 925
N = 2 775

The total number of books in the school library and bookstore is

2 775.


N = 925 + 925
N = 1 850 books in the school library

N = 925 + 1 850
N = 2 775 books

2. Eric and Sam have 2 100 stamps altogether. Eric has 300 more
stamps than Sam. How many stamps does Eric have?


What is asked? How many stamps does Eric have?

What are the given facts?
2 100 stamps altogether
Eric has 300 more than Sam

What are the operations to be used?

Subtraction (Subtract the total number of stamps to 300)

Division (Divide the difference of the total stamps to 300 by 2)
Addition (Add the quotient to 300)


Step 1 : Subtract the total number of stamps to 300

N = 2 100 - 300
N = 1 800

Step 2: Divide the difference got by 2

N = 1 800 ÷ 2
N = 900

Step 3: Add the quotient got to 300

N = 900 + 300
N = 1 200 stamps does Eric have

N = 1 200 + 900
N = 2 100 stamps altogether

3. Chris has a few Php50 bills in his wallet, all the Php50 bills total
Php450. He has 3 other bills of other value in his wallet. How many
bills does Chris have?


What is asked? How many bills does Chris have?

What are the given facts?
Php50 bills total Php450
3 other bills

What are the operations to be used?

Division (Divide Php450 to Php50 to get the number of Php50-bill)

Addition (Add the number of Php50-bills to 3 other bills)


Step 1 : Find the number of Php50-bills

N = 450 ÷ 50

Step 2: Add the number of Php50-bills to 3 other bills to get the

N = 12 bills


N = 9 x 50
N= Php450

N = 12 bills

4. Jack and Jill clean their house. Cleaning the living room and the
dining room took 58 minutes with equal time spent cleaning both
rooms. The kitchen took 33 minutes to be cleaned. How much longer
it took them to clean the kitchen than any of the other two rooms.


What is asked?
N which is the number of minutes to clean the kitchen than any of the
other two rooms

What are the given facts?

58 minutes cleaning the living room and the dining room
33 minutes cleaning the kitchen


What are the operations to be used?

Division (Find out how long it took Jack to clean the living or dining
Subtraction (Find out how much longer it took to clean the kitchen)


Step 1 : Find out how long it took Jack to clean the living or dining

N = 58 minutes ÷ 2
N = 29 minutes

Step 2: Find out how much longer it took to clean the kitchen

N = 33 minutes - 29 minutes
N = 4 minutes


N = 4 minutes + 29 minutes
N = 33 minutes

N = 29 minutes x 2
N = 58 minutes

5. Amelia earned Php400.00 a day. She spent part of her pay and
saved the rest everyday. After 20 days, she had Php3 460 in savings.
How much did Amelia spend in 20 days?


What is asked?
N which is the amount spend in 20 days
What are the given facts?
Php400.00 earned a day
Php3 460 savings in 20 days


What are the operations to be used?

Division (Find out how much did Amelia saved per day)
Subtraction (Find out how much spent per day)
Multiplication (Find out how much spent in 20 days)


Step 1 : Find out how much did Amelia saved per day

N = Php3 460 ÷ 20
N = Php173.00

Step 2: Find out how much spent per day

N = Php400 - Php173
N = Php 227

Step 3: Find out how much spent in 20 days

N = Php227 x 20
N = Php 4 540 amount spent in 20 days

N = Php173 + Php227
N = Php400 Amelia earned a day

N = Php173 x 20
N = Php3 460 Amelia saved for 20 days

D. Generalization

Step in Solving Routine and Non-Routine Problems Using Polya’s Method

Step 1: Understand the Problem

Step 2: Devise a Plan
Step 3: Carry out the Plan (Solve)
Step 4: Look Back (Check)

E. Question and Answer

Questions will be gathered by the teachers – in – charge and
will be asked to the discussant. The discussant will answer the
questions and will give some clarifications if possible.

Prepared by:
Parada Elementary School

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