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Response Towards Managing Change

1. People are flexible and adaptable when changes are
3.33 .73 Always (Palagi)
6. People feel that most change is the result of pressures
2.68 1.00 Often (Madalas)
imposed from higher up in the organization of schools
11. People have a clear idea of why and how to proceed
3.24 .66 Often (Madalas)
throughout the process of change
16. People believe that change happens too quickly and
2.58 1.02 Often (Madalas)
causes too much disruption
21. People believe they can influence and affect their
3.24 .80 Often (Madalas)
work place through their ideas and involvement.
26. People believe that their concerns and anxieties
during periods of change are heard and taken into 3.17 .75 Often (Madalas)
Composite Mean 3.04 .47 Often (Madalas)

3.26 – 4 Always (Palagi); 2.51 – 3.25 Often (Madalas);
1.76 – 2.5 Seldom (Minsan); 1 – 1.75 Never (Hindi)

As shown on table 1, on the degree of frequency of the response towards Managing change in the
Organizational Culture In Upland Secondary Schools, it can be gleaned that respondents have change in
management often happens on all of the indicators as provided by the composite mean of 3.04 with
standard deviation of 0.47. Among the indicators, the highest mean is on item 1 (Mean=3.33, SD=0.73);
while the lowest mean rating is on item 6(Mean=2.68, SD=1.00).
Response Towards Achieving Goals

2. Individuals and teams have clearly defined goals that
3.45 .64 Always (Palagi)
relate to the goals and mission of the school.
7. People and teams are often expected to reach goals
3.02 .87 Often (Madalas)
which they believe are unattainable.
12. Individuals and teams are measured and rewarded
3.23 .78 Often (Madalas)
according to how well goals are achieved.
17. Individuals and teams participate in defining specific
3.40 .72 Always (Palagi)
goals of the school.
22. We constantly stretch our goals, to continuously
3.43 .73 Always (Palagi)
27. Individuals, teams, and functional areas often have
2.50 1.03 Seldom (Minsan)
incompatible goals.
Composite Mean 3.17 .45 Often (Madalas)

3.26 – 4 Always (Palagi); 2.51 – 3.25 Often (Madalas);
1.76 – 2.5 Seldom (Minsan); 1 – 1.75 Never (Hindi)

Presented om table II, response towards Achieving Goals change in the Organizational Culture In
Upland Secondary Schools shows that the occurrence is described as Often (Madalas) with composite
mean of 3.17 and standard deviation of .45. While item number 2 gained the highest mean of 3.45 with
standard deviation of .64 opposite to item number 2 is item number 27 that gained the lowest mean of
2.50 with standard deviation of 1.03
Response Towards Coordinated Teamwork

3. Teams often lack the authority needed to get the job
2.58 1.08 Often (Madalas)
done effectively
8. People believe in teamwork, the "what's in it for us"
3.42 .72 Always (Palagi)
approach rather than "what's in it for me."
13. People lack the interpersonal and technical skills
2.74 .94 Often (Madalas)
they need to work effectively in teams.
18. People know what's expected of them and
understand their impact on other people, teams and 3.28 .75 Always (Palagi)
23. People believe in working together collaboratively,
3.30 .80 Always (Palagi)
preferring cooperation over competition.
28. Stakeholders at all levels work together as a team to
3.39 .70 Always (Palagi)
achieve results for the school.
Composite Mean 3.12 .47 Often (Madalas)

3.26 – 4 Always (Palagi); 2.51 – 3.25 Often (Madalas);
1.76 – 2.5 Seldom (Minsan); 1 – 1.75 Never (Hindi)

Similar to table II, response towards Coordinated Teamwork in the Organizational Culture In
Upland Secondary Schools shows that the occurrence is described as Often (Madalas) with composite
mean of 3.12 and standard deviation of .47. While item number 8 gained the highest mean of 3.42 with
standard deviation of .72 opposite to item number 8 is item number 13 that gained the lowest mean of
2.74 with standard deviation of .94
Response Towards Customer Orientation

4. We give the highest priority and support to meeting
the needs of clients and customers of the school and to 3.45 .71 Always (Palagi)
solving their problems
9. Our policies and procedures help us to provide the
3.44 .69 Always (Palagi)
service our customers want and need.
14. People often see customer and client problems as
2.72 1.02 Often (Madalas)
someone else's responsibility.
19. People are always looking for new ways to better
3.44 .72 Always (Palagi)
serve clients and customers
24. Employees who do the best job of serving customers
are more likely than other employees to be recognized 3.22 .81 Often (Madalas)
or rewarded.
29. When customers have problems with the service
they receive, those problems are almost always resolved 3.31 .70 Always (Palagi)
to their satisfaction
Composite Mean 3.26 .45 Always (Palagi)

3.26 – 4 Always (Palagi); 2.51 – 3.25 Often (Madalas);
1.76 – 2.5 Seldom (Minsan); 1 – 1.75 Never (Hindi)

Table IV shows the responses towards the Customer Orientation in the Organizational Culture In
Upland Secondary Schools, as can be gleaned in the table, with the composite mean of 3.26 with the
standard deviation of .45, the occurrence in terms of Customer Orientation factor is Always (Palagi).
Garnering the highest mean is item 4 with 3.45 mean and .71 standard deviation while the lowest is item
14 with 2.72 mean and 1.02 standard deviation.
Response Towards Cultural Strength

5. People value and make use of one another's unique
3.28 .75 Always (Palagi)
strengths and different abilities
10. Everyone knows and understands our school
3.42 .67 Always (Palagi)
objectives and priorities
15. People sometimes compromise school policies or
2.67 .94 Often (Madalas)
principles to reach operational goals.
20. School decisions are most often made on the basis of
3.18 .78 Often (Madalas)
facts, not just perceptions or assumptions.
25. People have access to timely and accurate
information about what's really happening in the school 3.16 .75 Often (Madalas)
and why.
30. Everyone strongly believes in a set of shared values
about how people should work together to solve 3.42 .70 Always (Palagi)
common problems and reach mutual objectives.
Composite Mean 3.14 .46 Often (Madalas)

3.26 – 4 Always (Palagi); 2.51 – 3.25 Often (Madalas);
1.76 – 2.5 Seldom (Minsan); 1 – 1.75 Never (Hindi)

Shown in table V, from the response towards the Cultural Strength when it comes to the
Organizational Culture in Upland Secondary Schools, a composite mean of 3.14 and standard deviation of
.46 equivalent to Often (Madalas). When it comes to individual item, item 10 and 30 obtained the highest
mean of 3.42 with standard deviation of .67 and .70 respectively while item 15 obtained the lowest mean
of 2.67 with standard deviation of .94.

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