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Marketing and Sales

PowerPoint Slides Marketing & Sales

Marketing & Sales
Date: April 7 – 28, 2017
Time: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Venue: YBA Kanoo Tower, Diplomatic Area, Kingdom of Bahrain


Session 1
9:00 – 9:15 Attendance and Orientation
9:15 – 9:35 Pre-Assessment
9:35 – 9:40 Assessment Feedback
9:40 – 9:55 Session Two: Self Assessment (Activity 1 Ice-breaker)
9:55 – 10:30 Session Three: Defining Marketing & Sales
10:30 – 10:45 Session Four: Recognizing Trends
10:45 – 11:10 Group Activity 2: Pick your Trend
11:10 – 11:30 Break
11:30 – 11:45 Feedback and Q &A for Session 1 – 4
11:45 – 12:00 Session Five: Doing Market Research
12:00 – 12:20 Activity 3: Doing your Research
12:20 – 12:45 Session Six: Strategies for Success
12:45 – 1:00 Session 1: Wrap up

Marketing & Sales

Session One: Course Overview
Learning Objectives

• Recognize what we mean by the term “marketing” and

• Discover how to use low-cost publicity to get your
name and product known.
• Know how to develop a marketing plan and a
marketing campaign.
• Use your time rather than your money to market your
company effectively.
• Understand how to perform a SWOT analysis.

Marketing & Sales

Session Two: Self-Assessment

Time Allotted: 15 minutes

Activity Name: Bingo!

To assess learner’s current knowledge and expectation about the course.

To boost learner’s confidence and set positive thinking

Marketing & Sales

Session Three:
Defining Marketing & Sales (I)

Dr. Philip Kotler defines marketing as “the science

and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to
satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit.

Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires. It

defines, measures and quantifies the size of the
identified market and the profit potential.

Marketing & Sales

Session Three:
Defining Marketing & Sales (I)

On the other hand, Dr. Kotler describes SALES as the

process of persuading customers to purchase the
company’s product or service.

Marketing & Sales

Session Three:
Defining Marketing & Sales (II) –
Lets simplify
• What is Marketing?

Marketing is finding out what people want, why they

want it and how much they'll spend.

• What is Sale?

Sale is the act of selling something. An activity to generate

income, the exchange of good, service or property for MONEY

Marketing & Sales

Session Three:
Defining Marketing & Sales (III)
Market Segment A clearly defined subgroup of customers or potential customers with common
characteristics relevant to the marketing of your product. (Example: Bahrainis from 16 yrs
old – 50 yrs old)

Mission A short statement of the philosophy and fundamental nature of your business. It answers
the questions: "What business are you in?" and, "Who do we serve?"
Objectives Concrete, measurable, realistic targets you want to achieve. (Example: "Increase sales of
highest priced widgets by 10% vs. previous year," not "Increase sales.")
Corporate All symbols, colors, logos, etc., that make up the public image of an organization.
Strategies The general approach you will take to achieve an objective.

Tactics The specific actions, decisions, and resources required to implement your strategies.
(Example: "Tactics for Sales Calls. Hire full-time sales person in first two months of planning
period; quota / incentives")

Targeting Channeling marketing efforts and resources to specific MARKET SEGMENTS that have the
highest payoff potential. (Example: Works in Ministry or Private Company)

Marketing & Sales

Session Three:
Defining Marketing & Sales (III)
Lead Anyone you could approach to attempt a sale

Unique Selling A factor that differentiates a product from its competitors, such as the low
Proposition cost, the quality, etc.

Commission Your compensation for closing a sale

Demo The act of presenting your product or service to a prospect.

Pitch the act of selling your goods or services

Quota The minimum volume a sales person must produce within a given amount of
Time Bandits Any “non-sales-related-activities” (NSA’s) that “steal” time away from your
“sales related activities”

Marketing & Sales

Session Three:
Defining Marketing & Sales (IV)

Question to discuss with


1. Are we a marketing person/representative? Or

sales representative?

2. Are you marketing the product or selling the


Marketing & Sales

Session Three:
Defining Marketing & Sales (V)

The Difference between Marketing Concept & Selling Concept

Factory Product Selling & Through
Promotion Sales


Target Customer Integrated Through
Market Need Marketing Satisfaction


Marketing & Sales
Session Three:
Defining Marketing & Sales (V)

The Difference between Marketing Concept & Selling Concept

Factory of Product is the initial Is a management process of
point identifying the need of target
customer, and delivering product
Selling of product through Customer oriented and fosters on
persuasion, or different means of customer value
Primary agenda is to earn profit Primary agenda is to earn profit
through larger sales volume through customer satisfaction
Sales effort is needed to sell the Customer loyalty is the ultimate
product source of profit

Marketing & Sales

Session Three:
Defining Marketing (VI)

The Difference between Marketing Concept & Selling Concept

Key points to remember


 Focus on Product  Focus on Customer Needs / Wants

 Set short-term goal  Set Long-term goal

 Higher Sales Higher Profit  Higher Satisfaction Higher Profit

Marketing & Sales

Session Four:
Recognizing Trends (I)

• We can anticipate trends just by analyzing

what we see on television and the
 What changes do you see in your industry?
 How are these trends changing your industry?
How can you take advantage of these trends?

Marketing & Sales

Session Four:
Recognizing Trends (II)

• Trends in Marketing and Sales

From Traditional to Digital Marketing

Marketing & Sales

Session Four:
Recognizing Trends (II)
Traditional to Digital Marketing

There are many facets Promoting brands or products

of traditional marketing and through various forms of digital
examples include tangible items: media such as:
⃝ Word of mouth / ⃝ Billboards ⃝ Website
referrals ⃝ TV commercial or ⃝ SEO
⃝ Direct/Postal Mail radio ads ⃝ SMS
⃝ Business card ⃝ Exhibition or ⃝ Mobile App
⃝ Posters / flyers tradeshow ⃝ Live stream
⃝ Print ads newspaper ⃝ Mugs, caps, other ⃝ Banner / Website banner ads
⃝ Press release and souvenirs
⃝ Social media (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter,
press conference Instagram)

Marketing & Sales

Session Four:
Recognizing Trends (II)
Group Activity and Discussion

Time Allotted: 15 minutes

Activity Name: Pick your trend!

To assess learners how to understand the impact, advantages, and disadvantages of the
trends in marketing and sales

Marketing & Sales

Session Four:
Recognizing Trends (II)

Marketing & Sales

Session Four:
Recognizing Trends (II)
⃝ Word of mouth /
⃝ Direct/Postal Mail
⃝ Business card
⃝ Posters / flyers
⃝ Print ads newspaper
⃝ Press release and press
⃝ Billboards
⃝ TV commercial or radio
⃝ Exhibition or
⃝ Mugs, caps, other

Marketing & Sales

Session Four:
Recognizing Trends (II)

⃝ Website
⃝ Mobile App
⃝ Live stream
⃝ Website banner ads
⃝ Social media (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter,
⃝ Digital Billboards, tv and media

Marketing & Sales

Session Four:
Recognizing Trends (II)

⃝ Does it mean you need to use both?

you need to do what

is most effective for
your business.

Marketing & Sales

Session Five:
Doing Market Research (I)

• Research is one step that you cannot

afford to gloss over.
• Luckily, we have lots of ways that we can
conduct research inexpensively.
• If you think you cannot afford to do any
research, think again!

Marketing & Sales

Session Five:
Doing Market Research (I)

What is a Market Research?

Why do we conduct Market Research?

When do you conduct Market Research?

Marketing & Sales

Session Five:
Doing Market Research (I)
What is a Market Research?
The process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting
information about a market, about a product or service to
be offered for sale in that market

Why do we conduct Market Research?

To equip yourself with the information you need to make
informed business decisions about start-up, innovation,
growth and the 4 'Ps‘*

When do you conduct Market Research?

 Opening a new business / product
 Expand or develop your current product
 Getting Feedback or follow-up
 Continual growth

Marketing & Sales

Session Five:
Doing Market Research (II)

The Ten Questions

1. Will your business grow profitably on pure momentum?
2. Will your business grow without improvements?
3. Do you know everything that your competitors can possibly
do to hinder your growth?
4. Are you convinced you can’t lose customers or gain new
5. Are you convinced that nothing can happen to cause your
products/services to become obsolete?

Marketing & Sales

Session Five:
Doing Market Research (III)
6. Are you sure your business isn’t subject to changing
7. Are you sure you’re the only one who’d be good in
generating ideas about how to grow your business?
8. Are you clairvoyant?
9. Do you get tomorrow’s stock market prices in today’s
10. Have you contracted for sale of your business that will
make you millions?
Jay Conrad Levinson, author of the “Guerrilla Marketing” series

Marketing & Sales

Session Five:
Doing Market Research (IV)

• Things are changing so quickly in

• Sometimes the type of information you
want about your potential customers is
not readily available.
• When that happens, you may have to
conduct original market research.

Marketing & Sales

Session Five:
Doing Market Research (V)

Primary Research Methods

• Research projects
• Personal interviews
• Focus groups
• Mail or e-mail surveys

Marketing & Sales

Session Five:
Doing Market Research (VI)

Questions to Consider
• If I’m wrong, how much will it cost me?
• Have I asked for some input from people who
have no stake in whether I succeed or fail?
• Have I asked customers and prospects what they
need and want from me and my business?
• Do I really know if my customers think I am giving
them what they want and need?
• What else can I provide my customers so they’ll
pay me more and be happier about it?

Marketing & Sales

Session Five:
Doing Market Research (VII)

Secondary Research Methods

• Statistics organizations
• Tourism statistics collected by your local
tourism agency
• Information compiled by industry associations
• Federal, provincial, or municipal statistics
• Directories and lists
• General publications
Marketing & Sales
Session Five:
Doing Market Research (VIII)

Secondary Research Methods ctd.

• Institutional publications
• Trade association newsletters and reports
• Trade journals and periodicals
• Chamber of Commerce
• Economic Development Commission
• Customers, competitors, and suppliers

Marketing & Sales

Session Five:
Doing Market Research (VIII)

Marketing & Sales

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