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English for Management—Dr. Ngasbun Egar, S.Pd., M.Pd.

III. Educational Management: definitions and concepts

Text 1

The Concept of Management

In any work organization there must be a person or a group of persons to

pilot the affairs of the organization through planning, organizing, controlling and

coordinating human activities toward goal attainment. These people are called

managers, administrators, leaders, or supervisors. They are charged with the

responsibilities of ensuring that what is to be done is done properly, effectively and

efficiently in order to achieve standard and pre-determined objectives. Therefore, the

effectiveness of any organization depends greatly on management (Akpan, 2011).

Management is a systematic arrangement and organization of resources

in order to make them productive. It involves the process of working with and through
people to achieve group goals and objectives. In management, the manager(s) create,

direct, supervise, and monitor human activities through coordinated and cooperative

human efforts. UNESCO cited in Ogunu (2000) defines management as a social process

which is designed to ensure the cooperation, participation, intervention and

involvement of others in the effective achievement of a given or pre-determined

objective. According to Fayol (1916) to manage means to forecast and plan, to organize,
to command, to coordinate and to control. These definitions suggest that management

is a continuous and dynamic process involving the coordination and utilization of

organizational resources. Management is goal-achievement oriented and involves

interrelated activities of planning, organizing, leading and controlling (Akpan, 2011).

Terry (2013) defined management as the art and skill of getting things

done through others. According to him management is the distinct process consisting
of planning, organizing and controlling activities performed to determine and

accomplish objectives by the use of people and resources. This definition depicts that
English for Management—Dr. Ngasbun Egar, S.Pd., M.Pd.

management is a systematic process of doing things. It shows that management is a

functional concept involving the task of planning, controlling and directing the efforts of

people toward achievement of organizational goals. This definition also reveals that in
management there is interaction among people because it involves getting things done

through people. To succeed in management therefore, resources must be effectively

harnessed and managed. Premised on this understanding, management can be defined

as the coordination and integration of both human and materials resources of an

organization toward goal attainment (Akpan, 2011). It deals with a careful arrangement

of resources for carrying out of organizational activities and processes and the

executing of work.

Akpan (2011) stated that for a manager to succeed,

1. Tasks have to be assigned and be performed by the people.

2. Materials have to the procured for use by the people in the performance of tasks.

3. Tasks performance has to be supervised and monitored to ensure that rules and

policies are followed in order to maintain and enhance standard of achievement.

Thus, management is not an isolated activity performed by the manager

alone. It involves cooperation and team work from all members of the work

organization. For managers to succeed in this direction, they need to create an

organizational climate in which people work willingly and cooperatively toward the
achievement of set goals of the organization.
(Akpan, C. P. 2016. Educational Management Skills, Book Chapter: Educational Planning and Management)


1. What are the Indonesian words for those in bold?

2. Who are called managers, administrators, leaders, or supervisors?

3. ‘They’ in the third sentence refers to ….

English for Management—Dr. Ngasbun Egar, S.Pd., M.Pd.

4. According to Akpan (2011), what does majorly determine the effectiveness of an


5. Identify the differences among the concepts of ‘management’ in the view of

Fayol, Terry, UNESCO/Ogunu, and Akpan?

6. Identify the similarities of the concepts of ‘management’ in the view of Fayol,

Terry, UNESCO/Ogunu, and Akpan?

7. Make your definition of ‘management’ based on those mentioned above.

8. From the definitions of ‘management’ above, what can you infer?

9. According to Akpan (2011), how would a manager succeed in doing the works?

10. How would you describe an ideal condition of “management”?

Text 2

The Concept of Educational Management

Educational management involves the process of forecasting and of

planning, decision making and formulating educational policies with the aim of
attaining set educational goals. It involves the application of the process of planning,

organizing, coordinating, controlling, supervising and evaluating human and material

resources with the explicit purpose of achieving educational goals and objectives.

Babalola (2006) mentions that educational management is a concept that

goes along with the quest to put the formal education system under control,

regulation and supervision. Idoko (2015) views educational management as the process,

which helps through educational institutions for the development of human personality.

Thus, the major duty of the manager of an educational institution is to get the work
done in order to accomplish the objectives as pre-planned. On the other hand,

Nwankwo cited in Idoko (2015) defines educational management as the process

concerned with using methods, principles and practices to establish, develop and

English for Management—Dr. Ngasbun Egar, S.Pd., M.Pd.

execute the goals, policies, plans and procedures necessary to attain the objectives of

education. According to Dash (2000) management in education means deciding the

goals of an educational institution and the activities to be conducted to achieve these


From the various definitions, it can be deduced that educational

management is concerned with

1. Planning, decision-making and formulation of educational policies, goals and


2. Harnessing and managing educational resources for attainment of educational goals.

3. Mobilizing people in the educational system to work effectively toward goal

4. Planning, organizing, controlling, conducting and supervising activities in educational

institutions toward achievement of set goals.

Educational management therefore, can be defined as the process of

planning, setting of educational goals and policies, harnessing and managing resources
systematically toward the achievement of pre-determined goals. It is a process of

coordinating and controlling of interrelated activities in the educational system for

attainment of educational goals. Idoko (2005) states that school management involves

coordinating the efforts of the people through human and material resources to
accomplish the objectives of educational enterprise. This means that school

administrators or managers are implementers of educational policies. They are

responsible for the day-to-day administration of the school. They implement

educational programmes as they are formulated. Their administrative decisions are

dictated by objectives and policies. Educational administration is therefore,

management at the institutional level.

Educational management can be classified into two categories.

English for Management—Dr. Ngasbun Egar, S.Pd., M.Pd.

1. External educational management

2. Internal educational management

(Akpan, C. P. 2016. Educational Management Skills, Book Chapter: Educational Planning and Management.


11. What are the Indonesian words for those in bold?

12. What are the processes involved in the educational management (paragraph 1)?
13. Identify the similarities and the differences of the educational concepts in the

views of Babalola, Idoko, Nwankwo, and Dash?

14. From their definitions of educational management, what can you summarize?

15. From the various definitions, what would educational management concern with?


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