XIII. Controlling: Text 1

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English for Management—Dr. Ngasbun Egar, S.Pd., M.Pd.

XIII. Controlling

Text 1

Controlling is the process of directing or guiding an activity and also

judging it. It is closely related to the elements of the administrative process, such as
planning, organizing, etc., and contribute to these elements. Control is the application

of the power and authority to hold the workers responsible for their actions. Control is

require in all spheres of the educative process, aims and objectives, teachers and

students, instruction and equipment, finance and purpose, e.g., for control of finance
we need the budget, accounts and auditing.

Aspects of Control :

Control has four aspects —the power that controls, the device of using

the power, the process of applying the power, and the purpose for using the power. For
applying control, we first determine the point where it is needed. Then, we choose the

form of power to be applied. Next, we decide about the device to be used, and finally,

we evaluate or judge the results of control to see whether its purpose has been fulfilled.

All the time we have to remember that the central purpose of control is to bring about
improvement and to promote the realization of the goals of education.

Control involves both power and devices. The power of control are legal
authority, social custom, superior knowledge of facts and principles, and personal

attitudes developed by professional training and ethics. The devices of control are
many, such as policies, objectives, budgets, salaries, accounts, building, equipment,

time-table, curriculum, methods, rules and regulations, personal records, reports,

promotion, etc. Each activity or situation has its own device of control. Thus, budget

controls expenditure, philosophy and sociology, the aims and objectives and theories
of learning control the methods of teaching. The various powers work generally in

combination with each other and one or more devices and powers may be applied
English for Management—Dr. Ngasbun Egar, S.Pd., M.Pd.

simultaneously. Educational activity is very complex, and so a large variety of devices

and powers are needed for control.

(USI PUBLICATIONS 2/31, Nehru Enclave, Kalkaji Ext., New Delhi-110019 for Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, 2012,


1. What are the Indonesian words for those in bold?

2. What processes are involved in controlling?

3. Summarize the nature of control as described in paragraph 1.

4. What can you conclude from paragraph 1?

5. Mention and explain the four aspects of control.

6. What is the central purpose of control?

7. Explain this statement: ‘Control involves both power and devices.’

8. Mention and explain the power of control.

9. Mention and explain the devices of control.

10. What is meant by this statement ‘Device and power can be applied


11. What can you conclude about ‘controlling’ based on the text.


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