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Dear Ebenezer Dorset
We have your boy hidden in a place far from town. It is useless for you or the most
skilful policeman to try to find him. The only way you can have him restored to you is
this: we demand fifteen hundred dollars for his return. The money is to be left at
midnight at the same spot and in the same box as your answer. If you agree to these
terms, send your answer in writing by a single messenger tonight at half past eight.
After crossing Mukuvisi River on the way to Mutare there are three large trees about
seventy metres apart close to the riverbank on the right. At the bottom of the third
tree, the messenger will find a box. Your messenger should place your answer in this
box and return immediately to your home.
If you try any tricks or fail to fail to agree to our demands, you will never see your son
again. If you pay the money, he will be returned to you safely and well within three
hours. These terms are final. There will be no further communication.
Two Desperate Men
1. The boy was hidden _______
A. near town B. far from town C. by the river bank D. in the city
2. From Mr Dorset, the kidnappers needed _______
A. one hundred and fifty dollars B. five hundred dollars
C. one thousand five hundred dollars D. fifteen thousand dollars
3. The only way Mr Dorset could get the boy back was by _______
A. going to the riverbank B. sending a skilled policeman
C. paying some money D. replying to the men’s demands
4. Mr Ebenezer Dorset’s answer was to be left _______
A. in the same box as the answer B. in any one of the three boxes
C. under any of the three trees D. on the Mukuvisi River bank
5. Mr Dorset’s response to the demands was to Mukuvisi River by ________
A. himself B. a policeman C. a messenger D. the two men
6. The letter was written to inform Mr Ebenezer Dorset ________
A. where to find his son B. where to find the two kidnappers
C. why his son had been kidnapped D. how to get his son back
7. If Mr Dorset refused to meet the kidnappers’ demands,
A. he would be killed B. his son would be killed
C. the police would find him D. he would try any tricks
8. The two kidnappers called themselves “Two Desperate Men” because they _______
A. were hiding from the police B. were playing tricks
C. wanted a son of their own D. needed money badly
9. In the passage the word restored means _______
A. given back B. demand from C. gave money D. received money
10. Skilful in the passage means _______
A. careful B. polite C. clever D. obedient
11. Tafirei _______ with fear when he saw the snake.
A. muttered B. yelled C. coughed D. growled
12. The baby ______ with pleasure when she saw he mother.
A. sighed B. brayed C. groaned D. gurgled
13. The drunkard man ______ down the street.
A. hopped B. staggered C. sprinted D. sailed
14. The drowning sailor _____ at the piece of floating wood.
A. squeezed B. shook C. hung D. clutched
15. The train _______ into the river.
A. collided B. crushed C. crashed D. smashed
16. Alarms _______ buildings from burglars.
A. protect B. prevent C. conserve D. conduct
17. A person who looks after animals in a game reserve is a ________
A. game warden B. biologist C. caretaker D. veterinarian
18. A person who mends leaking dishes and makes tin pots and buckets is a _________
A. cobbler B. carpenter C. boilermaker D. mechanic
19. With the pride of a ________ the girl showed off her new dress.
A. fox B. peacock C. lamb D. pig
20. A place where you buy special medicine prescribed by the doctor is a _______
A. pharmacy B. hospital C. factory D. laboratory
21. A place where old and important things are kept for people to see is a _______
A. library B. theatre C. archive D. museum
22. Your mother’s sister is your _______
A. aunt B. niece C. grandmother D. mother-in-law
23. Yesterday Sarafina ______ on the grass.
A. lie B. lay C. lied D. lain
24. All the eggs _______ by the child.
A. broke B. broken C. are breaking D. were broken
25. The housefly _______ many diseases to human beings.
A. carry B. carries C. is carried D. has carrying
26. Bees ______ nectar from flowers.
A. gather B. gathers C. are gathered D. have gathering
27. The letters ______ typed at this moment.
A. will be B. have been C. are being D. were being
28. The Grade 7 examinations ________ in October this year.
A. will write B. will be wrote C. will be written D. will be writing

29. “I did not _______ anything from your home,” said the suspected thief.
A. steal B. stole C. stolen D. stealing
30. We must always ______ the needy people in our community.
A. help B. helps C. helped D. helping
31. Sarudzai ________ your exercise book.
A. may have taking B. must be take C. could be taking D. should have
32. We _______ a lot of noise when the teacher came into the classroom.
A. make B. had making C. were making D. have been
33. Fungai has _______ nothing at break time.
A. had B. has C. have D. having
34. Why are you ________ those raw fruits. They are not edible.
A. chose B. choose C. chosen D. choosing
35. Today my father _________ me up before dawn.
A. wake B. woken C. is waking D. has woken
36. Joe _______ the cattle to the dip tank when he fell and broke his arm.
A. has driven B. was driven C. had been driving D. had been
37. I arrived at the bank at the same time as it _______
A. opens B. was opening C. had opened D. was being
38. Maureen had already _________ across the river when a crocodile attacked her.
A. swim B. swum C. swam D. swimming
39. Have you finished ___________ the novel I gave you last week?
A. read B. reads C. reading D. rode
40. My grandmother was used to ________ us some interesting folktales.
A. tell B. told C. tells D. tell
41. Cotton seed is crushed ______ to get oil.
A. because B. until C. in order D. so.
42. You shouldn’t drop litter ________ it pollutes both town and country.
A. as B. so C. instead D. but
43. Namibia has more land than Zimbabwe _______ fewer people.
A. so B. and C. but D. because
44. A hut is not safe from lightning ______ it is on top of a hill.
A. if B. unless C. although D. whereas
45. ______ the builders of Great Zimbabwe used no mortar, the walls they build were
huge and enduring.
A. Since B. Although C. In spite of D. Because
46. Black rhino will soon be extinct _______ poaching is stopped.
A. unless B. until C. so D. if
47. Samuel played the game well _______ his injury.
A. unless B. despite C. although D. because of
48. Tecla added sugar into the cooked vegetables _______ salt.
A. owing to B. instead of C. as well as D. with the exception of
49. It was becoming dark _______ we ran home.
A. so B. but C. since D. till
50. The pumpkins grew well ________ the carrots did not.
A. and B. so C. except D. whereas

SECTION A: Composition

Choose either 1 or 2, but not both.

1. Write a composition describing a famous tourist resort in your province. Your
composition should be 80 to 120 words in length. Use the following ideas and any other
you may think of to write your composition
 location of the place
 how the place looks like
 what it is famous for
 who visits the place
 how it is cared for
 what you think about the place

2. Write a composition about your fishing expedition. Your composition should be 80 to

120 words in length. Use the following ideas and any other you may think of to write your
 when you went fishing
 fishing rods and/or nets
 bait
 fish caught
 what happened
 how you felt


The Drought

The people, thinking the rain goddess was angry with them, put special stones in
front of the Rain Tree. When that did not bring the rain, they tied magic beans around
their ankles and, as a last resort; medicine prepared from a strange mixture of things
was put in a giant clay pot and boiled day and night. But none of these things helped.
The sky stayed a bright clear blue and the sun beat cruelly down on the hot, dusty,
cracked earth.
“What are we going to do? If the rains do not come soon, we will have no food to eat
and no water to drink,” the people said.
The clever ones told the others to take their calabashes and go down to the river and
get whatever water they could and water their plants.
This was hard work. And to make matters worse, ants were attracted to the water
and started eating the plants.

1. Who did people think was in control of the rain?
A. The Rain Tree B. The special stones C. The rain goddessD. the magic beans
2. Why did the people tie magic beans around their ankles?
A. to appease the rain goddess so that she could bring the rain
B. because the magic beans could bring the rain
C. they were told to do so by the rain goddess
D. so that they could prepare the medicine correctly
3. The giant pot was made of _______
A. special stones B. iron C. soil D. wood
4. The sky stayed blue and clear because ______
A. people had made the goddess of rain angry
B. the weather was not ready for rain
C. the sun was so hot that the earth cracked
D. people were boiling some strange medicine
5. “- - - - in a giant clay pot and boiled day and night.” The underlined words mean ___
A. most of the day B. all night long C. all the time D. from sunrise to sunset
6. What was the people’s last effort to bring the rain?
A. putting stones in front of the Rain Tree B. preparing some strange medicine
C. tying magic beans around their ankles D. dancing round and round the Rain Tree
7. How did the people try to provide water to their crops?
A. by watering them B. by irrigating them
C. fetching water from the river D. taking their calabash to the river
8. Apart from lack of water, what else damaged the plants the people grew?
A. ants B. magic beans C. the medicine D. a bright clear sky
9. The words nearest in meaning to ‘were attracted’ are _______
A. were thrown B. were driven C. were brought D. were drawn
10. What does the word calabashes mean?
A. bags B. buckets C. water containers D. scotch carts

Read the passage and answer the question in full sentences.

Dogs die in bees attack
A pleasant summer day turned into a nightmare for Mr Charehwa when he and his
two dogs were attacked by a swarm of bees in Magwegwe Suburbs in Bulawayo on
Wednesday. He was rushed to hospital unconscious and the dogs died.

Recovering from the ordeal yesterday, Mr Charehwa said he had just driven into his
yard and was letting his German Shepherd dogs out of the back of the van when the
bees struck. “I had seen the swarm around for a few days and they must have got into
the drain. Somebody in the bathroom let the water out of the bath and that must have
disturbed them,” he said.
The angry bees attacked the dogs and then turned on Mr Charehwa who tried to get
back inside his van. Some of the bees got into the cab of the van and began stinging
him. He fell out of the van and was rescued by his gardener who got him to a
neighbour’s house. By then, he was in a coma and had to be rushed to hospital by
“If I had got away in the van and given the bees a good run, I would have rescued the
dogs, but there were thousands of them, banging against the windows,” he said. “I am
luck to be alive. One of the dogs died on Wednesday night and the other died
yesterday morning.”
(from The Herald, November 4, 1983)

1. In which city did the incident take place?

2. When did the bees first attack Mr Charehwa?
3. How did Mr Charehwa try to protect himself from the angry bees?
4. What had made the bees angry?
5. Who rescued Mr Charehwa after he was stung by the bees?
6. What does the phrase ‘he was in a coma’ means?
7. Which word in the passage means ‘a very frightening experience’?
8. Name the source of the story.
SECTION A: Letter Writing

Choose either 1 or 2, but not both.

1. Write a letter to your friend who has asked for your advice about examinations. Your
letter should be 80 to 120 words in length. Use the following ideas and any other you
may think of to write your letter
 Grade 7 examinations
 have a timetable
 revision exercises and practicing
 study groups
 help from teachers and your elder brothers and sisters

2. You boarded a bus from town to your home. The bus conductor was rude to you and
other passengers. Write a letter to the Manager of a bus company complaining about the
bad behaviour of the conductor. Your letter should be 80 to 120 words in length. Use the
following ideas and any other you may think of to write your letter
 when you boarded the bus
 what the bus conductor did to you and other passengers
 how you felt
 what you think the bus company needs to do
 your expectations from bus crew

SECTION B: Language Usage

Choose the correctly punctuated sentences.
1. A. Is a bat a mammal or a bird B. Is a bat a mammal or a bird.
C. Is a bat a mammal or a bird? D. Is a bat a mammal or a bird!
2. A. “Wait here” said the man “I will come soon.”
B. “Wait here, said the man, I will come soon.”
C. “Wait here said the man, “I will come soon.”
D. “Wait here,” said the man, “I will come soon.”
Choose the most sensible sentence.

3. A. Wriggling into a hole, I saw a snake. B. Into a hole saw I a snake wriggling.
C. I saw a snake wriggling into a hole. D. Wriggling, I saw a snake into a hole.
4. A. Approaching the camp, the guerrillas saw a light.
B. A light, approaching the camp the guerrillas saw.
C. The camp saw a light approaching the guerrillas.
D. The camp approaching the light saw the guerrillas.
Choose the correct explanation of the following statements
5. If you are walking and you see the sign: TRESPASSERS WILL BE PROSECUTED, it means
A. You head will be cut off if you are seen there. B. You must wait for a special bus.
C. You may only run through very quickly. D. You will be taken to court if you enter
the place.
6. The words EXIT ONLY written above a door mean
A. Only policemen are allowed to use the door B. You only go out using that door
C. You use the door only for coming in D. The door is electrical and must not be
7. The sign NO HAWKERS means
A. You are not allowed to sell things. B. You may not sing or preach there.
C. You may play football if you wish. D. You are not allowed to lie on the grass.
8. The words IN EMERGENCY KICK OUT PANEL on top of large windows in a bus mean
A. You must kick your friends when they make noise.
B. If there is an accident you may break the glass and jump out.
C. You may climb in through the window if the bus is full.
D. The window is opened only when it is very hot inside.
9. Which is the only correct sentence?
A. I saw him gone to the river. B. What a sorrowful experience!
C. Chenai have not swept the house. D. The beautiful woman at the well.
10. When arranged in alphabetical order, which word comes first?
A. receive B. reveal C. receipt D. review


9. Do not let the dogs ________ the strangers.
A. frighten B. frightens C. frightened D. frightening
10. Mr Charehwa was so scared by the bees _______ he failed to close the door of his
A. as B. and C. that D. but
11. The gardener saw Mr Charehwa ______ to the ground.
A. fell B. fall C. falls D. fallen
12. The children _______ come to school as early as seven o’clock in the morning.
A. has to B. have been C. has already D. have got to
13. Mr Charehwa was not courageous _________ drive away the bees.
A. as for B. as to C. enough to D. enough for
14. We found the bees _______ difficult to deal with.
A. to B. too C. very D. enough
15. It was _______ a frightening experience that I will never forget.
A. so B. of C. such D. besides
16. Mr Hove is good ______ preparing beehives.
A. at B. for C. with D. from
17. The sun will ________ rise from the east tomorrow.
A. seldom B. probably C. possibly D. definitely
18. _______ Mr Charehwa will visit us next week.
A. Perhaps B. Never C. Sometimes D. Frequently
19. Your condition is is getting worse. You had better ______ the clinic.
A. visit B. visits C. visited D. visiting
20. Would you mind _______ some food for the dogs.
A. prepare B. prepares C. prepared D. preparing
21. I will never go near some bees and _______ will my sister.
A. not B. also C. neither D. as well as
22. The gardener helped his master by _________ him to the hospital.
A. take B. took C. taken D. taking
23. ________ you please buy some exercise books for me?
A. Must B. Could C. Should D. Maybe
24. Mr Charehwa asked the doctor _______
A. where I was B. where was I C. where he was D. where was he
25. The teacher gave two oranges ______ child.
A. per B. every C. to D. one
26. Our cows produce _________ of milk
A. little B. a few C. most D. a great deal
27. It is _______ to conserve water.
A. polite B. patriotic C. good manners D. our responsibility
28. The bees did not only sting Mr Charehwa _____ the dogs as well.
A. but B. and C. than D. stung
29. The bees were disturbed by either the flowing water in the drain ______ the noise
made by the van.
A. neither B. and C. nor D. or
30. The gardener could not prevent the bees _______ stinging the dogs.
A. for B. with C. from D. about
31. I can no ________ trust you.
A. further B. longer C. better D. more
32. The police ______ Mr Nhara’s farmhouse this morning.
A. raiding B. has raided C. have raided D. is raiding
33. William will not eat any mushroom _________
A. whatever B. whenever C. wherever D. however
34. May you tell give us the reason ________ you are doing that?
A. how B. why C. when D. where
35. Mr Charehwa was the man _______ dogs were killed by thousands of bees.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose


11. Mozambique is ______ the east of Zimbabwe.
A. to B. in C. from D. under
12. I am not going on the trip since I have __________ money for transport and food.
A. very few B. hardly C. almost enough D. scarcely any
13. Samson will not _________ play because of the injury.
A. able B. be able C. able to D. be able to
14. All the people _________ obey the laws and by-laws.
A. may B. can C. ought to D. should not
15. I _________ stay at home watching television than go to the cinema at night.
A. would rather B. can definitely C. should D. prefer
16. Flowers used to _________ to Europe and Asia in the last decade.
A. export B. exported C. exporting D. be exported
17. My father goes to town everyday ________ car.
A. in B. by C. with D. beside
18. It is difficulty travel from here to Murewa ________ foot.
A. on B. by C. with D. from
19. Many livestock died in 1992 _______ a terrible drought.
A. because B. owing to C. regardless of D. in spite of
20. In town most pupils go to school ________ commuter omnibus.
A. due to B. despite C. instead of D. by means of
21. Everyone got the answer correct ________ Douglas and Antoinette.
A. and B. but C. instead of D. with the exception of
22. No sooner did the bus hit the tree _________ it burst into flames.
A. and B. but C. than D. that
23. Neither of the two sisters _______ married.
A. is B. are C. were D. would
23. The football match was played _________ the bad weather.
A. regardless of B. in relation to C. together with D. with regard to
24. __________ to football matches is my hobby.
A. Go B. Goes C. Gone D. Going
25. ________ our teacher failed to give a solution to the problem.
A. Even B. And C. Despite D. Together with
26. At Hwange National Park, there are __________ animals like elephant, lion, baboons
and buffalo.
A. so B. such C. much D. domestic
27. Zimbabwe exports minerals, ________, diamond, gold and chrome.
A. example B. with C. just as D. for instance
28. I reject the ________ that owls are evil.
A. belief B. believe C. believed D. believing
29. The match between Dynamos and Highlanders may _________ played at Rufaro
Stadium next month.
A. play B. played C. playing D. be played
30. The children _________ bring any money because the food is provided.
A. needn’t B. must C. ought D. mustn’t
31. The manager has gone out. He _________ be back after lunch.
A. cannot B. might C. should D. wouldn’t
32. I wish I __________ my teacher the truth.
A. tell B. had told C. would tell D. am telling
33. It is time young children _______ to bed.
A. go B. going C. went D. have gone
34. Samuel will go to one of the elite schools in Zimbabwe and ________
A. Jane is too B. so does Jane C. so will Jane D. Jane too
35. Agnes worked harder than _______
A. he B. he do C. he did D. himself
36. The First Chimurenga ended _______ Mbuya Nehanda and Sekuru Kaguvi were arrested.
A. whereas B. of course C. together with D. at the same time that
37. If Chenai _________ the Grade & examinations, she will go to a boarding school.
A. pass B. passes C. passed D. had passed
37. If Thomas had not tripped and fell, he _________ the race.
A. will win B. would win C. might win D. would have won
38. It appeared _______ the match was going to be a draw.
A. if B. though C. as if D. like
39. ___________ it had rained heavily, we transplanted some tree seedlings.
A. But B. Although C. Since D. because of
40. Ottilia cooks sadza just ______ her mother does.
A. as B. like C. with D. for


1. The boy must apologise ______ the lady he had wronged.
A. of B. to C. with D. about
2. He placed the picture _______ the wall.
A. on B. up C. along D. against
3. This is an exception _____ the rule.
A. to B. for C. with D. about
4. Tambudzai takes great pride _______ her appearance.
A. about B. with C. for D. in
5. When Sarudzai heard the noise she ran as fast as her legs could carry her _____ the path.
A. on B. at C. along D. before
6. Sihle was jealous _______ my success.
A. against B. with C. of D. to
7. I am tires ______ all this nonsense.
A. with B. for C. at D. of
8. The people regard the president _____ a very honest man.
A. from B. as C. of D. of
9. After supper, Old Rutendo sat ______ the fire alone.
A. on B. before C. around D. through
10. The Zimbabwean government is fighting a war ______ poverty.
A. for B. with C. outside D. against
11. Two people died when a lorry collided ______ a bus.
A. to B. on C. with D. against
12. The village health worker cured the baby ______ malaria.
A. of B. to C. with D. from
13. The lazy boy was not invited _____ Fanuel’s birthday party.
A. in B. to C. for D. into
14. Take that blazer of _____ and put it in the wardrobe.
A. he B. his C. him D. himself
15. Pupils in study groups teach ________ without anybody’s help.
A. them B. theirself C. themself D. themselves
16. Jabulani brought some presents for Revai and _____
A. I B. me C. mine D. myself
17. Although we ran as fast as ------ did, Violet still won the race.
A. she B. her C. hers D. herself

18. The fly could not free ______ from the spider’s web.
A. its B. itself C. herself D. himself
19. This year there are _______ people digging wells than there were last year.
A. much B. many C. more D. most
20. Of the three forms of transport, the aeroplane is the ______
A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. most fast
21. The houses on the hill were built ________ than those in the valley.
A. skilful B. skilfully C. most skilfully D. more skilfully
22. Chief Negomo’s people were settles in the _______ part of the Nhara Resettlement Area.
A. dry B. drier C. dryest D. driest
23. School children can teach older people to read and write, ______?
A. can they B. can’t they C. must they D. mustn’t they
24. Every day Memory cycles to school, _______?
A. isn’t it B. does she C. aren’t she D. doesn’t she
25. You will never visit Hwange National Park again, _________?
A. will you B. won’t you C. should you D. shouldn’t you
26. People cannot all work in offices, can they?
A. Yes, they can’t. B. Yes, they can. C. No, they can. D. No, they can’t.
27. We must brush our teeth every day, mustn’t we?
A. No, we must. B. Yes, we must C. Yes, we mustn’t D. No, we mustn’t
28. Jameson ran away because he felt ______
A. lone B. lonely C. alone D. alonely
29. The ______ monkey ran away with my keys.
A. mischief B. mischiefs C. mischievous D. mischievously
30. The building _________ to ashes before the firemen arrived.
A. blazed B. ablaze C. blazes D. blazing

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