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I A Nāga faience seal from Mohenjodaro 261

II The first bath of the Buddha by the Nāgas, panel of coping 261
stone of railing, Amarāvatī.

III Muchilinda Nāga protects the Buddha, a stone slab from 262
Nāgārjunakoṇḍa Stūpa.

IV Nāgarāja Elāpatra, from the southern gate of Barhut Stūpa 262

(early 1st century B.C.

V Buddha's victory over the Uruvilā Nāga, eastern gateway of 263

Sāñchī Stūpa. Art by Fergusson

VI Buddha's Lotus Throne supported by the Nāgas, Karle. 263

VII Submission of Nāga Apalāla, Peshawar museum. 264

VIII Distribution of the Relics by Droṇa, Nāgārjunakoṇḍa Stūpa. 264

IX Adoration of the Rāmagrāma Stūpa by the Nāgas, Amarāvatī. 265

X A Nāga by the side of a gigantic Garuḍa, Sāñchī. 265

XI Champeyya Jātaka, Nāgārjunakoṇḍa. 266

XII Champeyya Jātaka, Nāgārjunakoṇḍa. 266

XIII Sheshashayana Viṣṇu, Daśāvatāra temple at Deogarah. 267

XIV The Varāha image from Udayagiri, Gupta period (400 A.D.). 267

XV Vāsuki holding in the hand of Śiva, Gupta period. 268



ABC Asvaghosha’s Buddhacharita or The Buddha Karita

ABORI Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute
ACBS A Catena of Buddhist Scriptures from the Chinese
AGS Āsvalāyana Gṛihya Sūtra
AIRFN An Introduction to the Religion and Folklore of North India
ARG Annual Administrative Report of the Archaeology Dept.,
Gwalior State
ASI Archaeological Survey of India
ASMM Amaravathi Sculptures in the Madras Government Museum
ASR Archaeological Survey Report
BG The Bhagavad Gīta
BSAJ The Buddhist Stupas of Amaravati and Jaggayyapeta
DHI Development of Hindu Iconography
EHI Elements of Hindu Iconography
EI Epigrapia India
GGS Gobhila Gṛihya Sūtra
GS Gṛihyasūtra
HGM Historical studies in the cult of the Goddess Manasā
IAAR Indian Archaeology Annual Review
IHQ Indian Historically Quarterly
ISL Indian serpent lore or the Nāgās in Hindu legend and art
JASB Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal
JBORS Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society
JRAS Journal of Royal Asiatic Society
JUPS Journal of Uttara Pradesh Historical Society
MB The Mahābhārata

MV The Mahāvaṁsa or The Great Chronicle of Ceylon

OHRJ Orissa Historical Research Journal

PGS Pāraskara Gṛihya Sūtra
RAM The Rāmāyaṇa
RV The Ṛig Vēda
SAB Satapatha Brāhmaṇa
SABM Sculptures from Amarāvatī in the British Museum
SBE Sacred Books of the East
SBP Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam / Bhagavatha Purāṇa
SKS The Ocean Story, Somadevas Katha Sarit Sāgara
TSW Tree and Serpent Worship
TTA The Tamilian Antiquary
ZDMG Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft
AV Atharva Vēda

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