2 Marks Q&a

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‘Two marks Questions and Answers |. What is twiddle factor? ‘Twiddle factor is used in FFT algorithm for faster computation of DFT. It is given as Wy =e 2. How many stages of decimations are required in the case of a 64 point Radix 2 DIT FFT algorithm? - LogsN stages are required for computing N-point DFT. For 64-point DFT, N=64 and logs64 = log,2° = 6 log:2 = 6 Therefore 6 stages are required for computing 64-point DFT. 3. Recall the need for using FFT algorithms for computing Discrete Fourier ‘Transform. The direct evaluation of the DFT using the formula requires N’complex multiplications and 'N (N-1) complex additions. By using FFT algorithms the number of computations can be reduced. For example, for an N-point DFT, The number of complex multiplications required using FFT is N/2log2N. If N=16, the number of complex multiplications required for direct evaluation of DFT is 256, whereas using FFT only 32 multiplications are required. 4. Show the analysis and synthesis equations of DFT? Analysis equation is X(k)=.x(me-""" 5 K=O,lyeeoNEL Synthesis equatio is x() =1S rae 3 n=0,1, 5. Find the difference between DFT and DTFT. DIFT DFT (a) has infinite length Xin) has finite Tength ‘© is a continuous function in frequency | K is discrete function and the spectrum is domain discrete in nature - 6. What is meant by in-place computation? The computation which uses the same location to store both the input and output sequences is called in-place computation. ind the DFT of the sequence x(n)={1,-1,1,-1} slid) = e © te) tle] 0 8. Given x(n) = {1,2,3, 4} and h(n) = (2, 1, 3}. Cireulariy convolve x(n) and h(n) and find y(n). Ling Tere Pedding | W(n) = Y N73 ,95, YO)e (4 2 is 7 YL fie 3 u [ oO” At 9. The first five coeffi coefficients. Using Conjugate symmetry property of DFT, X(9)=2, X(6)=2-3), X(7)=0.2-5) nts of X(K)={1, 0.245}, 2+3}, 2 ,5 } Find the remaining 10. What is the periodicity and circular time shift property of DFT? Periodicity : If DFT {x(n)} = X(k) and if x(n#N)=x(n), then X(K+N) = X(K) Time Shift : If DFT {x(n)} = X(k), then DFT{x(n-m)} = e"™% X(k) 11. What is zero padding? Why it is needed? In case of finding N-point DFT of a sequence having length L, which is lesser than N, then (N-L) zeros to be appended to the sequence. This technique is called zero padding. It is used to get better display of spectrum and to find the output of linear filtering. 12. What do you mean by sectioned convolution? If the input sequence is very long, then it is not possible to store the input in order to find the output of filter. Hence the sequence is split into number of subsequences and processed individually to obtain the output of filter. This process is called sectioned convolution. 13, Show the basic butterfly diagram for DIF algorithm ab Amy k A « b @-b)Mn 14. Show the basic butterfly diagram for DIT algorithm ‘“ Ww, a ad bh ew * by ae ees 15. What are the differences between Radix-2 DIT and DIF algorithm? "Input sequence is given in bit reversal order | Input sequence is given in normal order and output will be getting in normal order _| and output will be getting in bit reversal order 4 Ke | a ad bw | a wit adh | % % ba bei a abn DIT DIF 16. List the differences between digital and analog filter Analog Filter Digital Filter Itis constructed using active and passive | It is constructed using adder, delay units electronic components and multipliers The frequency response of the filter can be | The frequency response of the filter can be modified by changing the components modified by changing the filter coefficients It is described by the differential equation | It is described by the difference equation 17. Tell the advantages and disadvantages of digital filters Advantages: variations and power supply fluctuations ii) Highly immune to noise i) The digital filter is not affected by component ageing, temperature Disadvantages: Quantization error due to finite word length effects 18. List the types of filters based on frequency response Based on the frequency response, the filters are classified into four types namely Low pass filter, High pass filter, Band pass filter and band stop filter 19. What is the magnitude function of Butterworth filter? rte was wihede Jonekion lage = Tee) wines 20. What is the magnitude function of chebyshi The eye: fumeklon (veo) = = CG) = whos Sivan os B filter. \ ‘ ae al Ing Hoan Piles vs +N2),%% Kh’ zy (rs) \2) Jat, cosh (w cos) 0 D wal 21, Find the differences between butterworth and chebyshey filter Butterworth Filter ‘Chebyshev fitler ‘The magnitude response is monotonically _ | It exhibits ripple behavior in pass band and decreasing as frequency increases from 0 to | monotonic behavior in stop band (Type I) Transition band is high _ ‘Transition band is low For the given specification, order of the | For the same specification, order of the filter is high filter is low Poles of the filter lie on circle Poles of the filter lie on ellipse 22. List any two properties of Butterworth and chebyshev filters Properties of Butterworth filter: i) The magnitude response is monotonically decreasing as frequency increases from 0 to 2 ii) Poles of the filter lie on circle Properties of Chebyshev filter: i) __Itexhibits ripple behavior in pass band and monotonic behavior in stop band (Type I) ii) Poles of the filter lie on ellipse 23. Recall the differences between FIR and IIR filters FIR Filter TIR Filter They are all zero filters They are pole-zero filters They are non-recursive They are recursive They are inherently stable The stability of the filter depends on location of poles 24, Relate the equation for the order of N and cut off frequency Qc of Butterworth filter.

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