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Chapter 16: Work and Power

1 a State the equation that links work, energy and power.

b A student pulls a box of mass 5 kg with a force of 20 N through a horizontal distance of 2.5 m.
Calculate the work done by the student.

c Another student transfers 60 J of energy to another box by pushing it with a force of 15 N.

Calculate how far the box travels.

2 a A lorry is driving at a speed of 20 m/s. The engine of the lorry provides a driving force of
500 N. Calculate the work done by the lorry in 1 second.

b The driver of the lorry increases the driving force to 700 N. The engine transfer 35 kJ of energy
to the lorry. How far does the lorry travel?

3 Calculate the kinetic energy of the following:

a a cyclist on his bike with a combined mass of 85 kg travelling at a speed of 4 m/s

b a runner of mass 65 kg running at a speed of 5.5 m/s

c a bullet of mass 250 g travelling at a speed of 65 m/s

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4 Calculate the gravitational potential energy of the following:

a a 3 kg robot dog jumps up 0.5 m

b a lift of mass of 500 kg rises 15 m

c the Mars Rover, 15 m above the surface of Mars (gravitational field strength is 4 N/kg)

5 A ball of mass 2.5 kg rolls from the top of a hill to the bottom and falls through a height of 5 m.
Calculate the ball’s speed at the bottom of the hill. (g = 10 N/kg)

6 At a weightlifting competition, a weightlifter lifts a 30 kg barbell through a distance of 1.5 m.

a Calculate the weight of the barbell.

b Calculate the GPE of the barbell at the top of its motion.

c The weightlifter takes 30 seconds to lift the barbell 10 times. Calculate the total power output
of the weightlifter.

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