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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint

SCIENCE 1113/01
Paper 1 October 2019
Maximum Mark: 50

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at an Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

This document consists of 12 printed pages.

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1113/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2019

Annotations and abbreviations

/ OR alternate responses for the same marking point

( ) the words or units in brackets do not need to be stated
Accept an acceptable response
Do not accept indicates an incorrect response that would contradict another otherwise correct alternative
Ignore indicates an irrelevant answer that is not creditworthy, however, full marks can still be achieved even with the answers that are ignored
ecf error carried forward, marks are awarded if an incorrect response has been carried forward from earlier working, provided the subsequent
working is correct
ora or reverse argument
Note provides extra information when necessary

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1113/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2019

Question Answer Marks Further Information

1(a) organ 2 Note if not organ = 0 for the question

because it is made up of several different tissues Accept contains more than one type of cell

1(b)(i) 2 structural feature = 1 mark

how the structure is related to function = 1 mark

any one from

contains haemoglobin = 1 mark

to carry oxygen = 1 mark
flexible / rounded shape / small = 1 mark
to pass through capillaries / to pass through narrow blood vessels = 1
large surface area (to volume ratio) / biconcave / thin membrane /
permeable membrane = 1 mark
to absorb oxygen quickly / to absorb oxygen easily / more oxygen
diffuses / to allow oxygen to enter more easily = 1 mark
no nucleus = 1 mark
to carry more oxygen / more space for haemoglobin = 1 mark

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1113/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2019

Question Answer Marks Further Information

1(b)(ii) (long) fibre 2 structural feature = 1 mark

which can contract how structure relates to function = 1 mark

Question Answer Marks Further Information

2(a) idea of (gas) particles colliding with the bottle 1 Accept particles hit the bottle / particles bounce off

2(b) increases 2

because particles move faster / hit sides of bottle harder / more Note this marking point is independent of the first
collisions with bottle / particles have more energy marking point

2(c) diffusion 1

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1113/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2019

Question Answer Marks Further Information

3 The pitch of the sound decreases. 4 each correct sentence = 1 mark

The frequency of the sound decreases.

The volume of the sound stays the same.

The amplitude of the sound stays the same.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

4(a) A (does the animal have) 6 legs? / 3 pairs of legs? / 3 body sections? 3 Note question requires a yes answer for the
insects (ants and bees)

B (does the animal have) wings? Note question requires a yes answer for the bee

Accept are there stripes on the body?

C (does the animal have) 1 pair of legs per segment? / ‘feelers’ on its Note question requires a yes answer for the
‘tail’ idea? centipede

4(b) has 8 legs / 4 pairs of legs / body divided into 2 main parts / lacks 1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

5(a) C 1

5(b)(i) 1 more than one circle = 0 marks

carbon dioxide carbon carbonate

carbon hydroxide carbon sulfate

5(b)(ii) any value from 3–6 1 Accept a range providing it is inclusive of range
in mark scheme

Question Answer Marks Further Information

6(a) (very) large eyes / big eyes 1 Ignore has night vision

6(b)(i) (black colour means) it can hunt without being seen / cannot be seen 1 Accept camouflaged / blends in with
by prey surroundings / difficult to be seen

6(b)(ii) any two from 2 Ignore reference to tail

large powerful jaws Accept large mouth

large teeth / sharp teeth

(long) muscular body

streamlined (body) / long and thin (body) Accept long and narrow / long and slim

large (dorsal) fin / long (dorsal) fin

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

7(a) 96 (m) 1

7(b) As the speed increases by 16 km/h the thinking distance increases 2

by 3m (each time) / equally / by the same amount

7(c) 24 (m) 1

7(d) thinking distance 2 three correct = 2 marks

one or two correct = 1 mark
braking distance
more than doubles

stopping distance
more than doubles

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

8(a) oxygen 1

8(b) tube B 2
(idea that) there is no air or oxygen present (in the water) Accept oil stops air or oxygen from entering / oil
blocks oxygen

Accept very little air or oxygen in the tube

tube C
(idea that) there is no water present Accept water has been removed / the tube is dry

8(c) (idea that) destroys or damages object (made of iron or steel) / 1 Note answer does not have to mention iron or
weakens objects (made of iron or steel) / rusting does not look nice / steel but if a named metal is given it must be iron
need to regularly replace object (made of iron or steel) or steel

Accept becomes brittle / rust increases friction (in


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

9 2 two correct answers = 2 marks

add another cell (battery) one correct answer and one incorrect answer = 1
add another switch
two correct answers and one incorrect answer =
add more coils to the insulated wire 1 mark

change the iron nail to a wooden pencil one correct answer and two incorrect answers =
0 marks
remove the iron nail
four or more answers = 0 marks
remove the switch

turn the (cell) battery around

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1113/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 Science – Mark Scheme October 2019

Question Answer Marks Further Information

10(a) bone 1 Do not accept ligament / muscle / bone marrow

10(b) any two from 2

protection (of internal organs)

movement (of joints)


anchor muscles Accept storage for minerals e.g. calcium or


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

11(a) A / the metal used 4 variable changed = 1 mark

B and C and E all correct in any order = 2 marks

but two correct = 1 mark
one correct = 0 marks

D / time to make 50 cm3 of gas variable measured = 1 mark

11(b) no (no mark) 2 Note if yes = 0 marks for the question

comparison involving time = 1 mark

comparison involving rate = 1 mark

zinc does not take the shortest time (to make 50 cm3 of gas) / Note just quoting times is not sufficient
magnesium takes the shortest time (to make 50 cm3 of gas)

magnesium is the fastest / zinc is slower than magnesium Accept magnesium is more reactive than zinc /

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

12(a) 1. Venus 2 three correct = 2 marks

2. Neptune one or two correct = 1 mark

3. Sun

12(b)   stars 2

Earth is spinning / Earth is rotating Accept Earth is moving

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