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Section ________ Name _________________________

Department: Program: B.S

Assignment 3 Complex Engineering Problem

Digital Logic Design/ Logic Design Switching Theory

Announced date: Due Date: Total Marks =

Marks Obtained =


Sr. No Course Learning Blooms PLOs Knowledge Complex Problem
Outcomes Taxonomy Profile Solving
Analyze and construct the
combinational and
(Engineering (Depth of Knowledge
sequential digital circuits. C4 Fundamentals) required)
1. (Problem
(Analyzing) WK5 WP4
(Engineering (Familiarity of issue)

Car parking is a major problem in urban areas as number of super markets and shopping plazas
are constructed in the residential areas. The smart parking industry continues to make progress as
an increasing number of cities struggle with traffic congestion and inadequate parking availability.
The deployment of sensor technologies continues to be the core of the development of smart
The objective of this assignment is to construct a car park system for any one of the supermarket
by analyzing the combinational and sequential circuits.

Problem Statement:

a) The up/down counters were used for both up and down count. Two sensors located at the
Entrance and the Exit of the car park to display the number of Cars Park in the parking area
and to display the word FULL in case no more empty slots. The DC motor circuitry is used
to control the gate(entry gate) by closing the entry when the counter counts up to the
required space and the indicator indicates that there is no vacant space. When one or more
automobile leave(s) the parking lot through the exit gate the counter counts down, and the
DC motor circuitry drives the entry gate open to allow access for the same number of
automobiles that leave(s) the parking lot. The design should implemented and simulated
using National instrument multisim / proteus soft wares.

Report (must include)

 Introduction
 Literature review (discuss two models)
 Designed modal
 Methodology
 Result Discussion
 References


Complex Engineering Problem Included: Yes

Nature and details of Complex Engineering Problem
(CEP): It will be given in Assignment # 03.

CEP will be based on CLO3 “Analyze and construct the

combinational and sequential digital circuits”. To
investigate the problem students have to use in-depth
knowledge related to the following concept:
Combinational and Sequential digital circuits.

Attributes could be: WP1 WP4, WK3 ,WK5, WA2

WP1: Depth of knowledge required

WP4 :Familiarity of issue

WK3: Engineering Fundamentals

WK5: Engineering Design

WA2: Problem Analysis

Assessment in: Assignment # 03

Complex Engineering Activity Included: Yes


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