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PART A — (10 x2 = 20 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

1. What is about civilization?

2. What is Apollo 11 cave stone?
3. Write the Abbreviation of AD,CE,B.C & B.C.E
4. Why did the Egyptians build pyramids
5. What are the characteristics of the Rococo style of art?
6. What is abstract art?
7. What is Roman art best known for?
8. What are the classifications of Art?
9. Name the four major art school in the Rajput period
10. What is the meaning and significance of Cubism?
11. Name the any four Young British Artists?
12. Define the Op art
13. Name the five different shapes of south Indian temple
14. What is the meaning of Minimalism?
15. Who are the most famous Impressionist painters?
16. What is Prehistoric Art?
17. When was Stonehenge built and by who?
18. What is Decorative art?
19. When did Pop Art begin?
20. What are the characteristics of the Baroque style of art?
21. Name any five kingdoms and empires which are contributed to the evolution of
Dravidian architecture.

Answer in detail (10 x 4 = 40 marks)

22. What is Art & Culture? Explain in detail about the classification of Arts
23. Discuss about the significance of cave painting in Palaeolithic period
24. Describe briefly about an Ancient Egyptian Arts.
25. Explain briefly about the Paleolithic age, Mesolithic art and Neolithic art
26. Explain in detail about the Architecture under Shahjahan and also his Famous
27. Explain in detail about the Ajanta and Ellora caves
28. Describe briefly about the Dravida or South Indian Temple Architecture
29. Explain in detail about the Paintings of the Royal Art of Rajasthan
30. Describe briefly about the Mughal Architecture
31. Describe briefly about the Mughal Paintings.

32. Explain briefly about the Impression Art Movement

33. Describe briefly about the “Rococo Art”?

34. Compare and contrast about the Digital Art and Street Art.
35. Compare and contrast about the Realism and Naturalism
36. Describe briefly about the “Baroque style of art”?
37. Explain briefly about the style and techniques of Dada art movement

38. Compare and contrast about the Neo – classicism and Romanticism art movement
39. Explain briefly about the Abstract- Expressionism and Neo- Expressionism
40. Compare and contrast about the POP Art and OP Art
41. Explain briefly about the Pop art & Op art movement with suitable examples.

42. Explain briefly about the any two top museums and galleries in the world

43. Discuss about the any two famous Indian artists and their best known works.
44. Explain briefly about the Famous Fauvist Paintings
45. Discuss about the famous Indian Artist Ravi Varma’s painting
46. Discuss about the famous Best Miniature Painters (Miniaturists)

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