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Write three claims and classify them. Prove your claims by researching and
writing pieces of evidence.
 Ateenager who wants a new FACT
cellular phone makes the following

All of her classmates have cellular phone.

Claim 2: Claim type:

marijuana should be legalized POLICY

in the Philippines

Many people believe that marijuana ca help improve your healthcare,but
marijuana should not be legal here in the Philippines because it can make
people addicted and it can be use in different way.

“am I blue?” idea fctory

1. In her description of the scene, what does the author reveal
about herself?
-Walker explains how animals can display similar emotions to
that of humans. She brings attention to her readers on how to
understand that an animal can experience the same emotions as
humans do. Walker compares her emotions to a horse by the
name of Blue. Feeling ‘blue’ is also known as feeling sad, which
is one of the emotions Walker recognizes in Blue.

2. How does the author characterize Blue in the beginning?

What do you think is the significance of his name to the
- The author characterizes blue as a horse. Blue shows
their reaction through eyes and walker said the meaning
of the namen “blue” is sadness.

3.What are the changes in character did Blue undergo in the

duration of the story? Why did those changes occur?
-The author described Blue as a lonely horse. Later on, Blue
met another horse named “Brown”and she was taken away
by her owners after she got pregnant from Blue.
4. How is the epigraph in the essay related to the scenarios that
the author wrote in paragraphs 7-10?
- The epigraph connects to the said paragraphs because it
talks about companionship and connection. There are a lot
of things that go unnoticed that holds something beautiful.
Companionship was one thing society lack and was often
overlooked by oppression.
5. Do you think the author considers Blue as her spirit animal?
- Maybe the author have similarities to the horse name blue.
6. How Blue’s struggle connected to the injustice that the human
beings experience?
- The author compared Blue to an enslaved person
because both are considered inferior, and easily forgotten
after being used for the benefit of the superior. Oppressed
individuals are misused by their owners the same way
Blue was used by the owner of Brown for breeding.
7. Why do you think did the author spit out the steak she was
-The author expressed disgust to the injustice that’s been
brought to humankind. Most people barely even care for
the animals and disregarded their feelings. They meant
nothing to those who assert dominance, and the
oppressed individuals were treated badly by
supremacists. That was enough to disgust the author.
Essay Types: In not less than 300 words, write an essay with the
chosen type of essay. Your essays should contain three paragraphs
namely: introduction, body, and conclusion.

2. Narrative Essay: My Mom, My hero
3. Persuasive Essay; disadvantages of online education.
4. Cause and Effect Essay; The Usage of the Internet among Children
5. expository Essay; why I admire this person


This essay demonstrates how inequality causes LGBT teenagers to drop
out of high school and, more importantly, increases their rates of
suicide and substance abuse. In this essay, I will address the various
forms of prejudice that LGBT youths face, as well as their effects. The
essay will go into detail about the negative effects on LGBT youths
affected not only by bigotry, but also by a lack of support and guidance.
In addition, the paper will address the position of parents and schools
in reducing discrimination against LGBT youths. This paper also aims to
teach schools and parents how to embrace and support gay students
rather than adding to the prejudice they already face. This would lower
the high school dropout rate and, more specifically, the rate of youth
suicide. The goal of this research paper is to identify the various effects
of discrimination on LGBT youths and to investigate various acts.
Suicide is the leading cause of death among gay and lesbian youth. Gay
and lesbian youth are two to six times more likely than heterosexual
youth to attempt suicide. Gay and lesbian youths commit more than
30% of all reported teen suicides each year.  Gays and lesbians are
much more likely than heterosexuals to abuse alcohol and drugs.
Approximately 30% of both the lesbian and gay populations.Many
people, whether consciously or unconsciously, discriminate against
LGBT youth. LGBT youth face discrimination on a daily basis from
society, peers, family, and even school teachers and administrators.
The statistics above demonstrate not only a lack of support and
guidance for LGBT youths, but also how much discrimination affects
these youths in multiple ways.

According to Cole (2007), LGBT youths face a higher rate of abuse,

neglect, and discrimination than heterosexual youths. Most parents, in
my opinion, would prefer their children to be straight rather than gay,
and most school officials would prefer heterosexual students over gay
students. This preference may be a factor in discrimination against
LGBT youth. 
My Mom, My Hero
I'll be the first to say that I consider myself extremely fortunate to have
my mother. She raised three children on her own. She foregoes all of
her luxuries in order to provide us with what we want. She is the most
wonderful woman I've ever met. Despite the fact that she raised us on
her own and all of the problems that have arisen in our lives, she has
managed to keep us happy and positive. If you ask who I prefer, my
mother or father. I'll pick the person who has stayed, sacrificed, raised,
and supports me, and that is my mother. I still adore my father, but no
one can ever replace my mother. I am extremely proud of her. My
mother, who is kind and gentle, assists me and has always been there
for me when I needed her. My mother adores me tremendously. She is
strict and has taught me to be a good person. I can't express how much
I adore her. I am grateful to her for giving me life, bringing me love, and
assisting me in maturing. But, you know, she just looks after us a lot.
she says the same thing to me. If you were me, you would be
exhausted. I am a very happy child because I have my mother. I'm too
tired to hear her words, but imagine that one day I won't be able to see
her or hear her voice. Mother's image was even more honored, but it
was never enough to speak of my mother's selflessness and love for
me. Also, despite her mother's stern look, I still get a part on by the tips
rustic, she had repeatedly faulted. Each time, I feel more mature and
make a promise to never make the same mistake again. Now, when I'm
older, I'm going to promise my mother that I'll live a good life so that I
can repay her for everything she's taught me.

Disadvantages Of Online Education

Everything seems to be moving online these days. Even our education is
moving to the internet. Many people may argue about the drawbacks
of this phenomenon, but today I'd like to discuss the benefits and
drawbacks of getting an education online. This is an important topic
because the future of education is increasingly shifting away from
physical educational institutions. Disadvantages of Online Learning
A person can only develop properly in a small group. Students learn at
school how to make friends, be patient, deal with disappointment, and,
most importantly, compete. Competition among colleagues can be very
stimulating, and students will benefit greatly from it. Human interaction
is not possible with online learning. Another disadvantage is that online
courses cannot handle the thousands of students who attempt to
participate in discussions. Furthermore, if online learning is intended for
disciplines that require practice, it can be difficult. Finally, online
learning should be viewed as a supplement to and extension of
traditional forms of learning. Even the best online course cannot
completely replace personal contact with a teacher or the human
relationships formed in a group. As a result, traditional classes should
not be replaced by online learning.

The Usage of the Internet among

The use of the internet by modern children under the age of
thirteen has increased in recent years. More than thirty million
children visit online sites each year, making them the most reliant
on the internet. The internet has become an integral part of many
homes, schools, libraries, and schools. The internet's heavy
reliance has both advantages and disadvantages. The Benefits of
Internet Influence.Children can use the internet to improve their
academic performance. They have access to additional
information on the various subjects that they are taught in school.
Reading a variety of documents on the internet allows children to
improve their skills. Their creativity is also boosted by the games
and learning materials to which they are exposed on a regular
basis. Because of the introduction of email, social media, and
chatting platforms as modes of communication, the internet has
also influenced the way children communicate. It has aided the
children's communication skills and fostered friendships with
others. When they are expressing themselves, this plays a
significant role in the job market. Disadvantages of Using the
Internet.The internet, on the other hand, has had a negative
impact on children's communication. Children's reliance on the
internet has caused them to abandon traditional face-to-face
interactions. It has resulted in strained relationships with their
families and friends, as well as difficult communication in their
schools due to stunted development.

Why I Admire This Person

People always have someone they greatly admire and aspire to be
like. Some people look up to famous people, while others look up
to their teachers, fathers or mothers, and so on. This individual
makes me feel safe and loved. They are considerate and
understanding. They stayed despite seeing both my good and
bad sides. They add color to my otherwise dark life, and they are
always there for me, even on my darkest days. If I ever feel
unloved, they are always there to reassure me. They are always
supportive of the things I am passionate about. and always tell me
that there are plenty of reasons to keep going. They always check
to see if I'm okay. Even on my darkest nights, they are always by
my side. They always make me laugh.

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