Information System Midterm Flashcards - Quizlet

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5/25/2021 Information System Midterm Flashcards | Quizlet

Information System Midterm Study

Information System Midterm

Terms in this set (83)

The hardware, software and media used to store, organize,

What is information technology?
retrieve and communicate information

An example of combinatorial nature A Facebook app that is built on top of the web, which is
of information technology is: built on top of the internet

Three Pillars of Information information technology has been exponentially improving

Technology Growth: Exponential for past several decades

once a good (e.g. data, software, music, movie) can be

Three Pillars of Information
digitized (into 1s and 0s), it can be replicated with perfect
Technology Growth: Digital
quality and distributed with minimal cost (and time)

Three Pillars of Information information technology can be combined in many different

Technology Growth: Combinatorial ways to successively develop more innovative products

The set of coordinated activities A business process

that are involved in fulfilling a
purchase order by a company is an
example of:

The following functionality in excel Goal Seek

allows us to find a value for an input
cell that will lead to a given target
value for an output cell:

What is the value of the parameter GOOG

"s" in the url:
s=goog ? 1/9
5/25/2021 Information System Midterm Flashcards | Quizlet

Decision makingSystem Midterm
involves choosing information about the alternatives Study

alternatives. Making this choice

requires ____________.

Data with some context that makes is useful and

Components that allow information to be captured, stored,
What is information system?
processed, and

The hardware, software and media Information technology

used to store, organize, retrieve
and communicate information is
known as __________

What is information technology the hardware, software and media used to store, organize,
(IT)? retrieve and communicate information

an organized combination of hardware, software,

What is Information system (IS)? infrastructure, data and people that is used to accomplish a
specified organizational or personal objective

Knowledge can best be described Information that is applied to some decision or action

What are the 3 reasons Communication, business process, and decision making
organizations use information?

A set of coordinated activities that Business process

lead to a specific goal or outcome
is known as:

Flowchart is a diagram that provide a logical description of

What is a flowchart?
a process or an algorithm

What are decision points? When there is a split between the decision, like yes or no 2/9
5/25/2021 Information System Midterm Flashcards | Quizlet

What isSystem Midterm
a function? A function provides an output for one or more inputs. Study

Which of these is the formula to Hours Worked * Hourly Wage

compute regular pay using case 10

TYPICAL HOTEL RESERVATION Personal computer, customers, computer networking

SYSTEMs include:

What are the types of components Data, hardware, software, media, procedures, and people
in information systems?

In the online talk "Race with the Re-invent our organizations

Machines" Prof. BRYNJOLFSSON
says that we need to ________

What are the roles of information process improvement, automation, process control, and
systems in organizational change? information flow

Information Systems can lead to increase in effectiveness

What is ORGANIZATIONAL and efficiency of business processes and They can
CHANGE: Process Improvement? sometimes lead to a complete process redesign (i.e.,
change the way something is done)

What is ORGANIZATIONAL When a task is completed by a machine (say a computer) it

CHANGE: Automation? is said to be automated and often replaces an employee

Information Systems allow for consistent enforcement of

What is Organizational
business rules and Business rules are constraints that must
change: process control?
be satisfied in the operations of the business

With the availability of low-cost telecommunication and

computing technology, information can flow within an
What is Organizational organization relatively easily through e-mails, corporate
change: information flow? blogs, intranet, video conferencing etc. and As a result
organizations can redesign to become "flatter" and more
"virtual" 3/9
5/25/2021 Information System Midterm Flashcards | Quizlet

Information System Midterm An organization is flatter if it has less hierarchy due to Study
What does it mean to be "flatter?" decreasing need for mid-level managers that facilitate
communication across the organization

An organization is more virtual if it is less constrained by

What does it mean if an
geographical boundaries and teams can communicate
organization is more virtual?
without physical proximity

Moore's law is the observation that number of transistors in

What is Moore's Law?
electronic chips double every couple of years

According to the talk, "Race WITH Automation

THE MACHINES", rising productivity
and wealth in recent decades is due

Answering this question requires you to think backwards

How do you answer what-if
starting from a target/goal output value and then finding
an input value that will lead to the target output value

Excel provides a goal seek functionality where you can

provide the desired output value for a cell and also the
What is Goal Seek? input cell that may be varied to get the desired value. The
Excel then searches for an input value that will provide the
desired output value.

In the talk, "Race with the Machine Learning

Machines", Prof. BRYNJOLFSSON
MENTIONS _______ AS the most
important invention

Provides a picture that reflects the data, can lead to a

better understanding of what the data means, and can help
What is data visualization?
in uncovering trends and relationships that are harder to
discover when the data is in tables

Charts with rectangular bars whose lengths reflect

What are bar charts?
numerical quantities 4/9
5/25/2021 Information System Midterm Flashcards | Quizlet

Information System Midterm

What are pie charts?
A circular chart where area of each sector in the chartStudy
represents a numerical quantities

Which of these makes AN The information is supported by evidence

information believable?

is having more information than what you can effectively

What is information overload?

A search engine such as Google uses software robots

What are search engines? called web crawlers that automatically scour the web to
capture the online information

In business, Good quality Uncertainty

information reduces:

Which of these formulas will output IF(K5>PERCENTILE($K$5:$K$17,0.7),"High Pay","Normal

"high pay" for employees who have Pay")
a net pay (from K5 to K17) greater
than the 70th percentile net pay?
The formula outputs "Normal Pay"

Consistent formatting and formulas Worksheet Grouping

can be maintained across the 4
quarterly worksheets by using:

Which of these excel functions will IF

be required to compute bonus

Given the inputs in Cells b6 and b51, =B6*(1+$B$51)

the February sales for beverages
should be computed with the
formula ____ in CELL C6. 5/9
5/25/2021 Information System Midterm Flashcards | Quizlet

Information Systemshould
Which of these formulas Midterm
be ='Quarter 1'!D6*(1+$B$50) Study

put into cell b6 of 'quarter 2' sheet

for computing projected beverage
sales in april?

describe the appearance of new marketplaces where

What is collaborative consumption? excess capacity in goods and services can be shared
efficiently using information technology

ACCORDING to rachel botsman, Trust enabled by technology

collaborative consumption such as
that provided by airbnb is possible
due to:

rachel botsman suggests that to Reputation capital

allow for transactions between
strangers there is need for
technology to aggregate their:

Which of these formulas will =SUM('Quarter 1:Quarter 4'!E6)

compute the annual Sales for
beverages using the quarterly

Which of these will not be a (direct Cell containing March sales of Beverages
or indirect) precedent cell for
computing the march sales for

What are strategic information When businesses use information systems to provide
systems? competitive advantage such systems

Today A Web site of a bank that Routine information system

allows account holders to view their
current balance and transactions is
an example of a: 6/9
5/25/2021 Information System Midterm Flashcards | Quizlet

Information System Midterm is used to identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,


What is a SWOT analysis? and Threats of a project, initiative or even an entire


for XYZ Logistics which uses robots A potential threat of substitutes

that move on warehouse floors, the
Use of drones by abc logistics for
retrieving warehouse items would

Which of these formulas will output =IF(E10>20%*(E11-E6),"Alert","Okay")

"ALERT" if for the quarter 1,
breakfast sales (E10) are more than
20% of all sales (E11) after excluding
the beverage sales (e6) from all
sales. Otherwise The formula
outputs "OKAY".

One of the most popular applications built to work over

What is the world wide web?
the Internet

A software program used to send request for Web pages

What is a web browser? and display the Web pages that are sent in response; Can
display text, graphics, and multimedia content

A computer program that is designed to "serve up" Web

What is web software?
pages (i.e., respond to HTTP requests)

Uniform Resource Locator (URL): A URL identifies a

What is URL?
resource such as an HTML file located on a Web server

A set of activities that an organization must perform to

What is value chain? conduct its business. Each activity adds value to the
product or service that the organization provides

What is value chain analysis? Is the process of identifying such activities 7/9
5/25/2021 Information System Midterm Flashcards | Quizlet

Information System Midterm is a list of a few important considerations that must be Study
What are critical success factors?
achieved for an organization to be successful

Which of these would most likely Low order-to-shipping time

be a critical success factor for xyz

what is a database? an organized collection of data

What is a Database management provide a means for creating, maintaining, and using
system? databases; such as Access

facebook adds 350 million pictures 35 Terabytes

per day. if each picture takes an
average of 100 KiloBytes, how much
additional space is needed per day:

Which of these is least likely to be Facebook uses Excel as its database


1 zettabyte = 1000 exabytes

1 exabyte = 1000 petabytes
1 petabyte = 1000 terabytes
Data Storage 1 terabyte = 1000 gigabytes
1 gigabyte = 1000 megabytes
1 megabyte = 1000 kilobytes
1 kilobyte = 1000 bytes

things we store information about. (i.e. persons, places,

What are entities?
events, etc.)

These are pieces of information about an entity (i.e.

What are attributes?
Student ID, Name, etc. for the entity Student)

What are the 4 levels of data? Field(column), Record (rows), table, database 8/9
5/25/2021 Information System Midterm Flashcards | Quizlet

Information System Midterm stores data in connected tables. Each table may Study
What is a relational database?
correspond to an entity for which data needs to be stored.

A (formal) depiction of data that is either created or used

What is data model?
by a business system (need not involve computers)

What is entity relationship a map or diagram that represents entities and their
diagrams? relationships

A unique attribute used to identify a single instance of an

What is a primary key?
entity (i.e., a single record in a table)

Is a primary key of one entity that is duplicated in another

What is a foreign key?
entity to identify instances of a relationship

At a company, 200 employees work Department Table has Employee ID as a foreign key
for 10 departments. Each employee
works for one department. Which of
these statements is least likely to be
true for Their database?:

Which of these would be the SectionID and StudentID

primary key for the registration

A process that enables a designer to eliminate design

What is normalization? problems by decomposing (or reorganizing) the existing
table structures

A database function that extracts and displays information

What is a database query?
from a database given selection parameters.

What is Structure Query Language A language to select and extract data from a database; A
(SQL)? standard language for querying databases 9/9

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