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Come on! Wake up! Let’s go! I know you’re very shy girls
but today is the day you’re going to come out of your shells. I can
just feel it!

Lila: (to Ruby) Ruby, I really want to make some friends today but
I’m scared.

Ruby: I’m scared too, but together we can get through the day!

Gabriella: Good morning class, my name is Miss Rose. Today’s

lesson will be on who you pretend to be on the outside, instead of
what you really feel on the inside.

Jackson: BORING!

Arush:Yeah! Why do we have to do this? Jackson and I are cool on

the outside AND the inside.

Jackson: Yeah we are!

Gabriella: We’ll see about that later in detention boys! Now

everybody get into line and tell me how you’re feeling.

Melisa: I’m nervous on the outside but excited on the inside! I love
school and just want to make a good impression.

Jessica: I’m smart on the inside but pretend to be dumb on the

outside. I don’t want people to think I’m nerd but I really enjoy

Arush: Well… erm…. I guess…. I’m naughty on the outside to be

funny and make friends, but I’m actually really nice on the inside!

Jackson: No way! I actually feel the same way!

Gabriella: This is proving to be a VERY useful lesson. Finally, Ruby

and Lila.

Ruby: We’re really…really shy on the outside…

Lila: …but desperately want to make friends on the inside!

Gabriella: Thank you everyone. You’re all free to go on break,

except Ruby and Lila.

Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble! Did you see how everyone else
was feeling similar to you? I have an exercise for you. I’d like you to
go outside and speak to your class mates, and see if you can just
be yourselves.

Melisa: Hi girls! I love your bracelet!

Lila: Thank you! We love your hair!

Jessica: Isn’t it funny how we’ve all pretended to be someone

we’re not when all we want is to make friends?

Ruby: I know! Who would have thought we’d all be playing here
together this morning?

Boys: Definitely not us!

Gabriella: You see kids? Today’s lesson was about showing you
that we’re all pretty similar on the inside, even if we don’t always
show it. I see your true colours shining through, and I’m so proud
of you all!

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