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Simple Harmonic Motion

When a body moves back and forth repeatedly about a mean position, its motion is called oscillation
or vibration. Alternately, if the periodic motion of an object is such that during half of its time period
it staying in one direction and during rest half in the opposite direction then that type of motion is
called oscillation or vibration.

Motion of a simple pendulum, vibration of the tuning fork, motion of a spring etc. are the examples of
oscillation or vibrations.

The term vibration is sometimes used more narrowly to mean a mechanical oscillation but is sometimes
used as a synonym of "oscillation"

Periodic Motion
Periodic motion, in physics, motion repeated in equal intervals of time. Periodic motion is performed.
For example: The earth in its orbit around the sun.
Simple Harmonic Motion/oscillations
In mechanics and physics, simple harmonic motion is a type of periodic motion where the restoring
force is directly proportional to the displacement. It can serve as a mathematical model of a variety of
motions, such as the oscillation of a spring. In addition, other phenomena can be approximated by
simple harmonic motion, including the motion of a simple pendulum as well as molecular vibration.

Mathematically, the restoring force F is given by

F  -x


Where, F is the restoring elastic force, k is the spring constant and x is the displacement from the
equilibrium position.

For any simple harmonic oscillator, when the system is displaced from its equilibrium position, a
restoring force which resembles Hooke's law tends to restore the system to equilibrium. Simple
harmonic motion is a special case of periodic motion.

Characteristics of simple harmonic motion/oscillations

✓ Its motion is periodic
✓ At particular time interval, the motion becomes opposite
✓ Its motion is along a straight line
✓ Its acceleration is proportional to the displacement
✓ Acceleration is opposite to displacement
✓ Acceleration points toward the mean position of the object.
Some Definitions:

Equilibrium Position
An equilibrium position is a point where an oscillating object experience zero (0) resultant forces.

Amplitude is the maximum displacement on both sides of an object from its equilibrium position. The
SI unit for amplitude is meter (m).

There are two types of amplitude

I) Linear amplitude denoted by A

II) Angular amplitude denoted by θ

Complete Oscillation
An oscillation is said to be complete if vibrating or oscillating object starting from a point returns to
the same point along the same direction.

Time Period
Time Period is defined as the time required for one complete oscillation or vibration. If T is the time
period for completing N oscillations, then T = N

And n = T, where, n is the frequency.

Frequency f is the number of complete oscillations that take place in one second. The SI unit for
frequency is hertz, Hz.
The state of motion of a vibrating particle at any instant is called its phase at that instant. State of
motion of a vibrating particle at any instant is determined by its displacement, velocity and acceleration
at that instant.

Expression of displacement of a particle executing Simple Harmonic Motion

Let, a particle moves round a point O in a circular path of radius A at an angular velocity ω. Let at
time t, the particle is at the position P. From P, a normal is drawn on the diameter DB. Here, the
displacement of the end point of the normal is x = ON

Now, from the figure
sin θ = OP

ON = OP sin θ

x = A sin θ

Here, x is the displacement from the origin O and OP = A = radius of the circle.

x = A sin ω t [since, θ = ω t]

2π 1 t
x = A sin 2𝜋 n t [ω = and T = n , T = N]

where, A is the amplitude of the particle which is the maximum displacement from the mean position.

Expression of velocity of a particle executing Simple Harmonic Motion

The rate of change of displacement is called velocity. It is denoted by v.
v = dt

v = d t (x)

v = d t (A sin ω t)

v = A ω cos ω t …………… (1)


x = A sin ω t
sin ω t = A


cos ω t = √1 − sin2 ωt (since, sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 1)

From equation number (1)

v = A ω cos ω t

v = A ω √1 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 𝑡

v = A ω √1 − A2
v = ω √A2 − x 2

When (i) x = A then v = 0

(ii) when x= 0 then v = A ω

Expression of acceleration of a particle executing Simple Harmonic Motion

The rate of change of velocity is called acceleration. It is denoted by a.
dv d
a= = d t (A ω cos ω t) (since, v = A ω cos ω t)

a = - A ω2 sin ω t

a = - ω2 x ( x = A sin ω t )

When, (i) x = 0, a = 0

(ii) when, x =A then a = - ω2 A

Differential Equation of simple harmonic motion
Let a particle of mass m oscillates in simple harmonic motion. Now, at time t if its displacement is x,
dx d2 x
Velocity, v = and acceleration, a =
dt dt2

Magnitude of the force acting on the particle

d2 x
F = ma = m ………… (1)

Since, force is proportion to the displacement

d2 x
m ∝-x [negative sign is used as the force and displacement are in opposite direction]

d2 x
or, m =-kx [k is proportionality constant and known as force constant]

d2 x k
or, dt2 = - m x ………………..(2)

Again, if the angular velocity of the particle is ω then

d2 x
= a = - ω2 x ………….(3)

From equation number 2 and 3

- m x = - ω2 x

or, m = ω2

 ω = √m ………………….(4)

Putting this value m into equation number 2

d2 x
= - ω2 x

d2 x
+ ω2 x = 0 …………………(5)

This is the differential equation of a particle executing simple harmonic motion.

Solution of the Differential Equation of simple harmonic motion
Differential equation of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is
d2 x
+ ω2 x = 0………………………………… (1)

In order to solve this equation, let us multiply both sides by 2 , then

dx d2 x dx
2 . dt + 2. ω2 x = 0
dt2 dt

Integrating the above equation, we get

dx 2
( dt ) + ω2 x2 = C …………………… (1)

Here, C is a constant of integration. We need to find out the value of this.

Now, when
x = A, then velocity dt = 0

Inserting this into equation number 1, we get

c = ω 2A 2

From equation number (1)

dx 2
( dt ) + ω2 x2 = ω 2 A 2

dx 2
( dt ) = ω2 (A 2 - x2)

= ω √A2 − x 2

= ω dt
√A2 − x2

dx x
Integrating the above equation (Since, ∫ √A2 = sin -1 )
− x2 A

sin−1 A = ω t + δ

Here, δ is the constant of integration.


x = A sin ( ωt + δ)

This is the general solution of differential equation of simple harmonic oscillation.

Alternative method

Differential equation of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is

d2 x
+ ω2 x = 0………………………………… (1)

Let us assume that the solution of equation (1) is

x = A sin (ω t + δ)…………………………….(2)
dx 𝑑
So = 𝑑𝑡 {𝐴 sin(ω t + δ)}

dx 𝑑
or, dt = 𝐴 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (ω t + δ) 𝑑𝑡 (ω t + δ)

or, dt = 𝐴 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (ω t + δ) ………………………(3)


𝑑2x 𝑑
= {𝐴  𝑐𝑜𝑠 (ω t + δ)}
𝑑𝑡 2 𝑑𝑡
𝑑2 x 𝑑
Or, 𝑑𝑡 2 = 𝐴  { 𝑐𝑜𝑠 (ω t + δ)}

𝑑2 x 𝑑
Or, = −𝐴  sin(ω t + δ) (ω t + δ)
𝑑𝑡 2 𝑑𝑡

𝑑2 x
Or, 𝑑𝑡 2 = −𝐴2 sin(ω t + δ)

𝑑2 x
Or, 𝑑𝑡 2 = −2 𝑥……………………………………..(4) [as, x = A sin (ω t + δ) ]

So, the left-hand side of equation (1) is

d2 x
+ ω2 x = −2 𝑥 + ω2 x = 0

Which is equal to the right-hand side of equation (1).

As, x = A sin (ω t + δ) satisfies the both side of equation (1) so we can say x = A sin (ω t + δ) is a
solution of equation (1).

The solution of differential equation of simple harmonic motion is x = A sin (ω t + δ).

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