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Health Administrator Vol: XVII, Number 1: 54-58, pg.


* Dr Rajiv Arora

Abstract: first century, medical students ... must be given a strong

grounding in the use of computer technology to manage
This study was conducted to determine awareness, information, support patient care decisions, select
level of use of computers and the use of the Internet for treatments, and develop their abilities as lifelong learners"
medical research amongst first year medical and dental [5]
students at the Christian Medical College Ludhiana. A self-
administered structured questionnaire was used. Internet is one of the most important sources of
information. The Internet is being used for medical education
In this study, 93.3% of the students could access in diverse ways including teaching, diagnosis, and conduct
and use the computer. E-mail was the most popular of the of medical examinations [6,7,8,9].
Internet services used by the students. The results indicate
that the students need formal training to use word It is an important source of information for medical
processor, PowerPoint and statistical analysis. Students research [10]. This mode of education has several advantages
need formal training in accessing the medical databases over traditional method of instruction, the convenience of
like Pubmed and Indmed. There is a need to expose the taking a course at a time that fits students schedule and
students to online testing and training. at a place that they did not have to commute to attend [11].
Internet videoconferencing offers real-time interactive
By knowing the level of technological experience that classroom online [12].
medical students have when they arrive, CMC can utilize
the most appropriate strategies, methods, and resources The information available on the Internet can
to help students meet these goals. This knowledge will overwhelm the students who lack the skills for verifying
allow CMC to plan educational activities that address the quality of information available on-line [13].
deficiencies in knowledge, such as students having little
experience with computer literature searching, and to While several researches have explored the use of
organize training in response to student needs. computers and information technology by medical
students, few of such studies are currently available in
Introduction. India. The aim of this study is to assess the level of
computer and Internet use amongst first year MBBS &
There have been tremendous advances in the BDS students studying in CMC &CDC Ludhiana.
computing and information technology leading to
development of computer networks that allow access to METHODOLOGY
vast amount of information and services [1]
The questionnaire was formulated with inputs from
It is essential for the medical students to be computer instruments used by the University of North Carolina School
literate. Today, many medical schools require students to of Medicine and Informatics in Medical Education and
purchase computers [2], and others are developing Development. Ninety, first year medical and dental students
strategies for integrating medical informatics into the of CMC &CDC Ludhiana were Surveyed with a written
curriculum [3] The role of information technologies-including questionnaire.
using computerized medical records, retrieving computer-
based knowledge resources, and understanding the basics The aim of this study is to learn the students’ levels
of the Internet-is crucial for physicians [4] of knowledge, skill, and experience with computer
technology to guide the teaching methodology and facilities.
The Association of American Medical Colleges’ The survey was administered after orientation. The
(AAMC) states that "to practice medicine in the twenty- absentees were administered the survey separately.

* Lecturer, Department of Physiology, CMC & H Ludhiana.

RESULTS - Only 4.44% had some form of online training while
The objectives, identified with inputs from AAMC 28.89% had undergone online testing and
Medical School Objectives Project report [14], state that evaluation.75% students expressed eagerness to
medical students should be able to: participate in the development of computer based
instructional material.
* Access computer-based instruction for self-study
learning in medical education;
* Utilize email, the Internet, and other online information
resources to obtain information quickly and efficiently; Our results show that access to computers is no
* Search the medical literature using MEDLINE, longer an issue. In this study, 93.3% of the students could
INDMED and other online full text and bibliographic access and use the computer. This figure is higher than
systems; 61 % of medical students from Malaysia [15], 80% of final
year medical students from Lagos, Nigeria [16]. 84% of
* Utilize diagnostic decision-support systems as an undergraduate students in Glasgow, United Kingdom (UK)
additional method of learning medical diagnosis and [6]
. And similar to 94% of medical students from Jeddah,
problem solving; Saudi Arabia [7] and 95% undergraduate dental students in
* Utilize patient information systems to manage Oulu, Finland [8]. Only 14.45% had access to mini
medical records in the practice of medicine; and computers due to the cost of ownership. With falling prices
this is bound to increase.
* Develop proficiency in completing computerized
examinations. Only 30% had any basic training in computers, yet
more than 90 percent could use a computer. In the absence
Use of computers of any formal training less than 50% could use word
Results are summarized in Table 1 processor or power point. E-mail was the most popular of
- 93.3% students could use a computer IBM pc or the Internet services used by the students. Access to this
compatible ,only 3.3% had used Apple Macintosh. service has increased in recent years in India due to the
proliferation of cyber cafes. The results indicate that the
- 48.9% owned a computer and a similar percentage
students need formal training to use word processor,
accessed the computers in a cyber café, 12.23%
PowerPoint and statistical analysis. Students need formal
used the institutional computers. Only 6.67% did not
training in accessing the medical databases like Pubmed
access a computer.
and Indmed. There is a need to expose the students to
- 85.55% had no access to portable computers, 13.3% online testing and training.
had access to laptops and 5.56% to palmtops.
Basic skills
By knowing the level of technological experience that
Results are summarized in Table 2
medical students have when they arrive, CMC can utilize
- 30% students had done a computer course before
the most appropriate strategies, methods, and resources
joining the medical college.47.78% could use word
to help students meet these goals. This knowledge will
processor 34.45% could use power point.88.89% had
allow CMC to plan educational activities that address
used the email and explored the Internet.
deficiencies in knowledge, such as students having little
- 83.33%had used a search engine. Google (70%) was experience with computer literature searching, and to
the most popular search engine followed by Yahoo organize training in response to student needs.
(65.55%) & MSN (27.77%)
The information obtained from the survey will make it
possible to respond to students’ needs and to meet the
Advanced skills
informatics objectives. With the ultimate goal of becoming
Results are summarized Table 3 an all PC facility, one that administers computerized
examinations, conducts Internet evaluations, and produces
- Only 3.33% had searched the Internet for medical its own high quality, computer-based Self-learning modules.
literature using the public access databases.

- Only10% had used a statistical programme.1/3rd

claimed to have written a computer programme.4.44%
had a web page.

Table 1


N (90)

Type of IBM pc or Apple Mainframe None

computer used compatible Macintosh
93.3 3.3 2.2 6.67

Access to a Owned Cyber café Institutional None

computer 48.9 48.9 12.23 6.67

Access to Laptops Palmtops None

minicomputers 13.3 5.55 85.55

Table 2

Basic skills N (90) Affirmative response in percentage

Had a computer course 30
Used word processing program 47.78
Made a power point presentation 34.45
Sent or received an email message 88.89
Explored the Internet 88.89
Used a search engine 83.33

Search engine used Google 70

Yahoo 65.55
MSN 27.77
AltaVista 13.33
AskJeeves 12.22

Table 3 Advanced skills N (90) Affirmative response

in percentage
Performed a computer based
medical literature search 3.33
Used a statistical program
to analyze data 10
Written a computer program 33.33
Own a web page 4.44
Participated in any online training program 4.44
Participated in any online testing &
evaluation program 28.89

References: 9. Hong CH, Mclean D, Shapiro J, Lui H: Using the
internet to assess and teach medical students in
dermatology. J Cutan Med Surg 2002, 6(4): 315-
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Appendix 1 - Questionnaire

Name _________________. Age _____. M/F_____. Class_____.

Please take a few minutes to answer the questions below.

1. Which of the following computers have you used?

a. Personal desktop Computer (IBM etc.) b. Apple Macintosh c. Mainframe d. None

2 How do you access a computer?

a. Owned b. Cyber café c. Institutional d. None

3 Do you have access to?

a. Laptop/Notebook computer b. Palmtop/handheld c. None

4. Have you had a course in computer software hardware or programming before joining the medical college.

Have you personally:

5. Written a paper using word processing program (MS Word etc.) Yes/No

6. Made a power point presentation Yes/No

7. Sent or received an email message. Yes/No

8. Explored the Internet using Internet explorer, Netscape etc Yes/No

9. Used a search engine to search for information Yes/No

10. Search engines used

a. Yahoo b. google c. altavista d. msn e. askjeeves f. any other

11. Performed a computer based medical literature search Yes/No If Yes please................specify
a. Medlars databases (Pubmed etc.) b. Indian medlars (Indmed)
c. Biosis . . d. Any other please specify ________.

12. Used a statistical program to analyze data Yes/No

13. Written a computer program. Yes/No

14. Do you have your own web page? Yes/No

If yes, what is the URL? _________________.

15. Participated in any online training program (in any subject) Yes/No

16. Participated in any online testing & evaluation program (in any subject)

17. Would you like to participate in the development of computer based ....................Instructional material.

Thank you for your participation.


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