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The Emergence c Bangladech

Bangladesh, as a state became independent on the 96th

of March, 971 asg it had started to fossecs oll the elements
of statehood from ihis very doy. But Bedare Ponqadesh
became independent, it was a part f Indias and then
Fákistan. A saries ad everts leb led to the emesence a

independent Bangladesh
hen the British departed, the Muslims wee of Indio hocd
become persuaded that they were a nation who necded.
|autonomy to rule themselvs. The Lahore Resolution df
1940 had demanded self-rule dor the tuo Muslim
areas a North West India and Eastern India. The
emerqence of falistan as an independent state in 1947
Has the outcome af breauclouns in neqotiations Jor
ndependence trom the Brtish. Paldistan was divided into
tHO provinces Hest Palistan and Easu East Palistan,
which is
today's "Bangbdesh.
From the very beginninq, the Paluistani sate subordinatedl

the amgalis by denyinq economic opportunities.H used

ts manopaly df pouer to manipulate paliqY to accelerate
the developmant of West Talistan over tast 'Palistan.
Subject . ****************************************************************************s* Dolo .errsntpane*usnroessp** ************

The emerginq sense distinctivaness belueen the people

at East and West Palkistan did not automatiaally evolve into

a sense af national idantity because the Bangalis still

Thought of themselves as dlistanis. If neadeda major
politicol etort to wenve toqether nations ad' separatenes
within the consciousness af Bangalis into a sense af
Tnationhoocd. Whilst historical politicoal siqures like Hs
Suhrawardy, Sher- e-Bangla ? Fazlul Haque, amd Moulama
Ghashani all plqyed a vanquard role in the politianl struanles
o the peple of Bangb Bangladesh, the catalytie act af

politica entrepreneurship to dorqe a sense a nationhood

Mas provided by Bangabandhu Shelh Muibur ahman.
He Fram the launch af the Six Point Program in 966 to
the defining two-year periad fram 1969 to 191, he ws
aided hy his dedicated colleaques in the Awami Leaque.
as well as by the other secular political foraes, not to
mention individuals outside politics. HIl these Joraes were
braught amd luept tooether by Banqabandhu to ensure
that any division amongst the Bangalis could not ube used
to dedleet fran demands dor sel-rule dt Bangladesh.
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The six-Points movement in 1966 Marked a unique amd an

mportant change ar course m the anma ls af our history.

I has been widely eredited as the charter af freeolom"
struggle dor independence .On June P,
n Banglacdlesh's hartol
166, thea Auami Leaque called a eaumtryside
in the then Tast Palistan to press home. the six-point
and many others uere arrested.
demamds. Sheilkh Myjib
six- point plan had envisaged jederal orm
the a

government based on the 1940 Lahore Resolution,a

pariiamentary sustem of governunent directy elect by
the paopla on tha basis af adul Sranehise , tuo separate

Currenaies ar co Teserve banlus for the two wings af

akistan and a
para-military force Sor East Palistan.

The.spectacular success at the six-point movement in 1966

to discredit
had prompted the ruling caterie of hlistan
the movement.
the arganisors e this ane sHppenters of
Khan's diabalinl regime had used various
Atthaugh Ayub
brutal and pumitive measures against the proponents.
jormula, i
OTgamisers and supporters at the six pam
anchored mass upsurge in 1966 which had seriousls
tmpacted and conditionacd the the subsequent politionl
development in Pakistam.
Subject. Dat ..... . .***********************
In early 968, the igartala conspira cu case wag iled
against Cheilkh Mujib With the alleqation that the acuzd
HOs conspiring dor the secession of tast Palistan with
HIndian aid. This-ted-te themass-tuprismg in 196. The
people at the. country especially the student communíty,
ralied for the release af Sheiluh Mujibur
Rahman, taling
to the stneets to vigorously protest against this tabled
and fake case. The student unrest of 1968 againat the
tyramnical rule ot Ayub Khan, Hesident od' Bluistan, led
| to the mass upsurge in 969. The mavemant son enqutfed
the uhale of the then Fast aliston. Pansants, artisans,
Workers joined the movement almast en masse. Due to
STtinuous exaction a undue demanda ot tha laborinq
af the industrial belts amd the low and medium income
turned tho. movement into a strug9le
groupe the
emancipation. The racidl repression and
within the frame warlu af
|deprivation of the Bangalis
from the anquage
Palkistan and to tha contrary starting ,

movemant in 1992, the teeling of separate identity

with struggle for autonomy had direct influence
on the mass upsurge of 196. The umnest that began in
1966 with the six point movement of Asami Lenque qot
at fha of 1969 and culminateoA
momentum beginninq
... ie *********************"***************"*******

in the resignation ad Field Marshal Ayub Khan, the.

first military ruler in fauistan ancd aloa loed ta the.
withdrawal af Aqarlala Conspimey Case. Indeed, th1s
mass upsurge was the gritest máss aLriluen1nq evor

since the creation t Tiluistan.

The election of Dro Was amother mojor event If reulto
in the Htuami Leaque Hinning 167 aut od 169 art:
contested rom Banqladesh ath 75. of the votes
The ruling elite in West Pmlkistom did nof appericiate the
election outeome. Yahya and Bhutto econcpining to began
prewent Mujib trom taking power and put in moticn aore
|which cuminatedd in the emengence ct Bonglodesh.
Yahyao's decision as March i, 1971 to pst pone tha. inaugurol
Nationdl Assembly session scheduled to meet in Dhala on
Mavch 3, 1971 Was an open reflection of his and Bhutto's
choice to dens the demoeratic mandate. Despite such
manoevrings. by March 1971, Bangabandhu had the
entine machmary a administration im Bangladesh behind
During a period af escalating tensions betuaen Enct
Palistan amd the pouetul poalitical and military
establiehtment a Hest Foluistan, Sheiluh Mujibur Rahman
ldelivered his historic spaech an 7 Narch 19711 at the
Subject ...........
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Romna Race Course maidan in 'Dhaka to a gathering of

over 1000,000 people. In the speech, he proclaimec
The strugqle this time, is a
jorliberty. Ihie struggle this ttme,
is a stru0qle
Jar our independence."
He announced a civil disobedience movement
in the
province, calling Jor "every house to turn into a fortress".
The spech inspired the
Bengali people to prepare
Jor a war of independence amid
af armad mabilisation
widespread reports
by West alistan. The speach
|lasted about 19 minutes. It Was a de facto deelar
declaration od Bangladesh's independence. Trom the
Viepomr a the emergence at Bangladesh, it was tma
mastr intluential and heart touching speech that surfaced
larent Barmgalee nationalism to inspire and mativate people
be mare areedom-lover. Its immediate was To
TD purpase
encourage people to participate actively in then angaing
TOn-cooperation movement, Which was spontane0us enough

to paralyze Yohya's East Palistan. ts goal was

writ in

to prepare people for their self-rule and sacrifice

PR needed to achieve sreedom ana it cias suCcessfully

..Date . *****
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The liberation war af Bangladesh begant18 days

when the Ralistan Army launehed Operation Saarchlight
qgairst Bengli civlians, inteligentsia, etudents, politicons
amdl armed personnel. After nine month lonq armed a
to gchleve
|struggle, the Bangalis sinally manaqedwindependanen irom
Faluistan on 16th December, 1971. It marued the
emergenae at a necw state. in the history of the
world named. Banqladesh.

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