Assignment02 MIS

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Submitted By:

Mohsin Ali
Roll num:

Submitted To:
Sir Umair Aslam

Management Information System

Summary of Lecture Videos (1-5)
System is a set of elements or components that interact to accomplish goals. System
is consist on three elements; Inputs, Processing mechanism, Outputs. With the help of
these elements system accomplish its goals
Input: The activity of gathering and operating data. Processing: Converting or
transforming data into useful outputs. Output: Useful information, usually in the
form of documents or reports. Feedback:Output that is used to make changes to input
or processing activities. Forecasting: A proactive approach to feedback, Used for
estimating future sales or inventory needs.

A Computer System allows users to input, manipulate and store data. Computer
systems typically include a computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse and other optional
components. All of these components also can be integrated into all-in-one units,
such as laptop computers.Information System: A set of interrelated elements or
components that collect (input), manipulate (process), and disseminating (output) data
and information and provide a feedback mechanism to meet and objective.
An information system contains information about an organization and its
surrounding environment. Three basic activities—input, processing, and output—
produce the information organizations need.

Software is a generic term for organized collections of computer data and

instructions, often broken into two major categories: System Software and
Application Software. System Software is a type of computer program that is
designed to run a computer's hardware and application programs. ... The
operating system (OS) is the best-known example of system software. The OS
manages all the other programs in a computer. Application Software is a term which
is used for software created for a specific purpose. It is generally a program or
collection of programs used by end users. It can be called an application or simply an
app. ... A software which is developed to help the user to perform specific tasks is
called application software.

Advantages of Information System…..Communication – with help of information

technologies the instant messaging, emails, voice and video calls becomes quicker,
cheaper and much efficient.
Globalization and cultural gap – by implementing information systems we can
bring down the linguistic, geographical and some cultural boundaries. Availability –
information systems has made it possible for businesses to be open 24×7 all over the
globe. Creation of new types of jobs – one of the best advantages of information
systems is the creation of new and interesting jobs. Computer programmers, Systems
analyzers, Hardware and Software developers and Web designers etc. Cost
effectiveness and productivity – the IS application promotes more efficient
operation of the company and also improves the supply of information to decision-
Disadvantages of Information System…..Unemployment and lack of job
security – implementing the information systems can save a great deal of time during
the completion of tasks and some labor mechanic works. Most paperwork’s can be
processed immediately, financial transactions are automatically calculated, etc.
Implementation expenses – to integrate the information system it require pretty good
amount of cost in a case of software, hardware and people
Role of Information System in Business…. Support Business Processes – An
information system supports different processes and operations in a business.
Support Decision Making – An information system helps the decision makers to
make better decisions.
Support Competitive Advantage – An information system helps the decision maker
to gain a strategic advantage over competitors.
Information System Resources…. People Resources – People are required for the
operation of all information system these resources include end users and information
system specialist.
Hardware Resources – Hardware resources include all physical devices and
materials used to process the information .
Software Resources – Software resources include all set of instructions used for
information processing.
Data Resources – Data is a valuable resource of any organization. It is typically
organized into databases.

Data: Raw facts and figures which relay something specific. Information: For data
to become information, it must be contextualized, categorized, calculated and
condensed. Knowledge: Knowledge is closely linked to doing and implies know-how
and understanding.

Impact of E-Business on Business…. Direct sales to customer, Anytime access from

anywhere, Customization of products, Quicker time to market, Lower stock out, Price
Advantages of E-Business….. Worldwide presence, Cost-effective marketing and
promotions, Better customer service, Developing a competitive strategy.
E-Business Challenges….. Cost, Value, Security, Leverage existing system,

 A business processes has also been defined as a set of activities and tasks that, once
completed, will accomplish an organizational goal.
E-Business: Electronic Business (E-Business) refers to the use of the Web, Internet,
Intranets, Extranets or some combination thereof to conduct businesses.
B2C Model: The term business-to-consumer (B2C) refers to the process of selling
products and services directly between a business and consumers who are the end
users of its products or services. C2B Model: The C2B or consumer-to-business
model is when consumer offer products or services to businesses. C2C Model:
Consumer-to-customer is a business model, whereby customers can trade with each

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