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AQA Biology Practice Papers Answers

Paper 1 e Carbohydrase trials where different doses of the new

f Starch → glucose drug are given to healthy volunteers
1.1 a A - Cell wall; B - Cell membrane;
and patients to find the optimum dose
C - Chloroplast; D - Nucleus. 2.3 a Pulmonary artery
for the drug; The new drug then goes
b To absorb sunlight; for b The lungs to wider clinical trials where the new
photosynthesis. c The blood is pumped from the heart to drug is given to patients; The results
c Electron microscope. the lungs to be oxygenated; and then of clinical trials are peer reviewed
back through the heart to be pumped and published in scientific or medical
d Magnification = • 100 000 – 500 000;
around the body. journals.
Resolution = 0.1 – 1nm
d Double circulatory system 4.1 a Distance of Volume Rate of
e 25 000 μm/10 µm = • 2500
lamp from of oxygen reaction
1.2 a Differentiation e Figure 2 labelled in the top half of the
pondweed collected in 5 (cm3/min)
right atrium.
b Any two from: Has chloroplasts; Has (cm) minutes (cm3)
a cellulose cell wall; Has a permanent f There needs to be time for the
0 15.0 3.0
vacuole. ventricles to fill with blood; otherwise
the ventricles will contract while empty. 20 12.5 2.5
1.3 a Cell cycle drawn as a circle in four
2.4 a The heart/cardiac muscle will not 40 6.5 1.3
segments; Segments are labelled
clockwise from top; Mitosis/M, receive enough oxygen; The person 60 6.0 1.2

G1, S, G2. will have a heart attack. 80 6.0 1.2

b During the G1 phase, the sub-cellular b Stent/statins.

b (cm) added to column header in first
structures/organelles are doubled; c Any two from: Diet; Smoking; Lack of column; .0 added to 6 in column 2,
During the S phase, the genetic exercise; Obesity. row 4 (added to table above).
material / DNA is doubled; During 3.1 a Any three from: Bacteria do not have c Distance of the lamp from the
the G2 phase, the chromosomes a nucleus; Bacteria do not have pondweed.
are checked for errors; During the M organelles; The DNA in bacteria is a
phase/mitosis, the chromosomes are d The volume of oxygen collected in 5
single loop in the cytoplasm; Bacteria
separated into two daughter cells. minutes.
have plasmids; Bacteria are smaller
1.4 a i Number of cells in mitosis. than eukaryotic cells. e Any two from: Temperature; Other
light sources; Type of plant; Size of
ii Root tip treatment. b Antibiotics
b 3; 47. 3.2 a There were fewer incidences of
f Repeat their investigation.
c i The root tip treated with paclitaxel tuberculosis in 2015 compared to
2010. 4.2 a
had fewer cells in mitosis than the
cells not treated with paclitaxel; b A small amount of dead virus/ Rate of photosynthesis
The cells treated with paclitaxel antigen is introduced to the body;
had a very low number of cells in which triggers an immune response
mitosis. by the lymphocytes; The virus/
ii Paclitaxel could inhibit/prevent antigen is remembered by memory
mitosis. cells if the same virus infects the
body again.
iii To make the results more reliable.
c Not enough people have been
iv Treat the root tip with different vaccinated; Tuberculosis is easily
concentrations of paclitaxel; Treat spread by coughs and sneezes;
a greater number of onion roots. Antibiotics might not be available for
2.1 a ((5.0 – 4.4) ÷ 5.0) • 100% = 12% treatment of tuberculosis. Carbon dioxide
b The water in the potato is more dilute d There would be herd immunity; concentration
than the water in the salt solution; so Enough people would be immune
b As the carbon dioxide
the water moves out of the potato to tuberculosis so it could not easily
concentration increases, the
cells and into the salt solution. spread through the population; People
rate of reaction increases; until a
c The plasma/cell membrane comes who were not vaccinated would
limiting factor prevents the rate of
away from the cell wall; The cell be protected from infection with
reaction increasing, and the rate of
becomes plasmolysed. tuberculosis.
reaction remains constant.
d Use iodine solution. 3.3 a Any one from: Paracetamol; aspirin;
H c Line drawn onto graph that
ibuprofen; morphine; any named
2.2 a i C extends the original steep line; the
ii Solution C contains sugar and rate becomes constant above the
b In plants/microorganisms; original line.
protein; Milk contains lactose and
Development of existing drugs.
milk proteins. H d The rate of reaction with increased
c Preclinical testing tests new drug on carbon dioxide concentration
b Long term energy storage.
cells in a laboratory; The new drug remains constant at a certain
c Yes, because sucrose is a non- is tested for toxicity/efficacy/dose; point due to the limiting factor of
reducing sugar/does not give a If the drug is not toxic and effective it light intensity; With an increased
positive test with Benedict’s reagent. goes to clinical trials, where a very low light intensity, the rate of reaction
d Use hydrochloric acid and heat to dosage of the new drug is given to increases for longer, before another
break the disaccharide; Neutralise, healthy volunteers and patients; If the limiting factor causes the rate of
and add Benedict’s reagent and heat. drug is safe, it moves to further clinical reaction to remain constant.

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AQA Biology Practice Papers Answers

Paper 2 are then placed surgically into the and breathe out carbon dioxide
woman’s uterus. into the atmosphere; The carbon
1.1 a Fast; automatic / involuntary reaction.
H e Advantage. One from: It allows the dioxide is taken up by the carrots
b Sensory neurone  relay neurone  for photosynthesis; Photosynthesis
mother to give birth to her own baby;
motor neurone produces sugars; which are used in
The baby will be the genetic offspring
c Any one from: Blinking; Iris of the mother and father. respiration by the plant to provide
constriction; Knee-jerk; Coughing; Disadvantage. One from: The success energy for growth.
Yawning; Any named reflex. rate is not high; It can lead to multiple d i The cold temperature prevents
births which is less safe for the mother decomposers from replicating; and
1.2 a A – Iris; B – Lens; C – Retina;
and babies; Emotionally/physically decomposing the food.
D – Optic nerve.
stressful. ii The box may have been damp;
b The iris constricts; and makes the There was plenty of oxygen.
pupil smaller. 2.1 a Y – deoxyribose/pentose sugar;
Z – phosphate group 3.2 a A group of populations living and
c To bend the light into the eye so that interacting with each other in the
the light focusses on the retina. b C/cytosine; G /guanine same area.
d Line shown going through the cornea, c Nucleus b Oak tree → caterpillars → blackbirds
pupil, lens and finishing on the retina. d A short section of DNA; that codes for → sparrowhawk
e Behind the retina. a particular protein. c Caterpillars
f Convex lens. 2.2 a Recessive: The phenotype is only d Oak tree
expressed if there are no dominant
1.3 a A system of glands and organs; that e Pyramid with bars drawn to scale for
produce hormones. each species; from top to bottom:
Dominant: The phenotype is always
b Ovaries sparrowhawk, blackbird, caterpillars,
c Any two from: Repairs the lining of the oak tree.
b i 3
uterus after menstruation; Slows down 3.3 a A few days; To give the woodlice time
ii 1
the production of follicle-stimulating to mingle with the population; To give
iii 25%
hormone so that only one ovum the woodlice time to move around; To
c i Tt
reaches full maturity; Stimulates the allow time for migration.
ii 100%
pituitary gland to release luteinising b i Dark and dry – (80 • 88) ÷ 40 = 176;
2.3 a Charles Darwin; Alfred Russel Wallace.
hormone. Light and dry – (10 • 7) ÷ 2 = 35
b Within any population there is
d Intrauterine implant. ii Woodlice prefer to live in dark and
variation; Some individuals have
1.4 a damp conditions.
characteristics that are better adapted
to the environment and are more likely 3.4 a From 1800 to 1930 the human
Type of Number of Percentage of
contraception pregnancies pregnancies to survive; These individuals are more population increases slowly, and
per 1000 prevented (%) likely to have offspring and pass on after 1950, the human population
those characteristics. increases steeply; From 1800 to 1930
Condoms 30 97.0
the number of extinctions remained
c i All are segmented; all have two
Spermicides 40 96.0 steady, but after 1930 the number of
Contraceptive 1 99.9
extinctions increases steeply.
ii Helmetiids and tegopeltids.
2.4 a Class – Amphibian; Genus – Bufo. b The industrial revolution used coal to
Intrauterine 2 99.8 fuel the trains and factories; which
b Any one from: Frog, newt,
device increases the amount of carbon
salamander; any amphibian. dioxide in the atmosphere; This
b Contraceptive pill. c The name contains the genus and increases global warming; Global
species name; Binomial names prevent warming causes climate change; The
H c One from: Follicle-stimulating
confusion when identifying species. industrial revolution increased the
hormone; luteinising hormone.
3.1 a To add minerals to the soil; To keep level of pollution in the air.
H d IVF is a type of fertilisation that the plants healthy.
happens outside of the body; Eggs
b Any two from: Potassium;
are surgically removed from the
Phosphorus; Nitrogen.
mother and fertilised by the father’s
sperm in a laboratory; The fertilised c The carbon is in the leaves is eaten by
eggs develop into embryos and are decomposers; Decomposers respire;

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