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Ingenieria en Telecomunicaciones


Sección 2
Profesor: Estudiante:
Ángel Rondón Gabriel José Freites Marcano
Asignatura:Inglés I C.I:30.078.206
1.- redactar un (1) un texto de dos párrafos de ocho (08) a diez (10) líneas cada uno usando
los diferentes tiempos verbales arriba explicado (debe contener 10 tiempos verbales como mínimo) y
debe ser redactado por el alumno y no copiar y pegar de internet. Ambos párrafos deben tener una
secuencia, es decir deben hablar de lo mismo.

The Coronavirus is a lethal virus. It was discovered in December 2019 in Wuhan, China.
According to investigators, they had thought that it appeared in first stance in the bats, according to
blood’s tests, and the first contact with these animals,cause an illness that the Medicians name Covid-
19. However, these hipothesies are being changing very frequently during the analisys. This is just
because, this need to be deeply investigated, to find the true origin of this vile virus, and at the same
time, the cure for this. It’s unbelieveble to see the quantity of people that have died for this sickness,
even so, is more amazing the number of people that don’t have consient about the complicated situation
of the world. I mean, if people don’t pay attention to this, all the investigator’s, medician’s and
goverment’s work is being in vain.

It’s very important follow the Biosecurity rules that are too simple, such as:Wash our hands
frequently, use the mask when we go out, keep the social distance, and go to the doctor if we identify
any synthom. The real idea of this is to minimize or avoid the propagation of this virus. Indeed, try to
low the dead people’s ciphers. In fact, I have observed the positive side of this quarentine, because,
since the quarentine started, the ozone cap has been mending, and the waters of this world have turning
more cristaline than before, this will be something good for the world and his living beings . Personally,
it’s very sad to see how our friends, family, and closest people of our life have been dying everyday for
this, just for a malicious virus. But we don’t have to lose the faith. The vacunes are being a life’s
oportunity for the world population, there’s still a ray of hope,that is valuable to stay strong, and
positive in this situation, there will be a day that we wake up, and this nightmare has gone.

2.- redactar un dialogo con 5 intervenciones cada participante deben poner en uso al menos 6
tiempos verbales

Cesar: Hello Catty!, how are you today?

Catty: Hi Cesar!, I´m fine, long time no see! What about your life?

Cesar: I was not so good. I was feeling a hard Headache for 3 days, but now I am feeling a little better.

Catty: Did you take your medicine and go to the doctor?

Cesar: Yes, I visited to the doctor and he recommended me some pills. I took it every 8 hours. Thanks
that, I feel better.

Catty: Wow! What a coincidense! My husband had a headache too, 2 days ago, but now he is feeling

Cesar: Wait! Did you get married? Tell me about that!

Catty: Sure! I got married 8 months ago, and now I’m pregnant. The doctor had told me that the baby
will born on December.
Cesar: Congratulations! My dear friend! I wish you a happy family! Please, if the baby is a boy call
him “Cesar”. Good luck!

Catty:Thank you my friend! But the baby is a girl. Nice to see you again!

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