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Plant Pathology (2017) 66, 1043–1053 Doi: 10.1111/ppa.



Rhizogenic agrobacteria in hydroponic crops: epidemics,

diagnostics and control

L. Bosmansa, R. Moerkensb, L. Wittemansc, R. De Motd, H. Rediersa† and B. Lievensa*†

Laboratory for Process Microbial Ecology and Bioinspirational Management (PME&BIM), Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems,
KU Leuven, Campus De Nayer, Sint-Katelijne-Waver B-2860; bResearch Centre Hoogstraten vzw, Meerle B-2328; cResearch Station for
Vegetable Production vzw, Sint-Katelijne-Waver B-2860; and dCentre of Microbial and Plant Genetics, Department of Microbial and
Molecular Systems, KU Leuven, Leuven B-3001, Belgium

Rhizogenic Agrobacterium biovar 1, harbouring an Ri-plasmid (root-inducing plasmid), is the causative agent of hairy
root disease (HRD) in the hydroponic cultivation of tomato, cucumber and aubergine. The disease is characterized by
extensive root proliferation leading to strong vegetative growth and, in severe cases, substantial losses in marketable
yield. Agrobacterium biovar 1 is a heterogeneous group of agrobacteria and includes at least 10 genomospecies, among
which at least four (G1, G3, G8 and G9) have been associated with HRD in hydroponically grown vegetables. This
review has synthesized the current knowledge on rhizogenic Agrobacterium biovar 1, including infection process, cur-
rent taxonomic status, genetic and phenotypic diversity, detection methods and strategies for disease control. With
regard to the latter, symptom reduction and prevention of infection through cultivation methods and chemical disinfec-
tion (e.g. by the use of chlorine-based disinfectants and hydrogen peroxide) are discussed and biocontrol strategies are
elaborated on. Recent research has led to the identification of a phylogenetically related clade of Paenibacillus strains
that have antagonistic activity against rhizogenic Agrobacterium biovar 1 strains, holding great potential for HRD con-
trol. Finally, possible directions for future research are proposed.

Keywords: Agrobacterium biovar 1, control, crazy roots, extensive root development, hairy root disease

strong vegetative growth with reduced fruit production.

Symptoms and Geographic Occurrence
Additionally, affected roots are often prone to secondary
Hydroponics involves growing plants in a mineral nutri- infections, caused by, e.g. Pythium and Pseudomonas
ent solution instead of soil and is an established method species (Weller et al., 2006). Occasionally, plants show-
of producing vegetables such as tomato, cucumber, pep- ing HRD grow normally and yield is unaffected. Never-
per and lettuce, as well as ornamental crops (e.g. herbs, theless, in most cases yield is severely reduced, e.g.
roses and foliage plants). A major advantage of hydro- more than 10% in tomato production (L. Bosmans,
ponics, as compared to field-grown crops, is that the unpublished results). Due to the persistent nature of
crop is isolated from the soil, which often engenders HRD, an infested greenhouse is very likely to be re-
problems of diseases, pests, salinity, poor structure and/ infested in subsequent seasons, with increasing economic
or drainage (Litterick et al., 2004). Nevertheless, since losses year by year. So far, the disease has been reported
the early 1990s hydroponically grown cucumber and in several European countries, including Austria, Bel-
melon plants, and later also aubergine and tomato gium, Denmark, France, Greece, the Netherlands,
crops, have been affected by a root disorder known as Poland, Switzerland and the UK (Ludeking et al., 2013).
‘hairy root disease’ (HRD; also known as ‘hairy roots’, A survey performed in Flanders (Belgium) in 2014 indi-
‘crazy roots’ or ‘root mat’). HRD is characterized by cated that 33% of the tomato, cucumber and aubergine
extensive root proliferation within the rockwool cube producers were confronted with HRD (Moerkens et al.,
and across the rockwool slab surface (Fig. 1), leading to 2014). In the Netherlands, nearly half of the hydroponic
growers have had to deal with HRD (data of 2012;
Ludeking et al., 2013). Since 2013, cucumber and
*E-mail: tomato crops in the Russian Federation have also been

These authors contributed equally. affected by HRD, where it has become one of the major
problems in the greenhouse vegetable industry (Ignatov
et al., 2016). In addition, hairy roots has been reported
in Japan, New Zealand and the USA (Sawada & Aze-
Published online 19 March 2017 gami, 2014).

ª 2017 British Society for Plant Pathology 1043

1044 L. Bosmans et al.

Figure 1 Hairy root disease on 4-month-old hydroponically grown tomato plants. Left: healthy roots; right: extensive root proliferation caused by
rhizogenic Agrobacterium biovar 1. [Colour figure can be viewed at]

wounded host cells the bacteria bind to the root surface.

Infection Process Subsequently, phenolic compounds secreted by the
Although HRD is generally associated with pathogenic wounded plant cells (e.g. acetosyringone, lignin, flavo-
Rhizobium rhizogenes strains (formerly Agrobacterium noid precursors) as well as sugar molecules and a low
rhizogenes; Escobar & Dandekar, 2003; Lindstr€ om & pH activate the VirA protein (Lacroix & Citovsky,
Young, 2011; Chandra, 2012), the disease on hydroponic 2013). The activated VirA protein then phosphorylates
crops is generally caused by Agrobacterium biovar 1 the cytosolic response regulator VirG (Lee et al., 1995;
strains (Agrobacterium radiobacter) harbouring a root- Wise & Binns, 2015), which in turn acts as a transcrip-
inducing Ri plasmid (also referred to as ‘rhizogenic tional activator by binding to a vir box located upstream
agrobacteria’) (Weller et al., 2000, 2004, 2006; Weller & of the transcription start sites of the vir genes (Czar-
Stead, 2002). Strains that do not harbour an Ri plasmid necka-Verner et al., 2016). Next, the VirD2 endonucle-
are considered avirulent (Gelvin, 2003, 2009). Symptoms ase in association with the VirDl topoisomerase makes a
arise following transfer and expression of a portion of the single-stranded cut at the T-DNA border sequence
Ri plasmid, i.e. the T-DNA (‘transferred DNA’), to the (Wang et al., 1987). Subsequently, through strand
plant genome in a manner similar to that seen by tumour- replacement the single-stranded T-DNA is released from
inducing Ti plasmids in Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Van the plasmid with a single VirD2 molecule which remains
Larebeke et al., 1974; Hooykaas & Beijersbergen, 1994). attached to its 50 -end (Chandra, 2012). The T-DNA-
Ri plasmids can be classified according to the opines VirD2 complex is then coated with VirE2 to form the
(i.e. a class of carbohydrate derivatives that serve as a transported form of the T-DNA (Citovsky et al., 1989),
nutrient source for the agrobacteria) that are produced and directed to a type IV secretion system (T4SS), which
by transformed cells (Wetzel et al., 2014). Mannopine- transfers it into the cytoplasm of the host cell (Dumas
and cucumopine-type Ri plasmids contain a single T- et al., 2001; Jakubowski et al., 2004; Zupan et al.,
DNA, whereas two T-DNA regions, TL-DNA (left T- 2007; Sakalis et al., 2014; Chandran Darbari & Waks-
DNA) and TR-DNA (right T-DNA), separated from each man, 2015). Subsequently, the T-DNA complex is deliv-
other by non-transferred DNA, have been identified in ered into the host nucleus, and the accompanying
agropine-type Ri plasmids. With regard to the latter, the proteins are removed. Next, the complementary strand
TL-DNA encodes up to 18 potential genes (Slightom of the T-DNA is synthesized and the double-stranded
et al., 1986; Nemoto et al., 2009), among which only fragments are integrated into the plant host genome
four have an essential role in the formation of hairy (Lacroix & Citovsky, 2016). Subsequent expression of
roots, i.e. the root locus genes A–D (rolA–rolD) (White the T-DNA genes results in synthesis and excretion of
et al., 1985; Shen et al., 1988; Nilsson & Olsson, 1997; opines, which are utilized by Agrobacterium as a nutrient
Nemoto et al., 2009). The single T-DNA of mannopine- source (Dessaux et al., 1998). Additionally, expression of
and cucumopine-type Ri plasmids shows homology to the rolA–rolD genes render the plant cells more sensitive
this TL-DNA and also contains the rol locus (Brevet & to plant auxins leading to the typical HRD symptoms.
Tempe, 1988; Chandra, 2012). Plant assays have shown that HRD symptoms generally
Transfer of Agrobacterium T-DNA to the plant cell develop 5–8 weeks after infection. Nevertheless, some-
has been the subject of several reviews (e.g. Sheng & times 3–4 months are needed to develop symptoms.
Citovsky, 1996; Tzfira & Citovsky, 2006; Gelvin, 2009;
Hwang et al., 2015; Lacroix & Citovsky, 2016). The
gene transfer is mediated by the co-operative action of a
number of virulence (Vir) proteins encoded by genes also Agrobacteria are Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacteria
present on the plasmid, collectively referred to as the vir- belonging to the class Alphaproteobacteria and the family
ulence (vir) genes (White & Nester, 1980; Tzfira & Rhizobiaceae, whose members represent a wide diversity
Citovsky, 2006). Briefly, following attraction to of (plant) pathogens and non-pathogens including

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Table 1 Classification of Agrobacterium strains

Old classificationa Biovar classificationb New classificationc

Agrobacterium tumefaciens Biovar 1: tumorigenic (A. tumefaciens), rhizogenic (A. rhizogenes) and Agrobacterium tumefaciens species
Agrobacterium radiobacter avirulent (A. radiobacter) strains, includes type strains of A. complex (LMG 187T)
tumefaciens and A. radiobacter
Agrobacterium rhizogenes Biovar 2: tumorigenic (A. tumefaciens), rhizogenic (A. rhizogenes) and Rhizobium rhizogenes (LMG 150T)
avirulent (A. radiobacter) strains, includes type strain of A. rhizogenes
Agrobacterium rubi – Agrobacterium rubi (LMG 156T)
Agrobacterium vitis Biovar 3: tumorigenic on Vitis (A. tumefaciens and A. vitis) Agrobacterium vitis (LMG 8750T)
Agrobacterium larrymoorei – Agrobacterium larrymoorei (LMG

As published in the International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology (International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology).
Based on a polyphasic classification approach.
Based on Lindstro €m & Young (2011). The type strain (LMG collection, Laboratory of Microbiology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium) is given
between brackets.

beneficial bacteria. The taxonomy of agrobacteria was his- example, morphological, physiological and biochemical
torically based on disease symptoms: bacteria inducing features. Homogenous genomospecies is the ultimate
crown galls were named Bacterium tumefaciens (Smith & criterion to validly delineate a bona fide species (Stacke-
Townsend, 1907); root-inducing bacteria were named brandt et al., 2002). Meeting this criterion, A. larry-
Phytomonas rhizogenes (Riker et al., 1930); and non- moorei, A. rubi and A. vitis (biovar 3) have been
pathogenic agrobacteria were named Bacillus radiobacter. validated as bona fide species (Ophel & Kerr, 1990;
Based upon similarity in morphology and physiology Bouzar & Jones, 2001). However, Agrobacterium bio-
among these bacteria, Conn (1942) proposed a new genus, var 1 is heterogeneous, including at least 10 genomo-
Agrobacterium, comprising the species Agrobacterium species currently called genomovar G1 to G9 (Mougel
tumefaciens (Smith & Townsend, 1907), Agrobacterium et al., 2002) and G13 (Portier et al., 2006), suggesting
rhizogenes (Riker et al., 1930) and Agrobacterium that biovar 1 comprises multiple species that have yet
radiobacter. Agrobacterium tumefaciens (type species) to receive a Latin binomial name. Remarkably, the type
was the name given to Agrobacterium strains capable of strains of the formerly described species ‘A. radiobacter’
inducing tumorigenic reactions in a wide range of host and ‘A. tumefaciens’ were found to belong to the same
plant species. Agrobacterium rhizogenes comprised strains genomospecies (G4). As a result, these species names
capable of causing hairy roots in host plants, and A. ra- are synonymous and should be renamed as ‘A. ra-
diobacter harboured non-pathogenic Agrobacterium diobacter’ for antecedence reasons (Young et al., 2006).
strains (Conn, 1942). Subsequently, a number of addi- Costechareyre et al. (2010) proposed that the group of
tional species have been allocated to the genus, including closely related taxa corresponding to biovar 1 should
Agrobacterium larrymoorei (infecting Ficus spp.), be collectively called the ‘A. tumefaciens species com-
Agrobacterium rubi (infecting Rubus spp.) and Agrobac- plex’ in order to avoid confusion with genomospecies
terium vitis (infecting Vitis spp.) (Bouzar et al., 1995). As G4 (which must be validly named A. radiobacter)
pathogenicity traits of Agrobacterium depend on the type (Costechareyre et al., 2010). For the International Com-
of plasmid hosted by the bacteria, it became clear that mittee on Systematics of Prokaryotes (ICSP) subcommit-
phytopathological properties were not valid for species tee on the taxonomy of Rhizobium and Agrobacterium
delineation (for a review, see van Berkum & Eardly, this seems to be a good interim solution until genomo-
1998). Using a polyphasic approach, various authors have species can be formally named (Lindstr€ om & Young,
recognized three large clusters in the genus Agrobacterium 2011).
(Table 1), corresponding to biovars 1, 2, and 3, as defined Based on 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene phyloge-
by Keane et al. (1970). Biovars are determined by chro- nies, Young et al. (2006) proposed the genus Agrobac-
mosomal genes and not plasmids, and therefore better terium to be incorporated in the genus Rhizobium, but
reflect phylogenetic relationships. As a result, tumorigenic, had not obtained a general agreement (Su et al., 2006).
rhizogenic and non-pathogenic strains can be found As a result, the ICSP subcommittee on the taxonomy of
within the same biovar. More specifically, biovar 1 con- Rhizobium and Agrobacterium (Lindstr€ om & Young,
tains strains of A. tumefaciens, A. rhizogenes and A. ra- 2011) decided to only transfer A. rhizogenes, represent-
diobacter, including the type strains of A. tumefaciens and ing the most distantly related species, into the genus Rhi-
A. radiobacter. Biovar 2 also contains strains of all three zobium as R. rhizogenes. Consequently, R. rhizogenes is
species, including the type strain of A. rhizogenes. Biovar now a legitimate name for biovar 2 (Costechareyre et al.,
3 contains A. tumefaciens and A. vitis strains (Panago- 2010). Interestingly, all strains currently known to
poulos et al., 1978; Ophel & Kerr, 1990). induce hairy roots in hydroponic crops have been identi-
In modern bacterial taxonomy, criteria to delineate fied as Agrobacterium biovar 1 strains (Fig. 2; Bosmans
taxa include genomic information in addition to, for et al., 2015), whereas strains collected from infected

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Figure 2 Maximum likelihood consensus tree from concatenated sequences of four housekeeping genes (16S ribosomal RNA gene, recA, rpoB and
trpE) of all Agrobacterium biovar 1 and biovar 2 strains for which the sequences are present in GenBank (accessed October 2016). Node support
values (bootstrap percentages, based on 1000 simulations) ≥90% are shown next to the branches. Bayesian inference posterior probabilities ≥90%
and neighbour-joining bootstrap node support values ≥90% are denoted by asterisks and daggers, respectively. The small phylogram is included to
illustrate branch length heterogeneity (scale bar = 0.05 nucleotide substitutions per site). Rhizobium tropici LMG 9503T was used as an out-group to
root the tree. All strains inducing hairy roots in hydroponic crops (indicated with a red dot) fall within the Agrobacterium biovar 1 clade (having LMG
187 as a representative strain), whereas strains causing hairy roots in soil-grown plants (indicated with a blue dot) group together within
Agrobacterium biovar 2 (containing LMG 150T as a reference strain). Strains from unknown host/origin are not marked with a dot. [Colour figure can
be viewed at]

plants in the soil belong to biovar 2. Nevertheless, Weller

Genetic and Phenotypic Diversity
et al. (2004) have shown that Ri plasmids may be readily
transferred to non-pathogenic agrobacteria or rhizobia, Whereas the genetic diversity of tumour-inducing
suggesting that novel pathogenic populations with novel agrobacteria has been studied extensively before (Llop
characteristics may arise. et al., 2003; Puławska & Kału_zna, 2012), it is only

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recently that the genetic and phenotypic diversity of of environmental conditions. Interestingly, most strains
rhizogenic Agrobacterium biovar 1 strains causing are able to form biofilms in laboratory assays. Further-
HRD on hydroponic crops has been assessed (Bosmans more, strains have been identified that possess catalase
et al., 2015; Xiao et al., 2015). These studies showed activity, enabling them to resist hydrogen peroxide
that rhizogenic Agrobacterium biovar 1 strains have exposure, which is a commonly used disinfectant in
substantial genetic diversity, especially for chromosomal hydroponic horticulture (Bosmans et al., 2015).
loci such as the trpE gene (encoding the anthranilate
synthase component I). For loci from the Ri plasmid,
Detection and Quantification
such as rolB and virD2, genetic diversity was lower,
indicating that the chromosomal housekeeping genes Early detection, accurate identification and reliable quan-
and the Ri plasmid-borne loci have a different evolu- tification of pathogenic strains are cornerstones for effec-
tionary history (Bosmans et al., 2015). This is in agree- tive disease management. Detection and identification of
ment with the fact that Ri plasmids can be easily rhizogenic agrobacteria have been classically performed
transferred to other agrobacteria or rhizobia carrying using plating on semiselective media (Schroth et al.,
no Ti or Ri plasmids (Weller et al., 2004). Further- 1965; Brisbane & Kerr, 1983) followed by fatty acid
more, it has been suggested that recombination events profiling or PCR detection of the Ri plasmid (Haas et al.,
could have contributed to the evolutionary dynamics of 1995). Selective media to isolate agrobacteria (Brisbane
rhizogenic Agrobacterium biovar 1 populations (Bos- & Kerr, 1983) are generally based on the particular abil-
mans et al., 2015). A genomospecies analysis based on ity of agrobacteria to resist toxic compounds such as
phylogeny of recA and rpoB sequences, encoding the selenite (Na2SeO3) or tellurite (K2TeO3) salts. On tellu-
DNA repair protein RecA and the b subunit of RNA rite-amended media, colonies exhibit a typical circular
polymerase, respectively, revealed that members of at glistening morphology with a characteristic black colour
least four genomospecies may occur on hydroponically and a metallic shine (Schroth et al., 1965; Brisbane &
grown cucurbit and tomato crops, including genomo- Kerr, 1983). However, major disadvantages of isolation-
species G1, G3, G8 and G9 (Bosmans et al., 2015). based detection and identification are that they are time-
While these studies have undoubtedly contributed to a consuming and risk getting false positives due to lack of
better understanding of the genetic structure within rhi- medium selectivity (Brisbane & Kerr, 1983). Therefore,
zogenic agrobacteria, further research using more alternative methods based on molecular approaches are
strains from diverse geographic origins is needed to increasingly developed and implemented for direct detec-
have a more comprehensive view on the population tion and quantification of the bacteria. Weller & Stead
structure. Rhizogenic Agrobacterium biovar 1 strains (2002) described the development of a TaqMan-based
have also been shown to differ substantially at the quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) assay to detect
phenotypic level (Fig. 3). For example, although the Agrobacterium biovar 1 strains from diverse environmen-
majority of strains grow well between 22 and 37 °C, tal samples after enrichment in a selective medium. More
some strains are also able to grow at 4 °C and/or at recently, Bosmans et al. (2016a) developed a SYBR
44 °C. Furthermore, the majority of strains grow well Green-based qPCR assay based on the rol locus of the Ri
between pH 5 and pH 9 but some strains are able to plasmid for detection and quantification of rhizogenic
grow at more extreme values, i.e. as low as pH 3 and agrobacteria in hydroponic systems. The assay allowed
as high as pH 11. Altogether, this shows that rhizo- the authors to detect less than one bacterial cell per mL
genic agrobacteria can thrive well under a broad range (Bosmans et al., 2016a), illustrating its power for routine

Figure 3 Beanplots illustrating the phenotypic diversity (growth temperature, pH, biofilm formation and resistance to hydrogen peroxide (300 ppm))
within a collection of rhizogenic Agrobacterium biovar 1 isolates. Plots were made using all agrobacteria studied by Bosmans et al. (2015). Each
bean represents a one-dimensional scatter plot, showing its distribution as a density shape. The solid line represents the average value for each
group; the dotted line represents the mean among the different groups. [Colour figure can be viewed at]

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1048 L. Bosmans et al.

detection and quantification of rhizogenic Agrobacterium nutrient solution on the other hand resulted in similar
biovar 1 strains. Importantly, the assay can be used for disease severity at the end of the growing season (au-
pathogen assessment before symptoms develop or even thors’ unpublished data). A common method applied in
before infection takes place, enabling preventative con- French, Belgian and Dutch greenhouses that are infested
trol measures to be taken before plants become infected with rhizogenic agrobacteria is removing the upper part
(Bosmans et al., 2016a). of the plastic cover of the growth substrate. Preliminary
trials in practical conditions indicated that this method
Management Practices may reduce fruit yield losses caused by HRD (R. Moer-
kens, unpublished data). However, the underlying mech-
Once the T-DNA has been integrated into the plant gen- anisms of this observation remain unclear so far, but it is
ome, HRD cannot be controlled by curative means. reasonable to assume that light or oxygen may be impor-
Instead, preventative actions should be taken before tant factors. A common method for stimulating repro-
infection can occur. Major strategies to prevent HRD ductive growth is leaf pruning, by which more energy
include cultivation methods and chemical disinfection by becomes available for flower production, fruit set,
chlorine-based disinfectants or hydrogen peroxide growth and development (Kim et al., 2014). While it has
(H2O2). In addition, biocontrol strategies using antago- not yet been tested to control HRD, pruning of young
nistic strains are under investigation. leaves from the top of the plant may yield an adequate
solution. Nevertheless, it has to be noted that this is a
Cultivation methods time- and labour-consuming process. Alternative cultiva-
tion methods that may be able to reduce HRD may be
Excessive root proliferation favours vegetative growth found in the production of tree fruit. Here, excessive tree
over generative (reproductive) growth, decreasing fruit vigour can cause a lot of shoot growth which leads to
setting, fruit size and yield. To have sufficient and bal- competition for nutrients and assimilates between shoots
anced fruit setting and yield, a good balance between and fruits. Treatments such as root pruning and trunk
vegetative and generative growth is necessary. During incisions are used to fine-tune growth control, flower
vegetative growth, a plant uses the products from photo- bud development, fruit set and fruit quality (Maas,
synthesis to grow more leaves and stems, while a genera- 2008). Additionally, the pH of the nutrient solution has
tive plant is using these products to produce more fruit. been found to be an important factor in balancing vege-
However, fruit size and yield decrease if plants become tative and reproductive growth in roses (Roosta &
either too generative or vegetative (Van Ieperen, 1996). Rezaei, 2014). However, the pH of the nutrient solution
Therefore, in order to reduce yield losses caused by rhi- can only vary within a limited range to prevent reduced
zogenic agrobacteria, actions can be taken that benefit availability of nutrients for the plants.
reproductive growth to correct for the excessive vegeta-
tive growth caused by the agrobacteria. This can be
achieved by various cultivation methods, including Chemical disinfection
choice of rootstock, crop variety (cultivar), growth sub- In most hydroponic systems the nutrient solution is recir-
strate, irrigation strategy, etc. Most greenhouse tomatoes culated and reused. The initial water used can be sourced
and cucurbits are grafted onto a rootstock, protecting from diverse water supplies such as ponds, lakes, rivers
the plants against diseases and abiotic stress. However, and reservoirs (Stewart-Wade, 2011). However, as these
different rootstocks may have a different effect on plant water sources can harbour plant pathogens, they may
growth favouring either vegetative or generative growth, present a possible source of pathogens entering the crop
and thus yield and fruit quality (Spornberger & Pieber, (Hong & Moorman, 2005). Moreover, when contami-
2007; Abdelmageed & Gruda, 2009). Likewise, the crop nated nutrient solution is recirculated, it becomes a
variety is known to have an impact on plant growth source of infection for the other plants in the irrigation
(Berg, 2009). Hydroponic crops are grown in a substrate system.
medium such as rockwool, coco fibre, perlite or peat, Currently, a variety of techniques are used to disinfect
each having its own characteristics and requiring a speci- the nutrient solution and/or irrigation pipes, including
fic irrigation strategy. Both the substrate medium and biocide application and exposure of the nutrient solution
irrigation strategy are known to have a great effect on to ultraviolet (UV) light (Pozos et al., 2004). Cationic
whether plant growth is primarily vegetative or genera- surfactants such as benzalkonium chloride (BC),
tive (Aghdak et al., 2016), as well as on disease develop- cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), and Physan
ment. For example, hydroponic aubergines grown on 20, a quaternary ammonium compound (a mixture of
perlite have been shown to develop less symptoms of alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride and alkyl
HRD compared to rockwool (L. Wittemans, unpublished dimethyl ethyl benzyl ammonium chloride), have been
data). Furthermore, irrigating at a lower frequency and shown to eliminate 100% of tumorigenic agrobacteria in
using higher quantities of feeding solution per irrigation water suspensions treated at 7, 5 and 2 ppm, respec-
cycle was found to decrease HRD symptoms more on a tively. Sodium hypochlorite eliminated 100% of the
rockwool substrate than on coco fibre. Increasing the A. tumefaciens population at 0.5 ppm (Yakabe et al.,
irrigation frequency and using lower quantities of 2012). As chlorine-based disinfectants may be degraded

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Rhizogenic agrobacteria 1049

to potentially toxic, mutagenic and/or carcinogenic prod- unpublished data). Furthermore, it cannot be ruled out
ucts posing potential residue problems, in particular in that this avirulent K84 strain may receive the Ri plasmid
the case of chlorate, the majority of growers have shifted from pathogenic strains via horizontal gene transfer
to apply H2O2 to control HRD, which is less hazardous (Weller & Stead, 2002), and thereby become rhizogenic.
for the environment. However, as several rhizogenic For this reason, the use of strain K84 is currently not
Agrobacterium biovar 1 strains are catalase-positive and authorized in Europe.
able to tolerate H2O2 (Bosmans et al., 2015), H2O2 con- Recently, a large collection of diverse bacterial strains
centrations as high as 100 ppm are needed to signifi- has been screened for antagonistic activity against rhizo-
cantly reduce rhizogenic agrobacteria populations genic Agrobacterium biovar 1 strains using the agar
containing catalase-positive strains. For catalase-negative overlay assay (authors’ unpublished data). Interestingly,
strains, a treatment with 50 ppm H2O2 resulted in a sig- only Paenibacillus strains showed antagonistic activity
nificant reduction of the population in both biofilm and and phylogenetic analysis showed that antagonistic activ-
water (Bosmans et al., 2016c). However, greenhouse ity was restricted to a particular Paenibacillus clade, rep-
experiments have shown that H2O2 concentrations in the resenting the species Paenibacillus illinoisensis,
water circuit decrease with distance from the application Paenibacillus pabuli, Paenibacillus taichungensis, Paeni-
point and are consistently lower at the end of the irriga- bacillus tundrae, Paenibacillus tylopili, Paenibacillus
tion circuit, most probably because it reacts with organic xylanexedens and Paenibacillus xylanilyticus (Fig. 4).
material in the (biofilms) piping system (Bosmans et al., When a mixture of two strains identified as P. xylanexe-
2016c). Interestingly, the lower H2O2 concentrations dens was evaluated for its biocontrol potential under
measured at the end of the irrigation circuits correlate greenhouse conditions, 17 weeks after artificial infection
with a higher disease incidence at the end of the circuits, of tomato plants HRD incidence was found to drop by
illustrating the need for monitoring actual H2O2 concen- 30% compared to the control treatment where no antag-
trations in the water circuit and/or H2O2 applications at onistic strains were applied, suggesting high biocontrol
additional sites throughout the irrigation system. potential of the inoculum (authors’ unpublished data).
Although these results are highly promising, it can be
assumed that biocontrol efficacy can even be enhanced
Biological control
by regular application of the BCO. However, it remains
There is an increasing demand from both government to be investigated whether these antagonistic strains also
and consumers to reduce the use of chemical pesticides affect biofilm formation or are able to control agrobacte-
and produce pesticide residue-free vegetables (Whipps & ria that are residing in biofilms. Preliminary characteriza-
Lumsden, 2001). Indeed, as from January 2014 all EU tion of the antagonistic compounds of both strains
professional growers have been obligated to apply Inte- revealed that they are water-soluble and have low molec-
grated Pest Management (IPM) (Directive 2009/128/EC), ular weight. Furthermore, Bosmans et al. (2016b) sug-
in which biological, mechanical and chemical control gested an important role of Ca2+ to make rhizogenic
methods are combined rationally with a minimum use of agrobacteria vulnerable to these compounds. Further
chemical means (EUCIPM, 2014), reinforcing the need research is needed to fully characterize these compounds,
for environmentally friendly and sustainable alternatives. including their identity, production and mode of action.
In this regard, much attention is given to biocontrol
organisms (BCO) because of the ability of such antago-
Conclusion and Perspectives
nistic organisms to suppress plant diseases with a narrow
activity spectrum and less environmental impact than Since its first appearance in hydroponic cucumbers in the
chemical pesticides or disinfectants, and the possibility of UK at the beginning of the 1990s, HRD caused by rhizo-
integrating with other control methods (Raaijmakers genic Agrobacterium biovar 1 has rapidly spread in
et al., 2002). Rhizosphere bacteria in particular are gen- hydroponic cultivation of cucurbits, tomatoes and auber-
erally considered ideal BCO of soilborne plant pathogens gines worldwide. Symptoms caused by rhizogenic
because of their effective colonization of the rhizosphere agrobacteria can differ in terms of severity, ranging from
providing a front-line defence against pathogen attack, no symptoms to heavily proliferated roots. So far, the
their versatility to protect plants under different condi- host and bacterial factors as well as the abiotic factors
tions, and production of antimicrobial compounds that play a role in symptom development and severity of
(Sharma et al., 2009). Research has shown that A. tume- the disease remain unknown. Functional studies, e.g.
faciens can be successfully controlled with an avirulent through the use of transcriptomics and/or mutants, may
A. rhizogenes strain without Ri plasmid. This strain help increasing understanding of the host responses to
(K84) produces agrocin 84 which has a selective toxicity Agrobacterium infection. Future work could also be
against A. tumefaciens (Penyalver et al., 2000). Studies aimed at correlating the different genotypes and/or phe-
indicate that K84 also produces agrocin 434 which notypes of Agrobacterium biovar 1 with differences in
would be active against A. rhizogenes (Penyalver et al., pathogenicity as well as management strategies. Advanta-
2000). Nevertheless, agar overlay assays have shown that geously, these studies can benefit from recent whole gen-
K84 is not able to inhibit the growth of rhizogenic ome sequencing initiatives allowing in depth
Agrobacterium biovar 1 strains in vitro (L. Bosmans, characterization of chromosomal and plasmid DNA

Plant Pathology (2017) 66, 1043–1053

1050 L. Bosmans et al.

Figure 4 Phylogenetic positioning of Paenibacillus strains showing antagonistic activity against rhizogenic Agrobacterium biovar 1 strains. A
maximum likelihood tree was constructed based on 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences (1390 bp) for all type strains of all Paenibacillus species
currently described (163 species) and a number of additional Paenibacillus strains tested. Only a particular clade of phylogenetically related
paenibacilli was found to have antagonistic activity against rhizogenic agrobacteria (indicated with an orange dot), while strains that were less
related to this clade did not (indicated with a blue dot). Strains without coloured dots were not tested for antagonistic activity against Agrobacterium
biovar 1. Major bootstrap values (≥85%; 1000 replicates) are shown at the nodes of the tree. [Colour figure can be viewed at]

sequences (Slater et al., 2009). A preliminary analysis of focused on several strategies to prevent HRD, including
the sequenced genome of a rhizogenic Agrobacterium cultivation methods, chemical disinfection and biological
biovar 1 strain (NCPPB 2659 isolated from Cucumis control. While these methods might work separately, a
sativus) resulted in a genome assembly of 5 277 347 bp combination of different methods would probably result
with a GC content of 59.8% (Franco et al., 2016). Gen- in better protection. Further research could also be aimed
ome sequencing of representative biovar 1 isolates may at identifying resistance sources and the development
allow correlation of genetic diversity with phenotypic and implementation of resistant cultivars or rootstocks,
differences in, for example, virulence characteristics or e.g. in combination with suitable BCOs, protecting the
biofilm formation capacity. Efforts for HRD control have crops from infection with a minimum use of chemicals.

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