The Most Dangerous in History

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COVID Vaccines are the Most Dangerous Vaccines in History

(Based on CDC and VAERS Data)

1. Summary

Fact 1: In just 7 months, the COVID vaccines have proven to be 40% more dangerous than all the other vaccines
combined over a period of 31 years.
Fact 2: There is 1 death for every 15,090 COVID vaccinated persons (based on 12,366 reported deaths).
Fact 3: There is 1 adverse event for every 342 COVID vaccinated persons (based on 545,337 reported AEs).
Based on the VAERS reported data, the COVID vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines in history.

All Other Vaccines COVID Vaccines Projections based on 2021 Rates

Period 31 years 7 months 2021 (7 months) 2021 (12 months) Next 31 years
Total Deaths 8,858 12,366 21,391 663,134
Ratio 100% 140% 241% 7,486%

A comparison of the available vaccination data (flu and COVID) before and after COVID-19, confirms that the
COVID vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines in history.
• while the number of vaccinated people increased from 177.1 million to 236.6 million (a 34% increase), the
number of reported deaths skyrocked from 605 to 12,532, an increase of more than 20-fold (2,071%).

Flu & COVID Vaccinations (LHS) -vs- Deaths (RHS)

250 14,000

5 10,000
150 0 0 0
0 187 8,000
12,532 6,000
161 172
151 147 152 137 4,000
0 358 377 437 467 535 605 0
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2021

Flu Vax COVID Vax (1+doses) Vax Deaths

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2. Overview

This report is based on publicly available data, primarily from the USA based Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC), and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

This report was initially prepared on 7 August 2021, so data available on or before this date, was

1. Summary (page 1)
2. Overview
3. Flu Vaccination Statistics (based on CDC data)
4. COVID-19 Vaccination Statistics (based on CDC data)
5. VAERS Vaccine Data
6. Comparison of Vaccine Data Before & After COVID-19
7. Assumptions
8. FAQs

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3. Flu Vaccination Statistics (based on CDC data)

2019-20 is the most recent influenza (flu) season for which a complete set of data is available, and will be used for
this analysis. For the 2020-21 season, only preliminary data is available, with a heavy reliance on survey
respondents’ intent (whereas “59.0% of respondents reported intention to receive influenza vaccination”, only
“12.3% of respondents had already been vaccinated” as at end of September 2020).

Flu Vaccination Coverage, United States, 2019-20 Influenza Season


Note: The CDC analyzes data from surveys (NIS-Flu and BRFSS) to estimate US flu vaccination coverage. However,
it also assesses consistency between survey estimates and other data sources. "For example, given the total
number of doses of flu vaccine distributed in the United States in 2019–20 and population estimates, the
maximum percentage of all people 6 months and older that could have been vaccinated was 55%".

Summary for 2019-20 Flu Season:

“Vaccination coverage with ≥1 dose of flu vaccine was 63.8% among children 6 months through 17 years, an
increase of 1.2 percentage points from the 2018–19 flu season, and flu vaccination coverage among adults ≥18
years was 48.4%, an increase of 3.1 percentage points from the prior season. Half (51.8%) of persons six
months and older were vaccinated during the 2019–20 season, an increase of 2.6 percentage points from the
prior season.”

Graph 1: Flu Vaccination Trends for US Children (from the CDC 2019-20 report)

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Graph 2: Flu Vaccination Trends for US Adults (from the CDC 2019-20 report)

Table 1: Flu Vaccination Coverage for US Population (most recent flu seasons)

2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Population (m) 316.1 319.1 321.4 323.1 325.7 326.7 328.2 331.4
Flu Vaccinated % 45.0% 46.2% 47.1% 45.6% 46.8% 42.0%1 49.2% 51.8%
Flu Vaccinated Num (m) 142.2 147.4 151.4 147.3 152.4 137.2 161.5 171.7

1. For 2017-18, flu vaccination coverage was 57.9% for children and 37.1% for adults. As no total was given, total
is estimated at 42.0%.

Based on CDC data, the number of people who received the flu vaccine in the most recent reported flu season
was 171.7 million in 2019-20. During the last eight flu seasons from 2012-13 to 2019-20, Americans received over
1.2 billion flu vaccinations.

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4. COVID-19 Vaccination Statistics (based on CDC data)

In the USA, official COVID-19 vaccinations began on 14 December 2020. According to the CDC, as at 31 December
2020, there were 27,068 people fully vaccinated and 5,454,473 people vaccinated with 1 or more doses. As at 30
July 2021, the cumulative numbers were 165,154,120 and 192,058,422 respectively.

Table 2: COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage for US Population

Source: (tip: change Metric & View filters)

2020 2021 Cumulative

Population (million) 331.4 332.6 332.6
COVID Fully Vaccinated % 0.0% 49.6% 49.7%
Num 27,068 165,127,052 165,154,120
COVID Total (1 or more doses) % 1.6% 56.1% 57.7%
Num 5,454,473 186,603,949 192,058,422

Other Routine Vaccines

Many other routine vaccines are administered every year in the USA. The CDC recommends routine vaccines
based on age, occupation or health conditions for 17 diseases including: Chickenpox, Diphtheria, Influenza,
Hepatitis A and B, Hib, HPV, Measles, Meningococcal, Mumps, Pneumococcal, Polio, Rotavirus, Rubella, Shingles,
Tetanus, Whooping Cough. The flu and 16 other routine vaccines account for the vast majority of yearly
vaccinations in the USA.

In addition, other vaccines are recommended for travel and rare diseases including: Adenovirus, Anthrax, Cholera,
Japanese Encephalitis, Rabies, Smallpox, Tuberculosis, Typhoid Fever, Yellow Fever.

Coverage statistics are not readily available for the other routine vaccines, so it is beyond the scope of this report
to document them. However, an indicative view can be gained from the CDC “Vaccination Coverage among Adults
in the United States, National Health Interview Survey, 2017” report which notes the following:
• Pneumococcal vaccination coverage among adults aged 19-64 years at increased risk for pneumococcal
disease was 24.5% in 2017, similar to the estimate for 2016.
• Pneumococcal vaccination coverage among adults aged >65 years was 69.0% in 2017, similar to the estimate
for 2016.
• Herpes zoster vaccination coverage was 34.9% among all adults aged >60 years, similar to the estimate for
• In 2017, the proportion of adults aged >19 years reporting having received any tetanus toxoid-containing
vaccination during the past 10 years was 63.4%, similar to estimates for 2016.

Note: Due to the pandemic, there has been a decrease in the use of routine vaccines in the USA. The CDC has
noted that “efforts to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 have led to a decrease in routine preventive medical
services, including immunization services” ( ).
This is also reflected in the lower reported VAERS vaccine deaths of 366 in 2020, compared to 605 in 2019, and
535 in 2018.

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5. VAERS Vaccine Data

VAERS data is accessed via the OpenVAERS website (an independent project). The managers of VAERS release
COVID data weekly, but they release the previous week's data, so an update will always lag a week behind.

Graph 3: All Deaths Reported to VAERS by Year (to 30 July 2021)

Source: (tip: click on the DEATHS icon to see the graph)

Table 3: Summary of All Deaths Reported to VAERS by Year (to 30 July 2021)
Totals are derived from the OpenVAERS graph (tip: hover over each year to see the total deaths for that year).

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
All Deaths 80 166 228 234 237 158 151 173 172 179 212

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
All Deaths 225 187 265 208 215 220 262 333 337 319 331

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 20211
All Deaths 316 339 358 377 437 467 535 605 3662 12,532
COVID Vax Deaths 12,366
Other Vax Deaths 166

1. through to 30 July 2021.

2. 2020 deaths dipped to 366 (probably due to lower routine vaccinations resulting from pandemic).

Table 4: Comparison of COVID Vaccine Deaths to All Other Vaccine Deaths Combined
This table compares the COVID vaccine deaths reported in 2021, to all other vaccine deaths combined
(reported prior to 2021, but includes 166 other vaccine deaths from 2021).

All Other Vaccines COVID Vaccines Projections based on 2021 Rates

Period 31 years 7 months 2021 (7 months) 2021 (12 months) Next 31 years
Total Deaths 8,858 12,366 21,391 663,134
Ratio 100% 140% 241% 7,486%

Fact 1: In just 7 months, the COVID vaccines have proven to be 40% more dangerous than all the other vaccines
combined over a period of 31 years.
Fact 2: There is 1 death for every 15,090 COVID vaccinated persons (based on 12,366 reported deaths, and 186.6
million people with 1 or more doses of COVID vaccines to 30 July 2021).
Fact 3: There is 1 adverse event for every 342 COVID vaccinated persons (based on 545,337 reported AEs).

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Based on the 2021 year-to-date reported death rates, and assuming rates were to remain the same, some
hypothetical projections can be made as follows:
• 21,391 projected deaths for 2021 (full 12 months).
• 663,134 projected deaths for the next 31 years (excludes population growth & increased vaccine coverage).

Based on the VAERS reported data, the COVID vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines in history.

Note: Pharmacovigilance data are known to be substantially under-reported (this includes VAERS, UK Yellow Card
system, WHO's VigiAccess, etc).

For a breakdown of the VAERS data by vaccine manufacturer, refer to Table 5 below.
Graph 4 shows the relative distribution/popularity of the COVID-19 vaccines available in the USA.

Table 5: Deaths Reported to VAERS (breakdown by manufacturer) (to 30 July 2021)

Graph 4: People Fully Vaccinated in the U.S. (breakdown by manufacturer) (at 10 August 2021)

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6. Comparison of Vaccine Data Before & After COVID-19

U.S. flu seasons and calendar years are different reporting periods, but both cover 12 months. As flu season
statistics are not detailed enough to be split into calendar year components, they will be reported as is.

Table 6: Flu & COVID Vaccinations -vs- Deaths (VAERS)

2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2021

Population (million) 321.4 323.1 325.7 326.7 328.2 331.4 332.6
Flu Vaccinated 151.4 147.3 152.4 137.2 161.5 171.7 50.01
COVID Vaccinated (1+ doses) - - - - - 5.5 186.6
Vaccinated Total: 151.4 147.3 152.4 137.2 161.5 177.1 236.6
Vaccinated Ratio: 100% 134%
All Vaccine Deaths (VAERS) 358 377 437 467 535 605 12,532
Deaths Ratio: 100% 2,071%

1. As flu seasons cross the calendar year boundary, I have estimated the 2021 share of 2020-21 flu season
vaccinations as follows:
• 2020-21 statistics are not yet available and coverage is likely lower than the previous season (due to
pandemic). Therefore assume 150 million flu vaccinations in 2020-21 (was 171.7 million in 2019-20).
• Assume calendar-year split to be 33.3% for 2020, and 66.6% for 2021, so 100 million is estimated for 2021.
• Assume that 50% of people who received a flu vaccine also subsequently received a COVID vaccine.
Therefore, in addition to COVID vaccine recipients (186.6 million), assume 50 million people received the flu
vaccine alone.

Graph 5: Flu & COVID Vaccinations -vs- Deaths (VAERS)

Flu & COVID Vaccinations (LHS) -vs- Deaths (RHS)

250 14,000

5 10,000
150 0 0 0
0 187 8,000
12,532 6,000
161 172
151 147 152 137 4,000
0 358 377 437 467 535 605 0
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2021

Flu Vax COVID Vax (1+doses) Vax Deaths


The USA has used mass vaccinations as a health strategy for many decades. The CDC currently recommends
routine vaccines for 17 diseases. During the last eight flu seasons from 2012-13 to 2019-20, Americans received
over 1.2 billion flu vaccinations.

In 2019-20, 171.7 million people received the flu vaccine (51.8% of population). This is comparable to the 165.2
million people (49.7%) who were fully vaccinated with COVID vaccines as at 30 July 2021. If you include the
partially vaccinated, that number goes up to 192.1 million people (57.7%).

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Assuming all other variables being equal (including routine vaccinations):
• the number of vaccinated people increased from 177.1 million in 2019-20 to 236.6 million in 2021, an increase
of 34% (134%).
• for the same period, the number of reported deaths skyrocked from 605 to 12,532, an increase of more than
20-fold (2,071%).

A comparison of the available vaccination data (flu and COVID) before and after COVID-19, confirms that the
COVID vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines in history.

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7. Assumptions

• In the USA, COVID-19 vaccinations started on 14 December 2020.

• In the USA, flu season occurs in the fall (autumn) and winter, and peaks between December & February.
• VAERS accepts and analyzes reports of Adverse Events (AEs) or side effects from vaccines. It is a voluntary
reporting system. Patients, healthcare professionals, and vaccine manufacturers can report an AE to VAERS.
That's how VAERS works, and that's how it has always worked.
• Pharmacovigilance data are known to be substantially under-reported (this includes VAERS, UK Yellow Card
system, WHO's VigiAccess, etc). Refer to the “Electronic Support for Public Health–VAERS” report:
• Death is the most extreme adverse event. The major findings in this report are based on the death AE.
Detailed analysis of other AEs is likely to result in similar findings.
• Many other routine vaccines are administered every year in the USA. The CDC recommends routine vaccines
for 17 diseases (as well as other vaccines for travel, rare diseases, etc).

8. FAQs

Q: Could the flu vaccines be conflicting with COVID vaccines?

A: Not likely. The latest CDC advice is that you can get a COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccines at the same visit
( ). Although the end of the 2020-21 flu
season overlapped the ramp-up of the 2021 COVID vaccine rollout, the 2021-22 flu season has not yet started
in the USA. Refer also to the next FAQ regarding a decrease in routine immunization services.

Q: Could the large spike in deaths be due to other routine vaccines?

A: No. In fact, there has been a decrease in the use of routine vaccines in the USA due to the pandemic. The CDC
has noted that the pandemic has "led to a decrease in routine preventive medical services, including
immunization services".

Q: Could anti-vaxxers or hackers be reporting fake adverse events to VAERS?

A: They could, but VAERS data is vetted/filtered by the CDC/FDA, and released to the public on a weekly basis
(probably from multiple databases).

Q: Could the nature of the COVID vaccine rollout be causing the spike in deaths?
A: No, mass vaccination programs are not unique in the USA (e.g. annual flu vaccinations). COVID vaccines are
unique in that they are being targeted to almost 100% of the US population. The flu vaccines are seasonal in
nature and are rolled out during flu seasons, not the whole year. 2019-20, the most recent flu season prior to
the pandemic had vaccination coverage of 51.8% (or 171.7 million). As at end July 2021, the number of
Americans fully vaccinated with a COVID vaccine (165.1 million) was similar to the number who were
vaccinated with the flu vaccine in 2019-20.

Q: Could the requirement to get 2 doses of COVID vaccines be causing the spike in deaths?
A: No, although inconvenient, the dosing methodology is irrelevant. Some manufacturers of COVID vaccines
require two doses for the treatment to be complete. Other routine vaccines may also require multiple doses
(e.g. 2 doses for the Shingles vaccine).

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