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Betting Blokfuit = — BIBLIOTHEEK CONSERVATORIUM VAN AMSTERDAM Kees Boeke The Complete Articulator for Treble Recorder and other Wind Instruments ED 12261 Introduction ‘The Complete Artcutoris intended to provide a training programe forthe perec contol of articulation syllables om the recorder and ther wind instruments. have chosen sire snd au stclation force ae th building blocks ofthe system, using either repeated single syathes (ora), acepen on and weak sylbles (4, th dg cr le) in any combination, in onder to sehvere complete sedan of diction. or the purely nia aspct of ariculaon, ie. how io atl pre te oye cartel, {recommend Walter van Hauwe's The Modem Recorder Player" on tne cbject, The ponent etciee ed with the application ofthe principles oullined by Waller van Hauwe, There area muster of ale ofthe game’ whith give below: © The underlying musical principle in this method, which fulfils the demands of both historical and ‘musical considerations, is as follows: A Diatontc passages (scale type, but not complete scales) are thought of as groups of notes or melodic lines, usually rendered by a number of soft articulations after an initial strong one — in other words, ‘what is know as legato’ or ‘portato’. The extreme form of this type of articulation fs the slur, B_Non-diatonic passages (repeated notes or notes that leap) are thought of as single, autonomous notes, expressed by single, strong articulation syllables; these are normally described as nor-legato oF staccato. 1 Oneshould alway begin a saquenc of articulations with strong lable Aven lan nly be aap aston oa weak ne IML A Followed by one or more ds can be replaced by s hr starting on the fan ching on the lst available for example ta IW Ihe frat ofeach group ofthe o four notes (the beat), wether ord should always be inated by the fo, an exrenuty thal nalbly betrays oe te felngs, because very atten eso pss “eat dos not conde withthe stone (etalon, Infact cone between te eas Seat td the pattems of sae sone of he pnp diicules te areulaton sare ‘Sometimes the complexity of some of the formulas may require that we eliminate some problems at first, only to add them again ater on. For example, to practise tt, follow this procedure: 1 Play one long note (the first one) and only think the articulation. This allows you to check that your ‘breathing is not affected in any way by the movernents of the tongue ~ breathing is the electric ‘current of our playing, so to speak, and must be quite independent ol the movement of tongue and fingers. 2 Pay th reguted articulation on this sme note alternating with 1ifecsery you have dfcaley in producing the correct syllables, try 3 3 Replace the iin the group bya shu.) This way you only produce fr the moment the trong the 4° Once you have the correct articulation running nicely, play two alternating notes instead of one (tgs ete.): you will notice that the finger movement soems ta affect the articulation. Alternate with 2 luntil you don’t feel the difference any moze. 5 Now start the exercise proper. Practise both ways, with and without the slurs. When you begin to Jose control, go back to 1 and start again. 6 Substitute Hk dg, tr, dr, ele. for ta Notes ‘The exercises in sections O are completely diatonic andl, apart (rom ddd, can be studied with any kind of erticulation, after you have finished the basic programme. ‘The exercises in Part 2 are diatonic, a3 opposed to the chromatic ones in Past 1. You may add any number of sharps and flats, thus determining your own tonality or mode. One way of doing this, since all the exercises are ‘loopy, is toadd one additional sharp or flat each time you pass Go! ‘Buon Divertimentet Kees Boeke ‘Pitigliano * Schott ED 12150 Vol.1 Schott ED 12270 Voll The Complete Articulator for Treble Recorder and other Wind Instruments Part 1 Kees Boeke 1985 pt rie state etek & o eo Pe Cee scene teeter COPS Etre cette fete eee beheld ota © 1986 Schott & Co. Ltd, London at 1, ro 2 be be of t gerteteteetr teres titer Be ete fie TIE] Lo ED 12261 te ie ie ae tf we ihe rte the ie ie iy the £12261 ED 12261 ED 12261 f € b ape J = retereties ZeSSEee ee eS oS chen siee tebe tebe beta ee wiles obs i 4 pe euseeess bene s ea ae £D 12264 ED 12261 = = =e £D 12261 #ettt teeecn teepioes bee ere ee » oo : : oe ffSfty ae Poe SS ED 12261 Part 2 £0 12261 £D 12261 TDTD 4 “9 ft} PEt eett fe. wv ef iber ber ltertteetrertrastr teas DIpT % w gp ee ee peperettteees® sa ppp fe Ft — ee £D 12261 tEEEeeEE eet ate ote ae _ _ oP SS -=as5 $a ireotepstrephtortteritetterteeeiter bDITTr 2 i te mtnest BB TDDD ED 12261 DDTD, DDDT petfteree Pete enettres nprte ED 12261 DID DIDT ED 12261

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