Iraola, Huaman, Mego y Andersson 2021 Mathematical Self-Efficacy and Collaborative Learning Strategies in Engineering Career Aspirants

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Mathematical Self-Efficacy and Collaborative Learning

Strategies in Engineering Career Aspirants

Ivan Iraola-Real1[0000-0001-6479-8961] Ling Katterin Huaman Sarmiento 1[0000-0001-6995-0141]

Claudia Mego Sanchez1[0000-0003-1269-9325] Christina Andersson2
1 Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades, Lima 15314, Perú,,
2 Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, 60318 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Abstract. In the Peruvian context for learning mathematics, the use of collabo-
rative learning strategies is essential to achieve an adequate academic perfor-
mance in them; and, at the same time, develop an adequate confidence level in
mathematical abilities called self-efficacy. The present study aims to identify
the predictive relationship between the collaborative learning strategies with the
academic performance and the self-efficacy in mathematics in students’ aspir-
ants to engineering careers. In this study the sample were 122 students (56 men
(45.9%) and 66 women (54.1%)) between 15 and 26 years old (Mage = 17.81,
SD = 1.74). In the results, it was identified women having a lower mean in
mathematical self-efficacy, unlike males, but similar results in academic per-
formance and in use of collaborative strategies in learning mathematics. Finally,
the multiple linear regressions analysis shows the collaborative strategies in
learning mathematics, and academic performance in mathematics positively
predict the mathematical self-efficacy.

Keywords: Collaborative learning, strategies learning, mathematical self-

efficacy, academic performance.

1 Introduction

The mathematics learning is fundamental in the professional training of humanity.

Nevertheless, from the 70s, the society was reconciling that the mathematical educa-
tion was insufficient and inadequate [1]. This has, over the years, been improving
thanks to the appearance of diverse methodologies that think about how to revolution-
ize the learning of the mathematics. It is necessary to bear in mind that mathematics is
a subject difficult to understand or to solve due to the complexity that it characterizes
[2]; that is; why many young people have deficits in general and particular knowledge
of the matter, before a university entrance assessment, assessments that are more de-
manding and difficult for applicants for engineering careers.
The engineers need mathematical skills to face the socioeconomic demands [1].
Therefore, problems as mentioned above, have to be studied to favor and to realize
progress inside the process of learning, to change the negative thoughts and frequently
the fear that students have concerning mathematics. Therefore, teachers search for
better learning strategies on the part of their students, exploring diverse methodolo-
gies to find the most suitable and the one that offers significant benefits to the process
of learning [3].
In this context, active methodologies arise, emphasizing the role of students as
main actors in their learning process where they develop search capabilities of search,
analysis, and evaluation of the information; at the same time, produces to himself an
exchange of comments and experiences with their partners [2]. Therefore, to apply
strategies focused on the relation between two or more persons fits with the needs of
the current society [4], bearing in mind also the social essence and the interaction with

1.1 Benefits of Collaborative Learning in Mathematics

Collaborative learning is one of the more suitable strategies of knowledge, and with
major results in mathematics [5]. In this model, students study in teams [6]. In this
way, reciprocity favors learning [7]. Also, it is good to think that collaborative learn-
ing offers many benefits; as, for example it improves the learning process in mathe-
matics because it allows defining the values of the variables that intervene in a circle
so that the obtained resolution is the most suitable [2]. It also allows establishing ties
between the different thoughts and opinions with the various manners of solving the
problematic situations that appear, having both an expected end. [8], propitiates
adapted attitudes inside an approach of autonomous learning [6], generates inspiring
situations founded on the acquisition of competences [9], thanks to the sum and inter-
connected delivery of the members of the team, each of the participants wins. Also,
with the collaborative learning strategies, the quality of the ideas and proposed solu-
tions have been confirmed [10].
For these benefits, through teamwork, students seek new solutions [2] when facing
unknown situations and problems [11], achieving collaborative learning [12]. For this
reason, it is important to bear in mind that in collaborative learning, students develop
their reasoning and their ability to solve problems, use and make suggestions to their
classmates [13]. In this way, collaborative strategies favour organized work and satis-
faction with learning [14].

1.2 Collaborative Learning in Mathematics, Self-Efficacy and Academic


But also, when you are learning mathematics, it is necessary to have a suitable confi-
dence level to be able to solve arithmetical problems. This confidence names itself a
mathematical self-efficacy [15]. Self-efficacy according to the following factors: the
experience of the gain, understanding of the sensations and emotions that happens to
him or to other persons, stimulation to act in the not thought-out way initially, and
reactions of the body opposite to the stress [16], allowing suitable levels of academic
performance. This type of arrangement is predicted principally by the self-efficacy
and the collaborative strategy [17]: Students who apply methods that imply collabo-
rating with others to achieve a result obtain better yield in the mathematics [8],
demonstrating this way the fruits of the whole educational process [18].
But from another optics, the achievements obtained with an excellent academic
performance constitute experiences that they favor the development of a suitable self-
efficacy [19] because it is an experience of domain or success that allows to the stu-
dents to trust in his capacities [16].
The learning product of collaboration, it offers a positive impact on the theoretical
yield [20-21], as well as it encourages the development of competences [2]. It is nec-
essary to point out that this type of learning not only consists of realizing a work as a
whole, but the collaborative strategy needs commitment, of repeating the collabora-
tive strategy of maintaining continuous [22]. Likewise, students actively learn be-
cause there is a join objective [7] wich is to find the solution to mathematical prob-
lems related to the immediate environment [23].

1.3 Objective and Hypothesis

As previously analyzed, the present research aims to identify the predictive relation-
ship between the collaborative learning strategies with academic performance [8] [20]
and the self-efficacy in mathematics [16] [19] in a sample of students aspirants to the
engineering careers. According with the investigation objective, the following hy-
pothesis appears:

- The collaborative strategies in learning mathematics predict the mathematical

self-efficacy significantly in aspirants students to engineering careers; any time
they possess suitable levels in their academic performance (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Hypothetical Model.

2 Methodology

2.1 Participants

The participants were 122 students candidates to the engineering careers (56 men
(45.9%) and 66 women (54.1%)) between 15 and 26 years old (Mage = 17.81, SD =
1.74) (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Frequency (Gender).

2.2 Measures
Collaborative Strategies in Learning Mathematics Scale. This scale evaluates
interactive learning strategies when studying mathematics. It is one-dimensional, and
it consists of 4 items with response options on the 7-dimensional Likert scale (from 1
totally disagree to 7 total agreement). Validity was assessed with the exploratory
factorial analysis (EFA), and the Kayser-Meyer-Olkin sample adjustment test (KMO)
was .75, Bartlett's Sphericity Test was significant (χ2= 320.843, df = 6, p <.001).
Regarding reliability, the Cronbach Alpha Coefficient was .86 (adequate [24]).

Mathematical Self-Efficacy Scale [25]. This is an abbreviated and adapted version of

Palenzuela scale to assess confidence levels in mathematical abilities. It is a one-
dimensional scale that has 5 items. Validity was assessed with EFA, and the Kayser-
Meyer-Olkin sample adjustment test (KMO) was .79, Bartlett's Sphericity Test was
significant (χ2= 307.040, df = 10, p <.001). Regarding reliability, the Cronbach
Alpha Coefficient was .85 (adequate [24]).
3 Results

After the analysis of validity and reliability of the instruments, gender difference ana-
lyzes were realized.

3.1 Gender differences

First, as the sample consisted of 122 participants (> 50), the statistical distribution was
analyzed with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test [26] according to gender, and the
variables demonstrated not having a normal distribution. Table 1 shows that the three
analysis variables proved to be significant (p<.05).

Table 1. Normality Test.

Variables Gender
Statistical gl p
Collaborative Strategies in Men ,175 46 ,001
Learning Mathematics Women ,199 60 ,000
Mathematical Self-Efficacy Men ,193 46 ,000
Women ,135 60 ,008
Academic Performance in Men ,180 46 ,001
Mathematics Women ,158 60 ,001

Table 2 shows the analysis with Mann and Whitney Test according to gender (women and men)
showing significance value (Sig. asymptotic p<.05) of the variable mathematical self-efficacy
confirmed lower levels in females. But, in the academic performance in mathematics and col-
laborative strategies in learning mathematics, men and women did not show a value of signifi-
cance that indicates relevant differences (p>.05). These results suggest that although women
have less confidence in their mathematical abilities, they use collective learning strategies to
study in the same way, achieving the same academic performance levels as men in mathemat-
Table 2. Mann and Whitney Test.
Variables Gender N Average Range Range Sum
Men 56 59,61 3338,00
Collaborative Strategies
Women 66 63,11 4165,00
in Learning Mathematics
Total 122
Mathematical Men 56 71,50 4004,00
Self-Efficacy Women 66 53,02 3499,00
Total 122
Academic Performance Men 46 53,59 2465,00
in Mathematics Women 60 53,43 3206,00
Total 106
Test Statistics
Grouping Variable: Collaborative Strate- Mathematical Academic Per-
Gender gies in Learning Self-Efficacy formance in
Mathematics Mathematics
U de Mann-Whitney 1742,000 1288,000 1376,000
W de Wilcoxon 3338,000 3499,000 3206,000
Z -,547 -2,886 -,026
Sig. asymptotic (bilateral) ,584 ,004 ,979

This analysis confirms some studies with students from different educational levels.
For example, studies with French primary school students identified that women had
lower levels of mathematical self-efficacy [27]. These findings coincided with other
studies with samples from high school students [28] and samples of university stu-
dents [29].

3.2 Relations Between Variables

Relationships between variables were analyzed according to Pearson's r assuming
Cohen correlation criteria [30] for social studies (light, r =.10 - .23; moderate, r = .24
- .36; strong, r = .37 or more). The results showed that the collaborative strategies in
learning mathematics were related to mathematical self-efficacy (r = .26**, p <.01).
These results indicate that when students use collaborative strategies more frequently,
this is associated with higher levels of mathematical self-efficacy. If they use these
types of strategies less frequently, their self-efficacy is less.
Then, the collaborative strategies in learning mathematics were related to
academic performance in mathematics (r = .21*, p <.05). Similar to the previous
case, it is observed that if students employ collaborative strategies frequently, this
favors better grades in mathematics. If they use these strategies less frequently, then
their performance in mathematics is poor.
Finally, the academic performance in mathematics was related to mathematical
self-efficacy (r = .31**, p <.01). This last analysis confirms that the highest levels of
academic performance (expressed in grades) are associated with higher levels of con-
fidence that a student possesses to study mathematics (and vice versa) (see Table 3).

Table 3. Relations between variables.

Variables 1 2 3
1 Collaborative Strategies in Learning Mathematics -

2 Mathematical Self-Efficacy .26** -

3 Academic Performance in Mathematics .20* .31** -

Note. Asterisks (*, **, ***) show significant relationships. * p <.05, ** p <.01,
*** p <.001 (bilateral).

3.3 Linear Regression

Then, with multiple linear regression analysis, it was identified the predictive power
[31] between collaborative strategies in learning mathematics and academic perfor-
mance mathematics (as predictor variables) and mathematical self-efficacy (output
variable). In this analysis was found that collaborative strategies in learning mathe-
matics (β = .18; p <.05), and the academic performance mathematics (β = .10; p
<.01), positively predict the mathematical self-efficacy, explaining 13% of the vari-
ance (R² = .13). The results indicate that if students apply collaborative strategies
more frequently in the mathematics study (as dialogue, questioning, explanation, and
debate) and at the same time have a high level of academic performance, this predicts
that they will have adequate confidence levels in their mathematical abilities (and vice
versa) (see Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Multiple linear regression.

4 Discussion
In the present study, the objective is to identify the predictive relationship between
collaborative strategies in learning mathematics and its relationship with the academic
performance [8] [20] and self-efficacy in mathematics [16] [19] in a sample of
students aspiring to engineer careers.
In the previous analyses, significant gender differences were identified; they were
indicating that the women had less mathematical self-efficacy in comparison to the
males. These results confirm studies of Joët, Usher. and Bressoux [27], who analyzed
a sample of 395 French students of primary education, it identified that the males
possessed better levels of mathematical self-efficacy. These findings were consistent
with studies with samples of secondary education [28]. Also, in a sample of 326
university students who were studying algebra, being the males were possessing
significant mathematical self-efficacy levels [29].
Also, it was possible to identify the positive relationship between all variables,
which allows demonstrating that the collaborative learning strategies favor the
learning reflected in the academic performance [19]; what is possible because
working of form collaborative favors the problem solution through consultations and
mutual suggestions, what in the end it favors the learning [13], the creation of solution
strategies, the comprehension and the satisfaction with the study [14]. But at the same
time, the academic performance represents a set of experiences that help to develop
suitable levels of personal efficacy [19], which feeds on the so-called experiences of
domain necessary for the development of the mathematical self-efficacy [27].
Nevertheless, there exist studies that differ concerning the positive effects of
collaborative strategies. For example; in experimental studies of Retnowati, Ayres,
and Sweller [20] realized with two samples of 182 and 122 students of Indonesia, they
demonstrated that in some cases, individual learning was more efficient in the
achievement of understandings of algebra when demonstrative classes were
happening. Still, the collaborative strategies were more beneficial when it was a
question of using techniques of search for problem-solving. In this study, one
concluded that collaborative learning is helpful when searching for new solutions is
needed and not when the teacher exhibits examples of solutions.
Also, the studies of Zhan, Fong, Mei, and Liang [21] with 588 university students
identified the achievements of the work collaborative were depending on the number
of women and males who were integrating the groups; concluding that the teams
formed only by women and the mixed units of work with the same quantity of males
and women (two women and two males) the achievements in learning were suitable;
in contrast to the groups in which there were only males or a less number of women.
Then, in the multiple linear regression analysis, it was observed that the
collaborative learning strategies predict of more significant form the suitable levels of
mathematical self-efficacy. This result allows confirming the studies of Joët, Usher,
and Bressoux, who affirm that the successful experiences as obtaining positive
achievements in the solving of mathematical problems it preferred to the self-efficacy
[27]; this way, the collaborative strategies, on having favored to mathematical
learning [5] and to that of all the subjects in general [8], from the optics of Albert
Bandura, it allows developing suitable levels of mathematical self-efficacy [16].
Finally, the linear regression analysis demonstrated that the high levels of academic
performance favor mathematical self-efficacy. This finding confirms again the empir-
ical studies of Joët, Usher, and Bressoux, who identified that the mathematical per-
formance was collaborating at the suitable level of development of self-efficacy [27].
In addition, to coinciding with the studies of Wilson and Narayan [19] who observed
in a sample of 96 university students that the appropriate levels of academic perfor-
mance favor at suitable levels of self-efficacy, because a right performance is per-
ceived by the student as a domain experience allowing to be able to trust in its capaci-
ties [16]. Nevertheless, there might be comparable results because Peters' studies with
a sample of 326 university students in those whom he confirmed that suitable perfor-
mance in algebra might collaborate at a high level in the mathematical self-efficacy

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