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Description of functions 8.10 Pressure amplifier The Pressure AMPLIFIER amplifies the input signal from 8.4 SUPPLY PRESSURE TRANSDUCER The output signal from this amplifier, representing the relative gas supply pressure, is used in: * 8.11 pRessuRE CALCULATOR to calculate the absolute pressure of the gas © 8.12 SUPPLY PRESSURE AMPLIFIER. 8.11 Pressure calculator ‘The pressure caLcutatoa calculates the sum of: * Gas pressure (input from 8.10 pressuae alpuries) and * Barometer pressure (input from 4.6 BAROMETER PRESSURE TRANSDUCER). The result of this caleuleon is th absolute pressure of the gas. Output signals from the pressure calculator are used in: iageaceate + 8.15 Flow caLcutaron ‘* 8.18 VALVE POSITION CALCULATOR. 8.12 Supply pressure amplifier The relative gas supply pressure, input signal from 8.10 pRessuRe AMPLIFIER, is amplified in the SUPPLY PRESSURE AMPLIFIER. Output signals from this block is used * 4 voniroricto show the corresponding relative gas supply pressure on the front panel * 8.13 DELTA PRESSURE AMPLIFIER, Servo Ventilator onaqga #0 a 8.13 Delta pressure amplifier The input signal from 8.5 DELta pressune ‘RansouceR is amplified in the DELTA pressure aweurien. The output signal s influenced by the relative gas supply pressure value from 8.12 SUPPLY PRESSURE AMPLIFIER as Well as from 8.3 INSPIRATORY VALVE TEMPERATURE SENSOR, M15 The potentiometer at the top of the InseIRATORY vaLve UNTT implies a limited (approx. + 3%) adjustment possibilty of this signal. This signal is not a directly proportional part of the flow and no service adjustment must be made. If the msprarony ‘VALVE UNIT proves to be out of specification it is recommended -for safety reason- to exchange it. ‘The output signal is used in 8.15 Flow CALCULATOR. 8.14 Zero offset The possible offset of the pressure drop signal, measured by 8.5 DELra PRESSURE TRANSDUCER, is Set to zero in the beginning of each breath cycle, i. e. when the flow through the inspiratory valve is zero. The block zero orrser deliveres an offset compensation voltage to 8.1 DELTA PRESSURE ‘AwPLRIER, The zeroing function is controlled from 18.4 vaive ZeRONG. “oF 300/304, erVo Ventilator 30/3008 er 3.15 Flow calculator the flow depending signal from 8.13 peut ‘ESSURE AMPLIFIER and the absolute supply yessure depending signal from 8.11 |#ESSURE CALCULATOR are Used to generate a hnearized actual gas flow signal (aa rLow), PRESSURE enced by lue from ed 1013 mbar, 760 mm Hg). For conversion to ‘ity of this §mbient pressure, see section “Conversion flow and volume to achieve reference to 2 service bient pressure" in the Operating Manual. YSPIRATORY ification it to .16 Flow | control ntroller block comparing actual ain FLow -ow desired ain FLow rer. The actuating itput signal is used to influence the block 17 COMPENSATION +5%. ocae 17 Compensation +59 | sure Output signal corresponds to the input , ginning of” fgnal ain eLow rer with an adjustment ow trolled by the block 8.16 FLow 1 conTaoL. O. e adjustment (compensation) is limited to offset maximum of 5%. |. PRESSURE trolled oa i 18 Valve position calculator ae ls function is an additional compensating Ment for the regulation where the actual ‘lute supply pressure value from the Ick 8.11 PRESSURE CALCULATOR and the ired ain FLOW FEF signal compensated in block 8.17 compensation 5% generate activating signal which is used as a basic ‘tence for position of the inspiratory valve. — Description of functions 8.19 Flow PI control Controller block comparing actual an tow from the block 8.15 rLow catcucator with desired an FLOW ner signal compensated in the block 8.17 compensaion +5%. The actuating output signal is added as a final adjustment to the basic position signal from the block 8.18 vatve rosmmon carcutaton generating the desired rosmow ser signal for the block 8.20 rosmon po conrot. 8.20 Position PD contro! Controller block comparing actual isp. vauve 0s. value from the position sensor in the block 8.7 wsriraTonY soLeNow wind Postion sensor and desired rosmon rer signal mentioned in the block 8.19 row rt contro. The actuating output signal (together with 2 signal compensating for the supply Pressure) is used as the desired ins. vatve CunreNt née signal in the block 8.21 cursient CONTROL. 8,21 Current control Consists of the board PC 1585 current CONTROL. Controller block regulating the current going to the block 8.7 mseiRaToRY SOLENOIO wr Posmion sensor according to the desired input signal mp. vatve CURRENT aeF from the block 8.20 posmon Po conrRoL. The actuating ‘output signal is a pulse train with constant frequency of 30 kHz and pulse width modulation used in the block 8.22 current Power, 061 01 0302 Servo Ventisto nag, 8.22 Current power Consists of the board PC 1586 cunnenr Power, Driving stage for the energy going to the Block 8.7 wnseiRaToRy SOLENOID waTH Fosmon Sexson. The result of the output signal is 2 Certain opening of the msemrarony vaive. fe an | 66 Siemens-Elema AB 3tor 300/304, nev ar anid ‘Servo Ventila Description of functions aos 9 Inspiratory valve unit - 0, The Wsemarony vatve unm ~ 0, works inthe The eV 8S the 8 iuspinatofy VALVE UNT - AIR The Description of functions is valid for both {¥Pes of inspiratory valve units. There are, however, some differences inthe design of the differant valve units: * The electrical code that states the valve Unit type, see 8.8 vaive cove TRANSPONDER * The mechanical code that states the valve unit type, See 8.9 mvsPiRATORY VALVE KEY * A strapping on PC 1602 to change the linearization, see 8.15 row cacuvaron * A different inlet nipple, see 9.1 0, ier. 9.10, inlet The O, inlet nipple is a quick-coupling where 0, is connected to the vergilator, ‘The design of the O, inlet nipple and the colour marking fing varies according to the standard —_, chosen. 3 s Anon-return valve for the O, inlet is located in the bacteria filter cover, see 8.2 eacrena FILTER, 10 Inspiratory valve unit - Optional If the third valve slot is net used for equip- ment for e. g. NO gas administration or Nebulizing drugs, a valve dummy without valve function must be mounted in the third valve slot on the ventilator 't contains one electronic board PC 1634 Duty VALVE ConNecron. It responds internally 4S @ 8.8 VAIVE cove TRaNsPoNER indicating that this valve function is not available. Itis also provided with a mechanical code. See 8.9 inspiratory vatve Key. ‘As mentioned above, the valve dummy can be replaced by an inspiratory valve for administration of e. g. NO gas or by equip- ‘ment for nebulizing drugs (Servo Ultra Nebulizer 345). These products are described in separate documents. a 11 Inspiratory channel The fresh gas from the ispratony va.ves (@ and 9) is mixed and lead to the patient system via this channel. The O, cell and the safety valve are also parts of the inspiratory channel. 11.1 Inspiratory mixing part The different fresh gases come together in this part, It also contains a fitting which connects to the main block 12 inseRatory PRESSURE. The msrirarony Mxne pant is designed to Suppress pressure oscillates from going to the pressure transducer. 11.2. Inspiratory pipe This plastic pipe leads the mixed gas from the 11.1 INsPiRATORY MIXING PZ AT to the patient system. Itis held in positich by a ap lock. Itcontains a holder for the 11.3 0, ceut and it 's integrated with the 11.4 sarery vatve seat. The outlet of this inspiratory pipe {s called INSPIRATORY OUTLET, Servo Ventilator sooygqqyo Ver 11.3 O, cell j4 The O, cell is mounted in a holder on the fe 11.2 wsprrarony Pie and protected bya _jpnoid bacteria filter. Service interval 3000 hot fp sole ‘operation for exchange of the O, eacrenua tor FILTER. pve The O, cell gives an output voltage ee Proportional to the partial pressure of apbling oxygen inside the nsmmarony Pre. At constane! OPE Pressure this output is proportional to the 0.1 Wh Concentration in percent. In each O, cell the’) the output signal will stay ata fay constant | spr level usually within 10-17 mV in normal sr pus and standard barometric pressure during the | ct life time of the cel. This signal is used in the | Thi block 153 0, concentasrion aMPuFEER. The cell | Th: should be replaced when the output level | se: has started to decrease. In this Situation, Th repeated calibration ofthe O, concentration + TP is required. aaa The lifetime of the cellis affected by the O, | sx concentration. With the O, concentration (at pr ‘the celll in % and expected cell ife in hours | sr the following applies at 25°C (77°F): sc O, concentration x Expected cell life = a 800 000% hours. us A separate output signal (0, cett connecteo U ia indicates if the O, cell is connected or not. oe This signal is used in the main block 4 ail wowronn. The Q, cell cable is connected to the board PC 1607 preumaric INTERCONNECTION (connector P22) inside the eanenr unr. 68 Siemens-Flema AR Pana pnanr ane Athan? ean = ¢ Safety valve 1e” the safety valve function depends on its noid and on its factory trimmed springs. 2% a 00h of Jsolenoid can be electrically activated », Bactenw {from the 11.5 saFETy VALVE Driver. When [valve is opened it connects the i cToRY Pipe directly to ambient air thus bling a decrease in pressure. The valve jopen in two different ways. 2nal to the QjWhen the solenoid is not activated (via 1.0, cell thag the SAFETY VALVE priver) the mechanical constant § spring which is built into the solenoid Normal air pushes the solenoid axis upwards. This re during the actuates the safety valve to be opened. 3 Used in the] This is normal safety (pop off) function. #1. The cell] This is also the case when the Move tput level f sc.ector is set at Ventilator Off. ituation, - a centration | The two springs which hold the safety valve disc in position are factory trimmed to a tension such that the 11.5 Safety valve driver ‘The SAFETY vaLvE DRIVER Consists of the electronic board PC 1613 with three connection cables: * Itis connected (at the connector P53) via a cable to the 21 power supty. The safety valve is protected by a PTC resistor in the 211 POWER SUPPLY. * Itis connected (at N54) via a cable to the board PC 1607 PNEUMATIC INTERCONNECTION (connector P23). * Itis connected (at N55) via a cable to the 11.4 sarew valve solenoid. The function of this block is to provide power to the SAFETY vvawve solenoid controlled, by the input signal pis SAF valve AND 24y {via P54:3) from the main block 4 onTorwsc, y >n* “ion (atl pressure inside the msriaaipry aire ch hours @ should exceed 120 cm H,@ {even # the Fre solenoid is activated). This is an extra all life = safety function, and the situation will normally not occur. 4 connecreo 1) fiting start up, the solenoid is electrically edornot. Mtivated so that the solenoid axis is pulled ack 4 n (with a clicking sound). This is the annected to #mal operational position of the solenoid; ACONNECTION @ SAFETY VALVE is normally kept closed. unm, 061 01 302, E380E 061 01 03 02 Siemens-Elema AB 69 Description of functions 12 Inspiratory pressure The function of this main block is to measure the pressure in the 11 NSIRATORY CHANNEL and generate @ corresponding signal insp. pressure via the board PC 1607 PNEUMATIC INTERCONNECTION (N24:C7) to the main blocks 4 MowiToriNs and 6 REFERENCE & TIMING. 12.1 Bacteria filter This filter protects the 12.2 PRESSURE ‘TRANSDUCER On the board 12.3 PRESSURE ampurien from contamination. Service interval 3000 h of operation for exchange of the inspiratory pressure BACTERIA PUTER. 12.2 Pressure ae This differential pressure TeansoUces is an integrated part of the board 12.3 pressure, ‘AwPurier mounted together with a siligan—* rubber connection piece. It refers the pressure to ambient pressure and gives a linear measurement in the range -20 em H,0 to +120 om H,0. Pressure exceeding +200 crn H,O must be avoided. Servo Vora sagan Verte SE 12.3 Pressure amplifier yExpirato: This board PC 1611 contains: stunctic tt . gasure the pre a pressure transducer ee and ge «# a generator of +5v REFERENCE voutace PC 1607 PE | : g6:C7 from P an amplifier for the pressure signal ee, FE « the two potentiometers for calibration of yiFOl. in in. zer0 offset and gain vecommend When calibrated according to the Operating p 19-1 BACTE Manual, chapter Calibration, the pressure our pe and nip signal (P24:C7) will have a scale factor of nual, chaP 75 mVicm H,0. cur overhau. “ynplete cle p14 Bac “his filter P" ouceR Syrues fre j nt Jen Yychange ‘rea. THE youtine ¢ \ \ 13.2 F ‘See 12.5 13.3 ee 12 \ \ \ i watt SUU/SUEH —_— }Expiratory pressure .g function of this main block is to poure the pressure in the 14 expiRaToRY INEL and generate a signal ExP. PRESSURE. §PC 1607 PNEUMATIC INTERCONNECTION bs: C7 from P24:C7) to the main blocks 4 : i ia TORING, G REFERENCE & TIMING and 15 valve 14.1 Expiratory inlet with ration of raot. moisture trap The function of the moisture trap is to reduce the condensation of moisture in the 14 Expiratory channel The expiratory channel conveys the expiratory gas from the patient system through the patient unit. . Jecommendation to regularly exchange © Operating } 13.1 sacreni ri.ten with its connection -RESSURE Ube and nipple is given in the Operating fe expiratory channel. The gas temperature is A ‘or of Jenual, chapters Routine cleaning, 1000 _first decreased and then increased in order ir overhaul and 3000 hour overhaul with __to reduce the condensation before the gas iprplete cleaning. enters the 14.4 E<-RATORY CONNECTION TUBE. i If moisture is condensated in the moisture 4 trap, itis collected in a plastic container. .1 Bacteria filter jis filter protects the 13.2 PRESSURE souceR on the board 13.3 PRESSURE IFiER from contamination. Empty the plastic container if necessary. When removing the plastic container, a built- in valve closes to keep the patient system tight. vice interval 1000 h of operation for {change of the inspiratory pressure dactena dren. The filter is also replaced during the tine cleaning. . | ¢__ Theinside bottom of this silicon rubber tube 44°F has a slope down towards the 14.1 exes TORY INLET WITH MOISTURE TRAP. 14.2. Expiratory connection tube 1.2. Pressure transducer fags 44.3. Expiratory flow transducer aes The gas flows through the expiratory flow 33 Pressure amplifier transducer in two parallel channels, one Yee 12.3 large mein channel, and one small ; measuring channel, The main channel is i fitted with a wire mesh net, the resistance cof which causes a certain proportion of the gas to flow through the measuring channel. The flow through, and the differential pressure across, the measuring channel acts on a small metal disc ("flag"), which, via a metal pin presses on a small semiconductor strain gauge. This consists of diffused resistors on both sides of an elastic silicone rod. The resistors are connected as a part of a Wheatstone bridge, the other part of which JE 061 01 0302 t3¢9 E30 061 01 03 02 Siomens-Elema AB 7 Description of functions is situated on the 14.4 exeirarony FLow awpurier. The more flow in the channel, the higher the pressure on the strain gauge. The change in resistance in the Wheatstone bridge is converted to @ corresponding signal voltage. A resistor, 220 Ohms, 6W, is moulded into the transducer and is used for heating of the expiratory flow transducer. The transducer is heated to approximately 40°C (104°F} to Prevent condensation of water vapour. The heating is controlled from the main block 18 EXP, FLOW UNEARIZATION. If water should condense in the expiratory flow transducer, the resistance of the wire mesh net increases. Thus the output signal will increase. This can be seen on the digital display and the bargraph for expire wanute VOLUME, as an increased reading. The accumulation of medicaments, mucus and secretion in the expiratory flow transducer gives the same result. ‘ For details on cleaning arti calibration of the flow transducer, see the chapters Routine cleaning and Calibration in the Operating Manual. Service interval 1000 h df operation for exchange of the wire mesh net. 14.4 Expiratory flow amplifier This block consists of the board PC 1623 EXPIRATORY FLOW AMPLIFIER With its plastic housing and the expiratory flow connection cable. Two potentiometers and @ green indicator LED are used when calibrating the flow signal according to chapter Calibration in the Operating Manual. Serve Ventilator anyayq@r¥0\ The change in resistance in the 14.3 en,, 15 V TORY FLOW TRANSOUCER iS Converted to & Corresponding signal voltage, Ths signa nom inear function ofthe flow, is handiedin © the main block 18 exp. r.ow unéanzanion, A temperature sensor mounted close to the 15.1 14.3 expmRaTony FLOW TRANSDUCER Measules ity. temperature: The signal Tew senson is useq. SOT" by the TRANSDUCER TEMPERATURE CONTROL block #ES° in the main block 18 exe. Ftow unearzanion, 8 sign: The connector (N30) at the end of the expiratory flow connection cable can be 110" disconnected from the 18 exe. FLow pel tunzaaizamion (PC 1615: N30). Thus an extra 14 BXPIRATORY CHANNEL can be calibrated and ready for use, but only in the ventilator it hes been calibrated in. 14.5 Expiratory valve tube This tube connects the 14.3 expiratory Flow TRansoucer with the 14.6 exerarony ourcer It is mounted on a holder pin and it contains a fitting which connects via a nipple to the main block 12 exrmatony pressure. The S)PIRATORY VaLvE TUBE is squeezed between | the metal bars of the 16 exrrarony va. |e Service interval 1000 h of operation for o exchange of the exeinarony vaLve Tuee. | 14.6 Expiratory outlet with non- | . return valve i The gas from the patient system leaves the ventilator via this outlet. It contains a non- Feturn valve. Its rubber membrane is Mounted on a valve seat disc which can be removed from the expiratory outlet. nD tor 300/30¢72 *.3 expIRA- © al, a randled in ZATION. 5 Valve control is main block consists of the board (£1622 VALVE CONTROL. ose to thes. PEEP PID control 228Ures itsntroller block comparing actual EXP. aris use TROL bloc} SRIZATION, the van be w an extra ated and sure signal from the main block 13 jratony pressure with desired Peer Leve, {anal according to front panel setting A order to somewhat decrease the piratory resistance at high expiratory ‘ows, the ©. FLow signal from the block .5 GAS COMPOSITION COMPENSATION is used in lator it naaisition to the actual x. pnessune value in @ sTORY FLOW. srt 0...dins a » to the The setween / VALVE, on for JBE. th rion- eaves the sanon- zis 061 01 0302 ich a way that a high exe. FLow value results ‘ha somewhat bigger opening of the RATORY VALVE Compared to when the exe. 4 w value is small, ‘Jhe actuating output signal is used as a “Jesired posiion rer signal for the block,15.2 Fa PD CONTROL. i 45.2 PositionPD control; ° ‘Controller block comparing actual ex. fosmon signal from the block 16.3 exeiratony SOLENOID WITH POSITION SENSOA With desired ‘yosmion REF signal from the block 15.1 Peer ‘np controt. The actuating output signal is ‘used as desired exp. vaLve CURRENT REF for the ‘block 16.1 CURRENT CONTROL. 15.3 0, concentration amplifier This block, the o, CONCENTRATION AMPLIFIER, amplifies the signal from 11.3 0, cet. The output signal is amplified to 90 mV/%0, at 1013 mbar (760 mmHg) ambient barometric pressure. This output signal is used in: + 4 monrronine to monitor the O, concen- tration where it is distributed to 1.5 0, CONCENTRATION to display the measured value on the front panel. + 18.1 uneanuane cru for compensation of the ex. FLow value. 15.4 Valve zeroing Zero offset is handled through: # Timing control for the zeroing of the actual gas fiow and position signals within the main blocks 8 INSPIRATORY VALVE UNIT ~ AR and 9 INSPIRATORY VALVE UNIT ~ 0, when the real actual gas flow is zero (normally during pause time). ‘* Timing control for the zeroing of the actual position signal within the main block 18 EXPIRATORY VALVE. The timing control mentioned above is executed in cooperation with the block 15.5 VALVE ENABLING. 15.5 Valve enabling Valve enabling/disabling is handled through: ‘© Timing control (enabling) of the main blocks 8 wsriRATORY VALVE UNIT — AlR-and 9 INSPRATORY VALVE UNIT ~ 0. + Timing control (disabling) of the main block 46 exiraroRY VALVE. 4 E382 E3006 061 01 03 02 Siemens-Elema AB i i vescription of tunctions 16 Expiratory valve The function of this main block is to. ‘squeeze the 14.5 exeinsrony valve Tuse in a regulated way. 16.1 Current control Consists of the board PC 1585 current CONTROL. Controller block regulating the current going to the block 16.3 expiRaToRY SOLENOID wire POSITION SENSOR according to the desired input signal exp. vaLve cunaent ner from the block 15.2 Posimion Po contAOL. The actuating Output signal is a pulse train with constant frequency of 30 kHz and pulse width Modulation used in the block 16.2 current PoweR. 16.2 Current power. Consists of the board PC tde6 ‘CURRENT POWER, : Driving stage for the energy going'to the * block 16.3 exeimaTony SOLENOID wirh POSTION Senso. The result of the output signal is a certain opening of the exerarony Servo Ventilator soygqqo Vent 16.3 Expiratory solenoid with sExp’ Position sensor ey The eeraronY soLevo contol the opening 's mair through the 14 exetaarony crane by 4615 Squeszing the 14.5 exprarony vawve ruse to {fey desired position, al for The solenoid receives power from the block 16.2 cunnenr Power. The power supply tothe Solenoid is regulated so thatthe remaining BT | pressure in the patient system towards the ‘end of the expiration time is kept on the Se UNE PEEP level according to front panel Setting, ‘An optical sensor on the board PC 1694 POSITION SENSOR E Mounted at the bottom of the expiratory solenoid detects its position and the resulting ex. Posmon signal is Used in the block 15.2 posimon Po conTROL, Offset zeroing for the exe. Position signal is controlied from the 6.1 Move cru via | the block 15.4 vatve zeros. : 17 Optional interface fom eee ‘egut Not used in this version. Bane urre 182 Aute from mac expi time 7s stor 300/399 Vetus ourovurs — ‘with ,Expiratory flow _ lineariza’ 2 Gyenings main block consists of the board Y 44615 ox. FLOW LINEARIZATION . The purpose Tuse to ais main block is to linearize the output hal for expiratory flow. the block! oply to the ee : maining #1 Linearizing CPU including vatds the | _ LIN-PROM functions onthe ip uiveanizine cru will calculate a :l setting. ‘mpensation factor for the flow output, 1594 nal (2. FLow). This compensation attom of pends ‘on: Position gas composition (O, concentration) signalis 2 ONTROL, (piratory pressure sm : "ON _ Barometric pressure. 208 CPU Via 82 Transducer temperature | 1 control 4 1 he lock TRANSDUCER TEMPERATURE CONTROL ‘Ses the temperature signal (TEMP. SeNgon) Jom the 14.4 expiratory FLOW AMPLIFIER to ‘wulate the temperature in the 14.3 IRATORY FLOW TRANSDUCER by controlling the Arent to its heating resistor. i - 18.3 Zero offset Automatic zeroing of the unlinear flow signal for the 14.4 prinatony FLow ampurien is fnade every breath when the actual real ‘Pepiratory flow is zero (during inspiration ime). | 18.4 Expiratory flow linearizer Analog linearizing circuit using the unlinear flow signal from the 14.4 exraTory FLOW -aweurien generating a linear signal representing the measured expiratory flow. This signal is used by the block 18.5 cas COMPOSITION COMPENSATION. 18.5 Gas composition compensation The measured expiratory flow signal from the biock 18.4 exrRATORY FLOW LNEAAZER is adjusted for the contents of oxygen and for the ambient pressure resulting in the output signal exe. tow. This limited adjustment function is controlled by the block 18.1 NEARING CU. The resulting flow signal is a fiow measure- ment referenced to standard barometric pressure (1013 mbar, 760 mm Hg). For conversion to ambient barometric pressure, see section "Conversion of flow and volume to get reference to ambient pressure” in the {Operating Manual. 3101 03 02 | ‘Siemens-Elema AB 19 Cooling system 19.1 Cooling fan The coouns Fan is an axial fan for 24 V power supply. If the air temperature inside the power ‘section exceeds approx. 41°C (106°F), the 21.4 power TEMPERATURE CONTROL will turn on the fan. The airstream provided by the fan will ventilate (cool) the inside of the patient unit. The airstream is divided so that 70% goes to the power section and 30% goes to the Pneumatic section. When the temperature drops below approx. 40°C (104°F), the fan is automatically turned off. If the input Fan conTROL on N78 is connected to ground (CGND), the fan will be on continuously. This option can also be used to test the fan. 4 4 19.2 Air inlet with dust filter { There is one aim ister were oust eiurdn situated On the pneumatic section casing. The dust filter is a fine wire mesh net that provides filtering of the incoming cooling air. Service interval 3000 h of operation for cleaning of the dust filter as described in the Operating Manual. Servo Ventilator 3gyaqvo Venti Patient unit —- Power Section | Pov The Power section consists of te main pve blocks 20 ~22 which are described below, sided jis des: i igctione 20 Mains power Freie 20.1 Mains power inlet yen wt The Mans rower mer is a male connector at entilate the power section panel. Two fuses (F171 C161 and F12) and a voltage selector are included 5 y in the mans POWER INLET. ‘Main: The following table states the voltage. 124 selector setting and fuse value for different ‘isthe ‘mains power voltages: i : ways ‘Mains power Selector Fuses fellas voltage setting Fiupi2 ella 100 Veer0%) tov T315q, —jerfor TI7V E1096) 120VTSIBAL jower 220V 10%} mV Tis} 230 V 10%) 220V 0 THBAL 240 V (410%) 20V T16AL 4 Mains frequency is 60 ~ 60 Hz. et The NTC resistor, soldered to the mans ect POWER INLET, Works as an inrush current find c limiter. line four 20.2 Transformer ‘Onl The Taxstonwen is a toroide transformer fated 235 VA. A temperature fuse, included in the transformer, will blow if the ine temperature exceeds 110°C (230°F]. The fuse isnot resetable and not eplacabie; CO" replace the transformer ifthe fuse has Mi blown, i «the 20.3 Capacitor Pe The capacitor shown in this main block is the rectifier smoothing capacitor. The Capacitor is rated 40 V DC, 22000 pF. 6 rtlator goqjge Ventiator svurovurs section|Power supply tr ain) power supply, as described below, is all bea below|ided in PC 1618. 5 description refers to PC 1618D. Some ‘ptional deviations in older versions of 31618 are also described. jen when the mode selector is set to sonnector afttilator Off, there is still live current on uses (Fiq 31618: are includegs y and +24 V if the power source is Mains or an External battery olt 4 1" age 4.24 V Low poweR AEG if the power source fe et or different’ the Internal battery. ‘ways disconnect mains power supply as Fuses Frum _ilas external and internal batteries before T3.15 AL grforming any service intervention on the 73.18 AL ‘ywer section. Tiga! TH6AL Trea a 4.1 Auxiliary (rey ae ‘here are two AUXIUARY OUTPUTS On the power @ mains "“zotion casing, one &-pin connector (N77), current ‘nd one 15-pin connector (N28). + 4p configuration and signal names can be ‘ound in chapter “8. Diagrams". Only accessories, supplies or auxiliary isformer _suipment listed in Siemens-Elema catalogs Se, included {'Products and accessories” Order No. ye %0 34 662 E323E and “Spare and exchange O°). The arts” Order No. 30 34 570 £323E) must be slacable, connected to or used in conjunction with the se has ventilator. Warning: Usé of accessories and auxiliary equipment other than those specified in these catalogs may dégrade safety and performance of the ventilator. 1 block is The Note regarding the +24 V0; At each of these pins at N77 and N78 itis allowed to take out a maximum of 3 A. However, the {otal current from these pins is not allowed to be more than 4 A alitogether. As indicated by the signal name, all control signals are buffered which makes each ‘output pin short-circuit proof. The power supply +24 V Po at N77 and N78 is disconnected if: ‘* The ventilator runs in internal battery mode +» 424V pois short circuited «+ The power section is overheated, approx. 48°C (18°F). The power supply (+24 V Po} is automatically reconnected when conditions return to normal. E061 010302 - kaoo caenk nai ni 13.02 ‘Siemens-Elema AB v7 21.2 Voltage distribution The different voltage levels used in the ventilator are regulated in and distributed from this block. The fuse F1, rated F 6.3 A limits the total +24 V supply current, The distributed voltage levels are: * +24 V: (+24 V Fusen) fused at F2, rated F1.6A, via P74 * +24 V: (+24 V) limited at R33, a PTC resistor rated 1.1 A at 20°C, for the 11.4 ‘SAFETY VALVE Via P73, * +24 V: (+24 V vatve) from the electronic VALVE POWER SWITCH Via P74 © +24 V: (+24 V Low power rec) used only in the mode selector via P70 i * +24 V: (+24 V Po) unregulated voltage, 1 21-34 V, via the auxiliary outputs N77 i and N78 I * +15 V: (V+) regulated in the oc/pc ‘CONVERTER Via P74 i *-16 V: (V+) regulated in the oc/oc conventen i via P74 pee i : ! * +5 V: (VC) regulated in the wrennat 5 v REGULATOR and used only internally in PC 1618 * +5 V: (+5 V) regulated in the oc/oc CONVERTER Via P74. * +5 V: (+5 VL) regulated in the oc/oc : Converter used only in the front panel via 74. The battery connections are equipped with fuses: * Internal battery connection is fused at F3, rated F 6.3 A. i * External battery connection is fused at F4, i rated F6.3 A. The number of fuses on PC 1618 and the location of these fuses can vary depending on the different PC-board versions. Servo Ventilator: Soqjayo Ver 21.3 Voltage control & Timing iat This block administrates the differe ‘supply sources. 1F power suppy is lower than the limits Stated below, the extemal battery will rion automatically be used as power source, h cc |fno external battery is connected, the inteynpe nal battery will be used as power source, °F nt pow, oer peal * Mainsis used as power supply source ashe ¢ long as mains power is connected and theatic Voltage level, detected by the +24v 4a VoLTAGE oeTEcToA, is above 19.2 V, pile * External batery is used as power supply 8: source; aie ~ if the external battery voltage level is above 23 V in the moment when it is connected and £ ~ as jong as the voltage level in the fhe connected external battery is above jan 21.5. te Older versions of PC 1618: fe The 23 V limitation mentioned above does ft" Not exist and the extemal battery voltage fu level, detected by 2 caurorenrit vetecron, fife must be above 20.25 V. * Internal battery's used as power supply ‘source as long as the internal battery voltage level is above 19.6 V. If the voltage level drops below 19.5 V, no power supply is distributed to the ventilator valves. | Older versions of PC 1618: | The internal battery voltage level, detected | by a cquporenmiat veTection, must be above j 18.6 V. i The battery voltage levels can be displayed | in the Alarm and Message display on the | front panel. The displayed value “Internal” is, ¢ the charging voltage at the internal battery ‘connection (P72). 8 ‘Siemens-Flama OR oan ranar ace at a2? suey SUL peseeery ming A Power temperature control St poweTC-resistor on PC 1618 senses the air pperature inside the power section. limits air temperature inside the power ywill tion exceeds approx. 41°C (106°F), the source, §f COOLING FAN is tured on. When the 2d, the intgnperature drops below approx. 40°C F source, #4°F), the fan is turned off. / source agye sir temperature inside the power sted and thetion exceeds approx. 48°C (118°F}, the say BV power supply (+24 V 0) to the iiary outputs N77 and N78 is disconnec- j. When the temperature drops below rox. 48°C (118°F), this power supply is nected. ver supply’ 2 level is shen itis .5 Charge control nthe internal battery is automatically charged sabove — fin external power supply (mains power or nai battery) is connected..The front .el LED Charge Int. Batt. indicates ifthe above does e"nal battery is in charge mode. During ary voltage f2rGe Mode, one of the following three 1 betecnion,fferent battery charge levels is used: Level 1 if the battery voltage level is below ‘er supply {18 V. The battery is charged with 20 mA. aattery This tow battery voltage level may indicate the voltagef? faulty battery, and the low charge ower supply4current is selected to prevent damages alves. ldue to a faulty battery. Level 2if the battery voltage level is el, detected § between18 — 29 V. The battery is charged st be above With up to 500 mA. ‘Level 3 is a trickle charge level that will = displayed @charge the battery with up to 50 mA to yon the keep the voltage level at approx. 27 V. ‘internal iS he time to rech i al battery jarge @ discharged battery mn be up to 8 hours. 22 Operating power 22.1 Internal battery There are two 12 V sealed lead acid batteries connected in series inside the power section used as an internal 24 V battery for backup purposes. The batteries are rated 12 V, approx. 1.9 Ah, ‘The intemal battery voltage level can be displayed in the “Alarm and Message" WA display on the front panel. Service interval approx. 3 years for ‘exchange of the internal batteries. After replacement, allow the batteries to recharge before clinical use of the ventilator. The lifetime of the internal batteries are reduced if the batteries are used frequently to supply the ventilator with operating power. The batteries should not be recharged more than approx. 130 times to keep stated backup capacity. 22.2 External battery inlet ‘The external battery inlet is a three-pin male connector at the power section panel. The external battery inlet is rated 24 V. When connected, the voltage of the external battery must be within approx. 23 - 30 V. Pin configuration and signal names can be found in chapter "8. Diagrams". The external battery will not be charged by the mains power supply. The external battery voltage level can be displayed in the Alarm and Message display on the front panel. ‘ES80E 061 01 03 02 ‘Siemens-Elema AB rE uescription of functions 22.3 Operating time meter The operating time meter on the power section panel is supplied with +5 V. This means that the operating time meter will be activated as long as the pc/oc converter is enabled, i.e. when the mode selector is set ‘to any other mode than Ventilator Off. 22.4 Grounding terminal The grounding terminal is a potential equalization pin at the power section panel, All internal grounds as well as protection ground in the mains power inlet are connected to this grounding terminal. Servo VentlatorSoyenqay0\V 23 Interconnection cable The WreRCONNECTIN caBL is the 2.96 m lo, 89 leads cable that connects the Control uit with the Patient unit. Fin configuration and signal names can be found in chapter “8. Diagrams’, an ~ uu suuy w rong m2 unk can be 3. Disassembling and assembling General... Preparations .. Handling PC boards Microprocessor module PC 1588 Exchanging PROMs Separating the panel section from the control section .. Disassembling the panel section .. ‘Assembling the panel section Disassembling the control section Assembling the control section. Assembling the panel section to the control section Separating the pneumatic section from the power section.. 93 Disassembling the power section .. Assembling the power section ancnnn 96 . sembling the pneumatic section to the power section .. . 7 Disassembling the pneumatic section ... 98 + Assembling the pneumatic section ........ 101 Removing the interconnection cable... 102 Mounting the interconnection cable... 102 = 101 0302 ‘tap) E3g0E 061 01 03.02 Siemens-Elema AB at Servo Ventilator saygy饮’ General The different main units and subunits of Servo Ventilator 300 are described in chapte, Introduction. This information can be Useful also when disassembling and assembling the Servo Ventilator 300, Disassembling and assembling of the inspiratory and expiratory channels and of the inspiratory valve units is described in the Operating Manual, chapter Cleaning. A further disassembling and ‘assembling of the ventilator is described in this chapter, The illustrations in the Siemens-Elema Catalog "Spare and exchange parts" {Order No. 90:34 670 £3236) are very usete as a guide when disassembling and assembling the Servo Ventilator 200, Service equipment (tools, calibration and test equipment) can also be found in the catalog stated above, 4 Preparations Before disassembling or assembling the Servo Ventilator 300, make sure that: * Gas supply is disconnected * Mains power cable is disconnected * Mode selector is set to Ventilator off. If the mode selector is Set in any other Position, the intemal battery will Supply power to the PC boards * All gas conveying parts are cleaned according to instructions in the Operating Manual, Atter any service intervention in the Servo Ventilator 300, perform a Function check according to instructions in the Operating Manual, Siemens-Elema AB £909 rane neg win woveHUNy ‘lator gog/agY Yen erent i — Handling PC boards 2 softh ‘The PC boards contain components that are 3u «chapte highly sensitive to static electricity. an be useful Those who come into contact with circuit ssembling boards containing sensitive components must take certain precautions to avoid of the damaging the components (ESD protection). eet When working with ESD sensitive compo- ean nents, always use a grounded wrist band Hie and grounded work surface. Adequate eae service tools must also be used. 3 chapter, PC boards (spare or exchange parts) must always be kept in protective packaging for sensitive electronic device. 2 Very useful and PC boards must not be inserted or removed 300, while the mains power or battery power is stion and applied to the PC boards. ad in the Remove and insert the PC boards very carefully to avoid damage to the connectors. bling the 2 that: rected atoroff. any other vill is saned 8 the Function in the 061 01.0302 _ E397 Eaane 061 01 0302 ‘Siemens-Elema AB Microprocessor module PC 1588 Each one of the five PC boards PC 1605, PC 1608, PC 1614, PC 1616 and PC 1616 includes a microprocessor module. This microprocessor module, PC1588 (1), is Mounted with its two rows of connectors into the corresponding connectors on the PC boards mentioned above. PC 1588 is secured to its corresponding PC board with one of the following methods: — On older units; strips of glue on the connector sides or adhesive tape (2), ~ On newer units; screw (3). Serva Ventilator 30q/3qqvo Ver Removing PC 1588 xche * Remove the securing device (see above), ct Remove any remaining glue strips on the'y « connector sides emor * Carefully lift off PC 1588 from the PC ye PR board where it is mounted. Do not 7 rani s folic ct lamage the connector pins on PC 1588, fat PRO Assembling PC 1588 REF- * Check that no connector pin on PC 1888 is. M0! damaged. PAK * Carefully mount PC 1588 onto the corresponding PC board and make sure -LN- that all connector pins fit in the connector Mix socket. Alabe athe ~ On older units; non-conductive adhesive #ct# tape (2). Do not use glue. on ti * Secure the PC boards to each other: ~ On newer units; screw (3). Not: awe the! See disc proc date Siemens-Elema AB FRR) Fame ner aaa? F 3 pve). Ba the re PC not °C 1588. xchanging PROMs each of the PC-boards PC 1587 and 31588, there are exchangable program emory modules, PROMs. we PROMs are denominated and labelled sfollows: COM-PROM (PC 1587). Divided into two PROM chips REF-PROM (PC 1588 on PC 1605) PC 1588 is MON-PROM (PC 1588 on PC 1608) ne ke sure sonnector cher: 2 adhesive 3101 03 02 PAN-PROM (PC 1588 on PC 1614) LIN-PROM (PC 1588 on PC 1615) MIX-PROM (PC 1588 on PC 1616). i i When removing a PROM chip from the PROM socket, always use a PROM extraction tool (1), Order No. 62 04 353 (label showing all PROM-versions included Exage Oo not try to pull the PROM chip out ithe ventilator is attached to the control ection. When replacing a PROM chip, ittach the new label (delivered with th ROM) onto the old label on the control section. Note - Before exchanging COM-PROMSs, aways disconnect the power supply from ihe battery on PC. 1887 computer inrearace. * See information regarding power supply disconnection in chapter “4. Service procedures", section “Resetting the trend data memory and real time clock”. ie { of its socket. Squeeze the pliers and let the tool action pull it out. Some PC boards have been equipped with PROM socket from a different manufacturer (AMP). The PROM extraction tool stated above do not fit these sockets. For AMP sockets, use the extraction tool, Order No. 20 11 108 ES0OU, or a PROM extraction tool obtained through your local AMP dealer. For further information, see EM Express "PLCC Surface Mount Sockets” dated 1996-05-21. » E382 E380E 061 01 03 02 ‘Siemens-Elema AB 5 Disassembling and assembling ‘Servo Ventilator 300/z004vo Venti Separating the panel section from the control section * Remove the four screws (1) 5 Ewe * Carefully lift off the panel section (2), The panel section is now separated from the control section (3). TH Disassembling the panel section Front panel controls * Separate the panel section from the control section as previously described. ‘* Remove the knob cover (1). * Remove the pin (2) if the control has a push-button release function. * Loosen the nut (2) holding the knob and liftoff the knob from the control shaft. Use the knob holder tool, Order No. Ee 62.04 197 E380E, when removing the control knob. * Disconnect the connector (4). + Remove the two serews (6) and it off the control ( ‘e200 cane nei M1 0302 he ctibed. yas a ‘band naft. the t off the 010302 wrsassctuiny anu assemoung k Panel interface board PC 1614 * Separate the panel section fram the control section as previously described. * Disconnect all front panel control connectors (1) from PC 1614, * Remove all nuts (2) holding PC 1614. * On newer units: Remove all panel holders (3). * Carefully lift off PC 1614 (4) from the front, panel base plate. When the panel interface board PC 1614 is separated from the front panel base plate (e. g. as a spare or exchange part), there are a number of components on PC 1614 that can be easily damaged. Therefore, always handle PC 1614 very carefully. Front panel film * Separate the panel section from the control section as previously described. * Remove all front cover control knobs as previously described. Remove only the control knobs, not the complete controls. * Remove all panel holders (1) that secures the front panel plete to the frame. * Lift off PC 1614 including the front panel base plate (2). * Lift off the front panel film (3) from the frame. 382 E380E 061 01.0302 Siemens-Flema AB 87 Disassembling and assembling | | | a Servo Ventilator angyggqi¥© Ve" Assembling the panel sectiop The procedure for assembling the panel section is the reverse of the disassembly procedure previously performed. The following points must be noted during assembling: Panel interface board PC 1614 * Carefully mount PC 1614 on the front panel base plate, Make sure that the PC boards indicator LEDs and touch sensors fit into the corresponding holes in the front panel base plate. Front panel controls ‘* Mount the control (1) on the front panel base plate and connect the connector (2} to the PC board, * On older units: Check that there is an O- ring (3} mounted on the knob. On newer units: The knob pointer ringis. = made of a flexible rubber material that replaces the function of the O-ing. The O-ring is not used. * Put the knob on the control shaft. ‘* Adjust the knob so that the knob pointer (4) aligns with the indication mark (5). The indication mark is a smal! dot or a thin guide line. * Tighten the nut (6) slightly. * Check that the knob pointer still aligns with the indication mark. dilator gog/gog!® Yenurator suu7suuA 'sectior, * nel 3ssembly ted during 1614 @ front at the PC ch sensors >in the front nt panel rector (2) is an O- at ting is al that 1g. » pointer « (8) The 2 thin aligns Disassembling and assembling * Tighten the nut (6). Tighten to approx.: — 150 Ncm on the mode selector knob. — 90 Nem on all other knobs. Use the knob holder tool, Order No. 62 04 197 E380E, when mounting the control knob. * Check that the knob is easy to turn. If the knob is hard to turn, it can be necessary to put a 0.2 mm thickness gauge (7) between the front panel film and the knob while mounting the knob. The thickness gauge Order No. is 67 60 895 E380. * Mount the pin (8) and the knob cover (9). There are three spring-loaded controls on the front panet: ~ Oxygen breaths / Start breath — Reset / 2 min — Pause hold Insp. / Exp. These controls do not have the thin guide line mentioned above. Mount the control knob with its pointer wings in horizontal position as shown in the illustration. 11070302 £382 E380E 061 01 03.02 Siamar Flama AB, 90 Disassembling and assembling Servo Venti 0 Vertat ntilator saqangar Venue Disassembling the control section PC boards PC 1587, PC 1605, PC 1608 and PC 1616 * Remove the screws (1) and lift off the control section lid (2). * To remove any of the boards PC 1605 (3}, PC 1608 (4) or PC 1616 (6), grasp the PC board and pull it out. # To remove PC 1887 (6), first remove PC 1608 as mentioned above. When PC 1608 is removed, grasp PC 1887 and pull it out. Note - Before exchanging COM-PROMs on PC 1887, always disconnect the power supply from the battery on PC 1587. See information regarding power supply disconnection in chapter "4. Service procedures”, section “Resetting the trend data memory and real time clock”. | | roa Prana nt Aan £ 300/309,70 Venuiator suu/suUA ‘ol Control interconnection board PC 1617 * Separate the panel section from the control section as previously described. the * Remove PC boards PC 1587, PC 1605, Ke PC 1608 and PC 1616 as previously 508 desoribed, 3 he ae * Disconnect the two interconnection cable connectors (1) from the control unit. See section “Removing the inter- connection cable” * Disconnect the loudspeaker connector (2). * Remove the screws (3) and lift off PC 1617 (4). 210302 £200 coone nat m1 na.n7 Siamone-Flama OR an Servo Ventilator so0jgoqprvo V Assembling the control n * section The procedure for assembling the contro} section is the reverse of the disassembly procedure previously performed, The following points must be noted during assembling: PC boards ‘* The PC boards are mounted in different types of guides. Make sure that the PC boards are correctly supported by these guides. * The PC board connectors on the control interconnection board PC 1617 are not symmetrically mounted. The connectors can be damaged if a PC board is mounted in wrong position. ity ~~ Assembling the panel section to the control section The procedure for assembling the panel section to the control section is the reverse of the separating procedure previously performed, a a SR Siemens-Flema AR ener eanar nos at ARN? L ator $U0/30QrV0 Ventilator SuU/SuUA, uisassempiing ana assembling a . ° Separating the pneumatic ~ section from the power 3 control section ssembly ‘* Place the patient unit on the edge of the workbench so the screws are accessible ed during from below. * Loosen the four screws (1). different the ed by ha * Lift off the pneumatic section from the aoa power section. Place the pneumatic : oe section on a support beside the power 7 ‘section. * Disconnect the battery connector (2). To reduce the risk of damages, caused ‘ by short-circuits in the power section, section always have the batteries disconnected when the power section is open. panel 2 reverse + Instead of cutting the cable ties, remove ously the screw (3) holding the battery bracket (4). * Disconnect the connectors (5, 6 and-7). The pneumatic section is now separated from the power section. 361 01 0302 F297 FaanE NaI A127 Siomane-Flama AR. af 93 2 Servo Ventilator 300/300," Disassembling the Power section Mains power inlet ° * Separate the pneumatic section from the Power section as previously desctineg, * Remove the cover (i), On older units: A small plastic cover Mounted with two screws (2). g On newer units: A big metal cover (as illustrated) mounted with three Screws (3), . ‘An EMMfiter is attached to the cover with a cable tie. Cut the cable tie if the cover Faust be completely removed from the £ Power section, * Disconnect the cables from the mains power inlet. * Remove the mains power inlet (4) from, the power section. Transformer * Separate the pneumatic section from the i Power section as previously described. i * Remove the cover (1) from the mains Power inlet as previously described. * Disconnect the transformer cables from the mains power inlet, * Disconnect the transformer cables from the capacitor (2) and from the screw terminal (3). | * Remove the nut (4), washer (6) and rubber | plate (6). * Lift off the transformer (7). i i : Siemens-Elema AR over with » Cover 7 the 1ains from “om ubber 0302 E382 E380E 061 01 03.07 en Disassembling and assembling | Power supply board PC 1618 * Separate the pneumatic section from the Power section as previously described. ‘* Remove the cover (1) from the mains power inlet. ‘* Remove the four screws (2), * Disconnect the; ~ Cables at screw terminal (3). ~ Ground cable (4). This ground cable is used only in older versions. It has been removed in newer versions. ~ External battery inlet connector (5). ~ Operating time meter connector (6). ‘* Remove the nuts. holding the diodes (7) and release the diodes from the screws. * Remove the nuts and screws holding the ‘wo auxiliary equipment outputs (8). ‘* Remove the screw (9). Remove the capacitor holder (10). * Carefully lift off the PC 1618, en Servo Ventitator soqyaqqvo Assembling the power section ‘The procedure for assembling the power Section is the reverse of the disassembly Procedure previously described. The following points must be noted during assembling: Mains power inlet inlet according to figure. according to figure. 1 TON * Connect the cables to the mains power 4 && Power supply board PC 1618 * Connect cables to screw terminal 96 Siemens-Elema AB E907 enone new MIMO? ee ny urew asoeuiuiig | Battery pole covers * Make sure that the battery pole covers are bNve mounted on the battery poles according to r sembly figure. Assembling the pneumatic 8 section to the power section ‘The procedure for assembling the a pneumatic section to the power section is the reverse of the separating procedure previously performed. | Laine — 01 0302 Siemens-Elema AB 7 2210 Ventilator Saqjaqqyervo" Disassembling the pneumatic section i Inspiratory valves (gas modules) vo ‘* Remove the screw (1). < * Push down the safety catch (2). * Pull out the inspiratory valve (3) <€ * Ifthe inspiratory vaive unit - Optional a) ig > replaced with units for SUN 345 of NO gas administration, these units must also be ( removed. i€ The inspiratory valves are factory calibrated. They must not be disassem- bled further than described in the Operating Manual, chapter "3000 hours overhaul with complete cleaning”. Pneumatic section casing * Remove the inspiratory and expiratory channels as described in the Operating Manual, chapter "3000-hours overhaul with complete cleaning”. * Remove the plastic cover (1). This cover is not included in newer units. * Pull out and turn the locking pins (2) from the locked position. * Lift the casing (3) carefully until the fan = connector (4) is accessible. - * Disconnect the fan connector (4). * Lift off the casing (3), Siemens-Elema AR Fae7 Fasn nat 01 03 02 ar 300/309TV9 Venurator suy/suUA, visassemonng ang assemoung imatic lules) ssem- hours story ‘ating chaul cover is 2) from, efan Cover plate + Remove the inspiratory valves for AIR and 0, as previously described. * Remove the pneumatic section casing as previously described. * Disconnect the flow transducer cable (1). * Disconnect the O, cell cable (2). * Remove the three screws (3). * Carefully lift off the cover plate (4). Expiratory valve * Remove the cover plate as previously described. * Disconnect the two expiratory valve connectors (1 and 2). + Remove the three screws (3). « Lift off the expiratory valve (4). 31010802 Poon coenc nat at nonn a9 €1V0 Ventilator 300/09, Pneumatic interconnection b PC 1607 ae * Separate the Pneumatic section from ine Power section as previously described, ‘* Remove the cover plate as Previously described, * If an inspiratory valve ~ Optional (1) is mounted, loosen the screw (2) ang remove the valve dummy. * Remove: — PC 1615 (3), ~ PC 1622 (4), ~ PC 1611 - Exp, (6), ~ PC 1611 ~insp. (6), lf the pressure in @ pressure transducer is raised abnormally, the transducer can be damaged. When handling the two Pressure amplifier boards PC 1611, Never raise the pressure in the transdu- ers by covering the hole or squeezing the silicon rubber connection piece * Disconnect: ~ Interconnection cable connectors (7 - 8). ~ Power supply cable connectors (9 - 10}. ~ Safety vaive connectors (11 ~ 12). ~ Expiratory valve connectors (13 ~ 14). * Remove the nine nuts (18). * Remove the two screws (16). * Carefully ft off PC 1607 (17). 100 Siemens-Elema AB a9 Rank nét 01 03 02 uLeaLUr SUU/SUE . ursassentoung and assembling ion board Assembling the pneumatic section ‘© .0m the The procedure for assembling the described, pneumatic section is the reverse of the ‘eviously disassembly procedure previously performed. ral (1) is The following points must be noted during 2) and assembling: Cover plate * The silicon rubber connection pieces for the two pressure transducers must fit into the bacteria filter holders (1 and 2) on the cover plate. “ansducer ducer can he “vo 2 thaisdu- : * Make sure that all 8 ground springs (2) are aueezing in correct position between the pneumatic section and the power section when the sections are assembled. -12). * The cover plate is equipped with a guide for PC 1622. Make sure that the PC board is supported by this guide (4). ‘Siemans-Flema AR 401 Disassembling and assembling Serva Ventilator 300;200Agry0\ Removing the inter- connection cable Patient unit connection ‘* Remove the pneumatic section casing as previously described. * Disconnect the two interconnection cable connectors (1). * Remove the two screws (2). * Slide out the cable clamp (3) from the patient unit. Control unit connection + Remove the two screws (1) and lift off the cover (2), * Disconnect the two interconnection cable connectors (3). * Remove the two screws (4). * Slide out the cable clamp (6) from the control unit. Mounting the inter- connection cable The procedure for assembling the inter- connection cable to the ventilator is the reverse of the removing procedure previously performed. Suu/suuérvo Ventilator 30/3008 casing as ction cable m the lift off the ion cable ithe ter- the Service procedures 4, Service procedures Selecting the language and barometric pressure unit. Selecting the address code . Selecting the voltage setting... Replacing the fuses. Replacing the internal battery Replacing the battery on PC 1887 Computer Interface Resetting the trend data memory and real time clock . 104 105 105 - 107 1010302 English Servo Ventitator B00 /00qie"vC Selecting the language and barometric pressure unit The following selections are made with the switch SW1 on PC 1608 MONITORING: ~ The language of the text shown in the “Alarms end messages” display, ~ The unit of the actual barometric Pressure Shown in the “Alarms and messages” display. PC 1608 must be removed from the contro! Unit to make SW1 accessible. See also chapter “3, Disassembling and assembling” for detailed disassembling and assembling instructions. i * Disconnect and prepare the ventilator as described in chapter "3, Disassembling and assembling”, section “Preparation”, * Remove PC 1608 from the control unit. °o Selecting the Alarms and Messages language Jhisiustretion shows how the switches 1, 2 and 3 should be set to select the different & m_ available languages, Switch settings not showed in this ilustration will normally give english language, Selecting the barometric pressure unit This illustration shows how the switch 4 should be set to select mmHg or mber. The actual barometric Pressure is showed in the "Alarms and Messages" display when the touch pads “Airway pressure” and “Technical” are touched simuleneously three times. ‘Siemens-Flema an 1e and dr** de -atth the ING: nin the Ry. ic pressure ssages” the control ealso ssembling” ssembling Atilator as embling daration”. srol unit. witches 1, 2 different oressure fitch 4 votive pruveuures Selecting the address code The ventilators address code is selected with two switches SW1 and SW2 on PC 1587 COMPUTER INTERFACE. The switches are located above seria COMMUNICATION PORT 1 and they are accessible when the upper cover is opened. The address code (device No.) can be selected between 00 and 99. The lower switch (SW2)} sets the first digit and the upper switch (SW1) sets the second digit. The address code selected in the illustration is 10. Selecting the voltage setting * Disconnect the mains power cable from the ventilator. * Open the cover (1). ‘* Remove the drum (2), tum the drum to the selected voltage and put it back in this new position. Mains power voltage _—_‘Soleetor setting 100.V (#1056), 1000 120 (810%) 0 220V (£1086) 220V 230V (410%) 220V (see note below) 240 V (10%) - 20 * Check that the fuses (F11 and F12) corres- ponds with the selected mains power voltage (see section “Replacing the fuses” in this chapter). * Close the cover (1). The selected voltage is shown in the cover window. Note ~ In many countries where the nominal mains power voltage is 230 V, the actual voltage is found to vary within a higher voltage range than specified for the selector setting 220 V. In such case, the selector setting for 240 V is recommended. 161 01 03 02 E382 E380E 061 01 0302 ‘Siemens-Elema AB 105 Service procedures Servo Ventilator 300/aqe"v0 Vent Replacing the fuses Fuses F1, F2, F3 and F4 Fuses F1 - F4 are mounted on PC 1618 power surety inside the power section, * Disconnect and prepare the ventilator as desoribed in chapter "3. Disassembling and assembling”, section “Preparation” * Disassemble the power section as described in chapter "3. Disassembling and assembling”, section "Disassembling the power section”. * Replace blown fuses with new fuses as listed in the table below: Fuses Purpose F1:F63.A Limits the total +24 V supply current F2:F 16A Controls the +24 V seo voltage F3:F63A Internal battery connector fuse F4:F63A — External battery connector fuse * Assemble the power section. Fuses F11 and F12 * Disconnect the mains power cable from the ventilator. © Open the cover (1). * Pull out the fuse holders (2). * Replace blown fuses with new fuses 2s listed in the table below: Mains power Selector Fuses voltage setting FIUFIZ 00 V 10%) yoy. = T31SAL 420V (10%) 120V 13.16 AL ‘220 (10%) 220 TH6AL 230 (210%) mov T16AL 240 V 10%) mov T1BAL * Close the cover (1). The selected voltage is shown in the cover window. EEE eee ieee errant ‘lator 300/gogrv0 Ventilator 300/300A °C 1618 3Ction.. -ntilator as sembling Paration”, nas sembling assembling fuses as upply current 2voltage or fuse tor fuse 3 Wace ble from fuses as se Old non-functioning batteries must be Ce AL returned to the place of purchase or to MB AL a place where they can be disposed of BAL Properly. Batteries must not be nn disposed of with ordinary waste. ge Service procedures Replacing the internal battery Normal service interval for exchange of the internal batteries is approx. 3 years. The lifetime of the internal batteries are reduced if the batteries are used frequently to supply the ventilator with operating power. The batteries should not be recharged more. than approx. 130 times to keep stated backup capacity. ‘The intemal battery voitage level can be displayed in the "Alarm and Message” display on the front panel. Replacing the batteries See also chapter "3, Disassembling and assembling” for detailed disassembling and assembling instructions. * Disconnect and prepare the ventilator as described in chapter “3. Disassembling and assembling”, section “Preparation”. * Lift off the pneumatic section from the power section. * Remove the battery bracket. * Replace the batteries. Both batteries must be replaced at the same time. ‘+ Mount the battery bracket. * Mount the battery pole covers. + Assemble the pneumatic section to the power section. After replacement, allow the batteries to recharge before clinical use of the ventilator. ant nt naan?

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