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In Persia, there was a castle. The name was “Agrabah Castle”. In there,lived a princess
and sultan. One day, Sultan Agrabah asked to Princess Jasmine about her prince
candidate as her husband.

Sultan     : Jasmine, you always ignore all of the prince, if they will marry you! You must
have a husband as a prince

from other kingdom before your birthday!

Jasmine  : But daddy…

Sultan      : I don’t care what you mean. I want you marry with the prince, hurry!

Sultan Agrabah left Princess Jasmine alone in that room. But any someone heard that
dialog. He was the minister of this kingdom, Ja’far.

Ja’far        : Hahaha… Princess Jasmine looking for a husband. I will be her husband, I will
take over of this kingdom,and I will be the leader of this country. Hahaha….

Bella          : A’a’a’a’…That’s right, that’s right.

When Princess Jasmine arrived on the market of that village, she saw a pitiful child. She
took an apple and gave it to that child.

Jasmine   : Hei child! This one for you. (give the apple)

Child         : Thank you! (fell happy and run after that)

Jasmine   : (smile)

Seller 1       : Hei you! Come here! (angry)

Jasmine   : Pardon? Do you talk with me? (see the fruit seller)

Seller  2      : Of course you! Come here!

Jasmine   : What happend?

Seller  2      : Pay for that apple! (to open widely)

Jasmine   : But I don’t have money for pay it. Please forgive me! (sad face)
Seller 1      : That’s your problem! I don’t care about it. Now, pay it!

Jasmine   : Please! (cry)

Seller 1       : Please catch this thief! Help me!

Suddenly, Aladin came for helped Jasmine.

Seller 2 : you steal the apple

Jasmine : the children was hungry!

Aladin : easy... give me a minute, Do you have money? (And hold jasmine’s hand)

Jasmine : No!

Aladin : trust me (whispered)

Seller 1 : Aladin! Catch them

Aladin      : Hei, come on! Run faster! As fast as you can! (run)

Jasmine   : Wait me please! (run follow Aladin)

They trough many small road. Finally, they arrived on Aladin’s house.

Jasmine   : Huhhh… Thanks for your kind!

Aladin      : Your welcome! (smile). Hi, my name is Aladin. What’s your name?

Jasmine   : My name is Jasmine.

Aladin      : Where do you come from?

Jasmine   : Is that important for you?

Aladin      : I’m sorry. I mean…

Jasmine   : It’s okay! I know that one.

Aladin      : (smile)

Aladin told to Jasmine if he really wanted to lived in the castle. Jasmine just heard that
without any comment. Suddenly, the castle’s soldier came and catched Aladin, they put
him into the jail.

Ja’far        : I will give you free, but you will have to take the magic lamp from agrabah
treasure , and you will be free!
Aladin     : Abu, where is the lamp?

Abu           : U’u’k…A’a’k (smiling)

Aladin      : Good job boy! (take the lamp with rub repeatedly the lamp)

Genie        : Hoaamh..mmh, Oh thanks your majesty. You give me free from the lamp.

Aladin      : Oh, never mind! It doesn’t mean anything for me.

Genie        : Thank you very much, your majesty.

Aladin      : Don’t call me like that. my name is Alladin.

Genie        : Ok, Al. Now, I give you 3 request.

Aladin      : Mmh… (thinking). I want to go out from this cave.

Genie        : No problem. It’s easy for me.

After that, they went out from the cave and Aladin asked 1 request again.

Aladin     : Genie, I want to ask 1 request again to you.

Genie        : I’ll do it.

Aladin      : I want to be a prince!

Genie        : Triiiing…

Aladin      : Oh my Godness. My dreams come true! Now, I can prupose Jasmine. Thanks

Genie        : (smiling)

The next day, Aladdin comes to agrabah castle with a big parade. He pretends to be

Jasmine :after this you will be the prince of this castle

Ja'far: hahaha. You're right princess.

Behind the door, Aladin heard and peek of their dialog

Aladdin: oh god! Where's the lamp? (whispered)

Jasmine: (tell Aladdin with his eyes)

Aladdin: thank you. (whispered)

Ja'far: princess, what are you doing?

Jasmine: what? Mm. I was just thinking about my father, ja'far.

Ja'far: Oh, don't worry about it princess, sultan will be fine.

Aladin: (dropping the lamp)

Ja'far: hey, Aladdin, give me that lamp!

Adin: ja'far, it's better if you make a request to be a genie, and you become a super
genie in the world

Ja'far: that's a good idea. But, before I become the super jin. I will be eliminate jasmine

Jasmine: please. Don't do that.

Ja'far: hahaha..

Aladdin, help me!

Aladdin: calm, jasmine. I will help you.

Ja'far: (taking lamp with rub repeatedly)

Genie: What do you want?

Ja'far: I want to be the super jin.

Genie: Tringgggg...

Ja'far: hahaha.. Now, I can get what I want.

Aladin : Hey, ja 'far! Don't forget. You're jin, I'm your boss! so you must submit to me!
Hei, genie! i want jafar to stay at the light till someone gives he away!

Genie : no problem it easy for me

Suddenly a magic lamp appears to suck up ja'far.

And finally ja'far feels sorry for his request to become a jinn. Finally, Aladdin and Jasmine
lived happily and forever.


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