Hyper-Organic Posts Templates

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By far, our most valuable posts with the highest
conversions are our videos. The nature of organic
posting on Facebook is constantly changing.
Today, and for the foreseeable future, Facebook is
prioritizing and boosting video content. The good
news? You can use our video scripts for either a
regular organic post (on your Profile or Page) or
to record your own video.

Another pro tip: These scripts can easily be

edited and modified to become emails or even
ads, too. It’s like you’re getting 10 templates that
can turn into 30-40 more posts.

Template #1: Why? Because Reasons
Template #2: The Problem with a Million Things
Template #3: Stop Doing These Things!
Template #4: Call Out + Desire + Do This...
Template #5: The Turning Point
Template #6: Two Ways
Template #7: Hot Topic Deep-Dive
Template #8: Flawless Interview
Template #9: Hyper Ask-Me-Anything
Template #10: Serial Delivery



09.18.18 876 1159606194187486


35,798 - 31,772 102,627 0:06

TEMPLATE #1: The Script www.getwsodo.com

Whyyy... (the REASON you start is almost as important as WHAT you start) marketing heavy hitters. And, I was doing copywriting, so I was a freelance
copywriter who was putting together sales campaigns for my private clients
What's up everybody, Taylor Welch here from Traffic and Funnels the place and we were in a position where life was pretty good.
where experts come to increase their lead flow, their income, their impact,
their fulfillment, and altogether get control and clarity over what to do to We were earning over six figures, both of us. I was earning close to $30,000
create the outcome they want in their business. a month as a copywriter, which is pretty good, I wasn't making money on
royalties or anything. I was just starting fee based , I was up to 30,000 a
And we've helped over a thousand people in the last couple of years get month. Chris was over six figures. Our clients were happy. If you go back
what they want out of their business. And even today we've got hundreds and look at the case studies from those days, our clients were saying things
of clients that are active right now. like, one of my clients is like, Taylor's the best service provider, period.

We're helping build out advertising. We operate over 50% profit margins. This is a prominent name that you would probably recognize. We were
And we've actually discovered a couple of things that are just working living the good life and we're doing what we enjoyed, which is even
tremendously well today and we're sharing those with our clients. probably more important. And, one day we just kind of were having a
conversation and we were like, look, there's so many people that are
But today I want to talk to you for just a minute about why we started Traffic teaching and they're doing videos maybe just like this, but they're teaching
and Funnels in a world where, , there are so many people that seem to be the wrong stuff. They're teaching things that aren't actually working. And
doing the same thing. there's all of this research insulation in the market. There's all of this, I take
this course and then I take that course copy and sell it for $10,000. We kinda
There are so many people competing for the same competitive markets. got to a place where we were frustrated enough and, we're just like, screw
And maybe you're in a position right now where there are so many other it. Let's, let's start helping people do what we're really fantastic at, which is
people who are saying the same thing as you are, that it's difficult for you to creating offers, building high class effective marketing, and really
figure out how are you going to stand out, how are you going to be generating clients through paid media.
And, we didn't necessarily do it because we wanted to become the next rich
And this is especially true for any veterans in the house who, , you may have guru. We did it because there was such a need and there was really a gap in
been doing this a long time and it feels horrible to watch your market share. this space for ethical client centric people who were full of integrity, who
Going to a 17 year old, growing their business in their parents' basement, were willing to say no to no to prospects because they weren't a good fit.
people who have no experience or whatever.
Fancy that how we're actually to this day, last month we turned over a
And we have at this point, three different businesses that are generating million dollars down. We turned down over a million dollars in client
income, healthy income, every single month like clockwork. And, we're opportunity simply because we didn't believe that we were the best fit
starting to do more in the next couple of weeks. for that person. And it's unheard of. It's very rare. And that's why we
started this as we said, what, there needs to be a force in the, in this space.
We're really not in a position where we're doing Traffic and Funnels are It needs to be somebody in this space who is actually willing to do the right
doing this consulting stuff purely for the money. , years ago when Chris and thing for the right people who need it.
I met, Chris was doing paid traffic for some really, really big internet
TEMPLATE #1: The Script www.getwsodo.com

Fast forward to today and you look at everything that's happened, to bring, typically the more money you're going to make.
multiple thousands of people who tune in and get information. This is why
we started the memos. This is why we started our flagship program client So long as things are set up the right way, which is where we come in
kit. because we happen to be some of the best in the business and making sure
that if you are offering value and you are concerned about people, your
All this to say, I think that the reason why you start something is just as business is set up the right way so that you can collect healthy revenue
important as what you're starting. I know this is like off script and it's kind numbers each month.
of just on the fly as inspiration hits. But I really think that there's an epidemic
today of people just starting things and their main reason, their main But it always comes as a result, as a byproduct of you being focused on the
motivation is they can make a buck or two. And we know all of the people wellbeing of the client, focused on the wellbeing of the market. Spend some
who do similar things to what we do. And a lot of the good ones, we are time getting clear on your why, why are you doing what you're doing, and
fortunate to call them friends and likewise in reverse. But to be honest, then take a page out of our playbook and try sharing it with your market
I have to be honest for a minute, what I have observed is that 90%, maybe and you'll be surprised how having this clarity, how much it impacts the
more of the people in the marketplace today who are doing consulting or things you do on a day to day basis. It's very, very, very important. It can be
coaching or some sort of marketing, , advice wizardry, their qualification for fuel to your business if you have that kind of clarity.
whether they can help you is Mr. Prospect, does your Amex have room? If
the answer is yes, boom, ding, ding, ding, you're a qualified prospect. If the Anyways, that's all I got for you today. If you enjoyed this, let us know in the
answer is no, get out, let me move on to the next one. comments please. And if somebody who might be in a place where there
may be burning out or they're starting to feel the struggle or the grind,
And I just, I feel like it's necessary for you to really get clear on the share this video with them because there's nothing more that will give you
contribution. There's gotta be more to building your business than just more energy than getting clear and revisiting the reason why you started it
making a dollar here and there. What I've found is that the clients who come in the first place and the pro tip, if your reason why it's all about you, you're
in and the clients that we tend to attract and we tend to work with, and the always going to be close to burnout.
clients who tend to stick around for a long time. By the way, we make
millions of dollars for our clients. Okay? Like there, there's no doubt about If your reason why is about somebody else, you'd be amazed at the power
it. You can look at the case studies, you can look at what people say about that will give you to pull you through any type of adversity. So hope you
us. There's no doubts, there's no question, but the clients we tend to attract guys are awesome. That's all I'm headed out. Adios.
are the ones who have something genuinely helpful for their market and
they mirror that commitment to doing the right thing for the person at the
right time.

If you haven't already done this, grab something, grab a notebook, go to a

coffee shop somewhere and really spend some time identifying and getting
clarity around what are the ulterior motives for you building this business
besides the income, because income is a byproduct. It’s a scoreboard of
contribution. It is a byproduct of the value. The more value you're able to
give into your market, the more value and the more contribution you're able
TEMPLATE #1: The Template www.getwsodo.com

[ One-word headline and short description of your video/post ] [ Bring them into the present, today ]

[ Intro who you are and what your business does, expressed as the [ Expose the dirty competition for who they are, what they’re doing,
outcomes your clients experience ] and contrast them and their tactics to what you are doing ]

[ Briefly share results your clients have seen ] [ Circle back to your “why” and tie it in with the kind of clients that are
perfect fit for you, and how you can help those types of clients ]
[ Continue describing what you do, set it up as because of your experience,
you have something valuable to share ] [ Give them the lesson behind why this works, show them something
counterintuitive about how they want to solve their problems
[ Introduce your topic for today ] or alleviate frustrations ]

[ Common struggle, frustration, annoyance, or anger that your market has ] [ Qualify people who could be a good fit ]

[ Agitate the struggle and frustration, give an example of what that looks [ Repeat the lesson you gave them above, expand on it ]
like ]
[ Summarize what you’ve said, encourage people to share and comment ]
[ Make a turn toward how you’ve achieved your dream, which may be similar
to what they want ] [ Final signoff message ]

[ Give your background story, where you started, what you were doing ]

[ Give an example of what your situation was; this should mirror where your
market is now, to help them identify with you ]

[ Make another turn in your story, to where you had a turning point about
what was going on in the market, the problems you saw, your frustrations
with it, and what you decided to do about it ]
[ Talk about your motivation behind the shift; the “why” you are doing this ]

[ Give an example of what your “why” looks like, expand on your reasons for
doing what you do, and how you want to be the person who is willing to do
the right thing ]



10.31.18 1.5K 759318944419876

8,037 - 5,570 18,261 0:05

TEMPLATE #2: The Script www.getwsodo.com

There are a million things you can do to grow a business. The problem is... All right, so how do we do that? Let me tell you exactly, one of the best ways
that we can actually help you and serve you in your business is what we call
Hey Taylor Welch here from Traffic and Funnels. And if you study our work, the monthly memo. So every month, our company Traffic and Funnels, we
we've worked with over a thousand clients, helping them build exceptional spent over a hundred thousand dollars each month. testing new advertising.
marketing for their businesses. And they go out and they use the strategies All right, so we've run ads.
that we help them build to service their clients. We've had a tremendous
impact in the industry and it's been a lot of fun. This is an example of an ad that you're seeing right now that we're actually
investing a bit of money to show you a message that I believe can be a value
But I wanted to actually share some things with you today that we are to you. And we paid for this to be here. We spent about a hundred thousand
letting out of the bag. It's gonna be really, really exciting for you. But before dollars a month doing this. And we do a lot of things right. We do a lot of
I get into that, there are so many people who are saying that they can do things wrong and we learn all throughout the process. On top of that, we
something and then you find out the hard way that they cannot. Maybe it's have close to four or 500 active clients that are practicing the things that
happened to you. I know it's happened to us and I was just going to take a we're teaching. And so we're learning from their businesses as well. And we
second and show you some of these results that we have been privileged to try to, , learn the hard lessons and the experiments on our own so we could
provide for our clients. pass it to our clients.

Check this out. So let's look at this. This is, these are all of our clients, by the But check this out. So we've got these memos that are basically us writing,
way. These are screenshots and case studies and things that people have Hey, here's what happened this month. This is a memo that went out two
posted. 13 calls, five closes. It's$6,000 collected cash. This is a Tanner weeks ago. Here's what happened this month and we've got actual pointers
$15,000 God bless CK, that's all one of our programs. Take this out. 9,800 in here. Some of this is going to include emails that you can actually implement
for today. These are real people with real businesses that are real clients that in your business. Some of it's going to include write ups. Let's say we're
we help them work out the marketing. Look at this cyan $9,000, Aaron, studying a book or something. All sorts of things that we are practicing that
$9,000, 4,000 what? Right here, 5,000 right here. we are discovering. This is one that we released, earlier this year and this is
literally Chris breaking down how there are three of our clients at the time
And you can just see by the volume in here that this is, these are week to that we're doing about $80,000 a month.
week hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of wins are in this folder and
say that, why am I saying all that? I'm saying all of this to show you that at In fact, check this out. This is really cool. There were three of our clients that
the end of the day, you want to learn from the people who have exhibited were doing significant revenue and they were doing it with the strategy that
proof that they can actually help you, not to people who have smooth Chris kind of invented, called hyper organic. And then in this memo he
words and can write a little fancy copy, but the people who have proof that breaks down how hyper organic works. The whole freaking thing. It gives it
they can transfer what's up here into the minds and the day to day of their all the way. Here, look, here's another one. Leadership habits. It's going to
clients. go through all of these cause there's like a lot of them and they basically
come in a bundle like this such as, and it's just one of the coolest ways that
TEMPLATE #2: The Script The Template

I know for YouTube to get industry leading advice ideas. Some of the most [ Headline of your video/post ]
powerful business owners of our era in the internet marketing world are
subscribed to this letter and we are honored to call them as subscribers and [ Introduction, share what you’re working on and results for credibility
you can actually get this just for paying shipping. and proof ]
This isn't something that we're doing to make a ton of money. We have a lot [ Switch to what you want to share, set it up as if you’re sharing a secret,
of different ways that we make money in our business and in our client's and position what you’re doing versus others who are doing it wrong ]
businesses. But this is something that we're motivated by getting the right
kinds of content into the world because people email us every single day a [ Show proof of how you’ve helped people and the results they get ]
promise you, every day they're like, the memos changed my life. This issue
was gold. This, you can even see people here on the comments saying love [ Counter a common misconception your market has and show why
the memos. The memos are pure gold. The fulfillment that comes from now that’s not needed or true ]
and us just being a value to you is a major game changer. Let me tell you,
there are a lot of ways that you can grow your business. There are a lot of [ Discuss how you do what you do, walk people through your process,
ways that we can actually equip you to grow your business. But let me tell what it looks like, and what happens ]
you what's not going to grow your business.
[ Give another example of a process, method, or component of your
Here's what's not going to grow your business, doing nothing. Sitting there business; what you do, how you do it ]
being a little baby hating on the world around you saying, well, why are you
doing this? Well, that doesn't make sense. It's not going to grow your business. [ Expand on what you’re telling them, show over-the-shoulder examples
You're not going to get any value out of just doing nothing and sitting there and go into some detail ]
and constantly pointing your finger at everyone else but yourself. So you're
cool to ask questions, but please, if you live in your mom's basement and [ Show proof of people saying positive things about this, and how you’re
you're just going to be a haterade, skip on past this ad and come back doing this for all the right reasons ]
another day. But these are really cool. All right?
[ Contrast all of what you’ve told them versus what people should NOT do;
So let us know if you have any questions. We constantly check this feed. speak out against negativity, trolls, and
We'll respond to needs anytime day or night, and hope to see you on the
inside soon. All right, adios. [ Final signoff message ]



11.09.17 3.4K 1991976437687124

116,461 - 105,568 312,333 0:07

TEMPLATE #3: The Script www.getwsodo.com

STOP DOING THESE THINGS IMMEDIATELY oxygen you do actually chopping at the tree. So one of the ways that we
-- blogging every day - emailing... give back, one of the ways that we provide value to people, there are a
whole bunch of people who are maybe never going to become high level,
What's up guys. It's Taylor Welch from Traffic and Funnels. I'll be doing well pay you guys a ton of money to become a client. That's okay. Our mission is
today. I want to just record a quick Facebook live for just a minute and talk to really help client businesses from all over the planet put together effective
to you about business growth specifically if you work with clients. Okay? So advertising, help them really build systems and build processes that can
that means you take money from clients, you exchange the service value, grow their business.
expertise, knowledge, et cetera, for the money that you receive from clients.
One of the ways we do that is through the monthly memo, so I just want to
There's a lot of people today talking about their particular method or brand give you a show. This guy messaged me this about the monthly memo, this
new system, yada, yada, yada, for growing a business. I just want to show guy named Justin. He said, honestly, you gave way too much value in that
you something real fast and show you some of the things that our clients particular memo. I don't even think people realize we laid out for them.
are pulling off. This is a guy named Greg. It's one of our clients, $70,000. Probably the clearest picture of business growth I've ever seen. Here's the
These are actual Facebook posts. Look at this. $150,000 in revenue. deal. These memos are basically monthly strategies that we're pioneering
with our clients. We have hundreds and hundreds of clients in multiple,
Look at this. $6,400 first sale, first call paid in full, 70 a hundred dollars here, dozens of industries and we basically test new things every month. We
13 days in working with us. Three K, 7,500, 4k. You can just see there are spent a whole bunch of money, most of it doesn't work, but every month we
stories all the way down of people working with us. It's insane. usually figure out something that does work, a test, a strategy here so that
we're dealing with a client, their mindset lessons, paid advertising lessons,
What is not going to produce growth in your business. More blogging is not sales strategies, et cetera.
going to do it. Okay? Better SEO, not going to do it. Working harder, not
going to do it. You've got all these things that you're doing on a daily basis And we write them down, put them in an envelope and send them to you
trying to increase revenue, trying to control your acquisition, trying to do all every single month. And the people that are memo subscribers literally
of the growth mechanisms and marketing and stuff that just is not really freak out. All right. If you go into our Facebook group, smartest guys in
going to move the needle. What it comes down to is being able to say no to marketing, which I'll link up somewhere below this video. Literally people
the things that aren't going to be effective so you have room on your plate are like dancing and like throwing money in the air every time they get their
to do the things that are going to be effective. memos as these are actual strategies that we're using with multimillion
dollar businesses that we own, operate and grow on a daily basis. So what I
The reality is that 90% of our clients, where they come in, we have to actually want to invite you to do is take a minute and check out the page that I've
pull things off their plate. It's not about working harder. It's about working linked below the video. And if you're interested in being able to have direct
smarter, doing the right things, using the right strategies, sharpening the ax. access and proximity to accompany results like the ones that are shown you
Okay. You may have heard us, you may have heard that age old saying, if today, dozens of six figure businesses created from our material, multiple
you want to chop a tree down, you got to spend more time sharpening the seven figure businesses created from our material.
TEMPLATE #3: The Script The Template

You want proximity and access like that in a way that is not going to break [ Headline of your video/post ]
your bank right now. The memos are free. We just make you pay for the
shipping cause if we're going to be giving you our intellectual property as [ Introduction and callout who your message is for, specifically ]
strategies, you should be able to cover the shipping to get them there and
try them out. Let us know what you think. And we've been doing this for [ Discredit other methods or call out misconceptions your market has,
about six months. People really like them. We have hardly any cancellations then show proof that your approach works ]
or that you can cancel anytime you want. It's very rare for someone that
come through and cancel. [ Call out the mistakes people make, wrong approaches, missteps;
make sure these are things people are currently doing, and talk about
Let us know what you think. If there's anything that you want us to teach how it won’t bring them the results/outcomes they desire ]
about in particular, let me know. Comments on this video.
[ Give people a reality check, tell them what you make your clients do that’s
often unexpected; you need an approach that’s different, talk about how
you provide value and give back to the marketplace ]

[ Give an example of a service or offer that gives back to the market; outline
what it is, why it’s valuable, show proof, and let people see the inside of how
it works ]

[ Continue showing proof of the service or offer and make a soft offer and
call-to-action; dangle it in front of them and tell them they have to come get
it if they want it ]

[ Tease the payoff, make your offer “the prize” they have to work for;
amplify the value and repeat the call-to-action ]

[ Final signoff message ]




02.27.18 985 2044005269150907

18,849 - 16,138 50,164 0:07

TEMPLATE #4: The Script www.getwsodo.com

Are you an expert? Wanna grow your business the right way? able to charge 20,000, 50,000, a hundred thousand in some cases more
Check this out... because you understand value is not about price, it's more about value.
However, value is not necessarily the main driver of price. Think about it. You
What's up guys, Taylor Welch here from Traffic and Funnels. And look, I go to Starbucks, the value of a cup of coffee from Starbucks is not necessarily
wanted to tell you real quick that we're shipping out the March issue of the higher than the value of the coffee with the same ingredients at home, but
monthly mail. We've got all of it done, about to put it into the printer and the price is more. So what does it take to raise your prices? You can't just
we'll be shipping it out to you and thank you. arbitrarily raise your prices for no reason. What does it actually take? We
kind of dive into that. A key component, if you do consulting or coaching or
A little bit of insight into what this month's issue is about. If you don't know if you sell information, you got to include this in your material.
what the monthly demo is, that's okay. It's really cool pieces of paper that
we send every single month documenting our learning lessons. So we're a If you don't, you're going to get a ton of refunds. Okay? We talk about some
consultancy and an advertising agency. We have a couple of businesses patterns that we notice that keep entrepreneurs stuck. All right? Most of it
underneath us and we basically test over six figures a month in advertising has to do with how they think about certain things. So we give you some
every single 30 days. And you make a lot of mistakes when you do that, but frameworks and submit the models.
you also have a couple of wins and there are things that we're testing and
so we basically package them up, send them to you each month, and you And look, I can't overstate how important getting access to something like
get to read about them and learn from them. this is because you can learn two ways. You can either learn from your own
mistakes or you can learn from the mistakes of others. Charlie Munger,
It's like little mini training sessions that you're able to participate in. So we who's Warren Buffet's business partner, says something to the effect of,
just came off probably the two busiest months I can ever remember in the there's no greater hell than for the man that can only learn from his own
history of Traffic and Funnels. So we had two events. We onboarded about mistakes. This is the worst existence possible because everything you learn
70 new clients. We flew all over the country, we had a lead team meeting, is going to cost you personally trial and error. So the goal with the memos
we had just all of this stuff. And there's a lot that you learn when you go and they go with this issue specifically, just kind of package it up.
through periods of hypergrowth like that. So we kind of talk about that in
this month's issue. What's the number one fuel for growing your business? Hey, we can make some of these mistakes for you. Here are some of the
It's not traffic, it's not cash. It's not VC money. We talk about the fact that things that we're noticing trends in the marketplace. We have four or 500
there is one particular fuel source that tends to drive growth more than any clients at the moment, and we're producing advertising for those people
other. So we talk about that value versus price. Alright, so this is the difference and taking some of the things that they're learning and we're testing for
between experts struggling to charge a couple hundred dollars for what them and presenting it into a format that you can read every single month
they do. and download it, install right into your business. There's nothing like it. I haven't
seen anybody else doing anything like this in this industry. We're the first
‘Yo, we'll talk to people and they're like, I'm charging 97 bucks or 500 bucks that I know of. It's really cool to hear the feedback from people as well.
or whatever. This is the difference between that. And then people who are
TEMPLATE #4: The Script The Template

So if you're not already in the memos, click the link here somewhere under [ Headline of your video/post; should call out who they are and one desire ]
this video. Test it out. I think it's something stupid, like seven bucks or something.
[ Introduction and let people in on “behind the scenes” of what you’re doing ]
And look, if you get it and you're like, this is stupid guys, you lied to me, I
[ Give them a “tour” a service or offer, how it works, share a valuable piece of
don't like this at all. Okay, that's fine. We'll refund you. It's $7. So it's not, it's information or lesson, and introduce yourself ]
not really a big deal. This is an impact play for us and for the people who are
going to get on here and say that it's all about the money. You just don't [ Talk about your business, what’s happening, what you’re doing, and results
know what you're talking about. We have enough clients and enough you’re seeing; share lessons learned and how your market can benefit from a
money to pay the bills where we're interested in helping true experts succeed service or offer like this – needs to be casual and not like you’re pitching ]
using all the tools available today, paid advertising, content, packaging
things up the right way, and how to sell all that good stuff. [ Compare what you’re offering versus competitors, frame the value of your
service or offer compared to something else, and share an insight you’ve
picked up in your business ]
One more thing that we're including in this month's issue is something we
call the 15, 55, 15, 50, 15 rule. Say that three times real fast. It’s basically our [ Bring up potential problems, missteps, or issues that can happen if someone
formula for how we take a percentage of the money that comes in, reinvest does not heed your advice ]
it into specific things, and then take a percentage of our time to compound
it. It creates a flywheel with your time. [ Associate your service or offer with another authority or expert; show how
your offer can shortcut a learning curve or deliver superior results faster ]
I'll list it on the bullets underneath this video but I really hope you'll try them
out. If you have any questions, we check this all the time. We will answer the [ Give an insight into the marketplace your clients are in, how they can avoid
mistakes or problems because you’re on the “frontline” learning for them,
questions, unless you're rude and a jerk and then we will just ban you goodbye. and the sharing it ]
But, I don't think you're going to be a jerk.
[ Make a soft call-to-action on what they should do next ]
Let us know what you need. Let us know if you need more information or if
there's anything particularly you want to talk about and we'll see you guys [ Risk-reversal mixed with social proof ]
on the other side. Bye.
[ Add a “oh, one more thing...” and stack your offer with an additional premium,
bonus, or other component ]

[ Closing comments, tell them what happens next ]

[ Final signoff message ]




12.11.17 2.3K 2006959769522124

124,517 - 116,628 299,108 0:09

TEMPLATE #5: The Script www.getwsodo.com

About two years ago we hit a point in our business... This is like being in a board meeting with us as we recap the last month, look
at what we're going to do differently for next month and basically break
Yo yo, what's up friends, Taylor Welch from Traffic and Funnels and just down here's what we didn't do correctly, here's some mistakes you made.
wanted to tell you about a really cool opportunity. Now we're doing called Here's what we're struggling with right now and here's some big wins that
the monthly memo. So I want to explain what the monthly memos are, you can plug into your business and potentially get big wins for yourself. So
what's included, why they matter to you. And then also I've collected some it's really, really cool and you get it every month and you can hold it and
of our case studies from real human subscribers, and they've sent us in and highlight it.
posted in some of our groups what they think about it.
Let me just show you some of the stories that people are saying. So check
But first, Chris and I, we run Traffic and Funnels. We're an advertising this out. So we've got Chris lobbed doing at the time said last minute, what
agency and consultancy. We've built up to about a half a million dollars a saved me from an emotional breakdown. Burnout by copy business has
month in revenue in less than two years. And we've done it using pretty been growing super fast. Got to focus your tips. Optimal versus maximum
simple strategies. We take action, we work hard, we do all the, all the normal growth. Literally saved me from myself. Here's a person who posted, they
things, but we stay away from a lot of the wrong things. got a copy of the memo. It's all marked up, got notes. They're highlighting
like this is actual tangible material. This isn't stuff that we're like, Oh, here's
When people started noticing our growth and they started noticing us a cool theory. This is like, no, we did this and we did it wrong and here's how
building the business faster, they started messaging us and asking us questions. you do it, right? Like Rob says, big shout out for the memos. Take it from a
And we noticed that we were spending a lot of time actually just talking subscriber on the fencer. Subscribe now, set a time. Set aside, half an hour
with buddies and people in the market who wanted to know how we were each month if you go through it. Let's see right here, another copy that's
doing. And so what we ended up changing to is what we call the monthly marked up really used.
memo. So we're able to help thousands of people at the same time without
having to spend hours and hours and hours a week talking to people And people were like, why are you doing this? This doesn't make any sense.
individually. And that's a fair question. Let me explain it to you. The first reason is honest
to goodness. We are saving so much time by sending these out to the
So what is it? Every month we basically send you our strategies. We send masses rather than spending time in personal conversation when we're
you our mistakes, we send you the things that we're learning and the business around people and it's a value play. And some people aren't cool with that
testing 50 to $70,000 a month announcement. You get actual snail mail and they say like a business is all about the money and nobody does just
that comes in an envelope like this. And then you've got eight to 11 pages of offer value. With all due respect. If you're saying that you've probably never
notes from our business.
TEMPLATE #5: The Script www.getwsodo.com

grown a real business because businesses are built off of the exchange The reason that we decided to do it this way is because there are so many
about you and the money is kind of a byproduct of that. If you're doing people pressure selling and they're running into a webinar and it's like high
everything in your business just because of money or something wrong pressure to get on the phone and they're pressure and it's like, it's so hard
with you, so you're not doing it correctly. Now, if money's not there, that's to sift through who's legit and who's not. We want to give you an opportunity
an indicative that there's something wrong with how you're running your to check us out, grow from it, and maybe become one of these people.
business. But the first thing is true value where we're actually testing things
in the field. We're real marketers, we have clients that we build advertising So if you have any questions, post below this video and we'll ask or we'll
for. We're seeing what works, seeing what doesn't work and able to ship this answer your questions. All right? So you're not allowed to be a hater like a
out to thousands of people who have a message. terrorist. So don't be like on this video, commenting your hate because you
didn't have good parents growing up. That's not what this is about, okay?
If you're an expert, you want to grow your business, this is a really easy way Just keep it to yourself. But if you do have legit questions and you're like,
to get to know us and benefit from our training. And then the second reason Oh, I'm not sure about this, I'm not sure about that.
is a lot of people, once that happens, the content is good enough and they
get value from it. I've shown you the screenshots that they want to work And before I invest money, I want to know below, ask the questions,
with us at a higher level and some people don't. Some people do. It really we'll take care of you. And give us some love. Alright?
doesn't matter. But that does make it extremely profitable. After a certain
point, you get a memo, you get three memos, you start getting growth in And hopefully we'll talk soon. Alright. See you guys.
your business and we can help you fund potentially becoming a client at a
higher level down the road.

No, there's absolutely no pressure for you to do that. What I want you to do
now though, is to really just go and look at the page we put together that
gives you more information and check it out for yourself and see what you
think. And look, I don't know of another opportunity that you can test
something out like this and get into, into a cohort, so to speak, with a big
marketing business for seven bucks. I don't know if that opportunity exists
anywhere. So this is like super low risk.
TEMPLATE #5: The Template www.getwsodo.com

[ Headline of your video/post; should call out who they are and one desire ]

[ Introduction and tell people you have something to show them; brief outline of what you’ll tell them ]

[ Call out scammy tactics competitors are using, and that your market is sick of; show how you’re different and trustworthy ]

[ Make a quick introduction of who you are, what you do, and brief description of your method or process ]

[ Origin story for how your service or offer came about; what happened, what you did, how you put this together and why ]

[ Brief description of your service or offer, how it works and what people get ]

[ Paint a picture of what it’s like, draw similarities with something real that people can picture; describe the components,
features, and benefits of your service or offer ]

[ Show social proof; testimonials, reviews ]

[ Ask and answer the question: “why are you doing this?” Give people an explanation and reason why you’re doing this;
compare and contrast with competitors, call out wrong assumptions, misconceptions ]

[ Call out who it’s for, and why your market should want this; future-pace what they’ll end up doing as a result of getting
your service or offer ]

[ Soft call-to-action, tell them what they can do, minimize risk and reverse risk ]

[ Show how you’re different from competitors and what people in your marketplace hates ]

[ Closing comments, telling people to ask questions; make light of negative comments and trolls ]

[ Final signoff message ]




09.27.18 1.3K 508965326242484


323,420 - 298,353 737,417 0:017

TEMPLATE #6: The Script www.getwsodo.com

Two ways to run a business: 1. Work really hard... training with you on one of the best ways to really effectively iron out the
start over every month.... ebb and flow in your client's business. And at the same time remove yourself to
an extent so that you're not overworked and underpaid.
What's up everybody, Taylor Welch here from Traffic and Funnels and I got
a quick training for you today. So the worst position to be is overworked, underpaid, overworked,
under-recognized, overworked, under compensated. You're in this place
You know, people come to us typically because they are dealing with one of where you're constantly almost there but you run out of hours. And in doing
three or four major bottlenecks in their business. Maybe lead flow is inconsistent. so, you're going to run out of bandwidth.
That's one of the big ones that people will get trapped in where they just
don't have enough leads or attention or ads or whatever coming into their You're gonna burn out. You gotta be careful that you're building long term
business to hit the revenue numbers that they want to hit. sometimes they assets that work again and again. For you.
come in because they are inconsistent so they're up and down and they
don't have systems that prevent them from becoming overworked. It's a big And that's the point of today's video, how to create assets in your business
problem that a lot of experts face. Once you hit a certain level of prominence, all that are able to produce without you. And I'd be happy to give you some
of a sudden you look back and you're like, I'm working way too hard for the training on this here in just a minute, but there are three ways in my observation,
money that I'm making. in my experience and our work with over a thousand clients, we've helped
over a thousand people get what they want out of their business. And there
Or maybe they're just really attempting to scale past the multiple six figures were three major areas that you have to build assets for in your business.
into the seven figure territory, which really is not as difficult to do as people
think. But it does require some nuance in how you set your business up. And By asset I mean a repeatable, dependable, controllable set of processes that
nine times out of 10 when people come to us, they're looking for help to can achieve a desired outcome for you. And rather than you doing all the
scale their services business or their coaching business or whatever. They're work, you're actually managing the machine. An example of an asset would
genuine experts who helped their market, but they're looking for ways that be this video. Right now, I've recorded this video once and I'm deploying it
they can scale cause they keep hitting the ceiling and we help them do that. out and I'm giving you good, helpful content, helpful strategy. But I'm not
actually on a phone recording this right now. It's doing it to work without
If you're not familiar with our work, we have recreated how consulting is me. I can go be with my family or eat dinner or go to church or whatever.
done online. Our companies operate over 50% profit. Margin is where the That's an asset.
real deal, we know what we're doing. And today I just wanted to share some
TEMPLATE #6: The Script www.getwsodo.com

There are three main assets you want to build. You don't want to build clients, but I'm just being, I'm telling you how business works.
assets around these three main areas in your business. And then I'm going
to give you a manual that we have actually just finished up on how to do this You release value into the world. You build an asset around this front end
precisely. lead generation, and it could be a report, it could be a video series like this,
it could be a webinar or whatever. If you don't have an asset for the front
This is the most complete manual we have ever released. Right now, after I end of your business, you are going to struggle. And you say, well, Taylor referrals
teach you these three areas, I'm going to give you the opportunity to get it are treating me pretty nicely right now. Well that's great. That's great.
for free. And you don't even have to pay for anything. It's just a way for us Everything is going to treat you nicely for you, period of time until it doesn't.
to demonstrate to you that we know what we're talking about. And that can And you want to make sure that you're not building your business off of the
add value and whatever. Take it or leave it. backs of referrals only. You want to have assets that you control on the
front. All right? Second area is you want to have assets in the area of
Area number one is your front end, the actual devices that you use to grab conversion. So the front end is lead generation.
the attention of your market, it doesn't matter how good you are at sales. It
doesn't matter how good you are at client results. If you can't get people to The second area is conversion. This blows my mind how many people don't
pay attention to you, this is what advertising is. Advertising is the ability to have any assets in the area of sales. They're manual, manual, manual hustle.
go out into the market and rustle up the attention and the demands of the I saw. So also if I can just take a hundred strategy calls, if I can just take a
people that need you and the people that you can actually help. hundred applications and they're in this hamster wheel of, they have to get
a certain amount of apps every day. They have to get, they're just constantly
And we have about a dozen assets that we use on the front end of our businesses spinning around and mine as well, you might as well have a job, a high
that like this video, like the manual that I'm going to give you are actually paying job where you have to go into work and punch a clock every day.
designed to be very, very valuable and yes, to provide massive help, massive You have no assets in the area of conversion and the only way that your
service to you as the user. But they're also designed to generate leads for business collects money is you manually doing things. Then you have a
our business because as a percentage of the people who download this problem. You have a problem.
manual who watched these videos and who implements it and get results
from it, are going to say, Hey, you know what? I use their advice for this. And In our businesses and the companies that we own and manage, we're very
it worked. Maybe buying a product sometime down the road or I might see on purpose about making sure we have assets in place that actually do
about becoming a client down the road. And whether you do or don't, it some of the heavy lifting and this goes without saying, I shouldn't have to
doesn't matter to me. I'm not doing this only so that you know we can get say this, but this is just an aside to caveat. You've got to have integrity with
TEMPLATE #6: The Script www.getwsodo.com

this. You don't want to put any of this into the market. If you, what you're This is the biggest area of need in my opinion, in the marketplace today. You
selling is, is if you're a loser and you're selling something that's not good for got all these gurus and all these experts who were like, I can help you do this
people, that people don't need, like the world doesn't need any more of and I can help you do that. And then it's like they don't deliver. You get in
that. The world needs people who are committed to the wellbeing of their and it's just a bunch of videos or some crap that they ripped off from the
markets. And you want to use this stuff with integrity and with a purpose. guy next door. And in my estimation, this is probably one of the biggest
But the second area is really big. It's this area of conversion and we have areas. Also, if you're, if you're in a place where it's just you got, you got
three different assets at the moment and they're explicitly designed not for hours spent doing a whole bunch of nothing that's not necessarily moving
front end, not to get leads, but to actually provide the educational material your business forward and you just feel like you have to do it and you feel
and to really do the heavy lifting so that when people come in, they consume burned out and you feel like you've got this chain around your ankle tied to
our material, they implement it, they get some results with our free stuff. your business and your business doesn't really run without you. You probably
We've demonstrated that we can help them and it takes that person and it have a big gap here where your business only can generate results with you,
helps smooth that process, from them becoming just going from just the but not without you.
lead to maybe a client or a customer on the backend.
And you've got gotta have assets in place that are just on the back end designed
Again, you want to get this manual that I'm going to hand out to you to fulfill and make good on the promises you made in your marketing. Right.
because this kind of explains all of this in detail. And it touches even some
more points because there are five main areas in your business that you And we have so many different assets that we've built. When someone
focus on. Leads sales, packaging, copywriting, mental performance in comes in, it's like they're not overwhelmed, but they are given access to
wealth and finance. So there's five main areas and this manual kind of walks such a depth and breadth of tools and frameworks and techniques and our
you through all of them on the back end and it's very, very, very good. It's support staff and it's one-on-one and it's got all this, there are assets in
something that you really should take advantage of it. place so that it's pretty much a guarantee that if someone is the right fit, if
they come through and they consume some of our material and they make
But back to the point of this video, the first area is front end your, your it through all these processes and we get on a conversation with them and
leads, the secondaries are conversion. The back end, and this is where be honest, about 55 to 60% of people that we talk to, we turned them down
people screw up, is you want to have assets in your business that are for the as clients.
sole purpose of generating the results that you promised people in the
conversion process. It's not in a mean way, but we just say, Hey, this isn't the best use of your
time or your money. Go do something different. And we kind of give him
TEMPLATE #6: The Script www.getwsodo.com

some advice in that way. But what people who do qualify, they make it think about it because we put a lot of time into this and I've personally overseen,
through. It was like, we can legitimately, genuinely help you quickly, right? the material going into this manual. I think it's really, really good. I think it's
Like, you should become a client because we can make you a lot of money. going to help you. I think you're really going to like it. And most importantly,
it's almost a given. It's almost a guarantee that they're going to get results I really think it will be a profitable use of your time.
because of the depth of assets we have on the backend. Right. And a note
to add to that is it doesn't stress me and Chris out. It doesn't bog us down. I think that you will profit from it and you will get some consistency. So
We can take a lot of clients at the same time and provide results for all of peace of mind, if nothing else, it'll show you how a multi seven figure consultancy
them because we've actually focused on building assets rather than just is running operations on the back end, how we're running our advertising,
working, working, working, working, working, grind, grind, grind. how we're putting together offers. And that's pretty valuable if you asked
me. So go ahead and download it, take a look at it, read through, implement
We've actually taken a step back and built strategic assets that are going to some of the material inside and then come on and report back. Let other
work without us. And your business needs this. And if you're struggling to people know what you find. And if you want to take a step further and chat
get past the get into the seven figure territory, if you're struggling to get with us about your business, you're happy to do that is well.
consistency in your business, there's a good chance that you're lacking
assets and one of these three areas. And this manual that the link is somewhere But assets, so the name of the game, building assets, building systems in
under this video somewhere is written in a way that we kind of take you your business that can run with you or without you hope this has been valuable
behind the scenes of our business and teach you as an expert. Here's how to you.
to properly design the front end. Here's how to properly design the conversion.
Here's how to posture and frame. And here's how to even out your closing If you know somebody who could benefit from this training or from the
percentages. And if you have a sales team, you can give it to them. And then report, go ahead and tag them or share this video with them. It's our privilege
here's how to build assets on the back end so that you're delivering consistently. and it's our highest level of honor to serve you with this material. Let us
know what you think.
It is a prize piece of training that we're offering at the time of this video for
free. And so you want to take advantage of it. It's about 35 pages somewhere
in there. And we go into some great depth. It comes in a booklet, PDF form.
You can read it through, implement it. And what I'd love for you to do is
actually download it, save this video, download this manual, go through it,
and then come back to this video report back. Let people know what you
TEMPLATE #6: The Template www.getwsodo.com

[ Headline of your video/post; should call out who they are and one desire ] [ Continue with the second point of what you’re teaching; contrast this point
with the usual, common way of doing things and how your way is better ]
[ Short introduction with your name and what you’re about to do ]
[ Include examples from your business, clients, and what it looks like when your
[ Describe why your clients come to you, the struggles, frustrations, problems, or client comes to you for help ]
bottlenecks that are standing in their way. Amplify the agitation, show them
what’s wrong ] [ Repeat and tease the free thing they’ll get from watching this video/reading
your message ]
[ Continue with a description of common problems that you solve, which your
clients come to you for – use detail and make sure you speak directly to the [ Go back to the point of the message, summarize so far ]
actual problems people in your market experience ]
[ Continue with the last or next point; outline how people fail with this,
[ Brief introduction of who you are, what you do, what makes you great, and why or struggle; tie-in with their struggles and how these struggles can end ]
you’re sharing this today ]
[ Give them an example from your business; share this in such a way that it
[ Agitate and amplify the emotional pains, stress, and what a hell-like situation communicates trust, reliability, integrity ]
looks like for most people in your market ]
[ Connect your example with the dream-like scenario people ultimately want,
[ Tell them you’re going to show a solution to this problem; add social proof that and how you’re able to achieve that ]
it works ]
[ Future-pace what life can look like, circle back to struggles and how those
[ Start teaching and sharing what the solution is, give examples, show how the are now alleviated – bring up the free thing they’ll get again as you do this ]
solution is superior; tell them you have a few points to share ]
[ Tell them about your offer, what it is, what they’ll get, and what they’ll able
[ Get into more detail, and tease what they’ll get at the end ] to do with it ]

[ Amplify the value of what they’ll get ] [ Continue amplifying the life they’ll now have, thanks to this offer; tell them
what to do next, how to get it, how to use it, and to share it with others ]
[ Go back to what you’re teaching people with the first point ]
[ Summarize the core message here ]
[ Outline and describe how you’re working with this first point; what it looks like,
what’s involved, how it’s received ] [ Final signoff message ]

[ Expand on your first point; this needs to reverse commonly held beliefs or
assumptions your market has ]

Use this script template (and review the video and script)
to pull off your own deep-dive with your audience.



06.19.19 921 452279715505410


23,767 1,256 2,608 5,231 2:03

TEMPLATE #7: The Script www.getwsodo.com

We goin’ live talkin ‘bout ADVERTISING. Hey, just so you guys know, this training has been brewing for about a year.
It's a long time. And we finally here, I can't wait to share with you.
What's up. Ladies and gentlemen, if you are attending the zoom webinar, I'm so excited.
please let us know if you can see the sexy honeys on the screen and hear
this voice. Just want to make sure all of our tech is working before we get I cannot literally cannot wait for you to see this. I cut like probably 40% of
started in about six minutes. Chris's training out because it was too good or we would have been here for
six hours but still nonetheless, it's going to be amazing. And if you don't
Good deal. Looks like everything is working. You're in for a treat today. know, we are launching a brand new book today as well and this is kind of
We're finally here. We finally made it and this is one of the best trainees I've like a supplement segue kind of into that book. And it's going to be intense.
ever seen in my life. Chris is going to dazzle you with his wisdom and I'm
going to force him to turn the video on here in a second too so you could We're going to talk a lot about advertising. So let me just give you a run
see a, you can see them look into your soul and teach you about advertising. through of what today is going to cover: the building blocks of a modern
Why don't you tell us where you are attending from? day profit driven advertising, one of our consultancies and we spent a
couple hundred thousand dollars a month in advertising and Chris is trying
You guys see that timer in the top left hand corner of the screen when it hits to spin it as fast as we can make it.
zero, we are beginning. So get hyped up. Get a drink of water, get some
coffee, whatever you need to do. Do it so you can lean in. Also, I would We're going to talk about how we do that. What it looks like in each of these
recommend grabbing a notebook, a physical notebook, and a pen. Shut different points can make you rich by themselves. That's the beauty of what
everything else down. You don't want anything else on your laptop or if we're doing. We're layering different topics on top of each other to really
you're on your phone telling you what the task is going to Rob you of make sure that it's guaranteed to be life changing for you. Number two,
today's experience. Take some old school hands. Written notes is going to we're going to talk about economics and cashflow. How many of you would
change your life. A promise. You can't wait to see you. Let's go. like to sit down and play a game, chess, poker, maybe it's, let's say there's
money involved and you were guaranteed to win. How many of you would
It is time to begin. Chris, are you there Christopher? It's time to show your play that game? Here's the beauty of advertising. The way that we advertise
face. People want to see you. I don't know if they can handle that. Boy, they because you can break the numbers and you can pretty much guarantee
can handle it. They can handle it. that you're going to make money in return, not going to lose money.

It's amazing. We're going to talk about turning revenue into, well, wealth is
TEMPLATE #7: The Script www.getwsodo.com

the difference, ladies and gentlemen, between being able to run a couple protected by geographic location or referrals or good product.
ads here and there and then actually being able to build long term success
campaign after campaign and becoming a wealthy individual. We're going How many of you have heard that the best marketing is a good product? If
to talk to you how to do that. you've heard that before, say yes, I've heard that. Here's the problem with
that. It's just not true anymore. And before you, you know, curse me and say
The roadmap for today is to take you from a place where you might be that I'm a blasphemous advertiser. Here's what I'm saying, that you got
stranded with no strategy. You have yo-yo business growth. Maybe you companies like Amazon and Facebook and Google and these companies,
don't really know what's causing things to grow. You don't really know why they will, Amazon Amazon right now is actually taking the top market or the
you're not making the money or why you're not being experiencing the level top products on their platform. They're reverse engineering the platforms
of success you want. You've got a lot of uncertainty, a lot of, a lot of fear. and they're selling them for cheaper, dirty dogs. Bezos is a dirty, dirty dog.
How many of you would say that you would love to have less uncertainty in But here's the thing, you're not safe anymore just because you have a good
your business? You would add, you would love to have less fear and your product. You can't compete with people who are bigger than you, faster
business more control, more certainty. That's where we want to take you to than you, stronger than you have more money than you, unless you understand
today because advertising is one of the best skill sets to create control in advertising and attention. And this is what allows people to compete with
your life and in your business. And the beautiful thing about me and Chris people that are bigger than them and still win and dominate.
and our companies is you don't have to trust us.
So here's what you're going to see over the next few years. A lot of people
There's no blind faith necessary today. These are principles and concepts are going to lose. They're not going to adapt. They're going to ignore trainings
that we're not just saying this might work. We've kind of thought of this and like this. They're going to continue on in an old way of growing their business.
a dark room. No, we've tested this with thousands of clients. You can see Maybe they're dependent on referrals or network luncheons and all this
client after client, after client, and what you're going to get today is the stupid stuff that's not going to work in the future. But if you will win and
science behind why this is working. You're going to get the science behind they will capitalize on the changing economy and they will learn to adapt
how we test new concepts and you might be saying, well, Hey, this sounds and they'll participate in trainings like this and be willing to fight for what
really cool. I love your voice, I love your hair. All of it's amazing, but I refer, I they want. And here's the ultimate choice. You get to decide what's the level
have referrals for my business or you know, my, I run any common, you of the fence you fall on. You get to decide whether advertising is going to
know, we don't really use advertising. What's the point? Well, here's why be an asset that carries you to your goals or whether you're going to be like
this is really important for you today. We live in changing times, changing the ship on the left side of the screen and your business is going to sink
economies. The game has completely changed and you're no longer down into the depths of the sea and you get to choose that.
TEMPLATE #7: The Script www.getwsodo.com

And today is a big deal because we're going to equip you with the skill sets and memories and I really played a hundred percent and enjoy the fruit of
necessary to be able to choose wisely. And I hope this is making sense so that versus the person who gets to the ends and that big break that they
far. always waited on never happens. And you know, they always were waiting
on life to give them their lucky streak and it never happens and they're stuck
Now, let me dive into this. The building blocks of intelligent advertising. I'm at a level way below what they thought they would be at. So, but they've run
gonna give you three. Number one, these are crucial, my friends. Number out of time because we all have a finite amount of time.
one is discovery of need. We're just going to, we're going to jump right in.
Discovery of need. Here's the deal. The house will crumble if you don't have We have a limited amount of time and they get to the end and they blew it.
this. Do you understand? This is super important. Number two, earned What is the difference between these two people? Is it that one people just
attention. Earned attention. You guys with me? Alright. Earned attention. get more opportunity than others. False. Everybody gets a few opportunities in
Number three, conversion tactics. So for this first section, we're going to their lifetime to really grow and move forward. But some people just don't
cover each of these building blocks in detail. use it, right? Is it time? Hell no. We all get the same 24 hours. Warren buffet,
same amount of time than I do. He just uses it differently. Is it money?
PLEASE WATCH THE ENTIRE TRAINING AT THIS POINT. THIS SECTION There's so many people look at successful people and they say, well, you
INCLUDES IN-DEPTH TRAINING. YOUR TRAINING WILL BE BASED ON know Chris and Taylor, if I had your kind of money, I would be able to, no, no,
YOUR EXPERTISE. no, no, no, because, because there are people who are further ahead than
you are right now and they started with less money than you have right now,
Now, let me, let me ask you this question if I can. I want you to participate so let's just that excuse.
and actually think about this because I want you to think about the difference
between somebody who enjoys compounded leveraged income versus the Here’s the truth: everything comes down to these two things. Whether you
person who is stuck in a linear mindset where they're having to trade their get to enjoy a fruitful, abundant life or whether you're stuck in a level of lack
time for dollars. and linear income, it comes down to your expertise in your implementation.
Are you going to be the type of person who can identify what you don't
What's the real difference? Someone who at the end of their life, they can know, then go out and get the skills to learn it or are you going to be the
say, you know what? I created multiple streams of revenue. I decreased my kind of person who sits back and waits for life to hand you your opportunity
capital expenditure so that my wealth was always growing. Whether I was on a silver platter?
working or not. My family was taking care of my grandkids are taken care of.
We have long term generational wealth. We have a long list of experiences Can I share with you for a minute something that I believe is probably the
TEMPLATE #7: The Script www.getwsodo.com

most affordable and easiest way to create compounded income for you and And then to top it off for the first 300 people that get in on this today, we're
your family? Do I have your permission to share with you something that I going to invite you to a private live Q and A. This is going to be with Chris
believe is going to change your life and it's basically going to be like this and our lead media buyer. Again, last month they spent a quarter million
training on steroids. We're going to go deeper. dollars in ads profitably.

Number one, this bundle includes the intelligent advertiser handbook. We We're going to actually give this to you for six 95, $6 and 95 cents. This is
put a lot of blood, sweat, tears into this and I'm telling you, he goes really, the whole bundle, the intelligent advertiser handbook, the echo tardy
really deep. And we had to go through this presentation so fast because you manuscript, the economics calculator, the live event and the live Q and a
know, we're already about an hour in and this is as deep as we could go with and six 95. And you might be thinking like scratching your head like, what in
the time. So this is, I dunno how many pages it is, 70, 80 pages. Uh, and it's the freaking, what are you, why are you doing this? Why would you sell
a handbook for how to advertise profitably, how to think about your campaigns. something that is combined up?
It includes this manuscript which teaches echo targeting. If you don't know
what echo targeting is, it is our method for engineering accurate ads. And We are successful to a level that I don't think we saw back in the day. And
this is the thing that our team uses internally to go out and mirror the interests, it's not to brag. I'm not saying like that's something you should be, I'm not
the behaviors, the likes, the dislikes of your market. Remember we talked at bragging. I'm saying that there's just, we've gotten to a level where it's not
the beginning about identifying the pain, the solution, and then communicating all about the money for us. And I think that people sometimes say that, but
to people in a way that aligns your solution. they don't actually mean it. But for us it's like real. We're living our lives,
we're living the lives that we've always wanted to live. And I grabbed this
You guys remember that, right? This is how you do it. This is our private picture because this guy is having a kid and he's like, I don't know, 12 years
research and messaging tool and I'm just putting numbers. I don't, we could old or something. He's having a baby girl and I just had a baby girl and she's
sell the handbook for 49 bucks. We could probably sell echo targeting for a 10 weeks old today. And he said, there's no way I would be able to take care
couple hundred bucks. In fact, I think the first time you taught it Chris, it was of this kid without TF. And he came in as a client two years ago. And if
199 or one 49 or something. So that's worth about 109 hundred bucks. you've never gotten a message like this, then you don't understand that
We've got the traffic and funnels attention economics calculator, which there's no amount of money in the bank.
we're going to give to you for free as part of this bundle. We've probably
made what, 11, 12 million from this? Yup. So I can say maybe we could There's nothing that compares to this feeling. I would take lower revenue if
conservatively value this at a hundred bucks, a hundred bucks for 12 million. we got more messages like this. And so the reason we're doing this is
Maybe that's a good deal. Maybe it's not, I don't know. because we, we want to take as many people as possible from a place of
TEMPLATE #7: The Script www.getwsodo.com

struggle to a place of control, a place of lack to a place of abundance. We the training, run it through thousands of clients to validate, but I'm asking
want more messages like these and this is the best payment in the world. you to meet us in the middle and cross that last 10% today. Invest seven
And all we really want to do is we want to recoup the costs of shipping this bucks into yourself and dive in and be one of the first 300 so that you can
bundle to you. It's not just Ryan, it's thousands and thousands of other be on live stream next month. We will email you the dates and it's going to
people. So that's why we are making this available to you for 6.95 it's not be amazing.
because of any other reason. Then we're just like impact lights me on fire
and it does the same for Chris and I almost got emotional when I saw that We’re selling this bundle at such a great price. One of your mistakes. LOL. In
picture because this kid is like killing it and he's been with us for two years my opinion. It's the best mistake you've ever made. You know what, for us
and we built his business and freaking love him. it's, it's just fun man.

And so here is the URL that you can go to to pick up this bundle. And again Plus the other stuff in this bundle is freaking ridiculous. So we love the
that the first 300 people you get the live Q and a at the economics calculator, energy from this and we want to see you guys actually get this stuff and put
you get the echo targeted media script. You get the private event training action to it.
and the handbook, it's $6 and 95 cents. And the question you need to be
asking yourself right now, maybe this is your first training ever with us. And You're going to get digital access as well. So you should have an email
you're like, well, it seems, you know, there's still a risk and $6 and whatnot. within the next hour or two. Um, that will give you some access to the digital
You know, I get that, but we need to be asking yourself is what am I willing stuff that obviously the calculator or the, the echo targeting manuscripts,
to trade right now so I can avoid staying stuck in a linear income? You know, the advertiser handbook is shipped to you. So you should get that in two or
are you willing to trade $6 and 95 cents, which is basically to Starbucks to three days. We'll ship it out tonight. Um, and then we'll email you the details
learn these concepts and these frameworks that we talked about today that for the Q and. A. I don't see any other, I don't see any other questions that
are actually capable of creating freedom for you? we should answer right here. So I think we might be good to wrap up.

Are you willing to trade that? And are you going to be a person who really Also, last thing, if you do have any other questions and we didn't get to
doubles down on building your expertise, implementing properly? I, like we them, you see this number at the bottom right hand side of the screen. You
said, the only difference between being at the end of your life stuck in a can call that number. Those are our offices. And we have a team standing
linear income where you have to trade your time for money versus having by. They'll answer any questions that you have and they can either, you
an amazing life with amazing income and amazing experience is the ability know, if you're uncomfortable like putting in your card information for shipping
to build expertise and implement. And we've done the hard work of gathering or whatever over the internet, they can call you and you can just give it over
TEMPLATE #7: The Script www.getwsodo.com

the phone and they'll plug it in on our private software here in the office and
that'll get you in as well. And they might be able, if, I don't know, they might
be, have some wiggle room to give you some extra stuff if you need it. You
just gotta call them and talk to them and tell them what you need. And I
know our team here will do anything to help people. And do you have any
other questions? Send them in. And it was amazing spending the day with
you guys.

So glad to spend time with you guys. You guys. Do you guys want to
announce the winners? Ok, here goes... [ list of winners ] Those guys are the
winners. Reach out to me. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. You guys are the
best in the world. Nobody like you. Thanks for showing up. Thanks for putting in
the time and thank you for investing in yourself, your family boom. Adios.
TEMPLATE #7: The Template www.getwsodo.com

[ Headline of your video/post; should call out who they are assumptions, or how to turn it into an advantage ]
and one desire ]
[ Set the frame of what the future holds and what will happen, agitate the
[ Pre-training intro, frame as a check-in and countdown to start ] fear and struggles, then talk about how people can avoid this altogether,
thanks to this training today ]
[ Set the frame of the message/video, before you start and ask questions to
get engagement ] [ Switch into the main topics of your training, give a brief summary of what
you’re going to talk about ]
[ Tell people to ignore everything else and do something tactile, like taking
notes with pen and paper ] [ Insight #1: What it is, how it works, break it down into steps, examples of
what it looks like in real life, the most valuable takeaway; at the end of this
[ Frame what you’re about to share, build it up and set the stage ] part, ask your audience if this makes sense, ask them to rate themselves on
a scale of 1 to 10 for how well or poorly they’re doing this, and if there are
[ Tell them what the topic is, what you’re going to cover, what they’ll any questions ]
discover in this training, and how you’re seeing incredible results,
and paint a bigger future for your market than they realize is possible ] [ Insight #2: What it is, how it works, break it down into steps, examples of
what it looks like in real life, the most valuable takeaway; at the end of this
[ Give them the “roadmap” of where they’re starting from and where they’re part, ask your audience if this makes sense, ask them to rate themselves on
going, thanks to your training. Agitate the negative consequences of a scale of 1 to 10 for how well or poorly they’re doing this, and if there are
ignoring this training, what issues they’ll run into ] any questions ]

[ Tell them they don’t even need to believe you or trust you right now, [ Insight #3: What it is, how it works, break it down into steps, examples of
because what you’re about to reveal is all based on real-life application and what it looks like in real life, the most valuable takeaway; at the end of this
results; you have undeniable proof - and this roadmap is needed because part, ask your audience if this makes sense, ask them to rate themselves on
everything’s about to change ] a scale of 1 to 10 for how well or poorly they’re doing this, and if there are
any questions ]
[ Ask a question about a truism that your market already knows, have heard,
or believe - then show how this is either wrong, based on faulty [ Run a giveaway contest, where you randomly pick a number of people to
TEMPLATE #7: The Template www.getwsodo.com

get freebies if they comment and tell you what their biggest insights are ]

[ Continue with quick hits from your offer; discoveries, insights, ideas,
tactics, or strategies that you can stack and deliver one by one ]

[ Transition to showing the undeniable logic behind what you’re

recommending; use math, graphs, figures and break down how
this all makes logical sense ]

[ Go into an emotional close; put on the “breaks” from what you’ve just said
and switch the topic by framing it as you asking a question. Then answer the
question. Future-pace what a good outcome looks like and future-pace
what a negative outcome looks like. Shift the conversation from the tactical
to people’s deepest desire and wants ]

[ Go into the close, transition the emotions from the emotional close and
channel that energy into what they’re supposed to do now; reframe the
value, price, and cost of doing nothing; relativize the price, compare it to the
value they’ll receive’ tie back in to the emotional close, repeat the language;
give people a choice of doing something versus nothing; introduce scarcity
and tell people what they should do ]

[ Question & answer, and interaction with your audience, banter ]

[ Final close; repeat what they get, summarize the value, benefits, and what
life will now be like ]

[ Final signoff message ]


This script is perfect for modeling how YOU can interview an expert in your space.
You can access the complete interview with Jay Abraham via this link. Below
you’ll find a selection of the script, along with a template you can use to base your
questions and talking points on.



04.06.18 3.7K 2063426430542124


170,091 - 75,829 193,121 0:23

TEMPLATE #8: The Script www.getwsodo.com

Live with the master himself, the sexiest man in marketing, JAY ABRAHAM. I'm going to take us away. I'm going to take us down the rabbit hole. Okay.
All right. So Jay, we started working with you about six months ago, it's
Alright guys, we're alive. There we are. We’re alive with the master himself been amazing. You've, every time we talked to you, you change our thinking. You
and the sexiest man in marketing. Mr Jay Abraham. How are you doing sir? show us a new angle, you teach us how to probe. And in fact, I think the first
time that we spent time with you, you spent about three hours scrutinizing
We’re obviously extremely excited to have the O G Mr. Jay Abraham on the every area of our business.
live stream today. Jay's agreed to come and impart his many years of
wisdom and knowledge into you guys, our people, our crew. And Jay, Let's dive into preeminence. Especially in the client business today everyone
obviously we really appreciate you for that. Your time is extremely valuable. tends to be fighting for the same client and there's not a lot of differentiation.
So I want to acknowledge that. And here's the, here's the deal guys. Jay is And one of your biggest precepts is how to become that trusted advisor in
going to dispense a lot of value to you. So get out your pen, get out your any market. Whether you're obscure now or unknown now, or whether
paper. In between we'll be asking questions, we'll do some giveaways and at you're relatively well known. Talk to us. This is a roll off some, some wisdom
the end we'll also give an opportunity for some of you guys to ask some for us.
questions. Jay doesn't really need an interview. Obviously all of you guys
know who Jay is, but we've had the privilege to have backdoor access to PLEASE WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO SESSION AT THIS POINT. FROM
Jay and he's tremendously impacted us, our personal lives, our business. HERE, ASK YOUR EXPERT THE SERIES OF QUESTIONS IN THE TEMPLATE.
He's the mentor to the mentors and you know, one of the reasons why we
connected with Jay is he has been around for a long time and he's been in Let's, let's stop and do a giveaway. We have the, you have the fire pose on
the game and he is known for his character and integrity. And we didn't people are, they're loving it. And uh, so you guys, let's go ahead and in your
really know the extent of that until we had those close connections and biggest takeaway so far, biggest takeaways so far. We've got a few hundred
conversations with Jay at his office on the phone. And we've really had the people on. I want you to also tag someone in the comments, invite them
opportunity to see that be a real tangible thing. So he really cares for here because the knowledge and the wisdom that Jay is sharing. I have a full
people. It's very highly motivated and seeing other people win and um, he's page of notes and yeah, so go ahead. Yeah, while you're doing that, so this
become our friend and obviously a mentor. So Jay, we really appreciate, is why we record our calls with Jay and listen to them over and over and
again, your time today and we're just going to flow. And let you do your over again all the time. Cause it's just like, if you can't even keep up, it's so
thing. good. But post your biggest takeaways.
TEMPLATE #8: The Script www.getwsodo.com

Let's give away one of his books to the best takeaway. And then let's give Very welcome. Thank you guys for being who you are. Cause you're both
out for now. We're going to grab the document from Jay on the 13 traits. I extraordinarily impressive in your authenticity and your integrity and your
think we should pick 10 random people who were able to share this video intentions. Thank you.
and send that to them.
Thank you sir. All alright. See you guys.

Jay, we're gonna we're gonna wrap up. Uh, you've been such a, um, you've
been such a gift to Chris and myself. You've no doubt impacted hundreds of
millions of people, but also even had a great deal of impact on two guys
trying to build an empire and a movement. And I just want to thank you for
that. Thank you for being here and if this has been valuable to you, if you're
on this live stream, Jay, we want to give people a place to follow you. I was
wondering if 50 shades of Jay would be where you'd like to send them.

Yeah, I think that we created that to be really significant benefactors to

struggling entrepreneurs. And it's, it's, I think that's a great one. It's not designed
to make any money. They can opt in later if they want. But I think that if they
can't get answers and direction from that, they probably can't get answers
and direction from anything.

Yeah. Well we'll post the link and, uh, I know that Chris and I, we've studied
your whole body of work and I've been through 50 shades of Jay and I'm on
your email list with multiple emails is I don't, when you find something good,
you don't want to miss it. You don't want it there. You don't even want there
to be a chance to miss it. And so we'll post that link and a man, thank you
so much.
TEMPLATE #8: The Template www.getwsodo.com

[ Headline of your video/post; should call out who they are and one desire ] on all you’ve learned? What do you wish you knew back then, that you now
know? ]
[ Introduce your expert, their experience, results, and include a story as to
why you’ve connected with them, what you’ve learned, how they’ve helped [ Question: What would you say is the best way to accelerate your results? ]
you, and set the frame for the training/conversation you’re about to have ]
[ Question: What’s your process for doing what you do best? ]
[ Run your giveaway ]
[ One final question: make it about confidence, mental toughness, resilience,
[ Question: What idea, model, or strategy of yours do you think is the most or emotional story ]
effective and important to grasp? ]
[ Final signoff message ]
[ Question: Let’s talk about a specific topic, like positioning, what do you
think are the most critical elements anyone needs to know? ]

[ Question: How have you dealt with fear, lack of confidence in your career? ]

[ Question: How have you developed your capabilities and skills over the
years? ]

[ Question: What are the biggest traps or dangers that you’ve faced, or that
others are now facing? ]

[ Question: What does your expert think about the current state of the
marketplace? ]

[ Question: What would you say to those in our marketplace who are very
good at what they do, but still struggle to achieve their dream outcome? ]
[ Question: How would you bulletproof your business, life, etc. today, based

Use this script template (and review the video and script) to pull off your own
“Hyper AMA” with your audience. This is a Q&A session on steroids. Change the
conversation from low-level tactics to high-level thinking.



03.14.18 1.2K 2052071798344254

13,770 - 3,296 7,382 0:50

TEMPLATE #9: The Script www.getwsodo.com

Mental toughness. Metacognition. MINDSET. State of Advertising. Etcetera Ever go to the gym? It's the same way with your mind. Your mind and the
exercises that you put your mind through. And so I've got a couple of principles
What's up guys? Welcome to the live stream. Give us some love, some that I'm going to just dive into in terms of like your emotions, how to think
hearts, some smiley faces. Maybe throw a couple of gorilla emojis down in about your life journaling as we go through this. If you study, if you study
there. And we're just getting set up. Chris has got his iPad to work and we're psychology, you study athletes and there's like all of these different things,
going to talk about some cool stuff. We actually have some questions from alter ego and metacognition. One of the things that becomes really important
YouTube, some questions from you guys. We're gonna do some ask me anything. is the awareness of how you think they call this meta cognition. This is when
We're going to talk about mental toughness, mindset, metacognition, some you can think about how you think.
deep stuff.
How does that work? So have you read like even Ray Dalio’s new book principles?
Here's the overview for tonight. We're going to hit some, we're going to talk He talks about looking at your life in business like a machine and you can actually
about some mental stuff. We're gonna talk about some mindset hacks and zoom up above and mess with the machine. So here we are, we're this nasty,
mental models that we use. If you're not familiar with us. So this is your first gnarly week. We're just getting brutalized, dirty, terrorized, and yeah, everything
time with us. Welcome. Hello. Welcome to my house. We are two dirty devils happens at the same time. And we're talking to our operational and clients.
who play the game of business and we play well and we take a, we take It's just like it all happens at the same time in the secret for us, this is the
clients through. first, the first tip about mental toughness is being able to look at your
business, look at your life, and actually zoom up on top of it in practice,
Don't worry about that through the ups and downs of building expert client metacognition, which is the, it's actually you being a, being able to think
businesses. And so part of a part of the game of entrepreneurship is figuring about your thinking. And I don't know if you've noticed this, but like sometimes
out how to think. In fact, there's a quote I shared earlier today, your wealth I'll catch myself in a bad week or a bad month and it's been a week or two
is in direct proportion. What did I say? Your wealth is in proportion to how weeks since I've thought about my thoughts and my patterns and this stuff
you think there's some smart person. It was a really smart guy. So we're is dangerous.
going to talk about that. We're going to, we're going to talk about the difference
between an amateur and a champion, an amateur and a leader, someone at Like if you subconsciously start thinking negatively and you start subconsciously
the top versus someone at the bottom and how to kind of get yourself to like being negative and pessimistic, it's very dangerous. It can actually derail
the top regardless of what it is you do. And then we've got some questions your business. And so one of the things I do every night before bed, is this
that users have submitted. too practical? No, let's go. This is too practical and every night before bed,
I actually write down in a notebook, some people call it journaling. I don't
TEMPLATE #9: The Script www.getwsodo.com

want to offend anybody, so I'm not, I'm not saying you should journal or Shh.. Lean in... The biggest threat to high performance is burnout. It's actually
writing down in a notebook. I will rate myself on like five things. Physical, burnout because here's why. In a normal week, working normal hours, I'm
mental, emotional, spiritual and business. And I'll rate myself on a scale of going to risk inflating myself for a second. So you just gotta chill out. Okay.
one to 10 and here's what I've found is that if I rate myself more than two In a, in a normal week with normal work hours, I can achieve anything. I feel
days in a row below five, something's wrong. like I can go toe to toe with anybody. You're the same way. Yeah. But when
we get tired, when we get fatigued and when we don't have boundaries and
PLEASE WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO SESSION AT THIS POINT. FROM we don't have cycles and we don't cycle on and off, uh, we tend to make
HERE, YOU DIVE INTO EACH TOPIC THAT YOU’VE DECIDED ON, DISCUSS everything a crisis, take, make everything a crisis. And one of the things
THEM, AND OPEN FOR QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, FEEDBACK AFTER we've learned is really powerful.
YOU A SENSE OF THE ENGAGING, CONVERSATIONAL STYLE YOU We're talking about mindset, mental toughness, surviving, thriving. One of
SHOULD USE IN YOUR AMA SESSIONS. the biggest things we've learned is the power of cycles. Some people will
call the seasons. We don't just grind, grind, grind all the time. Legit. If we
TOPIC EXAMPLE #1: did, we would just die. It was just burnout. And I think the biggest risk to you
being a sustained high-performer maybe that's what the question is, are
What do you guys think the number one threat to high performance is? there, what's the biggest threat to sustain? High performance is not
Throw it in there. Number one threat thought performance. We're going to protecting yourself in your drive, your mental drive.
do a giveaway here in a sec. So if you're just hopping out, pay real close
attention and we're going to talk about some, we're gonna talk about some TOPIC EXAMPLE #2:
stuff and we're gonna send you some. Tell us, I heard anyone talk about the
transition from survival to the next level. If you want the goodies, pay attention. The second thing is about focus. How many times have you gotten frustrated
What do you think the biggest threat to high performances? Roger says, in a month because revenue is not where you want it to be. And then all of
burnout. Sleep. Yourself. Complacency. Brian says ambition a lot. Says, Oh, I a sudden you start focusing on these things. You get caught up in like the
know it. Greg says, Taylor, how did you become so good at being your own big thing and then you're not focused on serving anymore. And you're not
hype? Man, that's pretty rude. Sean says, getting in your own head, getting focused on value and substance and making a difference. And we've always
in your own head the wrong way. A will says losing the purpose Victoria and found that when we hit these patches of burnout, if we can serve, if we can
Osana save so self doubt. Mike says the biggest threat is yourself. I'm going go into an activity and serve someone and our market helps someone have
to tell you the biggest threat to my performance right now. a better day, helps the one that we just boom, come right back. How do you
TEMPLATE #9: The Script www.getwsodo.com

come back in the game when you are mentally tired? That's a great question. best thing that's ever happened to me in my life. Better than getting married. We
Great question. Well, one thing that we've had to learn how to do is, basically want to take a couple more questions. Give us some questions. Give us
hack and manipulate those cycles. some tough questions. I want to be stumped tonight. It's been a long time
since I've been stumped. I just need to be stumped.
What we do now is we actually schedule time on our calendar that we force
ourselves to withdrawal and to shut down our normal day to day, TOPIC EXAMPLE #3:
[00:23:00] um, in the business. And so that I'd say is really helps. This is the
first quarter that we're doing it. Um, so like once a month we'll take four So I'm aware I've got that metacognition happening and then describing my
days off, um, for weekend. Then once a quarter, we have scheduled to take day for when I woke up. So when I am going to bed and then writing down
a whole week off to where we were out. All we're doing is we're just hanging three questions that I want to guide my thinking. So you need to ask yourself
out. It might be vacation time, it might be staycation, but we are disconnecting questions at the end of the day that pull you closer to your goals. People ask
from our day to day routine processes. So that's a big one that we've done. themselves the stupidest questions. Why was today so hard? Why does my
It's like, you know, there is this thing I love. I love some of the guys out there life suck? Why isn't it easier? And you're reinforcing a good books by, this is
who are just hustle, hustle, grind, grind. But not everybody is made that way. a book by a guy named Noah st John. Um, and it is, it's some book about,
Not everybody's built that way. And I'd say most of the time it's pretty uh, uh, affirmations in a different way. But the questions we ask determine
dangerous for people to stay in that phase, just hustle nonstop. Because the thinking that comes out of us. A smart person has good answers. A brilliant
even though you're working 24, seven doesn't mean you're actually effective. person has great questions. So at the end of the day, I'm asking myself
Right. And that's what we're about. We're about being effective. questions. They're empowering. They're causing me to think about how do
we get to the next level? What can we do to get there faster, get there safer,
You can never, ever, ever underestimate that compound interest that
Hey, go ahead and smash that light button. Smash it, smash it. Hit the heart. happens even in relationships. It's not just money. You know, even when we
I know you want to go ahead and hit that heart. Should we do a giveaway? were having dinner last night in Charlotte with our enrollment team, our
Let's do a giveaway. While we're doing this giveaway. Let's do a top takeaways. guys who were amazing, solid dudes, really care for people, really want
So if you're just hopping on top takeaways. people to, um, get results and they're on the front lines.

On a scale of one to 10 how helpful is this for you? 10 would be, this is the Working with people who want to see their lives change and just to see
TEMPLATE #9: The Script www.getwsodo.com

them, you know, tell us about and hear them tell us about the impact that's
been made on their lives. Just being in the environment of traffic and
funnels. Just being on the team and how, you know, their thinking has
shifted and is dramatically changed.


All right, here we go. Here's how you win the book. Biggest take away. Most
helpful dialogue. Piece of advice. Quote. It doesn't have to be from us to be
someone in the comments monthly. Put in the same comment.


All right, so I'm going to give you guys a link for the memos we're about to
wrap this up. Are you making the bacon? You are making the bacon. All
right guys, that's it. See ya. See ya.
TEMPLATE #9: The Template www.getwsodo.com

[ Headline of your video/post; set the topics ] [ Give a quick tip or advice early on; it’s important to give people
something tactical and action-item as an immediate takeaway,
[ Start off with a welcome, prepare people for what’s coming, so they can picture themselves doing things, in their mind’s eye ]
introduce the topics of your AMA, and set expectations ]
[ Tell them what to do, to win the giveaway, what they can win,
[ Continue with an overview; you’ll repeat yourself a few times early on and what’s next ]
and this is on purpose, to anchor the topics and who you are,
what’s about to happen ] [ Do a soft call-to-action and offer at the end of the session ]

[ Connect your AMA topics with common struggles, anxieties, [ Final signoff message ]
problems, frustrations that exist in your marketplace;
make the connection for people ]

[ Pattern interrupt by asking a strange question, then make the

connection between the question/answer and the topics you’ll discuss ]

[ Dive right into a topic; mirror the negatives of that topic with the
negatives your clients are likely experiencing in their own situations ]

[ Cycle through your topics and use the same structure each time: introduce
with a question, ask for answers, feedback, comments, ratings. Then give
your answer and explain the reason for your answer. Make sure it always ties
back to common struggles, problems, scenarios that your clients experience.
Always future-page what life can look like when those things are solved ]

Deliver training in the form of a series. Use this to model all our sessions.
Watch and study the whole video here.



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TEMPLATE #10: The Script www.getwsodo.com

The 7-Figure Expert Series 3 (of 4)... That's what we talk about in selling high ticket. Why it's so crucial and why
we love this business model is because it gives you the ability, it gives you
Boom. We are live. What's up ladies and gentlemen? Welcome to the third the room to go out and discover what the market wants and needs and
installment of our seven figure experts series. desires and how you can get that in front of them.

The first week we talked about different types of online businesses. And You know, I've been involved with launching a lot of courses, have seen a lot
then we talked about packaging and sales. But check this out, hold up, of courses, bought a lot of courses and I feel like the gurus out there, they
check out, check out, lean in. You can be the best salesman in the world and tend to make it extremely complicated on leveraging ads. So what we're not
if you don't have any traffic or attention, it doesn't matter. So today we're going to do here today is we're not going to lie, we're not going to get into
bringing in the big guns, talking about, talking about attention. And it's the Facebook platform and build out in that. Okay. Like that changes all the
going to be really cool. We're talking about the three rings of destiny. time. What we feel like is the most important thing is for you to have the
principles and the things that are going to be time-tested. Battle-tested
Someone once said that I heard this quote and I think it was just a course never going to change, right? So whether the Facebook ad platform changes
that I bought. If you can spend $1 on an ad and make $2, you'll never have or not, you can take these same rock solid foundations to any kind of platform.
to worry about money again. And at that point in my life, it just hit me.
One thing to add to that is this is the difference between strategy and tactic.
It hit me like it was like just a smack in my face and from that point on, it was So there's a whole fuss right now going on about, Oh, I, you know, Facebook
my journey to discover and learn how to leverage paid advertising. The pulled organic reach and now what are we going to do? And well, tactically
reason why I love paid advertising is because it can accelerate where we are we're maneuvering. But the strategy that we've used for the past two years
in our business. And by acceleration, one misnomer that I think a lot of is so good. Are we using the same strategy and a lot of ways like we've beat
people have when they get into marketing, high ticket sales, all this kind of the market when everybody else was out there doing, you know, really easy
stuff is they are afraid of failure. When the thing that you have to realize is ad campaigns. We were kind of ahead of the curve in terms of what we were
failure is a part of the process is a requirement in the process. And one of putting advertising behind. And now it's paying off because as Facebook
the things and why we teach paid ads is because it gives you an accelerated optimizes for a really social currency and relevant interaction with people, a
feedback loop so you can figure out what the market wants and what they word there. And that's the strategy that we want to teach you how to use
don't want as fast as possible without obviously I'm going in the red and today, right? Yup, absolutely. And here's the thing with paid ads, it is not
negative. static. It is not linear. And I would even write that down.
TEMPLATE #10: The Script www.getwsodo.com

It’s so important to go out and test things and put things to the market and
see how they respond and make adjustments to that. And that's what we
really want you to grasp today. So that no matter what the market is doing,
no matter what people are talking about, you understand the principles to
adjust and adapt so that you can win every single time, no matter what
Facebook is doing in regards to the platform as a whole.

Let's dive into the three rings of destiny. Okay? Are you guys ready for this
though? We're going to talk about and break down the journey that your
prospect is on. And here's what you, you have to understand, there are
many, many, many people out there right now that need exactly what you
have to offer right now. This very second, they're there. What you have to
do is you have to understand the journey that they're on, okay?

So here are the three rings we're going to give them to you and then basically
how to get in front of them. The first one is the outer ring and that is the ring
of being unaware, unaware...



That's all I got. Alright guys, see you next Monday.

TEMPLATE #10: The Script www.getwsodo.com

[ Headline of your video/post; set the topics ] [ Training structure: Use either slides or a way to illustrate your points, explain each step and
show proof that each step is working. Call out mistakes people are making, bust myths that
[ Quick introduction to the series installment ] exist in the marketplace, position yourself verses “the gurus”, stop to ask questions and solicit
feedback from your audience; show social proof from your business and always include client
[ Recap of what you’ve covered so far and what this session is about ] examples ]

[ Drop an insight or nugget that’s relevant to today’s training; think of this as the hook to get [ Final signoff message ]
people’s attention ]

[ Frame today’s topic in light of that insight or nugget, then explain the benefits someone can
experience thanks to that insight, contrast success with failure ]

[ Tie this in with something specific that your market wants and desires, and how this is now
possible to achieve ]

[ Set yourself apart and differentiate your approach and method from your competitors and
what people in your marketplace dislikes ]

[ Talk about how your approach can still work, no matter what happens; give a brief description
on how you developed your approach, that you’re now sharing ]

[ Share more tactical and strategic advice on the topic; repeat the value and benefits that they’ll
get today from watching this training ]

[ Start introducing the topic, why, and how this training will be relevant for your marketplace,
and then get into the materials you have ]

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