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1 Regional Geomorphology Yogyakarta

Viewed from the Physiographic and geological unit of Yogyakarta Special Region,
as a whole has a diverse geomorphological conditions, among others:
1. Mount Merapi Unit
Merapi Volcano Force which extend from the volcano cone through a volcanic fluvial
plains covering area of Sleman, Yogyakarta and Bantul district includes most of the volcanic
landscape. Local cone and slopes of the volcano is a protected forest area and the local water
catchment area subordinates. Units of this region lies in the northern zone in Sleman district.
Mount Merapi, which has special characteristics, the main attraction for the object of study
can be used as a fireplace and mountain tourism. However, this region is prone to natural
2. Units of the Southern Mountains

Units of the Southern Mountains, located in Gunungkidul District, otherwise known as

the Thousand Mountains is a region of limestone hills (limestone) is critical, barren and
always short of water by the middle there are plains (Wonosari Basin). This region is
solusional landscape, with limestone parent rock material, has the characteristics of shallow
soil layers and vegetation cover on the phone is relatively rare. As a result of the
appointment process, a growing area of limestone in the southernmost part of South
Mountains, particularly in the area of Gunungkidul, Wonogiri, and Pacitan, developed into a
karst topography with drainage system below ground (subterranean drainage). Meanwhile,
the appearance platonya was eventually turned into small hills conical (conical hillocks),
known as Mount Sewu. On the southern side, a wave hit the Indian Ocean continuously
forming steep slopes (cliff), which in some places punctuated by bays that some connect
with the interior through the dry valleys.
On the north, the hills bordering the cone of Mount Sewu two Ledok (basins), which is
Ledok Wonosari in western and eastern Ledok Baturetno. Ledok Wonosari until now still
maintain the original drainage patterns in the flow of Oyo River, which flows through the
high cliffs at the west end. Ledok Baturetno Wonogiri area, which originally was the
headwaters of a river that flows to the south, as shown through the valley which divides the
Mount Sewu Giritontro toward the Indian Ocean, eventually turned into a child for the Solo
river, which until now flowing to the north. On the north side of the ridge-ridge Ledok there
are high with the remains planasinya be retained. Northern boundary of the ridge is a steep
cliff (escarpment STEEP), extending from north Parangtritis area, south of Prambanan
turned eastwards to Wonogiri. On the north it stretches the lowlands, where older rock folds
down fairly deep, covered by the fans fluvio-volcanic volcanoes younger than some
3. Unit Progo Muntains
Unit Progo Mountains, located in the northern part of Kulon Progo Regency is
denudational structural landscapes with hilly topography that has a steep slope constraints
and small soil water potential.
Stratigraphy of the oldest in the area known as West Progo Mountains Formation
nanggula, then are not in tune rocks deposited on top of the Formation and Formation
Jonggaran Sentolo, which according to Van Bemmmelen (1949), the two latter formations
have the same age, both are only different faises. Nanggulan Formation is the oldest
formations in the mountains of Kulon Progo, constituent rocks of this formation by Wartono
Raharjo (1977) consists of sandstones with intercalations of Lignite, sandy marl, claystone
with limonite concretion, inset Napa and Limestone, Sandstone and Tuff and rich in fossil
foraminifera and molluscs. The lithology of Jonggrangan Formation is well exposed in the
vicinity of the village Jonggrangan, the bottom of this formation consists of conglomerates
are overlain by tuffaceous marls and calcareous sandstones with intercalations of Lignite.
These rocks are increasingly upward turn into Limestone coral (Wartono rahardjo, et al,
1977). The lithology of this Sentolo Formation at the bottom, consisting of agglomerates and
marl, the upward turn into Limestone facies layered with neritik. Coral limestone found
locally, showed the same age with the formation Jonggrangan, but in some places Sentolo
Formation age is younger (Harsono Pringgoprawiro, 1968: 9).4.

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