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A Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan in Home Economics Grade 6

Lecture Prepared by: Lianna Preachy Angela B. Rule

At the end of the lesson, the pupila are expected to:
 Understand the reason of preserving food
 Preserve their own food; and
 Appreciate the importance of food preservation.


A. Topic: Food Preservation
Preference: Curriculum Guide Grade 6- Home Economics
B. Materials: Pictures, Laptop, Paper


a) Preparation

1. Opening Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Classroom Rules and Regulations
5. Review Past Lesson

b) Motivation
o Teacher will show a picture of Food that is preserved
- What can you say about the picture?

c) Presentation of the Lesson

Food Preservation is the process of treating and handling food to stop or slow
down food spoilage, loss of quality, edibility, or nutritional value and thus allow for
longer food storage.
Traditonal Methods of Food Preservation

 Drying
 Cooling
 Freezing
 Boiling
 Heating
 Saulting
 Sugaring
 Smoking
 Pickling
 Lye
 Canning
 Jellying

Importance of Food Preservation

1. Prevent spoilage of food

2. Retain the nutritrive value and texture of food
3. Maintain the good and sanity quality of the product
4. Increase family income by the sale of preserved food
5. Help in the economic development in the country
6. Make food readily available throughout the year

d) Application

The teacher will divide the class into 4: each group will choose a method of
preserving food and make their own food preservation using the method. They will
document all the things and the work they did.

e) Generalization

The teacher will use the discussion technique Gradual Psychological Unfolding (GPU)
Primary Questions: What have you learn from our lesson today?
Why is food preservation important?
How can preservation help us financially?


Answer the following question in a 1 whole sheet of paper.

1. What is food Preservation?

2. What are the methods that are commonly used in food preservation?
3. Why do we do food preservation?
4. How does food preservation help us financially?
5. Choose 1 method of food preservation that you want to try and why?

1. Food preservation is the process of treating and handling food to stop and slow
down food spoilage, loss of quality, edibility, or nutritional value and thus allow
fo longer food storage
3. We preserve food so that we can slow down food spoilage and allow longer food
4. We can sell the food we preserve.
5. Salting beacause it is easy and always available.


Bring a finished product in food preservation and identify the method used in preserving
the food.

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