STUDY GUIDE Sucessful-Nurse-Manager

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Successful Nurse Manager

NCM 107/ NCM 148 Related Learning Experience

Topic Outline
1. Definition
2. Importance
3. Principles and Concepts

Learning Objectives
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
 Recognize the vital roles of a Nurse Manager


Taking on a leadership role as a nurse manager requires more than clinical skills, critical thinking,
and strong communication. Nurses who have earned a Masteral nor Doctorate in nursing practice
degree and are stepping into management take on new responsibilities that include planning, budgeting,
time management, quality improvement, and staff relations.

In a new leadership role, Masteral nor Doctorate in nursing practice prepared nurses are expected to
direct employee performance to align with an organization’s objectives and goals. The job can be
challenging for nurse managers who are redefining their roles in healthcare and with their peers and

Nurse Manager

- A nurse administrator/manager are leaders who not only guide the nurses in their department, but
also help to adopt new ideas and practices for the betterment of the facility or organization. Nurse
managers wear several different hats and act as the middle-man who communicates with both
staff and upper-level management. If you would like to learn what the role of the manager is and
how to go about becoming one, read this job profile and find out what you need to know.

Nursing and management experts say there are practical tips for becoming an effective nurse manager:

1. Keep communication open and honest

Poor communication has been linked to preventable medical errors, nurse turnover, and low morale. In
turn, low morale leads to high levels of stress, low job satisfaction, and reduced quality of life, Kathleen
A. Vertino said in the Online Journal of Issues in Nursing.
New managers should understand what is essential to the staff and provide feedback. Managers should
also seek input from superiors and staff nurses for a greater understanding of organizational needs. Key
components of communication include:

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 Using active listening skills

 Practicing positive body language

 Paraphrasing comments for clarity

NCM 107/ NCM 148 Related Learning Experience

 Avoiding negative messages

“The manager can no longer give orders and respond in an authoritative manner and get results,”
Charlotte Eliopoulos, executive director of the American Association for Long Term Care Nursing, said. ‘In
addition to assuring work gets completed, the manager must nurture a satisfied workforce.”

2. Expand critical thinking skills

Nurse managers are expected to make decisions and solve problems as part of the job. Critical thinking
— analysis, evaluation, inference, problem-solving, and deductive reasoning — play an important role in
making decisions and solving problems.

Indeed, nurses utilize critical thinking skills in their daily practice. One study showed strong critical
thinking skills could also impact a unit as a whole. A study in the Journal of Nursing Scholarship found
nurse managers who have robust critical thinking skills help create positive work environments. As a
result, staff nurses deliver better care.

3. Be a visionary

Don’t be afraid to take measured chances, Janet Henriksen said in a Nursing Management article. Nurse
managers should be able to express their vision to guide change and outline a plan to achieve action.
Self-awareness, the ability to understand one’s personal strengths and weaknesses, and emotional
intelligence, or being able to read and understand others’ emotions, is essential to becoming a successful
visionary. Nurses who possess both skills are committed to an overall vision rather than self-interests,
Henriksen said in an article titled “An alternative approach to nurse manager leadership.”

“They challenge the status quo, listen and encourage others, and engage in a shared vision,” she said of
visionary nurse managers.

4. Serve as a mentor and seek a mentor

Mentors provide important guidance for both new nurses and managers. Serving as a mentor allows
nurse managers to impart their personal experiences to new staff nurses. Working with a mentor
provides nurse managers with guidance on the transition from nurse to nurse manager, Dr. Lisa M.
Aldisert said in Becker’s Hospital Review.

5. Set the tone

In 2017, research from the independent patient satisfaction firm Press Ganey found nurse leaders
influence work environments, safety, quality, and patient outcomes. In its nursing special report, the
company found that effective leadership helps organizations make improvements in all areas.

Researchers also found effective nurse leaders provide transformational leadership, which encourages
greater nurse autonomy and professional development opportunities. When nurse leaders use appropriate
staffing and teamwork, patient outcomes are positively affected.

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6. Embrace education

A continuous education prepares RNs for the rigors of working as a nurse manager. The leading programs
help nurse leaders tackle all of the challenges that come with management, including understanding the
role of business and finance and assisting in creating healthcare policy.
Even after graduation, nurse leaders are encouraged to seek continuing education opportunities for future

NCM 107/ NCM 148 Related Learning Experience

growth. The most successful nurse managers continually explore their roles in healthcare and work to
better themselves.

7. Learn time management

The nurse manager’s position includes added responsibilities and demands. Time management is essential to getting the
job done.

8. Recognize potential problems

Conflict is an inevitable part of life, but so is resolution. Determine the causes of conflict and address
them quickly.

9. Take ownership for mistakes

Every new leader makes mistakes, but blaming others and denying wrongdoing only fosters alienation.

10. Learn from mistakes

Advancing to a leadership position means you have the skill to succeed. Ask the right questions and seek

Activating Prior Knowledge

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Interactive Link (Successful Nurse Manager)

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“Strong nursing leadership is needed to create practice environments and work climates that are
healthier and safer for both nurses and patients,” Janet Henriksen said in Nursing Management. “Nurse
managers are recognized as leaders who have the ability to create practice environments that influence
the quality of patient care, nurse job satisfaction levels, and the achievement of performance goals.”

All information contained in this module are property of UCU and provided solely for educational purposes. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or
transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of UCU, is strictly prohibited.
Readings and References
Berman, A. Snyder, S. Barbara, K. (2007). Kozier and Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts,
Process and Practice. 8th ed
Prioritization , Delegation , and Assignment Practice Exercise for the Nlex Examination by Linda A. LaCharity ,
Candice K. Kumagai and Barbara Bartz 4th Edition

NCM 107/ NCM 148 Related Learning Experience

All information contained in this module are property of UCU and provided solely for educational purposes. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or
transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of UCU, is strictly prohibited.

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