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Nuclear physics Quantum theory • I.
• The atomic nucleus- the nuclide • Photoelectric effect
• Constituents of the nucleus • Characteristics of photoelectric emission
• Atomic number and mass number • Quantization of electromagnetic (elm) radiation
• Scientific representation of a nuclide • Work function and threshold frequency
• Isotopes • Einstein's photoelectric equation
• Examples of isotopes • Experiment to verii)r Einstein's equation and
• Unified atomic mass unit ( U) measure Plank's constant
• The equivalent of the atomic mass unit m • Stopping potential
electron-volts • Graphs to show the variation of stopping
• Einstein's mass-energy relation. potential with frequency of radiation for
• Binding energy and mass defect various metals.
• Binding energy per nucleon • Applications of photoelectric emission
• Variation of binding energy per nucleon with • Rutherford's scattering experiment
mass number • Rutherford's atomic model
• Significance of binding energy per nucleon • Bohr's atom
• Nuclear fission and fusion. • Stable electron energy levels.
• Balanced equations • Emission and absorption spectra
• Wave particle treatment of the electron
Radioactivity • Ground, excited and ionisation states
• Radiations emitted during radioactivity • X-ray tube
• Decay equations • X-rays
• Properties of radiations emitted during • Properties ofX-rays
radioactivity • X-ray radiation
• Detection of ionising radiation • Characteristics of X-ray radiation
• Background radiation • Continuous(background) radiation, line X -ray
• Sourcesofbackground Radiation spectra and cut offwavelength
• Law of radioactivity • Uses ofX-rays
• Decay constant • Diffraction ofX-rays
• The expression • Bragg's law
• Decay curve • Hazards of X -rays
• Halflife • Safety precautions ofX-rays.
• The expression
• Artificial (induced) radioactivity Electronic devices
• Applications of radioisotopes (biological and • TheCRO
industrial) • Comparison of CRO with moving coil
• Hazards of radiation instruments
• Safety precautions • Transistors
• The p-n junction (intrinsic, extrinsic
Charged particles
conductors, doping)
• Discharge tube phenomena
• The junction diode
• Cathode rays- production
• Rectification
• Cathode rays - properties
• Applications of a p-n junction diode
• Positive rays -production
• Transistor characteristics
• Positive rays -properties
• Two-transistor amplifier
• Motion of cathode rays and ion beams m
• Logic gates and their combinations
electric and magnetic fields
• Boolean algebra
• Specific charge
• Solution to logic questions, Truth tables.
• Thomson's experiment
• Mass spectrometer
• The Millikan's oil drop experiment.
• The mole, Avogadro's number and Faraday's


;;y}!~:~%~l}~~!}~i~:Al'9~i{t"; ~~;~~:~',,:~, "',, f' 'p~i:ilJ'X;•f£ ~~~+;!

The nucleus of the atom consists of the elementary one 'a om:ui'dlrvvo'
~ ' '' ,/;, ::
' ' ' '.' ""~ ~

particles, protons and neutrons which are known as Its symbol is U

nucleons. Carbon of atomic number 6 and mass number 12 has
Electrons revolve round the nucleus in circular orbits. mass equal to 12 g
A proton has a positive charge of the same magnitude 6.02 X 10 23 atoms contain 12 g
as that of the electron and its mass is about 1836 times l atom contains
6.02 X10
~ x 10- 3 kg
the mass of an electron.
Unified mass atomic unit,
A neutron is electrically neutral whose mass is almost
equal to the mass of the proton. The nucleons inside 1U = 2_
6.02 X10 3
X 10- 3 k
the nucleus are held together by strong attractive forces = 1.66 X 10- 27 kg
called nuclear forces.
Einstein~~,~~ene~'J:Sl~ation' , , • i~~;' ·' ii";: ~·
Nuclide The energy equivalence of 1 U can be calculated in
A nuclide of an element is represented as ~X where X electron-volt.
is the chemical symbol of the element, Z represents Einstein's mass energy relation is, E = mc 2
the atomic number which is equal to the number of 1 U = 1.66 X 10- 27 kg
protons and A is the mass number which is equal to the c = 3 x 10 8 ms- 1
total number of protons and neutrons. E = 1.66 X 10- 27 X (3 X 10 8 ) 2 J
The number of neutrons is represented as N which is
equal to A- Z. For example, the chlorine nucleus is
represented as i~Cl. It contains 17 protons and 18 An electron-volt is the energy of an electron when it is
neutrons. accelerated through a potential difference of 1 volt.
1 eV = 1.6 x 10- 19 C x 1 volt
Isotopes leV= 1.6 X 10- 19}
Isotopes are atoms of the same element with the same
E = 1.66x1o x 3x1o
-27 ( B)
eV = 931 x 106eV
atomic number but different mass number. 1.6X10 19

The nuclei ~H, iH, iH are the isotopes of hydrogen. In Energy equivalent ofl U = 931 MeV
other words, isotopes of an element contain the same
number of protons but different number of neutrons. Nuclear mass
As the mass of the nucleus contains protons and
neutrons, the mass of the nucleus is assumed to be the
These are radioactive elements with the same atomic mass of its constituents.
number but different mass numbers. Assumed nuclear mass = Zmp + Nmn where mp
and mn are the masses of proton and neutron
Nuclear charge respectively.
The charge of a nucleus is due to the protons present in When the mass of the electron is given, the nuclear
it. Each proton has a positive charge equal to 1.6 x mass is given by
to- 19 C. Mass of nucleons + mass of electrons
Nuclear charge= Ze, where Z is the atomic number. However, from measurement of mass by the mass
spectrometer, it is found that the mass of a stable
nucleus, m is less than the total mass of the nucleons.
This is the number of constituent particles (atoms or i.e. mass of nucleus, m < (Zmv + Nmn)
molecules) that are contained in one mole of a l:lm = Zmp + Nmn - m
substance. It has a value of 6.02 X 10 23 mol- 1 where l:lm is the mass defect.
Thus, the difference in the total mass of the nucleons
;~!\~~il 'a~9p~ic~ass· i111it(U) and the actual mass of the nucleus is known as mass
It is convenient to express the mass of a nucleus in defect.
atomic mass unit though the unit of mass is kg.

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad ~SD

M3ss· During fusion, two light nuclei combine to form
heavier nucleus that has greater binding energy
nucleon. However, the mass of the heavier nucleus
less than the sum of the two light nuclei. The m
Binding energy difference is accounted for by the energy released.
Binding energy of a nucleus is the energy required to
split a nucleus into its constituent nucleons.
The binding energy of a nucleus determines its stability This is the spontaneous disintegration of unsta
against disintegration. If the binding energy is large, radioactive element with emission of alpha particl
the nucleus is stable and vice versa. beta particles or gamma rays.
The radioactivity phenomenon is spontaneous and ·
Binding energy per nucleon unaffected by an external agent like temperatu
This is the ratio of the energy required to split a nucleus pressure, magnetic fields, etc. It cannot be slow
into its individual nucleons to the number of nucleons down nor speeded up by any physical or chemic
in the nucleus. process.

Alpha particles, Beta particles and Gamma rays

It is found that the binding energy per nucleon varies
The existence of three different types of radiations a, fJ
from element to element.
and y-rays can be easily found by the following
Graph of binding energy per nucleon against mass
I f'o-56
A small amount of Radium (R) is placed at the bottom
.nucleon of a small hole drilled in a lead block which is kept in

rele;lS<d an evacuated chamber.
A photographic plate is placed at a short distance
above the lead block. A strong magnetic field is
f ~~~
applied at right angles to the plane of the paper and
4 .. acting inwards.

p -
Photographic plate
V acuum


50 100 150 200 250
mass. number. A

The binding energy per nucleon of very large and very

small nuclides is low. The maximum binding energy
Three distinct traces can be seen on the photographic
per nucleon occurs at a mass number of approximately
plate when it is developed. The trace towards left is due
to positively charged particles (a-particles). The trace
There are peaks for small nuclides where the number
towards the right is due to negatively charged particles
of protons equals the number of neutrons.
(p-particles). The undeviated trace is due to neutral
radiations which are called y-rays.
Explanation of nuclear fusion and nuclear fission
If an electric field is applied, the a-rays are deflected
During fission, a heavy nucleus splits to form two
towards the negative plate, P-rays towards the positive
lighter nuclei having greater binding energy per
plate and y-rays are not deflected.
nucleon. But the total mass of the two daughter nuclei
is less than the mass of the parent nucleus. The
difference in mass is accounted for by the energy

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad :290

Properties of a-particles mass number remains the same. P-decay can be
• An alpha particle is a helium nucleus consisting expressed as
of2 protons and 2 neutrons. Its symbol is iHe
• Move along straight lines with high velocities.
• Deflected by electric and magnetic fields Example: Thorium e~6Th) is converted to
• Produce intense ionisation Protactinium e~iPa) due toP-decay.
2 2
• Scattered by heavy elements like Gold ~6Th ~ ~iPa + -~e
• Produce fluorescence when they fall on At a time, either a or p particle is emitted. Both a and
substances like zinc sulphide P particles are not emitted during a single decay.

Properties of fl-particles y-decay

• p-particles carry one unit of negatiYe charge and When a radioactive nucleus emits y-rays, only the
mass equal to that of electron. Therefore. they are energy level of the nucleus changes and the atomic
nothing but electrons. Its symbol is -~e number and muss number remain the same.
• Deflected by electric and magnetic fields During a or P-decay, the daughter nucleus is mostly in
• Comparatively low ionisation power the excited state. It comes to the ground state with the
• Affect photographic plates emission ofy-rays.
• Penetrate through thin metal foils and their Example: During the radioactive disintegration of
penetrating power is greater than that of a- radium, 2 ~~Ra into radon, 2 ~~Rn, gamma ray of
particles energy 0.187 MeV is emitted when radon returns from
the excited state to the ground state.
• The~ are electromagnetic waves of short
• Not deflected by electric and magnetic fields

Travel with the velocity of light
Produce very less ionisation
• Affect photographic plates y·ray (0.187 Me\~
• Have a very high penetrating power, greater than ssRfl

that of P-particles
• Produce fluorescence
Background radiation
• Diffracted by crystals in the same way X-rays are
This is a radiation in the atmosphere caused by natural
radioactivity in the ground, rocks and air. This
radiation is detected even when there is no source.
Background radiation is due to the following
When a radioactive nucleus disintegrates by emitting a
• Objects in the atmosphere contain radioacti,-e
a-particle, the atomic number decreases by 2 and mass
elements which decay and the resulting radiati()l)
number decreases by 4. The a-decay ca be expressed
enters the atmosphere
• Cosmic radiation. This is a radiation in tbe
atmosphere from the outer space. It has a high
ionizing effect.
Example: Radium 2 ~~Ra is converted to radon 2 ~~Rn
• Ultraviolet radiation from the sun also ionizes tbe
due to a-decay
air in the atmosphere.
~~Ra ~ 2 ~~Rn + iH e

When a radioactive nucleus disintegrates by emitting a
p-particles, the atomic number increases by 1 and the

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad %91

Decay law If N is the number of atoms present at a certain t
The rate of disintegration at any instant is directly the activity A is given by
proportional to the number of atoms of the element A= _dN
present at the instant. dN
Let N0 be the number of radioactive atoms present but--=
initially and N, the number of atoms at a given instant Therefore, A = itN
t. The unit of activity is becquerel (Bq)
1 becquerel = 1 disintegration per second
It is also expressed in Curie where 1 curie =
1010 disintegrations per second.
where it is the decay constant. The negative s1gn
indicates that N decreases with increase in time. Half-life period
-N = -itdt Since all the radioactive elements have infinit•
period, in order to distinguish the activity oJ
fdN = f -itdt element with another, half-life period is introduct
InN= -itt+ c
At t = O,N = N0
c = InN0
InN= -itt+ InN0 From the decay law, N = N0 e-At
In-= -itt LetT~ be the half-life period
No 2

.!!_=e-At 1
At t = T1, N =- N0
No 2 2
N0 -ATl
-=N0 e 2
The above equation shows that the number of atoms of In 2 = itT1
a radioactive substance decreases exponentially with
T1 =ln2 =~
increase in time. 2 A A
number of
nuclei /14'
in sample Artificial radioactivity
This is the process by which elements are n
radioactive by artificial or induced methods.
When lighter elements such as boron and alumin
iNo are bombarded with a-particles, there is a contim
~ ""' ~lf life of radiooccive mudidt-
emission of radioactive radiations even the a- so1
4Nt} has been removed. The radiation is due to emissio
a particle carrying one unit positive charge with ec

r, 2T, 37; 4T, 5T,
time. t mass to that of an electron (positron)
; ; ; ;
' Artificial radioactive elements emit electrons, posi1
Initially the disintegration takes place at a faster rate.
As time increases, N gradually decreases andy-rays.
exponentially. Theoretically an infinite time is
required for the complete disintegration of all the Production of artificial radioisotopes
atoms. Artificial radioisotopes are produced by placing
target element in the nuclear reactor where plenty
Decay constant neutrons are available or bombarding the tar
This is the fractional number of disintegrations per element with particles from particle accelerators 1
second. cyclotron.
15 0 15

li - .
Th;s ;, the rate of d;s;ntegrat;on or dcoay.
iiNa +an~ HNa +y

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 2j

~J!p!i~t~~~~s o{~,f~di~isotopes Industry
The radioisotopes have wide applications in medicine, • In industry, the lubricating oil containing
agriculture, industry and research. A radioactive radioisotopes is used to study the rate of wear and
element is added to a particular system and the course tear of machinery.
of the isotope is studied to understand the system. • The thickness of metal sheet can be monitored
during manufacture by passing it between a
Medical applications gamma ray source and a suitable detector. The
• Radioisotopes are used both in diagnosis and thicker the sheet, the greater the absorption of
therapy. Radio cobalt 6 °Co emitting y-rays is gamma rays i.e.

used in the treatment of cancer.
• Radio sodium 24 Na is used to detect the

presence of blocks in blood vessels, to check the
effective functioning of the heart in pumping J

blood and maintaining circulation.
Radio iodine 56 Fe is used to diagnose anaemia. ~ Detector
An anaemic patient retains iron longer in the • The exact position of an underground pipe can be
blood than a normal patient located if a small quantity of radioactive liquid is
• Radio Phosphorus 32 P is used in the treatment added to the liquid being carried by the pipe. This
of skin diseases. also allows leaks to be detected. The soil close to
• Radioisotopes can also be used in sterilizing the leak becomes radioactive.
pharmaceutical and surgical instruments. • Can be used to examine the accuracy of welded
• Determination of volume and concentration of joints.
blood in mammals.
Radioactive Na is mixed with a small volume of Radio-carbon dating
blood taken from a mammal and then injected 14
In the upper atmosphere, C is continually formed
into its blood stream. After a given time, a small from 14
N due to the bombardment by neutrons
volume of blood is removed from the mammal produced from X-rays
and the activity of Na in the blood sample Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere contains a small
determined. High activity implies less volume of portion of 14
C. Living things take 14
C from food and
blood and low activity implies large blood 14
air however with death, the intake of C stops and the
quantity. 14
C that is already present begins to decay.

Agriculture Since the half-life of 14C is 5570 years, the life time or
In agriculture, radioisotopes help to increase the crop age of the sample can be estimated using the equation
yields. A= Aoe--1t
• Radio-phosphorus ez P) incorporated with
Biological hazards of nuclear radiations
phosphate fertilizer is added to the soil. The
plant and soil are tested from time to time. • They can cause damage to blood cells, organisms,
Phosphorus is taken by the plant for its growth skin disorder and loss of hair
and radio phosphorus is found to increase the • Too much exposure may cause diseases like
yield. leukemia (death of red blood cells in the blood)
• Sprouting and spoilage of onions, potatoes, etc. or cancer and may eventually lead to death
are prevented by exposure to a very small • The radiations cause injury to genes in the
amount of radiation. Certain perishable cereals reproductive cells. This gives rise to mutations
remain fresh beyond their normal life span when which pass on from generation to generation
exposed to radiation.

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 293 I

Safety precautions when working with radiations = 0.225303 u
• Radioactive materials are kept in thick-walled 1 U = 931 MeV
lead containers. Energy released= 0.225303 X 931 = 209.8 MeV
• Lead aprons and lead gloves are used while
working in hazardous areas. Nuclear reactor
• All radioactive samples must be handled by a A nuclear reactor is a device in which the uu~-;1,
remote-control process fission reaction takes place in a sustained
• A small micro-film badge must always be worn controlled manner.
by the person and should periodically be checked Depending on the purpose for which the reactors
for the safety limit of radiation used, they may be classified into research
prpduction reactors and power reactors.
Nuclear fission • Research reactors are used primarily to
This is the process of breaking up of a nucleus of a neutrons for research purpose and for prod
heavier atom into two fragments with the release of a of radio-isotopes
large amount of energy. • Production reactors convert fertile (non-fissile
The fission reaction is effected with the bombardment abundant) material into fissile material.
of neutron with the target atom. A large amount of • Power reactors convert nuclear fission energy ·
energy is released. electric power. The power reactors can be
Neutrons are preferred as they are neutral and there is classified into boiling water reactor,
no electrostatic repulsion between them and the target water reactor, etc. depending upon the choice
atom which would influence the collision. They can the moderator and the coolant used.
therefore penetrate deep into the nucleus.
Schematic diagram of a nuclear reactor
Conditions for nuclear fission Control :ruds

The nucleus must be heavy and unstable.

The neutron must be at high speeds.

The fission reactions with 2 ~~U are represented as

~~U + t,n -t 1 ~~Ba + §~Kr + 3t,n +Energy
~~U + t,n -t 1 ~~Xe + j~Sr + 2t,n +Energy
Such reactions where one neutron leads to production
of more neutrons are called chain reactions and are Cold liquid
used in the production of atomic bombs.
Uses of nuclear reactors
Energy released in fission • Power production because of the large amount
Let us calculate the amount of energy released during of energy evolved with fission
fission of 2 ~~U with a neutron. The fission reaction is • Production of radio-isotopes
+ t,n -t ~~Ba + j~Kr + 3t,n +Energy • Source of neutrons, hence used in scientific
Mass of ~~U = 235.045733 U
2 research.
Mass of t,n = 1.008665 U
Mass of 1 ~~Ba = 140.9177 U Nuclear fusion
Mass of §~Kr = 91.8854 U This is the process by which two or more light nuclei
Solution combine to form a heavier nucleus with a release of
Total mass of reactants= 235.045733 + 1.008665 energy.
= 236.054398 u
The mass of the product nucleus is always less than the
Total mass of products sum of the masses of the lighter nuclei. The difference
= 140.9177 + 91.8854 + 3(1.008665)
in mass is converted into energy.
= 235.829095 u ~H + ~H -t 1He + t,n +Energy ·
Mass defect= 236.054398 - 235.829095

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 2Q~4

Conditions for nuclear fusion 3. Calculate the energy released in the reaction
• The fusion process is carried out at extremely high gAl+ IH ~ I~Mg +~He
temperature such that the nuclei gain enough kinetic Given;
energy to overcome electrostatic repulsion. Blast Mass of i~Al = 26.981535 U
furnaces kept at very high temperatures can effect Mass ofiH = 2.014102 U
nuclear fusion reactions. Mass of i~Mg = 24.98584 U
• The nuclei must be light or small Mass of~He = 4.002604 U
Natural occurrence of nuclear fusion Mass ofthe reactants= 26.981535 + 2.014102
Fusion occurs naturally in the sun's core and it is the = 28.995637 u
main source of the sun's energy. Mass of the products= 24.98584 + 4.002604
= 28.98444 u
Similarity between nuclear fusion and nuclear Mass defect= 28.995637 - 28.98444
fission = 0.007193 u
In both nuclear fusion and nuclear fission, energy is Energy released in the reaction = 0.007193 x 931
released. = 6.697 MeV

Examples 4. Calculate the energy released when 1 kg of 2 ij~U

1. Calculate the binding energy and the binding undergoes nuclear fission. Assume energy per
energy per nucleon of the ~~Fe giwn: fission is 200 MeV and Avogadro's number = I
Mass of ~~Fe nucleus= 55.9349 U
Mass of 1 proton = 1.007825 U
6.02 x 10 23 mol- 1
\1ass of 1 neutron = 1.008665 U According to Avogadro's hypothesis,
Solution Number of atoms in 235g of Uranium= 6.02 X 1023 j
:s-umber of protons= 26. "S"umber of neutrons= 30
~ass of26 protons= 26 x 1.007825 ~ 26.20345 U
Mass of30 neutrons= 30 x 1.008665 = 30.25995 U
Number of atoms in 1kg ofuranium
6.02 xl0 23 xlOOO

Total mass of nucleons= 26.20345 + 30.25995 Energy produced by 1 kg of uranium during fission,
E = 6.02 xto xtooo X 200 MeV
= 56.46340 u
Actual mass of the ~~Fe nucleus= 55.9349 U = 5.126 X 10 26 MeV
Mass defect= 56.46340 - 55.9349 = 0.5285 U
But I U=931 MeV 5. Calculate the time taken for 60% of a sample of
Binding energy= 0.5285 X 931 = 492.0335 MeV radon to undergo decay if decay if the half-life of
Bm. energy per nuc Ieon = 492.0335 = 8 .786 M e V radon is 3.8 days.
2. The binding energy per nucleon for 1 ~C nucleus is Amount of sample disintegrated = 60%
7.68 MeV and that for 1 ~C is 7.47 MeV. Calculate Amount of sample present = 100 - 60 = 40%
the energy required to remove a neutron from 1 ~C Let N0 be the original amount of the sample present
nucleus. A.=~
Solution From N = N0 e-A.t
~C ~ ~C + ~n
.!!!_N =Ne-A.t
Binding energy of 1 ~C = 13 x 7.47 = 97.11 MeV 100
eA.t =to
Binding energy of 1 ~C = 12 x 7.68 = 92.16 MeV 4
Binding energy of reactants = binding energy of A.t =In 2.5
products t =(0 .693) = 5.02 days
Binding energy of neutron= 97.11- 92.16 3.8

= 4.95MeV

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 29p


6. Determine the amount of 210Po required to provide From t1 =0.693

- , - =0.693
- - = 28 .79 yrs
2 A 0.0241
a source of a-particles of activity 5 milli curie given
(b) Nt = N0 e-A.t
that the half-life of polonium is 13 8 days and 1 curie
after t = 5
= 3.7 x 1010 dis/sec.
Nt = 1.0 X eC0 ·0241 xs) = 0.886 g
Activity,A = 5 X 10- X 3.7 X 1010 = 1.85 X 10 8
9. The half-life of radium is 1590 years. How long
0 693 will it take for a sample of radium to decay to
A. = " = 5.812 x 10- 8 per sec
138X24X60X60 10% of its original radioactivity?
But A= A.N Solution
A 1.85X108 15 . - 0.693 0.693 - 4 36
N =- A
= 5.812X10-B = 3.1825 x 10 atoms
1 -
U smg t1 - -,-, /l - - - -
i A 1590
• x 10-4 yr -1
According to Avogadro's principle,
Using itt= -lnl:L
6.02 x 1023 atoms are contained in 210 g of 210Po No
3.1825 X 1015 atoms are contained in 4.36 X 10- 4 X t = -In %
3.1825X1015 X 210 t = 5280 years
6.02x10 23 g
= 1.11 X 10- g 6
10. Consider the following nuclear reaction.
Amount required is 1.11 x 10- 6 g
235U + 1n ~ 133A + YR + 6 1n
92 0 X 40 0
(i). Determine the values ofx andy.
7. A piece of bone from an archeological site is found
(ii). What is the importance of this reaction?
to give a count rate of 15 counts per minute. A
similar sample of fresh bone gives a count rate of 19
counts per minute. Calculate the age of the specimen
(i) 235 + 1 = 133 + y + 6
given that the half-life of 14C is 5570 years.
92 + 0 = X + 40 + 0
X= 52
Count rate offresh sample, N0 =19
Count rate of bone, N = 15
(ii) The reaction is for nuclear fission. Therefore, "
energy is released during the process which can
T~ = 5570 years
be changed to electricity at power stations and Ill
N = N0 e-A.t used in the manufacture of atomic bombs.
A.= o.693
5570 11. A steel piston ring contains 15g of radioactive iron
15 = 19e-A.t 54
26 Fe. The . .
activity of 54Fe
IS 3 •7 X
e A.t -
- -
15 10 5 disintegrations per second. After 100 days of
19 continuous use, the crank case oil was found to have
itt= In
19 1 I 19 ss7o a total activity of 1.23 X 10 3 disintegrations per
t= I n-x-=
15 A.
15 0.693 second. Find the
t = 1899 years
(i) half-life of ~~Fe
(ii) average mass of iron worn off the ring per day
8. Initially, 1.0 grams of Sr-90 are present. If 0.953 assuming that all the metal removed from the ring
grams remain after 2 years, accumulates in the oil.
(a) what is the half-life of strontium - 90?
(b )how much Strontium-90 will remain after 5 years?
54 g of ~~Fe contains 6.02 x 10 23 atoms
Solution . . 6.02x10 23
N0 = 1.0 g, Nt = 0.953g and t = 2 15 g of rron contams X 15
(a) = 1.67 x 10 atoms

Using In(::)= -itt But A= A.N

3.7 X 105 = 0.693X1.67X10 23
0 3
In ( ;: ) = -A.(2) T1;2

A.= 0.0241 yr- 1 T1;

= 3.625 x 1012 days
Activity expected after time t is given by;
A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad i'96
A= Aoe-A.t binding energy per nucleon of~ H and iH e nucleus
A= 3.7 x 105e-(L912x1o- ) are 1.1 MeV and 7.0 MeV respectively.
= 3.7 X 10 5dis/sec [Ans: 23.6 MeV]
mass worn off 3. Calculate the binding energy and binding energy
Activity of oil per nucleon of i8Ca nucleus. Given mass of 1
Activity expected after timet X total ring mass proton = 1.007825 U, mass of 1 neutron =
1.23X10 3

3.7X105 X 15 = 0.04986g ~ O.OSg 1.008665 U, mass ofi8Ca nucleus= 39.96259 U.

[Ans: 341.8725 MeV; 8.5468 MeV]
Average mass worn off per day = m~ss worn off
time of use 4. Calculate the energy released in the following
= 0.05- -4
100 - 5 x 10 gfday reaction.
~Li + ~n ~ iHe + ~H
12. A small volume of a solution which contains a Given mass of~Li nucleus= 6.015126 U
radioactive isotope of sodium had an activity of Mass of~ H nucleus = 3.016049 U
1200 disintegrations per minute when it was first Mass of iH e nucleus= 4.002604 U
introduced in the blood stream of the patient. After Mass of ~n = 1.008665 U
30 minutes, the activity of 1 cm 3 of the blood was [Ans: 4.783 MeV]
0.5 disintegrations per minute. If the half-life of 5. Show that the mass of radium CZijgRa) with an
sodium is 15 minutes. Estimate the volume of blood activity of 1 curie is almost a gram given half-life
in the patient. of radium is 1600 years. ( 1 curie = 3. 7 x 1010
Solution dis/sec). [Ans: 1.0107g]
A 0 = 1200 dis I min, T11z = 15 min 6. A carbon specimen found in a cave contained a
lcm 3 ofblood has 0.5 dis/min after 30 min fraction of ~ of 14
C to that present in a living
0 693 8
A.= " = 0.0462 min- 1 system. Calculate the approximate age of the
A = A 0 e-A.t = 1200e-<0·0462 x3o) = 300.84 dis/ min specimen given that T~ for 14C = 5560 years.
300.84 3
Volume ofblood = - - = 601.68 em [Ans: 16681 years]
7. The radioactive isotope 2 ~!Po undergoes a
13. A radioisotope has a half-life of2 hours and activity successive disintegration of two a -decays and two
of2.88 X 107 disintegrations per hour is injected in fJ- decays. Find the atomic number and mass
a cow. 2 cm3 of blood is then removed from the number of the resulting isotope. [Ans: 82, 206]
cow 16 hours later and was found to have an activity 8. If 50% of a radioactive sample decays in 5 days,
of 3 disintegrations per hour. Find the volume of how much of the original sample will be left over
blood in the cow. after 30 days? [Ans: 6.25%]
Solution 9. Calculate the activity of 2.0J.lg of ~~Cu given that
A 0 = 2.88 x 10 dislhr the half-life of ~~Cu is 13 hours.
Activity after 16 hours, A = A 0 e-A.t [Ans: 2.8 x 10 11 Bq]
0.693 16
A= 2.88 X 107e-z-x = 112500 disfhr 10. The radioactive isotope of iodine 131I has a half-life
3 disfhr are contained in 2 cm 3 of 8.0 days and is used as a tracer in medicine.
112500 disfhr are contained in~ X 112500
3 (i) the number of atoms of 131I which must be
= 75000 cm 3 present in the patient when she is tested to give
disintegration of 6.0 X 10 5s- 1
~SeJt.iEvaiir,atiom•ercise ~t,··cZ·· •••;: ....
~\:f; ~~:.:,:"- ,:T s'f?'k:)d,0:/f:,--:,~""; ~~ 0J~ ;;(/
(ii) the number of atoms of 131I which must have
been present in a dose prepared 24 hours before
percentage of the sample has decayed in 15
[Ans: (i) 6.01 X 1.0 11 (ii) 6.5 X 1011 ]
minutes. [Ans: 96.875%]
11. A steel piston ring of mass 16g was irradiated with
2. Find the energy released when two ~H nuclei fuse
neutrons until its activity due to formation of this
together to form a single iH e nucleus. Given, the
isotope was I 0 microcurie. 10 days after the
irradiation the ring was installed in an engine and

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 297

after 80 days continuous use, the crankcase oil was I 7. In a particular use of radioactivity in medicine, a
found to have a total activity of 1.85 x 10 3 source of initial activity 3.90 X 10 3 Bq is
disintegrations per second. Determine the average required. The nuclide selected has a half-life of
mass of iron worn off the ring per day assuming that 1.80 X 10 5 sand is prepared in a radiation centre
all the metal removed from the ring accumulated in one week before the start of the treatment. What
the oil and that 1 curie is equivalent to 3.7 x 1010 should be the activity of the source when it is being
disintegrations per second. prepared?
[Ans: 4.0 mg per day] [Ans: 4.01 X 104 Bq]
12. A small volume of a solution which contained a I8. In a test engine, a radioisotope of iron which has a
radioactive isotope of sodium had an activity of half-life of 45 days is added to the steel used in
12000 disintegrations per minute when it was making of the piston ring. At the start of the
injected into the blood stream of a patient. After 30 experiment, a piston ring of mass I6 g was found to
hours, the activity of 1.0 cm 3 of the blood was have an activity of 3.7 X 104 Bq. 30 days after the
found to be 0.50 disintegrations per minute. If the engine had been kept running, the crank case oil
half-life of the sodium isotope is taken as 15 hours, was found to have an activity of 6.0 x 10 2 Bq.
estimate the volume of blood in the patient. Assuming that the metal worn off from the ring had
[Ans: 6000 cm 3 ] accumulated in the oil, estimate the average mass of
13. At the start of an experiment a mixture of iron that wore off from the ring per day.
radioactive materials contains 20.0 11g of a [Ans: 0.4I2 g)
radioisotope A, which has a half-life of 70 s, and I9. When a nitrogen nucleus 1 ~N is bombarded with
40.0 11g of radioisotope B, which has a half-life of an a-particle of a certain energy, it transmutes to an
35 s. oxygen nucleus 1 ~0 and a proton.
(i) After what period of time will the mixture (a) Write an equation for the nuclear reaction
contain equal masses of each isotope? What is (b) What is the minimum energy of the a- particle to
the mass of each isotope at this time? make the reaction possible?
(ii) Calculate the rate at which the atoms of isotope [Mass of 1 ~N = 2.32530 x 10- 26 kg, mass of 1 ~0 =
A are decaying when the masses are the same. 2.82282 x 10- 26 kg, mass of a proton= 0.16735 X
(Molar mass of isotope A = 234 g, Avogadro constant 10- 26 kg, mass of a-particle = 0.666466 x
= 6.02 x 10 23 mol- 1 ) 10- 26 kg [Ans: 1.89 X 10-13 ])
[Ans: (i) 70s, 10.0 11g (ii) 2.5 x 1014 s- 1 ) 20. (a) A randon CZ~~Rn) nucleus of mass 3.6 X
14. A typical fission reaction is 10- 25 kg decays by emission of an a-particle of
~~U +an~ ~~Mo + ~~La + 2an + 7 -~e
mass 6.7 X 10- 27 kg and energy 8.8 X 10-13 ]
Calculate the total energy released by I g of 2 ~~U (i) Write down the values of the mass number and
undergoing fission by this reaction, neglecting the atomic number of the resulting nucleus.
masses of the electrons. (ii) Calculate the momentum of the emitted a-
Mass of neutron= 1.009 U, Mass of ~~Mo = 94.906 U particle
Mass of 1 ~~La=l38.906 U, Mass of 2 ~~U =235.044 U (iii)Find the velocity of recoil of the resulting
[Ans: 8.53 x 1010]) nucleus.
15. A radioactive source contains 1.0 x 10- 6 g of (b) The sun obtains its radiant energy from a
plutonium-239. It is estimated that this source emits thermonuclear fusion process. The mass of the sun
2300 a-particles per second. Calculate the half-life is 2 x 10 30 kg and it radiates 4 x 10 23 kW at a
of plutonium. [Ans: 7.59 X 1011 s) constant rate. Estimate the lifetime of the sun in
I6. A small volume of a solution which contained the years if 0. 7% of its mass is converted into
radioactive isotope sodium had an activity of 2000 radiation during the fusion process and it loses
Bq when it was injected into the blood stream of a energy only by radiation. (I year= 3 X 10 7 s).
patient. After 30 hours, 1.0 cm 3 of blood was [Ans: (a)(i) 218, 84 (it) 1.08 x 10- 19 Ns (iii)
drawn from the patient and its activity was found to 3.1 x 10 5 ms- 1 (b) 1 x 1011 years]
be 0.08 Bq. If the half-life of sodium - 24 is I5
hours, estimate the volume of blood in the patient.
[Ans: 17.7 x 103 cm3 ]
A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 298
J.J~LC\..'-'U.LO V~ .J..U'-A-.LIU-U.L>..J.a...o.....,

"D~'J;'E<:;JO~~"Q~~R@I.ATIONS;;~;;~v'"::::~;;, 3. Halogen mixed with argon gas

This forms a quenching agent so as to prevent
Geiger Muller tube secondary electrons to be emitted from the cathode by
anode cathode the positive ions bombarding it.

4.Anode in form of a wire

pulse This produces an intense electric field since electric
high voltage
field strength is inversely proportional to the radius of
argon and
bromine v-apour the wire.

c~~u;rt~;;rate volt~ge chan\Ct~rlstics"


l • Radioactive particles enter through the thin mica

window and ionize the argon gas molecules.

• The electrons move at very high speeds to the c

anode because of the high p.d between the anode
and the cathode.
• These fast-moving electrons collide with other
argon gas molecules producing an avalanche of 0 A Applied p.d
• Along OA, the applied p.d is less than the
• On reaching the anode, a pulse of current is
threshold voltage and there is insufficient gas
discharged through the resistor.
amplification so no detectable pulses are
• The resulting voltage pulse is amplified and
measured by a scalar or ratemeter
• Along AB, the proportional region, the magnitude
• The positive ions move towards the cathode
of any particular pulse depends on the strength of
where bromine vapour absorbs their kinetic
the initial ionisation.
energy to avoid secondary emission of electrons.
• In the plateau region BC, all the pulses have the
Note: The G.M tube is efficient for p-particles and same amplitude regardless of the strength of the
initial ionisation. Also, in this region, every
less efficient for a-particles and y-rays. This is
particle that produces ionisation is detected.
because the penetrating power of a-particles is weak
and some a-particles may not penetrate the mica • Beyond C, the quenching process becomes \ess
window ofthe G.M tube. and less effective and eventually a continuous
y-rays give rise to secondary pulses of current and discharge occurs.
Note: The suitable range for operating the tube is along
hence the count rate may be inaccurate.
BC because within this region, every particle that
produces ionisation is detected.
Functions of some parts ofthe G.M tube

1. Thin mica window Threshold p.d

It allows the ionizing particles to easily enter the G.M This is the minimum p.d below which no current pulse
tube can be detected.

2. Argon gas at low pressure

It enables ion pairs to be formed when the particles
collide with the neutral atoms. These electron and
positive ions formed do move to the electrodes with
little interference

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 2'99

Detectors of radiations
Ionisation chamber Dead time
Radiation source thin wire gauze
This is the time taken by the ions to travel towards the

cathode before the electric field at the anode returns to
gasatlow _ a level large enough for an avalanche to start.
cathode Avalanche
This is the production of a large number of moving ion
thin wire anode pairs as a result of violent collisions between electrons
and atoms as the former is accelerated towards the
E.H.T insulator
anode. This secondary ionization causes large amounts
+ of electrons to spread around the anode wire that
absorbs them to produce a large pulse of the anode
• Radiations enter through the thin wire gauze and
ionize the gas molecules. Examples
• The positive ions move towards the cathode while 1. A source of a-particles has an activity of 2 X 103
the electrons move towards the anode disintegrations per second. When a-particles enter
constituting a current pulse which is detected by an ionisation chamber, a saturation current of 2 x
the electrometer.
10-9 A is obtained. If the energy required to
• The pulse per second (count rate) gives a measure produce an ion pair is 32 eV, determine the energy
of the intensity of the radiation. of one a-particle.
Note: Solution
Ioc.n I= ne
I =ne 2 10-9 = n X 1.6 X 10-19
Where I = ionizing current n = 1.25 x 1010 ion pairs per second
n = number of ion pairs per second Total energy of a- particles = Total energy of ion
e =electronic charge patrs
2 X 10 3 Ea = 1.25 X 1010 X 32 eV
The variation of the ionisation current with the p.d is
But 1 eV = 1.6 x 10- 19 1
as indicated below. E _ 1.25X10 10 x32X1.6Xl0- 19
Ionization a- 2x10 3
current Ea = 3.2 x 10- 1 11

B 2. A radioactive source emits 2 X 10 5 a-particles per
second. The particles produce a saturation current
of 1.1 x to-sA in an ionisation chamber. If the
energy required to produce an ion pair is 32 eV,
determine the energy in MeV of an a-particle
p.d across chamber emitted by the source.
Along OA, the p.d is no high enough to take all the Solution
electrons and positive ions to their positive electrodes Activity, A= 2 X 10 s-1, Eion = 32 eV
before recombination occurs. I= ne
Along AB, the p.d is large enough to prevent 1.1 x to-s = n x 1.6 x to- 19
recombination but it is not high enough to cause n = 6.875 X 1010 ion pairs per second
secondary ionisation. So the current reaches the Total energy of a-particles= Total energy of ion pairs
saturation value. 2 X 105 Ea = 6.875 X 1010 X 32 eV
Beyond B, there is secondary ionisation and a point is Ea = 1.1 X 10 7 eV
reached when the gas grows uncontrollably. 7
Ea = 1.1x1o

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 300

Detectors ot radiatiOns

Diffusion cloud chamber Expansion cloud chamber

P&rspex lid
Felt ring
- - soakedin

i.._ illuminate Saturated vapour
Black ~ _ the drops of (alcohol vapour)
::.~~ 5 , 55 5 , 55 5s99, , , , I condensation

Sponge provides iPiston

lagging and
holds the solid
C02 against • The vapour in the chamber is cooled until it
the base
reaches saturation.
• The base of the chamber is maintained at a very • The piston is then rapidly withdrawn such that the
low temperature by solid carbon dioxide while the gas inside expands adiabatically, cools and the
top of the chamber is at room temperature. vapour becomes supersaturated.
• Air above the chamber is at room temperature • The shield on the radioactive source is removed
while that close to the metal base is supersaturated. and radioactive particles ionize the gas molecules.
The alcohol vapour steadily diffuses from the top
• The ions formed act as condensation centres on
to the bottom where it becomes supersaturated which the supersaturated alcohol vapour
because of the temperature gradient. condenses.
• Ionizing radiations from the source ionize the air
• Viewing through the microscope, the length, size
molecules giving off ion pairs. The ions formed and nature of the chamber tracks is used to indicate
diffuse to the bottom where they act as the extent of ionisation. These tracks appear as
condensation centres on which the supersaturated white water droplets on a black background.
alcohol vapour condenses.
• A string of liquid droplets kno,vn as chamber The solid-state detector
tracks is obtained along the path where ionisation
has occurred.
• These droplets are viewed through a microscope or amplifier counter
photographed by a camera and appear white on a
dark background.
The solid-state detector is useful as an a - particle
• The length, thickness and nature of the tracks
detector. It consists of a p-n junction diode which is
shows the extent of the ionisation.
reverse biased.
When an ionizing particle hits the diode, more electron
Alpha particles leave thick, straight tracks since they
hole pairs are created and a pulse of current flows
are heavy and cause intense ionisation.
round the circuit.
Beta particles leave thin, irregular tracks since they
are light and cause less ionisation. Examples
1. The track of a charged particle in a cloud chamber
Gamma rays leave very thin, disjointed and irregular looks like a fine white line. What constitutes of the
tracks as . they cause very little ionisation and are line and how is it formed?
constantly absorbed by the vapour. Solution
The fine white line consists of condensed alcohol. The
l l
~~ <~(
l) \
. I '?)(-·\·/ . J

charged particle ionized the air in the cloud chamber
where the air is supersaturated with vapour. The
vapour then condensed on the ions forming the white

a-particles jJ-particies ;rrays

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 3()1

Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
2. The following figure shows the track of a charged
particle that penetrated a thin aluminium foil. A All metals contain some electrons which are free to
uniform magnetic field acts vertically downwards in move about within the lattice. Even though the
the region shown and an a-particle moves in the attractive forces exerted on these electrons by the
plane of this paper. atomic nuclei are not strong enough to bind them to
particular atoms, they do prevent them from leaving
Q the surface.
When a metal is heated, the energies of its electrons
increase and some of them acquire sufficient energy to
escape from the surface. This process is called
aluminium thermionic emission.
foil The rate at which the electrons are emitted increases
(i) Does the a-particle move from P to Q or from Q rapidly with temperature.
to P? Give reasons for your answer
(ii) Is the particle positively charged or negatively THE CATHODE RAY OSCILLOSCOPE (C.R.O)
charged? Explain your answer This device is the most useful electronic instrument. It
(iii) How do you differentiate the a-particle tracks and gives visual representation of electrical quantities such
P-particle tracks ifthere is no electric or magnetic as voltage and frequency in any electronic circuit. It
field applied. makes use of cathode rays which are deflected in
Solution electric and magnetic fields and produces scintillation
(i) The a-particle moves from Q toP on the fluorescent scree.
mv 2
From the equation- = Bqv
mv Main features of the C.R.O
The radius r of the track is directly proportional to the
speed. After penetrating the thin aluminum foil, the clectroa
speed v of the particle is reduced thus P, is the track
after penetration as it has a smaller radius. Huoresct~~

(ii) From the direction of v, B and F, using grid


Fleming's left-hand rule calhode anode

Ioyer of
elecrmn gun defJecrion conducting
B assembly graphite

I. The electron gun

The electron gun in the C.R.O consists of
a. The filament
When current flows through the filament, it glows
and heat from the filament heats the cathode
The particle must be positively charged b. The cathode
(iii) The tracks of a-particles are thick, straight and Electrons are emitted from the cathode is heated.
short while those of P-particles are thin, wavy The electrons form a cloud of electrons known as
and long. the space charge close to the cathode.

c. The grid
It is usually at a potential slightly negative
relative to the cathode. It controls the rate of
electrons that finally reach the screen.
By adjusting the grid potential, the brightness of
the spot of light on the screen can be varied.

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 3~0~~--

Cathode Kay Usc1lloscope
d. The focusing anode Measurement of voltage
Its potential is positive relative to the cathode. When a C.R.O is switched on, a spot of light appears
The electrons that pass though this anode are at the centre of the screen if no voltage is connected
focused into a fine beam. to either of the deflection plates.

e. The accelerating anode \

It is at a positive potential relative to the cathode. v . Jlo
········~·········· 0
The potential difference between this anode and
cathode accelerates the electron to a high
~~: ~mpul ~
. 100
2. The deflection assembly When a d.c voltage is connected to the y -plates of
It consists of two pairs of plates, the x-plates and the the C.R.O through they- input, the spot of light is
y-plates. deflected as shown below. The deflection y ofthe
The electric field between the y-plates deflects the spot is directly proportional to the voltage applied.
electron beam vertically while that between the x-
plates deflects the electron beam horizontally. [JLJ 0
3. The fluorescent screen
This is the wide end of the tube and its inside is v LIJ lllCJ
coated with zinc sulphide or graphite that glows 0
when hit by energetic electrons. Also, the screen has
a graphite coating that provides a path for collecting If the sensitivity of the y -plates is known in
secondary electrons to the earth. It also shields the V mm-1, the voltage can be determined after
electron beam from external electric fields by measuring the deflection y.
providing an equipotential surface.
For a.c voltage supply, the voltage varies from +V0 to
Time base of the C.R.O -V0 is the amplitude ofthe alternating voltage. The
The time base is connected to the X - plates and spot of light moves up and down with a frequency
provides a saw tooth p.d that sweeps the electron spot equal to the frequency of the a.c supply. If the
from the left to the right of the screen at a steady speed. frequency is high, due to persistence of vision, a
Consequently, it helps in studying the variation of a vertical line is seen on the screen.
quantity with time.


The length l of the line represents 2V0 where V0 is the
Time- amplitude of the alternating voltage
The time taken for this right to left sweep is called the r.m.s vo1tage, Vrms = ,fi

fly-back time.

If the time base is switched on and an a.c voltage is

Uses of the CRO
applied across the y- plates, the trace of the spot is as
• To display waveforms
shown below
• Measure voltages, both a.c and d.c
• Measure frequencies 0
• Measure phase differences
• Measure small time intervals
a. c.
vohagc k y-input -~~~~

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 303

Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
Examples Self-evaluative exercise
1. The figure below shows the trace on a C.R.O when 1. The screen of a cathode ray oscilloscope displays the
a sinusoidal potential difference is applied to the trace shown below.
y- plates. They- sensitivity is 4.00 V per
division. What is the root mean square value of the 1 em
applied potential difference? i···-·-- ···T·--.. . . . . . \. ·---·-·- · I• ·-'---*1
r··----··-~~ -!
~A ·~
~ " ··-~ . """"'"+ """
' 1 '

· \ "........ ]-.1em
A .


Solution ';

Length of trace = 3 divisions

If V0 = peak voltage, then ' 1 I
000~00N ~000'M00-0""' J.,.~ ··-···~ 00 0 _l.OMOO-OOOOO-• . . ~-.!

2V0 = 3 X 4.00
0 . . .0 - ..

TheY -sensitivity is set at 10mV/em and the time base

V0 = 6.0V
is set at 0.20 ms/cm. Obtain values for
Root mean square voltage =
Jz (a) the peak voltage and
= ~ = 4.24 v (b) the frequency of the alternating signal
[Ans: (a) 15 mV (b) 5.0 kHz]
2.A cathode ray oscilloscope with time base set at 2. A cathode ray oscilloscope has its amplifier
sensitivity control set at 10 V cm- 1 . An a.c voltage
5.0 X 10- 3 scm- 1 with a voltage gain of 5 Vcm- 1 is
of frequency 10 kHz is applied to the input of the
connected to a power source using its y -plates and
amplifier. Below is the trace obtained on the
the wave displayed is as shown below

I \ I \
1/ II \
"" I 1\ I
\. j \ I
Each square is of area I cm 2
(i) IdentifY the type of the signal generated by the
power source.
( ii) Determine the amplitude of the signal and its V nns
(iii) Calculate the frequency of the source
'=th-=±--IIT ~:jt:F~
(i) Calculate the amplitude of the input signal
(ii) What is the setting of the time base control?
(i) Alternating signal
[Ans: (i) 13 V (ii) 25 J1-S per em]
(ii) Amplitude= 5 x 2 = I 0 V
3. The gain control of an oscilloscope is set on
:.V rms = .,fi = 7.07 V 1 Vcm- 1 . What is
(iii) Period T = 4 X 5 X 10- 3 = 0.02 s (i) the peak value, and
:. Frequency f=- =
1 1
=50 Hz (ii) the r.m.s value of alternating p.d that provides
T 2.0 X 10- 2
a vertical line trace 2 em long when the time
base is off? [Ans: (i) 1 V (ii) 0. 7 V]
Advantages of CRO over voltmeter in measuring
4. (a) Sketch and explain the forms ofthe traces seen
on an oscilloscope screen when a p.d alternating at
• It can be used for both a.c and d.c
50 Hz is connected across the Y -plates if the time
• It has no coil to bum out base is linear and has a frequency of
• It has instantaneous response (i) I 0 Hz (ii) 100Hz
• It has nearly infinite resistance to d.c and very (b) What is the frequency of an alternating p.d
high impedance to a.c and therefor it draws very applied to the Y -plates of an oscilloscope and
little current. produces five complete waves on a 10 em length of
A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad a0:4
~ ·-· ..-..11111
Cathode rays
the screen when the time base setting IS
10ms cm- 1 ? This is a beam of fast moving electrons.
[Ans: (a)(i) 5 waves (ii) V2 wave (b) 50 Hz]
S.A C.R.O has its Y-sensitivity set at 10 Vcm- 1 . A Production of cathode rays
sinusoidal input is suitably applied to give a steady cathode Fluorescent screen

trace with the time base set so that the electron beam
takes 0.01 s to traverse the screen. If the trace screen
has a total peak to peak height of 4.0 em and contains Low
2 complete cycles, what is the r.m.s voltage and the
frequency of the input signal?
[Ans: 14.1 V, 200Hz]
6.A sinusoidally varying p.d of frequency 250Hz and '-------------1 [·--I tuhe Path of electrons
r.m.s value 12.0 V is connected to an oscilloscope E.H.T
giving the trace shown below. When the cathode inside an evacuated glass tube is
heated by a low voltage supply, electrons are produced
by thermionic emission
The electrons are accelerated by a positive high voltage
applied between the cathode and the anode
The electrons travel without loss of energy across the
vacuum via the anode and produces a glow when they
strike the fluorescent screen.
It is this beam of fast moving electrons from the
cathode which constitute cathode rays.
Properties of cathode rays
Estimate • They travel in straight lines
(i) the p.d represented by 1.0 division in the Y- • They possess momentum and kinetic energy
direction • Cathode rays produce heat when allowed to fall
(ii) the time represented by 1.0 division in the X- on matter
direction • They produce fluorescence when they strike a
[Ans: (i) 5.6 V div- 1 (ii) 0.8 ms] number of crystals, minerals and salts
• They are deflected by electric and magnetic
• When they strike a substance of high atomic
weight, X-rays are produced
• They ionize the gas through which they pass
• They affect photographic plates
• Cathode rays comprises of electrons which are
fundamental constituents of all atoms.

Discharge of electricity through gases at low

pressure (discovery of electrons)
A discharge tube is an arrangement to study the
conduction of electricity through gases. It is a closed,
strong glass tube filled with gas.
Induction coil


A ~lust Have A-Level Ph~sics by Kawuma Fahad 3.05


Two metal electrodes C and A are fitted inside the tube l~eSJTIVERAYS,- ·;,
~:;;. ''
~<"-,' ~:,'

at the ends. The side tube P is connected to a high These are positive gas ions produced when cathode
vacuum pump and a low-pressure gauge. rays from the cathode collide with the gas atoms in the
The electrodes C and A are connected to the secondary discharge tube.
of a powerful induction coil which maintains a high
potential difference. Production of positive rays
Electrode C is the cathode while electrode A is the To vacuum
pump cathode rays
When the pressure of the gas inside the discharge tube anode
is reduced to about 11 0 mmHg by the vacuum pump,
no discharge occurs.
At a pressure of 110 mmHg, the discharge of electricity rays-

through the gas begins and irregular streaks of light

appear accompanied by a cracking sound. tube Perforated
As the pressure is reduced to about 10 mmHg, the cathode
irregular streaks broaden out into a luminous column At low pressure and high voltage in the discharge tube,
(positive column) extending from the anode almost up cathode rays from the perforated cathode collide with
to the cathode. gas atoms in the tube.
With further reduction in pressure to about 0.01 The positive gas ions produced and accelerated to high
mmHg, the positive column disappears and Crooke's energies are the positive rays.
dark space fills the whole tube. They form a luminous beam of light in the space
At this stage, the walls of the glass tube fluorescence beyond the cathode.
with green colour. The greenish glow is found to be a
fluorescence of the glass produced by some invisible Properties of positive rays
rays emanating from the cathode. These rays are called • They are a stream of positive ions of the gas
cathode rays and are found to be electrons. enclosed in the discharge tube. The mass of each
ion is nearly equal to the mass of the atom.
Experiment to show that cathode rays travel in a
• They are deflected by electric and magnetic fields.
straight line
Their deflection is opposite to cathode rays
high voltage Maltese
+ cross • They travel in straight lines
fluorescent END
• The affect photographic plates
• They ionize the gas through which they pass
6.3·v .
. • These rays can cause fluorescence

Differences between cathode rays and positive rays

shadow of cross
evacuated on fluorescent
glass bulb screen Cathode rays Positive rays
Electrons from the hot cathode are accelerated by the Negatively charged Positively charged
positive high voltage connected between the cathode
Deflected more Ill Deflected less in electric
and the anode.
electric and magnetic and magnetic fields
A dark shadow of the maltese cross appears on the
fluorescent screen.
This suggests that cathode rays travel in straight lines Travel with the same Travel with a range of
from the cathode. velocity velocities
Those not intercepted by the maltese cross cause
Not related to the gas in Related to the gas in the
fluorescence on the screen when they strike it.
the tube tube

Note: When the cathode rays strike the maltese cross, Produce X-rays on Do not produce X -rays
it rotates. This means that the cathode rays possess striking matter on striking matter
kinetic energy (mechanical energy)

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 3.06

Cathode rays
Applications of discharge tubes This force will cause vertical acceleration but
• Fluorescent tube to give light horizontal motion will remain constant.
• TV monitors Considering horizontal motion:
Initial horizontal velocity = u
Disadvantages of the discharge tube in the Horizontal displacement = x
production of positive and cathode rays Acceleration = 0
• A gas is needed at very low pressure which may From s = ~t + ~at 2
not be easy to achieve practically
x = ut
• A high voltage/ p.d is needed across the tube
which may not be easy to achieve practically. u
Considering vertical motion:
• X-rays may be produced which are very
dangerous to handle. F=ma
Electron movement in electric and magnetic fields ev
Electrons are usually projected into an electric filed
Initial vertical velocity = 0
or magnetic field after they have been accelerated by a
Vertical displacement= y
potential difference, Va applied to the anode. This
potential provides the electron with the kinetic energy From s = ut + .!.at 2

Y =o+.!.(~)e
with which they will move in the field.
2 md
eVa= .!.mv
2 1 (ev) x

where m is the mass of the electron

= Z md u
Y 2

Ory = (~)x

Deflection of electrons in an electric field This is an equation in the form of a parabola. This
A stream of fast moving electrons is called cathode means that the path of electrons or charged particles is
rays. These are usually projected midway between two like those of a projectile in a gravitational field.
parallel oppositely charged plates. Electric field, E is The electrons gain vertical velocity which can be
usually provided by a potential difference, V applied determined
between the two parallel plates separated by a distance ev
u=O ' V=Vy ' a=-
From v = u +at
eV X
md u
etectriciicld----LL T1 Vy = mdu
beam •p&~anola, '

-- _t_ The actual velocity, v of the electrons at any within
the field is given by the resultant of Vx and Vy


--L----- v- jv + v
X y

At the edge of the parallel plates, x = l, the length of

E=- the plates. At this point
d eVl
Electrostatic force acts perpendicularly between the Vy = mdu
plates just like gravitational force does. For any charge From this point onwards, the electrons will travel in a
Q of mass m moving with a uniform velocity v in an straight line to the screen with a uniform velocity
electric field, the force acting on it is given by which is the resultant v. When the straight line is
F = QE = QVd extended backwards, it will cut the horizontal central
For electrons of charge, e of mass m moving with a line midway the length l. The distance to the screen is
uniform velocity v in an electric field, the force acting measured from this point
Vy s D
is given by tane =-=
vx 7_ =-
eV 2
F = eE = -

-f---"- ·A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 307

Cathode rays
Examples Solution
1. An electron starts from rest and moves freely in an Va = accelerating p.d
electric field whose intensity is 2.5 X 10 3 Vm- 1 . V = p.d between the plates
Find u = speed of the electrons as they enter
(i) the electric force on the electron v = velocity of electrons as they emerge out of the
(ii) the acceleration of the electric field (a) eVa = ~mu 2
(iii) the velocity in moving through a p.d of90 V
Solution U= j2::;a
(i) F = eE
F = 1.6 X 10- 19 X 2.5 X 10 3 = 4.0 X 10- 16 N u= 2xt.6x1o-19x2.0x1o3 = 2.652 X 107 ms-1
9.11X10 31
4 0 10 -16
( ii) a=-=
. x
9.11x1o- 31
= 4.40 x 1014 ms- 2 (b) ma- - eE = d-
(iii) Work done= gain in K.E ev 1.6x1o-19 xso
a= -m-d = -9.-11_x_1_o_-3_1_x-2x_1_0_ 2
eV = ~mv 2
2 a = 7.03 x 1014 ms- 1
v=~ The time, t taken by the electron in the field between
the plates is given by
v= 2X1.6X10-19x90 = 5.62 x 106 ms-1 t=-
9.11X10 31 u
sx1o- -4
= 2.652X10
t 7 = 1.88 X 10 S
2. An electron is projected with a speed of 3.0 x
v = u +at
10 7 ms- 1 in a direction of a uniform magnetic
Vy = 0 + 7.03 1014 X 1.88 X 10-4
field. After travelling a distance of 40 em, the
electrons reverse direction.
vy = 1.325 x 106 ms- 1
(a) Why does the electron reverse direction?
(b) Calculate the magnitude of the electric field
Solution V = .J (2.652 X 107) 2 + (1.325 X 108 ) 2
(a) The electrons reverse direction because they are v = 2.655 x 10 7 ms- 1
1.325X10 6
moving against the field i.e. towards the negative (c) t an 8 = - = ----::

Vy 2.652X10 7
(b) This part is like a projectile projected vertically 8 = tan-1 (t.325x1o6) = 2.861 o
2.652X10 7
upward against gravity.
u = 3.0 x 10 7 ms- 1, s = 0.4 m,a =? 4. The figure below shows two plane parallel metal
v 2 = u 2 + 2as plates PQ and RS in an evacuated enclosure. The
a= vz-uz = o-(3.0x1o7)2 = -1.125 X 1015 ms-1 separation of the plats is 2.0 em and RS is
2s 2x0.4
maintained at a potential +100 V relative to PQ. A
From F = ma
and B are two slits in the plate RS separated by
5.0 em. A collimated beam of electrons of
E = ~ = 9.11x10- 31 x-1.125x10 15
e t.6x1o- 1 9 different kinetic energies is directed at A at an
E = -6.41 X 103 NC- 1 angle of 60° to the plate as shown.
p Q
3. A beam of electrons is accelerated through a p.d of
2.0 x 103 V and is directed mid-way between two !2.0cm
horizontal metal plates of length 5.0 em and
separation 2.0 em. The p.d between the plates is R~A IB S
80 V. Calculate / : S.Ocm I
(a) the speed of the electrons as they enter the
region between the plates (a) Find the kinetic energy of the electron which just
(b) the speed of the electrons as they emerge from reach plate PQ
the region between the plates. (b) Find the velocity of the electrons that emerge
(c) the angle between the initial and final direction fromB

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad }JP8

lJatnoae ray::;
Solution Calculate

p (i) the time an electron in the beam takes to move
through the region between the plates
(ii) the vertical acceleration of the electron
\' ~·sin oo·
B +lOOV (iii) the vertical distance AB of the electron beam as
it leaves the region between the plates
(a) Let v = velocity of electrons that reach PQ, the (iv) the verticaf displacement y of the electron beam
component of the electric field between the plates on the screen S which is at a distance of
15.0 em from the end ofthe plates.
PQ and RS is v sin 60°
ln order to reach PQ, the energy of the electrons
must be equal to the work done against the field 2. The figure below shows the principle used for a
type of velocity selector for electrons. Two parallel
~m(v sin 60°) 2 = eV
metal plates are separated by a distance of 6.0 mm

K.E o f e Iectrons, -mv 2 - -(-.- 0 ) 2

1 _ ev in a vacuum. The lower plate is at a potential of
2 sm60
= (1.6X10- 19
)x100 = 2 _1 X _ J + 45 V relative to the upper plate and has two slits
10 17
(sin 60°) 2 A and B which are 25 mm apart.
(b) Let v1 = velocity of electrons that enter at A and A collimated electron beam containing electrons
manage to emerge at B. The component of v1 of various speeds enter A at an angle of 15° to the
along the direction AB is v 1 cos 60° lower plate. Electrons that emerge from B, all have
Time taken for the electron to move from A to B the same velocity.
IS t=--~
S.Oxl0- 2 --r--------------------------------OV
v1 cos60°

Considering the motion perpendicular to AB,
Initial velocity, u = v 1 sin 60° ts· · +.tsv
A cceIerat10n.- a = - -
eE eloc~ron beam Yl~ I

When the electrons emerge from B, (i) What is the magnitude and direction of the
displacements = 0 acceleration of an electron when it is in between
. S.Oxl0- 2
the plates (neglect the effects of gravity)?
an d timet= 0 v 1 cos60
(ii) Calculate the speed of electrons that emerge from
Using the equation
slit B
s = ut +~at
[Ans: (i) 1.32 X 1015 ms- 2 vertically downwards
0 = ut -~(:!)t 2 (ii) 8.12 x 106 ms- 1 ]
1 (eE)
3. ln the cathode ray tube below, electrons are
u =-z-;;;_- t accelerated by a potential difference of 1.8 kV
. 600
v 1 sm =12 -md
- (ev) (s.ox1o- 2
) between cathode C and the anode A
v 1 cos60°
(a) (i) Calculate the kinetic energy in J of the electrons
v2 = ~ [ (1.6xx1o- 19 )x100x(Sx1o- 2 ) ]
1 2 9.1lx1o- 3 1x(2.0X10- 2 ) sin 60o cos 60° after they have passed the anode.
v1 = 7.12 x 106 ms- 1 (ii) Calculate the velocity of the electrons after they
have passed the anode
',-~ '-3 ';,,' -;-~-:-c ,.~{e,r~:?Ji:~_;;"',L~-8
,.,.___....,_, 12 em
1. A beam of electrons travelling at 1.2 X 10 7 ms- 1
enters the region between the y-plates of an
oscilloscope as shown below. A potential
difference of 80 V is applied between the plates.

I+ A -------- y

5.0 8---------
----=-==.,._.. 1
(b) The plates P and Q are 8.0 em long and are
separated by a gap of 4.0 em
1--- JO.Ocm J5.0cm - - - - - 1 ~

A .Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 309

Cathode rays
(i) Calculate the force acting on the electron when and 0.02 m apart. Determine the angular deflection of
it is between P and Q and state the direction of the electron beam. [Ans: 1.33 X 107 ms-1, 1.71°]
the force 7. In a cathode ray tube, the electrons are accelerated
(ii) Calculate the time taken for an electron to pass through a potential difference of 500 V and then pass
between the plates between deflecting plates which are 0.05 m long.
(iii) Calculate the vertical component of the velocity (i) Calculate the time it takes an electron to pass
at the time the electron leaves the electric field between the plates
between P and Q (ii) If the p.d across the plates is 10 V and the plates
(iv) Calculate the additional vertical displacement of are 1 em apart, calculate the angle through which
the electron between the time it leaves the the electrons are deflected.
electric field intensity between P and Q and [Ans: (i) 3.8 x 10- 9 s (ii) 2.9°]
when it reaches the screen. 8.A potential difference of600 Vis maintained between
[Ans: (a)(i) 2.9 x 10- 16 ] (ii) 2.5 x 10- 7 ms- 1 two identical horizontal metal plates placed 4.0 em
(b)(i) 0.24 X 10- 14 N (ii) 3.2 X 10- 9 s (iii) 8.4 X apart one above the other in an evacuated vessel.
106 ms- 1 (iv) 4.0 em] Particles each with mass 9.1 x 10- 31 kg and electric
4. Two parallel metal sheets of length 10 em are charge 1.6 X 10- 19 C are emitted with negligible
separated by 20 mm in a vacuum. A narrow beam velocity from the plate at a lower potential. Calculate
of electrons enters symmetrically between them as (a) its acceleration
shown below. (b) the kinetic energy it acquires on reaching the
------10cm other plate (Assume g = 10 ms- 2)
L 71 [Ans: (a) 2.6 x 1013 ms- 1 (b) 9.6 x 10-17 ]]

,. m/ ~xr
9. A beam of electrons is accelerated through a p.d of
500 V and then enters midway into a uniform electric
field of strength 3.0 x 10 3 vm- 1 created by two
parallel plates each of length 2.00 x 10- 2 m.
When a p.d of 1000 V is applied between the plates
the electron beam just misses one of the plates as it
(i) the speed of the electrons as they enter the field
emerges. Calculate the speed of the electrons as they
(ii) the time that each electron spends in the field
enter the gap. [Ans: 6.7 x 10 7 ms- 1 ] (iii)the angle through which the electrons have been
5. Calculate the deflection sensitivity (deflection of deflected by the time they emerge from the field.
I· spot in mm per volt potential difference) of a [Ans: (i) 1.33 x 10 7 ms- 1 (ii) 1.51 x 10-9 s (iii)
I cathode ray tube from the following data from the
figure shown below.
10. A beam of electrons, moving with a velocity of
Electron 1.0 X 107 ms- 1 enters midway between two
horizontal plates of length 5 em and 2 em apart.

Calculate the p.d between the plates if the beam is

L 1 15cm
· deflected so that it just grazes the edge of the plate .
(e/m = 1.8 X 1011 Ckg- 1 ). [Ans: 89 V]
11. Two plane metal plates- 4.0 em long are held
[Ans: 6 x 10-2 mmv-1]
horizontally 3.0 em apart in a vacuum, one being
6.In an evacuated tube, electrons are accelerated
vertically above the other. The upper plate is at a
through a potential difference of 500 V. Calculate
potential of 300 V and the lower is earthed. Electrons
their final speed and consider whether this depends
on the accelerating field being uniform. having a velocity of 1.0 x 10- 7 ms- 1 are injected
After this acceleration, the electrons pass through a horizontally midway between the plates in a direction
uniform electric field which is perpendicular to the parallel to the 4.0 em edge. Calculate the vertic-al
direction of travel of the electrons as they enter the deflection of the electron beam as it emerges from the
field. This electric field is produced by by applying a plates. (elm ofthe electron= 1.8 X 1011 Ckg- 1 )
p.d of 10 V to two parallel plates which are 0.06 m long [Ans: 14.4 x 10- 3 m]

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 3l0

~lectron detlectwn

!!~i!ec~~pf ele~:t~;~~l~l:~:inag~"eti~llel~t ""~:;z . 10- 2 T perpendicular to its direction of motion.

For a charged particle of mass m and charge Q Determine the radius of the path of electrons,
projected at a velocity v in a uniform magnetic field of Solution
flux density B, the force F is given by eVa= ~mv 2
For a stream of electrons of mass m and charge e
V= j2eVa = /2xS.Ox10 3 x1.6X10-19
m --.J 9.11x1o-31
moving at the same velocity v, the force on them is
v = 4.2 x 10 7 ms- 1
F =Bev
Fm =Fe
The direction of the force can be provided by mv 2
Fleming's left-hand rule. Bev=-
mv 9.11X10- 31 x4.2X10 7
T =-B-e = -2.-0-X-10___2_x_1-.6-X_1_0___
r = 1.2 x 10- m 2
beam 3. A particle of charge 3.2 X 10- 19 C is accelerated
through a p.d of 1.0 X 104 V and enters into a
region of uniform magnetic field of flux density
Unlike in the electric field, the force on a charged 0.5 T. The particle describes a circular path of
particle in a magnetic field is always perpendicular to radius 8.94 em. Find
the direction of motion at that particular time. This (a) the kinetic energy of the particle on entering the
force will therefore not affect the magnitude of magnetic field
velocity but only its direction. (b) the mass of the particle
The force therefore will provide centripetal Solution
acceleration making the path to be circular. (a) K.E = qV
mv 2
= 3.2 X 10-19 X 1.0 X 104
mv 2 = 3.2 X 10-15 j .
T (b) Magnetic force Bqv provides the centripetal
mv = Ber mv 2
This equation can be used to obtain values of the r i
mv 2 I
variables v, B orr. It can also be used to determine the Bev=-
charge to mass ratio (specific charge) of the electron
using a magnetic field.
Br 2

K.E = ~mvz = ~m (Ber)z =

2 m
(Ber) 2
Examples 2
m = (0.5X3.2X10- 19 x8.94X10- 2)
1. A beam of electrons moving with a uniform speed
of 4 X 10 7 ms- 1 is projected normal to the uniform m = 3.2 x 10-26 kg
magnetic field of flux density 1 X 10-3 T. What is
the path of the beam in the magnetic field? 4. (a) Sketch the path of the proton in the figure
Solution below. Indicate the magnetic force acting on the
Since the electrons are released normal to the field, the proton at an arbitrary point on the path.
electrons travel in a circular path Unifo~ magnetic fil'ld

BeV = mv 2
.. .. "' .,."' .
into plan!! of papu

= -B-e
9.11x1o- x4x10
= -1-X-10

r = 0.2275 m

• ".
,. ..
>< ><

"'>< >< .,."'



" x x X x
2. An electron accelerated by a potential difference of s "
5.0 kV enters a uniform magnetic field of 2.0 X
(b) Derive the speed of the proton when it is at the
hole, H
A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 3'£1:
Electron deflection
(c) Hence or otherwise, prove that the distance d from
the hole H to the point where the proton hits the
. g1ven
screen 1s . by the expressiOn.
. d = j2V
-- m 0
1. An electron is accelerated through a p.d of3600 V.
It enters normally into a magnetic field and
; '
qB describes a circular arc of radius 0.1 m. Calculate
(d) Explain why the proton did not gain kinetic as it (a) the speed of the electron
moved through the magnetic field. (b) the magnitude of the magnetic field intensity
(e) Show that the time spend by the proton in the
magnetic field is independent of its initial speed at H 2. An electron travelling at 8.0 x 10 6 ms- 1 in a
and distance d vacuum enters a region of uniform magnetic field
Solution of flux density 30 mT as shown below.
(a) By Fleming's left-hand rule, the particle will

experience a force towards the left of its path. i.e.
Uniform magneut field
into planE of paper Electron

K )( :X X p Magnetic field
Into paper




proton )( M x .x
)IC )C )( )( )IC )IC

>< "" ""' )(
lie )( )l M X X (i) Mark the direction of the force on the electron
:s ;IIIIi )( )( X X ~
when it enters the magnetic field at P
(b)Since the electron is accelerated from rest by the (ii) Calculate the magnitude of the force on the
electric field of p.d V o, the gain in the kinetic electron
energy of the proton is equal to the work done by (iii) Explain why, when the electron is moving in the
the electric potential energy. magnetic field, it follows part of a circular path
(iv) Calculate the radius of this circular path
~mv2 = qVo
2 [Ans: (ii) 3.8 x 10- 14 N (iv) 1.5 mm]
Fm m
(c) In the magnetic field, the centripetal acceleration is
3. A beam of protons is accelerated from rest through
a potential difference of 2000 V and then enters a
uniform magnetic field which is perpendicular to
provided by the magnetic force.
the direction of the proton beam.
Magnetic force = centripetal force
If the flux density is 0.2 T, calculate the radius of
mv 2
Bqv=- the path which the beam describes. (Proton mass

r =~ = m ['2Qv;; = m2 X 2qVo = ~
= 1.7 X 10-27 kg) [Ans: 3.3 em]
Bq Bq\}~ B2 q2 m \}qsz 4. (a) An electron of mass m, charge e travels with
speed v in a circle of radius r in a plane
Point of impact ~
= d = 2r = 2\}qsz perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of flux
density B.
(d) For the proton to gain kinetic energy, work must (i) Write down an equation relating the centripetal
be done on the proton. Since the magnetic force on and electromagnetic forces acting on th~
the proton is always perpendicular to its electron
displacement, there is no work done and hence its (ii) Show that the time for one orbit of the electron
kinetic energy remains constant. The magnetic is given by
field provides the energy /force to change the T = 2rrm
direction of the proton but does not increase its
(b) If the speed of the electron changed to 2v, what
effect, if any would this change on
(e) Let the time spent by the proton be t
(i) the orbital radius, r
distance travelled ~x circmference
t - - - - . . . . , . . . - - - - ,:.2_ _ _ _ __ (ii) the orbital period, T
speed of proton - speed of proton
5. A beam of electrons travelling with speed 1.2 X
t = rrd/2 = rr .j2V m/qB = ~ 0

10 7 ms- 1 in an evacuated tube is made to move

V .j2qV0 jm qB
The above expression is not a function of the initial in a circular path of radius 0.048 m by a uniform
speed. magnetic field of flux density 1.4 mT. Calculate,

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad iJJ:2

in electron volts, the kinetic energy of the electron Specific charge
beam. [Ans: 400 eV] Specific charge of an electron is the ratio of charge to
6. When low energy electrons are moving at right mass of an electron.
angles to a uniform magnetic field of flux density ~ = 1.6X10 = 1.76 X 1011 Ck -1
m 9.11x1o- 31 g
10- 3 Wbm- 2 , they describe circular orbits
2.82 X 10 7 times per second. Deduce the value of
[Ans: 1.8 x 1011 Ckg- 1 ] J.J Thomson method
7. In the ionosphere electrons execute 1.4 X 10 6
revolutions in a second. Find the strength of the
magnetic field induction B in this region.
(Ans: 5 X 10- 5 T]
8. An ion, for which the charge per unit mass Is 0

4.40 X 10 7 Ckg- 1 has a velocity of 3.52 X

107 cms- 1 and moves in a circular orbit in a
magnetic field of induction 0.4 Wbm- 2 . What
will be the radius of the orbit? [Ans: 2 em]
• Electrons are emitted from the filament cathode
9. Photons, with a charge to mass ratio of 1.0 X thermionically and are accelerated to the anode.
10 8 Ckg- 1 are rotated in a circular orbit of radius
• With both the electric and magnetic fields
r when they enter a uniform magnetic field of switched off, the electrons will strike point 0 on
0.5 T. Show that the number of revolutions per the screen. Position 0 is noted.
second, f is independent of r hence calculate f.
• The magnetic field of known flux density B is
[Ans: 8 x 10 6 revs- 1 ]
applied to deflect the electron beam at 0'.
10. An electron travelling at 1.0 X 10 7 ms- 1 to the
• Electric field is also simultaneously applied and
right enters a uniform magnetic field of flux
adjust until the electron beam goes back to 0.
density 5.0 x 10-4 T directed into the paper.
• The p.d across the plates V, plate separation,
Calculate the radius r of the described path by
d and accelerating voltage Va are noted.
• If u is the velocity of the electrons,
Fe =Fm
i1i~~e~ !ield eE = Beu
A crossed field is one where a uniform electric field E V
applied to charged particles moving in the field would u=-=-
B dB
cause them to deflect in one direction. Work done = change in K.E
When a uniform magnetic field is instead applied to the eVa= ~mu 2
same charged particles, the particles would deflect in e u2 V2
the opposite direction. -
- =2d
-2-8 2 Va
• If both fields are applied at the same time such that the Since the values V, d, B and Va are known, the specific
effect of one field is exactly cancelled out by the other charge can be obtained.
,field, then we have a crossed field. The charged
particles will proceed in a straight line as if the fields Fine beam method
are not there. HT supply

The electric force Fe will be equal to the magnetic force ,., .... --- ... '-.. . .
Fm. / '\
eE = Bev :
f anode
E / l
v=- circular f'
B e.lettron /
Only particles with a specific velocity will proceed in '~- ___ l_,_./
beam ;

a straight line and thus a crossed field acts as a velocity h{!i!ter


A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 313

Measurement of isotopic masses
Electrons are ejected from the cathode and accelerated electrons is unchanged from its original direction.
by a potential Va at a conical anode having a small hole Calculate B (!.. = 1.8 x 10- 11 Ckg- 1 )
through which electrons pass. Solution
The electrons are deflected by a uniform magnetic field (i) Work done= change in kinetic energy
in a circle of radius r back to the cathode
eVa= ~mu 2
The path of the electrons is made visible by presence 2 '
of hydrogen gas at low pressure in the tube and it emits
visible light when hit by the fast-moving electrons.
mv 2 U = -../2 X 1.8 X 1011 X 100 =6 X 10 6 ms- 1
r (ii) Ee = Beu
v = Br(:) B =~=~= 0.0167T
U 6X10 6
The anode potential Va provides the kinetic energy
eVa= ~mv

v2 = 2Va (:) Bainbridge mass spectrometer is an instrument

2 2 used for the accurate determination of atomic masses
B r (:) = 2Va (:)
e 2V:
2 2
I s,
m B r s,
1. In Thomson's experiment for measurement of
4 B,."-J~ .
'\Veloci r
'> ;;e!ecto'
specific charge of an electron, the beam remains
Magnetit__.--\,,P, P._,. /

undeflected when the electric field is 10 5 vm- 1 and field -

the magnetic field is 10- 2 T. The beam was
originally accelerated through a potential difference Photographic plate

of 285 V. Calculate the value of the specific charge !

of the electron.
Solution D
Work done against electric field = change in kinetic
energy of the electron
eVa= ~mv

e 2 • A beam of positive of positive ions produced in a

- - v- discharge tube is collimated into a fine beam by two
m 2Va
But under the action of crossed electric and magnetic narrow slits S1 and S2 . This fine beam enters into
fields the velocity selector.
Bev = eE => v = -EB • Iri the velocity selector, the force exerted by the
2 electric field is equal to the force exerted by the
e Ez ( 105)
2x(1o- 2 )2x2B5
magnetic field.
m 2B 2 V
= 1.754 X 1011 C kg- 1 qE = Bqv
2. Electrons are accelerated from rest by a p.d of 100 B
V. The electron beam now enters normally a • Only those ions having the velocity v pass out of
the velocity selector undeflected and then through
uniform electric field of intensity 10 5 vm- 1 .
slit S3 to enter the evacuated deflection chamber D.
(i) Calculate the velocity of the electrons as they
enter the field • These positive ions having the same velocity are
subjected to another strong magnetic field of flux
(ii) A magnetic field of flux density B is applied
perpendicular to electric field and the path of density B' at right angles to the plane of the paper
acting inwards.

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad ST4

Measurement ot Isotopic masses
.. These ions are deflected along circular paths of 1 atomic mass unit (u) = 1.66 x 10- 27 kg
. 26
radius r and strike the photographic plate.
Mass, m ofthe 1on = 3.978X10-
. -----~-?., = 24 g
• The force due to the magnetic field provides the
centripetal force.
B ' qv=-
1. (a) A beam of singly ionized carbon atom is directed
1 1
B qr BB qr into a region where a magnetic and electric field are
v E
perpendicular to each other and to the beam. The
• Ions with different masses trace semi-circular paths
fields have intensities 0.10 T and 1.0 x 104 NC- 1
of different radii and produce dark lines on the
respectively. If the beam is able to pass undeviated
through this region, what is the velocity of the ions?
• The distance between the opening of the chamber
(b )The beam then enters a region where a magnetic
and the position of the dark line gives the diameter,
field alone is acting. As a result, the beam describes an
arc of radius 0.75 m. Calculate the flux density ofthis
• Since q B B' E and r are known, the masses of the
I 1 1
magnetic field.(mass of carbon atom = 2.0 X
positive ions and hence the isotopic masses can be 10- 26 kg)
[Ans: (a) 1.0 x 10 5 ms- 1 (b) 0.017 T]
2. The diagram shows a type of cathode ray tube
containing a small quantity of gas. Electrons from a
I. In an experiment with a mass spectrometer, a
hot cathode emerge from small hole in a conical
singly charged positive ion is accelerated through a
shaped anode and the path subsequently followed is
p.d of I 000 V. It enters a uniform magnetic field of
made visible by the gas in the tube
flux density 0.1 T and moves in a circular orbit of Path followed
by the electrons
radius 0.223 m. Calculate
(a) the speed of the ion
(b) the mass of the ion
(c) the mass number of the ion
(a) Work done on the ion= gain in k.e of the ion
eV = ~mv 2
(a) the accelerating voltage is 5.0 kV. Calculate the
m= 2e: .....•. (i)
v speed of the electrons as they emerge from the
The magnetic force provides the centripetal force anode.
mv 2
Bev=- (b) The apparatus is situated in a uniform magnetic
Ber field acting into the plane of the diagram.
m= - ........ ("")
v Explain why the path followed by the beam is
Combining equations (i) and (ii); circular. Calculate the radius of the path for a
2eV Ber
-;z=--;- flux density of2.0 x 10- 3 T.
2V 2X1000 (c) Suggest a possible process by which the gas in
- Br
V - -- -
the tube might make the path of the beam
v = 8.97 x 104 ms- 1
(b) From (ii),
[Ans: (a) 4.2 x 10 7 ms- 1 (b) 0.12 m]
3. A narrow beam passes undeviated through an
electric field E = 3 x 104 Vfm and an
8.97X10 4
overlapping magnetic field B = 2 x 10- Wbf 3
m = 3.978 x 10-26 kg
(c) 1 mole= 6.02 x 1023 ions m 2 . The electron motion, electric field and
Mass number = mass of one mole in g magnetic field are mutually perpendicular.
Calculate the speed of the electron.
Mass of one mole
[Ans:l.S x 10 7 ms- 1 ]
= 3.978 X 10-26 X 6.02 X 10 23 X 1000 = 24 g
Or: 4. Electrons starting from rest and passed through a
potential difference of 1000 V are found to acquire
A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 31.5
Measurement of electronic char~
a velocity of1.88 X 10 7 ms- 1 . Calculate the ratio
of the charge to mass of the electron
[Ans: 1.8 x 1011 C kg- 1 ]
Oil Atomiset·
5. Singly ionized magnesium atoms enter into the
velocity selector of a Bainbridge mass spectrometer
having electric and magnetic field of 30 kV/m and +

0.1 T respectively. Calculate the radii of the path

followed by the three isotopes of mass numbers 24, X-rays

25 and 26 when the deflecting magnetic field is Intenselight

0.5 T. (mass of a nucleon = 1.67 X 10-27 kg,

charge on the ion, e = 1.6 x 10- 19 C) [Ans: R1 =
0.1503 m,R 2 = 0.1565 m, R3 = 0.1628 m]
6. An electron emitted from a hot cathode in an • Oil drops are sprayed through a hole in the upper o
evacuated tube is accelerated by a p.d of 1000 V. the two parallel plates A, B separated by a distance d
(i) Calculate the speed acquired by the electron • These drops acquire charge by friction or by X-rays.
(ii) The electron now enters at right angles a • With the electric field switched off, a suitable drop i:
uniform magnetic field of flux density 1.0 X selected and its terminal velocity v 0 is determined b)
10- T. Determine its path measuring the distance it falls through a measurec
(iii) Find the intensity of the uniform field which time.
when applied perpendicular, the electron
passes undeflected. Fv u
[Ans: (i) 1.8 x 10 7 ms- 1 (ii) 0.10 m (iii) 1.8 x
10-4 vm- 1 1
7. (a) Describe the method for measuring the ratio of
charge to mass ( e/m) of an electron.
(b) Calculate
(i) the speed achieved by an electron w
accelerated in a vacuum through a p.d of W=Fv+U
2.0 x 10 3 V and
~rrr 3 pg = 67rTJrv 0 + ~rrr 3 a
(ii) the magnetic flux density required to make
an electron travelling with speed 8.0 X ~rrr 3 (p- o")g = 67rTJrv0 ..••• (i)
10 6 ms- 1 traverse a circular path of diameter where p =density of oil
10.0 x 10- 2 m. a= density of air
[Ans: (b) (i) 2.65 x 10 7 ms- 1 (ii) 9.09 x 10-4 T] TJ =coefficient of viscosity of air
8. The mass of singly charged neon isotope i8N e + is r = radius of oil drop
3.3 X 10- 26 kg. A beam of these ions enters a • The electric field between the plates is switched on
uniform transverse magnetic field of 0.3 T and and the p.d V is adjusted until the oil drop remains
describes a circular orbit of radius 0.22 m. What is stationary
(i) the velocity of the ions • P.d is noted
(ii) the potential difference which has been used to
accelerate them to this velocity?
Fe u
[Ans: (i) 3.2 x 105 ms- 1 (ii) 10.6 kV]

4 4
-rrr 3 pg=-rrr 3 a +qE
3 3
A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad ii:6
31fT 3 g (p -CI ) - v
-dq ..... ("")
104 vm- 1 is applied between the plates, the
direction of fall becomes inclined at an angle of
Equating equations (i) and (ii);
21.8° to the vertical. Calculate the charge on the oil
6rrrryrv 0 = dVq drop
6TCT1]V0 d
q= v
• The experiment is repeated for several oil drops and
the highest common multiple of the results gives the
electronic charge.

Note: The value of q is found to be an integral multiple

of the electronic charge e.
q = ne weiJht = 1118
The number of electron charges can be determined. qE
tan21.8 0 = -
Precautions mgtan 21.8°
q= E
• A non-volatile or low vapour pressure oil should
be used to prevent evaporation which would
- (2.0x10-15)x9.81xtan 21.8o = 1.57 X 10-19 C
- 5.0X10 4
change the mass of the oil drops
• A constant temperature enclosure is used to 3. An oil drop of mass 3.25 x 10- 15 kg falls
prevent convection currents. vertically with a uniform velocity between vertical
plates which are 2 em apart. When a p.d of 1000 V
Quantization of charge is applied between the plates, the drop moves
Charge quantization means that charge cannot take any towards the negatively charged plate, its path being
arbitrary values but only values that are integral inclined at 45° to the vertical.
multiples of the fundamental charge (charge of (a) Explain why the vertical component of velocity
proton/electron). Any charge can be expressed as ne, remains constant ...
where n is an integer and e is the fundamental unit of (b) Calculate the charge on the oil drop and the
charge. number of electrons attached to it
(c) If the path of the drop suddenly changes to 26.5°
Examples to the vertical then to the vertical, what
conclusion can you draw
l.In Millikan's experiment, an oil drop of mass 4.9 x
10-14 kg is balanced by applying a potential
(a) This is because the applied electric force has no
difference of 2 kV between the two plates which are
component in the vertical direction
8 mm apart. Calculate the number of elementary
charges on the drop.
At balance, the electric force is equal to the weight of
the oil drop. Fe
v 0:~
mgd 4.9x1o- 14 x9.81x8x1o- 3 ...
q =--v-= 2X10 3
q = 1.92 X 10- C18

But q = ne
tan 45° = _F_e
= _qE_

n = 1 = 1.92x1o-ls = 12 tan45° = ~
e 1.6x1o- 19 mgd
q = --"'-v--
2. An oil drop of mass 2 X 10- 15 kg falls with its 3.25x1o-15x9.81x2x1o-2 tan 45°
terminal velocity between a pair of parallel vertical 1000
plates. When a potential gradient of 5.0 x = 6.3765 X 10- 19 C
A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 317
Measurement ot electromc charge

q =ne qE = ~rrr
6.3765 X 10- 19 =n X 1.6 X 10-19 v
3e x -
= -rrr 3
n=4 d 3
(c)If 8 = 26 .5 0 , q = mgtan 26.SO V= 4rrr pgd
3.25x1o- 15 x9.81X2X10- 2 tan 26.5° 411" X ( 1.6 X10- 6 ) X 900 X 9.81 X 5 X 10- 2
1000 9 Xl.6 X 10 19
= 3.1792 X 10-19 C = 5779.3 v
q = 2e 5. In a Millikan's oil drop experiment, a charged oil
If 8 = 37o q = mgtan 37o drop of radius 9.2 x 10- 7 m and density 800
, v
3.25x1o- 15 x9.81x2x1o- 2 tan 37° kg m- 3 is held stationary in an electric field of
1000 intensity 4.0 X 104 Vm- 1 .
q = 4.805 X
10- C 19
(i) How many charges are on the drop?
n = 3 thus q = 3e (ii) Find the electric field intensity that can be applied
The charge changes from 4e to 2e to 3e. vertically to move the drop with a velocity
As the angle was changing, the number of electrons 0.005 ms- 1 upwards.
attached to the oil drop changed from 4, 2 to 3. The [density of air is 1.29 kg m - 3 , coefficient of viscosity
charge of the drop changed from 4e, 2e to 3e. of air is 1.8 x 10-s Nsm- 1 ]
4. (a) Calculate the radius of a drop of oil, density (i) With the electric field
900 kg m - 3 which falls with a terminal velocity of
2.9 x 10- 2 cms- 1 through air of viscosity 1.8 X Fe U
10-s Nsm- 2 . Ignore the density of air.
(b) If the charge on the drop is -3e, what p.d must
be applied between two plates 5 em apart for the drop
to be held stationary between them?
Fv U =0
qE + ~rrr 3 crg = ~rrr 3 pg
3 3
qE = ~rrr
g(p- cr)
q X 4 X 104 = ~rr
X (9.2 X 10- ) 3 X 9.81(800-

w q = 6.38925 X 10- 19 C
But q = ne
6m]rv = ~ rrr 3 pg n = 6.3892Sx10-19 = 3.993
1.6x1o- 19
r = ~ = J9 x 1.8 x1o-s x 2.9 x1o- 4 n=4
"zPg 'I}
2 X 900 X 9.81
( ii) When the drop moves upwards,
= 1.63 x 10- m
(b) Fe u


w Fe+U=Fv+W
qE + ~rrr
crg = 6TrTJTV + ~rrr

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad flS

Measurement ot electroruc cnarge

6.38925 X 10- 19 £ + ~rr(9.2 X 10- 7) 3 X 1.29 q = ne

n = 1.03x1o-1B
= 6rr X 10-s X 0.05 X 9.2 X 10- 7 +
1.8 X 1.6X10-19 = 6.4378 ~ 6
irr(9.2 X 10- 7 ) 3 X 800
6.38925 X 10- 19 E = 1.5633 X 10- 12 ~~~fi-2
E = 2.447 X 106 Vm- 1 1. (a) Explain what is meant by quantization of charge
(b) A cloud of oil droplets is formed between two
6. In the measurement of electronic charge by horizontal parallel .metal plates. Explain the
Millikan's apparatus, a p.d of 1.6 kV is applied following observations
between two horizontal plates 14 mm apart. With the (i) In the absence of an electric field between
p.d off, the oil drop is observed to fall with a constant the plates, all the oil droplets fall slowly at
velocity of 4 x 10- 2 em s- 1 . When the p.d is uniform speeds.
switched on, the drop rises with a velocity of 8 x (ii) On applying a vertical electric field, some
10- 3 em s- 1. If the mass of the oil drop is 1 x droplet speeds are unaltered, some are
increased downwards whereas some
1 o- 14 kg, find the number of electron charges on the
droplets move upwards.
drop. (Assume that air resistance is proportional to
2. (a) A charged oil drop falls at constant speed in the
the velocity of the oil drop and neglect the upward
Millikan oil drop experiment when there is no p.d
up thrust due to air)
between the plates. Explain this.
51 (b) Such an oil drop of mass 4.0 x lo-ts kg is
1 case: With p.d otT
held stationary when an electric field is applied
Fv U=O between the two horizontal plates. If the drop
carries 6 electric charges, calculate the value of the
electric field strength. [Ans: 45 kvm- 1 ]
3. In a measurement of the electron charge by
Millikan's method, a potential difference of 1.5 kV
can be applied between horizontal parallel metal
w plates 12 mm apart. With the field switched off, a
~ex v drop of oil of mass 10- 14 kg is observed to fall
with constant velocity 400 Jlms- 1. When the field
Fv = kv
is switched on, the drop rises with constant
kv1 = mg velocity 80 Jlms- 1 . How many electron charges
are there on the drop? (You may assume that the
- mg = txto14x9.81 = 2.45 X 10-10 Nsm-1
k- tJl 4xto-4 air resistance is proportional to the velocity of the
2nd case: With p.d on drop and that the air buoyancy may be neglected)
[Ans: 6]
Fe U= 0 4. A small oil drop, carrying a negative electric
charge, is falling in air with a uniform speed of
8.0 x 10-sms-1 between two horizontal parallel
plates. The upper plate is maintained at a positive
potential relative to the lower one.
(a) Draw a diagram showing all the forces acting
on the drop, stating the cause of each force
Fv = kv 2 (b) Use the following data to determine the charge
Fe=Fv+W on the oil drop
qE = mg + kv 2 Radius of drop= 1.60 X 10- 6 m
d= mg + kv 2 Density of oil= 800 kg m- 3
1600 Density of air = 1.30 kg m- 3
14Xl0- 3 q Viscosity of air = 1.80 x lo-s Nsm- 2
= 1 X 10-14 X 9.81 + 2.45 X 10-10 X 8 X 10-S Distance between plates= 1.00 x 10- 2 m
q = 1.03 X 10- 18 C
A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 319
P.d between plate= 2000 V x+:~X§,~f
[Ans: 4.68 X 10- 19 C] X-rays are electromagnetic waves of short wavelength
5. Calculate the potential difference in volts necessary
to be maintained between two horizontal conducting Production ofX-rays
plates, one 0.50 em above the other, so that a small X-rays are produced when fast moving electrons strike
oil drop, of mass 1.31 x 10- 11 gwith two electrons a metal target of suitable material
the basic requirements for the production ofX-rays are
attached to it, remains in equilibrium between them.
(i) source of electrons
Take the electronic charge to be -1.6 x 10- 19 C.
(ii) effective means of accelerating electrons
Which plate would be at the positive potential?
(iii) target of suitable material of high melting
[Ans: 2.0006 V]
6. In a Millikan-type apparatus, the horizontal plates
are 1.5 em apart. With the electric field switched off,
Modern X-ray tube
an oil drop is observed to fall with a steady velocity .AJternat3: Target
supe:~fy -
of 2.5 x 10- 2 em s- 1 . When the field is switched
on the upper plate being positive, the drop just r--------
remains stationary when the p.d between the two I
plates is 1500 V. Fifamel\t I ! ,~ r. ~ • - COOled
(a) Calculate the radius of the drop supply 1' J 1 • COPIMr rod

(b) How many electronic charges does it carry?

(c) If the p.d between the two plates remains
unchanged, with what velocity will the drop foe.mng
eothOda Lead
X·rrt$ •hi•lding
move when it has collected two more electrons Hnledfiloment
producea tliCtrons
as a result of exposure to ionizing radiation? thermionieaUy

[Ans: (a) 1.5 X 10~ 6 m (b) I (c) 5.0 x It consists of a highly evacuated glass tube containing
10- 4 ms- 1 ] a cathode and anode target.
The cathode is heated by passing current through from
7.An oil drop of radius 1.0 X 1 o- 3 em falls freely in
a low-tension battery. The electrons are emitted by the
air midway between two vertical parallel metal
process of thermionic emission from the cathode.
plates of large extent, which are 0.50 em apart and
The target consists of a copper block in which a piece
its terminal velocity is 1.066 ems- 1 . When a of tungsten is fixed. The anode should have the
potential difference of3000 Vis applied between the following characteristics
plates, the path of the drop becomes a straight line (i) High atomic weight -to produce hard X-rays
inclined at an angle of 31° 36' to the vertical. Find (ii) High melting point -so that it is not melted due
the charge on the drop. (Assume the viscosity of air to the bombardment of fast moving electrons,
to be 1.816 x 10-s kgm- 1 s- 1 ) which cause a lot of heat generation.
[Ans: 3.72 x 10- 17 C] (iii) High thermal conductivity to carry away the heat
8.In Millikan's experiment, an oil drop of mass generated.
1.92 x 10- 14 kg is stationary in the space A high p.d is applied between the filament and the
between two horizontal plates which are 0.02 m target. Due to this high potential difference, the
apart, the upper plate being earthed and the lower electrons emitted from the filament are accelerated.
one at a potential of -6000 V. When these accelerated electrons strike the target, they
(a) State, with the reason, the sign of the electric give up their kinetic energy as heat and thereby
charge on the drop produce X -rays.
The heat is carried away by the cooling fins or water
(b)Neglecting the buoyancy of the air, calculate the
running through the channels.
magnitude of the charge
(c) With no change in the potentials of the plates,
Energy conversion in an X-ray tube
the drop suddenly moves upwards and attains a
Electrical energy (a.c voltage) --+ Heat energy
uniform velocity. Explain why
(filament) --+ Kinetic energy (moving electrons) --+
(i) the drop moves Heat (target)
(ii) the velocity becomes uniform
[Ans: 6.4 X 10- 19 C]
A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 320

Intensity of X-rays property of ionization is generally used to

The intensity of X-rays depends upon the number of detected and measure the intensity of X-rays
electrons striking the target i.e. the rate of emission of
electrons from the filament. This can be controlled by Diffraction of X-rays
varying the filament current. Diffraction is the spreading of waves after passing
through openings or obstacles. A crystal can act as a
Types of X-rays three-dimensional grating for an X-ray beam. The
There are two types of X-rays with different experimental arrangement to produce diffraction in X-
penetrating power which depend on the kinetic energy rays is shown below.
on impact with the target i.e. soft X-rays with low s, s,
penetrating power and hard X-rays with high
~ /.::::-~
penetrating power.

Soft X-rays
These are produced using a low accelerating p.d which
results into electrons of small kinetic energy giving



X-rays from the X-ray tube are collimated into a fine
soft X-rays of long wavelength and low penetrating
beam by two slits s 1 and s 2 .
The beam is now allowed to pass through a zinc
sulphide crystal.
Hard X-rays
The emergent rays are made to fall on a photographic
They are produced using a high p.d which results into
plate P.
electrons of high kinetic energy giving hard X-rays of
The diffraction pattern so obtained consists of a central
short wavelength and high penetrating power
spot at 0 and a series of spots arranged in a definite
pattern about 0.
Properties ofX-rays
The central spot is due to the direct beam whereas the
• X -rays are electromagnetic waves of very short
regularly arranged spots are due to the diffraction
wavelength. They travel in straight lines with the
pattern from the atoms of the various crystal planes.
velocity of light and are invisible to eyes.
• They undergo reflection, refraction, interference, Note: This experiment was established following two
diffraction and polarization important facts.
• They are not deflected by electric and magnetic (i) X-rays are electromagnetic waves of extremely
fields. This indicates that X-rays do not have short wavelength
charged particles. (ii) The atoms in a crystal are arranged in a regular
• They ionize the gas through which they pass three-dimensional lattice.
• They affect photographic plates
• X-rays can penetrate the substances which are .Jlragg~s:'\3e'r i i

opaque to ordinary light e.g. wood, flesh, thick Consider a homogeneous x-ray of wavelength A.
paper, thin sheets of metals. incident on a crystal at a glancing angle (}. The incident
rays AB and DE after reflection from the lattice planes
• When X-rays fall on certain materials, they
Y and Z travel along BC and EF respectively as shown
liberate photoelectrons (photoelectric effect)
• X-rays have destructive effect on living tissue
• X -rays do not pass through heavy metals such as
lead and bones. If such objects are placed in their
path, they cast their shadow.

Detection ofX-rays • • • '• • ~ I )/ I • I • • • l

The basic properties which are generally used for
detection ofX-rays-are
(i) darkening of a photographic plate.
(ii) ionization produced by X-rays in a gas or vapour.
Let the crystal lattice spacing between the planes be d.
An ionization chamber which utilizes the
Path difference between two waves ABC and DEF

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad ;l_~;t


= PE +EQ 2d sin(} = nA.

From!!. PBE, sin(} = PE 2d sin 11.4 = 2 x 4 x 10- 11
d = 2.024 x 10- 10 m
=> P E = BE sin (} = d sin (}
From!!. QBE, sin(} = EQ
BE 3. In Bragg's spectrometer, the glancing angle forti
=> E Q = BE sin (} = d sin (} first order spectrum was observed to be S
Path difference= PE + EQ Calculate the wavelength of X-ray if d = 2.S2
= d sin(} + d sin(} = 2d sin(} 10- 10 m. At what angle will the second maximw
For the scattered waves to be in phase (constructive
interference), the path difference must be an integral
multiple of the wavelength.
For n = 1, B1 = S0 , d = 2.S2 x 10- 10 m, A. =?
2d sin(} = nA. where n = 1, 2, 3 ....
Forn=1,B1 =?
n is the order of diffraction
When n = 1, 2d sin (} = 1 x A.
This is known as Bragg's law
A. = 2 x 2.S2 x 10- 10 sin so
Density of crystals
A. = 7.S49 x 10- 11 m
. Mass When n = 2, 2d sin (} 2 = 2A.
Density of crystal = - - - 7.849x1o- 11
1 • (}
Sill =
- = - - -10- = 0.27S3
· k ) Molecular weight M 2 d 2.82x10-
M ass o f crystaI ( m g = = --
1000 1000 B2 = sin- 1 0.27S3 = 16.16°
Volume of crystal = NA x d 3 where d is the atomic
spacing or length of crystal and NA is the Avogadro's 4. X-rays of wavelength 2 x 10- 10 mare incident<
number. a set cubic planes of a crystal whose molar mass
p = 1000NAd3 45 g. First order diffraction maxima occurs at
From Bragg's law, 2d sin(} = nA. glancing angle of 15.4°. Calculate the density 1
d=~ the crystal.
2 sin 8
M Solution
8Msin 3 8
c nil
sin 9
A. = 2 X 10- m , m == 45 g, n = 1, (} = 15.4c
2d sin(} = nA.
p = 1000NA(nA) 3 2d sin 15.4° = 1 x 2 x 10-10
Msin 3 8 d = 3.76 x 10-10 m
p = 125NA(nA) 3 Volume of I atom= d 3
= (3.76 X 10- 10 ) 3 = 5.32 X 10- 29 m'
Examples 23
6.02 X 10 atoms have a mass= 45 X 10- 3 kg
I . Calculate the longest wavelength that can be 45x10- 3 -26
analysed by a rock salt crystal of spacing 2.S2 X
Mass of I atom = 6_02 x1023 = 7.4S X 10 kg
10- 10 min the first order. D . 0f I mass of1 atom
ensity crysta = -vo-l-um-e-of_1_a-to-m
Solution 7.48x1o-z6 = 1.41 x 103 k m-3
. 2dsin8 5.32x10- 29 g
From 2d sm (} = nA. , A. = - -
n OR
2d(sin 8)
For longest wavelength, Amax = max Volume of 1 mole = 5.32 x 10- 29 x 6.02 x 10 2:
(sin B)max = 1 = 3.203 x lo-s m 3
. mass of 1 mole
Amax = 2 X 2.S2 X 10- 10 X 1 Density of crystal = vo 1umeo f 1mo e
Amax = 5.64 X 10- 10 m 45x1o-3
3.203 x10-s
2. A second order diffraction image is obtained by = 1.405 x 103 kg m- 3
reflection of x-rays at atomic planes of a crystal at
a glancing angle of 11 °24'. Calculate the atomic 5. The density of sodium chloride (NaCI)
spacing if the wavelength of X-rays is 4 x 2.17 g cm- 3 and the mass of one of it is 58.5 g.
10- 11 m. the solid state, each molecule of NaCI consists
Solution two ions, one Na+ and one cz-, which are arrang

(} = 11°24' = ( 11 + ::Y
= 11.4°
alternately in a cubic manner.

n = 2 and A. = 4 x 10- 11 m
A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 3~
~~·; ·-:.·~ ~

~ x 10
2x1.6x1o- 1 9xs.Ox1o- 4
~= 1.33
(a) How many ions are there in a crystal ofNaCl in
u- - 9.11x1o- 31
the form of a cube of side 1.0 em? - -
(b) What is the separation between adjacent ions? ms- 1
(c) Find the smallest angle formed with a plane of the
ions that will allow X-rays of wavelength 1.54 X 7. An X-ray tube is operated at 20 kV with an electron
1010 m to be reflected by a crystal ofNaCl current of 16 rnA in the tube. Estimate the
(d) How many orders of reflection are obtained (i) number of electrons hitting the target per
from these planes? second
Solution (ii) rate of production of heat, assuming 99.5% of
(a) Number ofNaCl molecules in one mole the kinetic energy of electron is converted to
= 6.02 X 10 23 heat.
Number of ions in 58.5 g NaCl = 2 X 6.02 X 10 23 Solution
Hence number of ions in a cube of side 1.0 em and (i) I= g_
= ~t
having a mass of 2.17 g n I 1.6X10- 3

2 17
" X 2 X 6.02 X 1023 = 4.47 X 1022
t =; = 1.6X10-19
58.5 = 1.0 X 1017 electrons per second.
(b) Number of ions on each side oflength 1.0 em of (ii) Energy of an electron = eV
the cube For 1.0 x 1017 electrons per second,
= (4.47 X 10 22 )3 = 3.55 X 107 energy per second
Distance between two adjacent ions, = 1.0 X 1017 X 1.6 X 10-19 X 20 X 103
2 = 320W
d = l.Oxl0- = 2.82 X 10- 10 m 995
3.55X10 7 Rate of heat production= X 320 = 318.4 W
(c) Using Bragg's equation,
2dsin0 = nA.
8. The current in a water-cooled X-ray tube operating
Smallest Bragg's angle is when n = 1.
at 60 kV is 30 rnA. 99% of the energy supplied to
. O lxA. 1._54_x_1_o-_1_0
Sill = -2-d = 2X2.82X10-10 the tube is converted into heat at the target which
0 = 15.83° has water flowing in it at 0.96 kgs- 1 . Calculate the "'"
(d) From 2dsin0 = nA. (i) rate at which energy is supplied to the tube
Maximum value of 0 = 90° (ii) increase in temperature of the cooling
n = 2d = 2x2.s2x10- 10 = 3 .66 water of S.H.C 4200] kg- 1 K- 1
A. 1.54x10- 10 (iii) minimum wavelength of the X-rays
n=4 radiated.
4 orders of reflection are possible Solution
I = 30 mA,V = 60 kV
6. The potential difference between the cathode and :!!... E= Heat ~ = 0.06 kg s- 1
the anode of an X-ray tube is 5.0 x 10-4 V. If only 100 ' t

0.4% of the kinetic energy of the electrons is (i) ~ = P = IV = 60 X 103 X 30 X 10- 3

converted into X-rays and the rest is dissipated as = 1800W
heat in the target at a rate of 600W, find the (ii) Heat generated per second=:!!... X P = m cO
100 t
(i) current that flows
:!!.._X 1800 = 0.06 X 4200 0
(ii) speed of the electrons striking the target 100

0 = 7.07 oc
(i) Percentage of heat generated per second (iii) E = hf = eV
= 100 - 0.4 = 99.6% --=eV
Am in
99 6
Heat per second at target = " x IV 1 . _ he _ 6.63x1o- 34 x3x1os
100 "nun - ev-
99 6
600 = " X I X 5.0 X 10- 4 Amin = 2.07 X 10- 11 m
I= 1.21 X 10 6 A
(ii) Energy of incident electrons = ~ mu 2 9. An X-ray tube is operated at 50 kV and 20 rnA. If
1% of the total energy supplied is emitted as X-ray
~mu 2 = eV radiation, calculate the

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 323
(i) maximum frequency of the emitted radiation rays of different wavelengths ranging from a certain
(ii) rate at which heat must be removed from the minimum to infinity.
target in order to keep at a steady temperature
Solution Cut offwavelength (minimum wavelength)
(i) The most energetic X-rays are those produced This is the minimum wavelength obtained when an
by electrons that lose all their kinetic energy on energetic electron loses all its kinetic energy in a single
impact with the target. collision with the target atom.
X-ray photon given offhas maximum energy with
hfmax = eV the shortest possible wavelength.
F = ev = 1.6x1o-19xsox103 = 1.21 X 1019Hz
Jmax h 6.6x1o-34 E = hf = eV
(ii) Power supplied = IV ~=eV
Power supplied = 20 X 10- 3 x 50 x 10 3 he
= 1000 w Amin =eV
99 Note: The majority of the electrons lose their kinetic
Power converted to heat=- X 1000 = 990 W
energy too gradually for X-rays to be emitted and
therefore nearly emit infrared radiations which are
absorbed by the target and converted into heat at the
There are two types of X-ray spectra i.e.
• Continuous spectrum which is independent of the
target material
• Line spectrum which is dependent on the target
material Medical applications
It consists of a continuous spectrum/background of • X-rays are being widely used for detecting
definite cut-off wavelength. On top of the continuous fractures, tumors, the presence of foreign
spectrum is superimposed a line spectrum. matter like bullets, etc. in the human body.
• X-rays are used for diagnosis oftuberculosis,
stones in kidneys, gall bladder, etc.
• Many types of skin diseases, malignant sores,
cancer and tumors are cured by controlled
exposure ofX-rays of suitable quality
original X·ray spectrum • Hard X -rays are used to destroy tumors very
deep inside the body
• They are used to investigate broken bones
0 ,\ wavelength
.... Industrial applications
Line spectrum • X -rays are used to detect the defects or laws within
It is formed when a highly energetic electron knocks a material
out of the inner most K or L shells. This puts the atom • X -rays can be used for testing the homogeneity of
in excited state. welded joints, insulating materials, etc.
To restore stability, an electron from the outer shell • X-rays are used to analyse the structure of alloys
moves to fill the vacancies left. Electron transition to and other composite bodies
the vacancies left results in the emission of X -rays of • X -rays are used to study the structure of materials
definite wavelength hence a line spectrum.
like rubber, cellulose, plastic fibres, etc.
The frequency of the radiation depends upon the
characteristics of.the target material and increasing the
Scientific research
voltage increases the number of lines produced.
• X -rays are used for studying the structure of
crystalline solids and alloys.
• X-rays are used for identification of chemical
Continuous spectrum elements including determination of their atomic
It is a result of multiple collisions of the energetic numbers
electrons with target atoms. Different amounts of
energy are lost during these collisions giving off X-
A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 3 ~j


• X-rays can be used for analyzing the structure of (i) Calculate the minimum wavelength of the X-
complex molecules by examining their X-ray rays produced
diffraction pattern. (ii) Calculate the current through the tube
(iii) If 99% of the power is dissipated as heat,
Dangers of X-rays estimate the number ofX-ray photons produced
• They damage body cells per second.
[Ans:(i) 4.1 X 10- 11 m (ii) 30 rnA (iii) 1.9 x
• They cause barrenness/ deformed off springs
1015 s-1]
when sprayed on reproductive areas
7.Explain how the radiation from an evacuated X-ray
• Cause mutations leading to abnormalities
tube is affected by changing
• They cause and accelerate skin and blood (i) the filament current
cancer (ii) the filament-target p.d
(iii) the target material
Precautions when handling X-rays 8.An X-ray diffraction of a crystal gave the closest
• Too much unnecessary exposure to body must line at an angle of 6°27'. If the wavelength of the
be avoided X-ray is 5.8 x 10-9 m, find the distance between
• Personnel handling X-rays must wear two cleavage planes.
protective clothing coated with a layer oflead [Ans: 2.581 x 10- 8 m]
• X-ray equipment must be stored in thick lead 9. A stream of electrons accelerated through a p.d of
containers 12 kV is directed against the target of an X -ray tube.
Taking the charge on an electron to be -1.6 X
Seir~Evaluation exerciSe .. 10- 19 C and the Planck's constant to be 6.6 x
',' ---
,~~~:'"~f"''"'"""-""-"", -=-,'~=--,·_--:;;,--

1. Calculate the maximum frequency of X -rays 10- 34 ]s, estimate

emitted by an X-ray tube using an accelerating (i) the kinetic energy of each electron
voltage of33.0 kV. [Ans: 8.0 X 1018 Hz] (ii) the minimum wavelength of the X-rays which
2. A certain X-ray tube operates at 110 kV. Calculate could be emitted by the target.
the shortest wavelength ofX-rays produced. [Ans: (i) 1.9 X 10- 15 ] (ii) 1.0 x 10- 10 m]
[Ans: 1.1 x 10-11 m] 10. An X-ray tube operates with a p.d of 100 kV ~ 1'
3.An X-ray tube has an electron beam current 10 rnA between the anode and cathode. The tube current is
and an accelerating voltage is 50 kV. If only 0.5% 20 rnA. Calculate
of the power is converted into X -rays, calculate the (i) the rate at which energy is transformed in the
(i) the input power target of the X-ray tube
(ii) the power lost in tube as heat (ii) the number of electrons which reach the
(iii) minimum wavelength of the X-rays produced target per second
[Ans: (i) 500 W (ii) 497.5 W (iii) 0.025 nm] (iii) the maximum energy of an X-ray photon
4. A beam of X-rays of wavelength 0.154 nm is produced.
diffracted by a crystal. For first-order diffraction by [Ans: (i) 2 kW (ii) 1.25 x 1017 (iii) 10 5 eV]
a certain set of planes, it is found that the X-ray 11. An X-ray tube operates at 30 kV and the current
beam is deviated by 32.0° through it is 30 rnA. Calculate
(a) What angle does the incident X-ray beam make (i) the electric power input.
with these planes? (ii) the number of electrons striking the target per
(b) Find the spacing of the planes second
[Ans: (i) 16.0° (ii) 0.279 nm] (iii) the speed of the electrons when they hit the
5.An X-ray tube works at a d.c potential difference of target.
50 kV. Only 0.4% of the energy ofthe cathode rays (iv) the longer wavelength limit of the X-rays
is converted into X-n:ldiation and heat is generated emitted.
in the target at a rate of 600 W. Estimate [Ans: (i) 60 W (ii) 1.3 x 1016 s- 1 (iii) 1.0 X
(i) the current passed through the tube 108 ms- 1 (iv) 0.41 x 10- 10 m]
(ii) the velocity of the electrons striking the target. 12. The potential difference between the target and
[Ans: (i) 12 mA (ii) 1.33 x 108 ms- 1 ] cathode of an X-ray tube is 20 kV and the current is
6.A 900 W X-ray tube operates at a d.c potential 20 rnA. Only 0.5% of the total energy supplied is
difference of30 kV. emitted as X-rays.

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 3.25

Ynotoelectnc em1sswn

(a) What is the minimum wavelength of the emitted 5WJ\~c~A~Ifl~J~E:DtrAit~a"t~}~ l·~-~ 1c~"~~
(b) At what rate must heat be removed from the target Electromagnetic waves such as light exhibit a dual
in order to keep it at a steady temperature? nature as they possess both wave properties and
[Ans: (a) 6.19 X 10- 11 m (b) 398 W] particle like properties. Conversely, particles like
13. Electrons are accelerated from rest through a p.d electrons have wave-like properties as well as particle-
of 10000 V in an X -ray tube. Calculate like properties. This is referred to as the wave particle
(i) the resultant energy of the electrons in eV duality and it forms the basis of quantum theory.
(ii) the wavelength of the associated electron waves The wave particle duality was extended to particles as
(iii) the maximum energy and minimum wavelength matter by Louis de Broglie. His theoretical study on
of the X-radiation generated. the nature of particles and waves led to the invention
[Ans: (i) 104 eV· (ii) 1.23 x 10-11 m (iii) 1.6 x of new mechanics of particles called quantum
10- 15 ], 1.24 x 10- 10 m] mechanics.
14. A parallel beam of electrons moving with a
velocity v is incident normally on a thin graphite
Quantum theory
film of atomic spacing 1.2 X 10-10 m. The beam
Einstein presented the idea of light energy consisting
is diffracted through an angle () of 11° $iiere
of packets of electromagnetic energy like bullets fired
2d sin () = A. Calculate
from a machine gun rather than the water flowing from
(i) the wavelength
a running tap. This was an extension of the idea put
(ii) the velocity, v
forward by Max Planck to explain the emission and
(iii) the accelerating voltage needed to produce this
velocity absorption of energy from a black surface.
[Ans: (i)4.6 x 10- 11 m (ii)1.4 x 107 ms- 1 (iii)450 V] According to Planck, the energy emitted or absorbed
15. An X-ray tube operated at a d.c potential by the atoms in a black surface is in the form of
difference of 40 kV produces heat at a target at the individual packets which he called quanta. The energy
rate of720 W. Assuming 0.5% of the energy of the in each quantum is proportional to the frequency f of
incident electrons is converted into X-radiation, the incident radiation.
calculate E=hf
(i) the number of electrons striking the target where h =Planck's constant= 6.63 X 10- 34 js
(ii) the velocity of the incident electrons Einstein extended Planck's idea to light. He put
[Ans: (i) 1.1 x 1017 (ii) 1.2 x 10 8 ms- 1 ] forward the idea that the energy in a light beam is
quantized i.e. comes in packets or quanta and only a
whole number of quanta can exist. The quanta of light
or electromagnetic radiation are known as photons.
The energy of a photon is E = hf

Photoelectric effect
Photoelectric emission is the emission of electrons
from a metal surface when electromagnetic radiations
fall on it.

The photoelectric effect is identical to thermionic

emission of electrons. In photoelectric emission, the
electrons in the metal escape from the metal surface
using energy from the incident radiation whereas in
thermionic emission, energy in the form of heat is
absorbed by the electrons.

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 326

Photoelectric emission
Experiments to study/demonstrate photoelectric The plates are connected to a battery and a sensitive
effect galvanometer.
In the absence of any radiation incident on the plates,

Experiment I
there is no flow of current and hence there is no
dean zinc i' - ultra-violet radiation deflection in the galvanometer.
phuc ----- / - from a mercury
- vapour lamp When an electromagnetic radiation like U.V light is
allowed to fall on the plate C connected to the negative
terminal of the battery, a current begins to flow
indicated by a deflection in the ,galvanometer G.
negatively When U.V light is allowed to fall on plate A, there is
charged gold no deflection in the galvanometer.
leaf electroseope

The observations reveal that the particles emitted by
A freshly clean zinc plate is placed on the metal
the plate C due to the photoelectric effect are
cap of a gold leaf electroscope which is then charged
negatively charged. These particles were found to be
negatively. Ultra violet radiation from a mercury
vapour lamp is allowed to fall onto the zinc plate.
The current observed known as photoelectric current
The divergence of the gold leaf of the electroscope
is due to the flow of electrons.
decreases. This shows that the electroscope loses its
negative charge through the emission of electrons.
Effect of intensity of incident radiation on
If the electroscope is recharged and a glass plate
photoelectric current
placed between the zinc plate and the mercury vapour
Keeping the frequency of the incident radiation and the
lamp, the divergence of the gold leaf remains
potential difference between the cathode and anode
unchanged when the light from the lamp falls on the
constant, the intensity of the incident radiation is
zinc plate. Ultra-violet radiation is absorbed by the
varied. The corresponding photoelectric current is
glass plate and only light whose frequency is lower
than that of the ultra violet radiation is incident on the

Since the divergence of the gold leaf remains <:;

unchanged, it implies that no electrons are emitted ~~

0 G)

from the zinc surface. This shows that only radiation c t:

c.. '-'
of sufficiently high frequency is able to eject electrons
from the zinc surface. Intensity ~

If a positively charged electroscope is used and lt is found that the photocurrent increases linearly with
ultra violet radiation allowed to fall on it, the the intensity of the incident radiation.
divergence of the leaf remains unchanged. This is Since the photoelectric current is directly proportional
because any electrons emitted from the zinc surface are to the number of photoelectrons emitted per second, it
immediately attracted back by the positive charges on implies that the number of photoelectrons emitted per
the electroscope. second is proportional to the intensity of the incident
Experiment II
The experimental setup consists of an evacuated bulb Effect of potential difference on photoelectric
with two zinc plates, cathode C and anode A. current ·
For a given metallic surface, keeping t~ntensity and
frequency of the incident radiation const~nt, the effect
of potential difference between the plates on the
photoelectric current can be studied.

L...-..----fJ+ I

--~ A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 327

- ---=
Photoelectric emission
Photo electric
---- Is (Vol
----- 12
----- I,
0..._--.,L-----------+ /- Frequency
po1ential /


-Vo 0 +
+-- Retarding potential A.node potmtial V~

When the positive potential of A is increased, the From the graph, it is found that at a frequency [ 0 , the
photoelectric current is also increased. However, if the value of the stopping potential is zero. This frequency
positive potential is further increased such that it is is known as the threshold frequency for the metal
large enough to collect all the photoelectrons emitted used. The photoelectric effect occurs above this
from the plate C, the photoelectric current reaches a frequency and ceases below it.
maximum value known as saturation current. Threshold frequency is the minimum frequency of
If the potential of plate A is made negative, the the incident radiation below which photoelectric
photocurrent does not immediately drop to zero but emission is completely impossible however high the
flows in the same direction as for positive potential. intensity of the incident radiation may be. The
If the negative or retarding potential is further threshold frequency is different for different metals.
increased, the photocurrent decreases and finally
becomes zero at a particular value called cut-off or Work function (Wo)
stopping potential. This is the minimum amount of energy that is required
to liberate an electron from the metal surface.
Stopping potential is the minimum potential which
reduces the photoelectric current to zero Einstein's equation of photoelectric effect
Energy of the incident photon = work function +
If m is the mass of the photoelectron emitted with a
kinetic energy of electron.
velocity Vmax' then its kinetic energy is ~mv~ax 1
hf = W0 +-mv 2
Since at stopping potential V0 , the fastest electron he
emitted is just prevented from reaching the plate A, Wo = hfo = -
work done in bringing the fastest electron to rest =
kinetic energy of the fastest electron. Examples
eV0 -
1 2
-mvmax 1. The work function of zinc is 6.8 X 10- 19 ]. What is
The experiment is repeated with the incident radiation threshold frequency for emission of photoelectrons
of the same frequency but higher intensities / 1 and / 2 . from zinc?
It is found that the saturation currents are proportional Solution
to the intensities of the radiation. The stopping Work function, W0 = hfo
potential remains the same for all the intensities. F = Wo = 6.8x1o-19 =' 1.03 X 1015Hz
10 h 6.6x1o-34
Thus, for a given frequency of the incident radiation,
the stopping potential is independent of its intensity. 2.A metallic surface when illuminated with light of
wavelength 3.33 X 10- 7 m emits electrons with
Variation of stopping potential with frequency of energies up to 0.6 eV. Calculate the work funcfunof
incident radiation the metal.
If the frequency of the incident radiation is plotted Solution
against the corresponding stopping potential, a straight
Work function, W0 = hfo - K. Emax
line is obtained as shown below. he
= "T-K.Emax
= 6.6x1o-34x3x1os - 0.6 X 1.9 X 10-19
3.33X10- 7
= 5 X 10-19 }
A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad i-2'8
r;;L.LH., lt:'l..llJ_OOJ_V.l..l.

3.Lithium has a work function of2.3 eV. It is exposed illuminated with light of wavelength 4 x
to light of wavelength 4.8 X 10- 7 m. Find the 10-7 m.
maximum kinetic energy with which the electron Solution
leaves the surface. What is the longest wavelength (a) W0 = 1.35 eV = 1.35 X 1.6 X 10-19
which can produce the photoelectrons? = 2.16 X 10- 19 1
Solution he
Wo = hfo = -
K.E = hf- W0 Ao
A _ 6.63X10-34 x3x10 8
he _
hf = he = 6.6x10- 34 x3x10 8 0- 2.16x1o- 19
W0 -
A. 4.8x1o-7
= 4.125 X 10- 19 j Ao = 9.208 x 10- 7 m
K.E = 4.125 X 10- 19 -2.3 X 1.6 X 10- 19 (b) A = 4 X 10- 7 m, Vmax =?
= 4.45 X 10-20 j hf = W0 + K.Emax
Work function, W0 = hfo =he ~ = Wo + K.Emax
A = he = 6.6X10-34x3x10B = 5.40 X 10-7m _6._63_x_1_o_-3_4-::x:-3x_1_o_s = 2 16 10-19 K E
0 w0 1
2.3x1.6x1o- 9 4X10 7 · X + · max
K.Emax = 2.8125 X 10- 19 1
1 2
4. When light of frequency 5.4 x 1014 Hz is incident K . Emax = zmVmax
on the metal surface, the maximum energy of the _ j2K.Emax
electrons emitted is 1.2 x 10-19 ]. If the same metal Vmax- m

surface is illuminated with light of frequency 6.6 X 2x2.s125x1o- 19 = 7.86 x 105 ms- 1
1014 Hz, the maximum energy of the electrons is 9.11X10 31
2.0 x 10- 19]. Using the data, calculate the K
= eVo 2.S125X10-19 =
(c) · Emax 1. 7 6 V
(i) value of Planck's constant h K.Emax -
Vo = --e- - 1. x
6 10
(ii) work function W0
(iii) threshold frequency and threshold wavelength
6. A monochromatic source emits a narrow, parallel
beam of light of wavelength 546 nm, the power in
(i) hf = W0 + ~mv 2 the beam being 0.080 W.
5.4 X 1014[ = W0 + 1.2 X 10- 19 ....... (i) (a) How many photons leave the source per
6.6 X 10 14[ = W0 + 2.0 X 10- 19 ........ (ii) second?
(ii) - (i) (b) If this beam falls on the cathode of a photocell,
1.2 X 1014 h = 0.8 X 10-19 what is the photocell current, assuming that
h = 6.67 x 10- 34 ]s 1.5 % of the photons incident on the cathode
(ii) 5.4 X 10 X 6.67 X 10- 34 = W0 + 1.2 X liberate electrons?
10-19 Solution
W0 = 2.4018 x 10-19 ] (a) Energy of photon, E = The
(iii) W0 = hf0 = 6.6x1o-34x3x10s = 3.626 X 10-19 J
f" = Wo = 2.4018x1o-19 = 3.6 X 1014Hz 546x1o- 9
Number of photons per second = :......__...;____
10 joules per second
h 6.67x1o- 34
c photon energy
(iv) fo =-
A.o 0.08 = 2.2 X 1017
3.626X10 19
Ao = .fo: ._ = 3.6X1014
- 8.3 X
10- m (b) Number of electrons liberated per second
=~X 2.2 X 10 7 = 3.3 X 1015
5. The value ofW0 = 1.35 eV Current = Electrons per second X e or I = ne
(a) What is the longest wavelength
I = 3.3 X 1015 X 1.6 X 10- 19
(b) What is the maximum velocity of photoelectrons
= 5.28 X 10-4 A
which will be emitted from caesium surface if
illuminated with light of wavelength 4 X 10-7 m?
(c) What p.d would just prevent the current from
passing through the caesium photocell

A MustHave A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 329

Photoelectric emission
Experimental verification of Einstein's equation frequency but independent of the intensity of the
incident radiation.
• There is no time lag between irradiation and
light '
emission i.e. photoelectric emission is

+ Classical theory (wave theory)

microammeter v According to the classical theory, electromagnetic
radiations are considered to be waves.
According to the quantum theory, electromagnetic
radiation is made up packets of energy called
• The anode is made more negative in potential The two theories do not contradict but play a
relative to the cathode. The electrons from the complementary rule. Certain properties of the
cathode experience a retarding p.d radiations can only be explained by the quantum theory
• The p.d V is increased until the current becomes e.g. photoelectric emission and black body radiation.
zero and the potential V0 is read from the Other properties like reflection, refraction, diffraction,
voltmeter. interference and polarization can only be explained by
• Different values of V0 are obtained using incident the wave/classical theory.
light of light of different frequency.
Failure of the classical wave theory to explain
• A graph of V0 is plotted against f
photoelectric emission
• A straight-line graph is obtained.
v • From the wave theory, radiation energy IS

uniformly spread over the whole wave front. It is
~ hie
noted that the electron absorbs only a fraction of
the total energy.
/ • The theory predicts or allows continuous
ol-- .( ~
absorption and accumulation of energy by an
electron. Whatever the frequency of the radiation,
v = -~e the electron should eventually be able to
accumulate enough energy to be free. There should
From Einstein's equation be no threshold frequency. Therefore, the theory
eV0 = hf- W0 fails to account for f 0 .
Vo = (;)t- :o • The theory states that the energy from the incident
radiation would be continuously supplied to an
!!:. is the gradient of the line and - Wo is the intercept
e - e electron. The electron would take some time to
which verifies Einstein's equation. accumulate sufficient energy that would enable it
to escape from the metal surface. Thus, the
Experimental observations/ laws/ characteristics/ emission of the photoelectrons would not be
features of photoelectric emission instantaneous i.e. there is a time lag.
• For any metal, there is a minimum frequency of • Increasing the intensity would mean more energy
the incident radiation below which no and hence greater values of maximum kinetic
photoelectric emission takes place irrespective of energy of electrons. However maximum kinetic
the intensity ofthe incident radiation energy depends on the frequency of the radiation
• The photocurrent or number of electrons emitted and not intensity.
per second is directly proportional to the intensity
of the incident radiation. Explanation using the quantum theory
• The kinetic of photoelectrons ranges from 0 to According to the quantum theory, radiation IS
maximum and the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted and absorbed in separate packets of energy
photoelectrons emitted is directly proportional to called photons. Energy pf a photon E = hf
\,, ~ '';' ':~
A Must Have A-Level Phys1cs by Kawuma Fahad 330 ·
.Photoelectric emiSSIOn
When a single photon interacts with an electron on the A thin platinum wire A is connected to the positive
metal surface, it gives all or none of its energy. This terminal of the battery and kept along the axis of the
implies that only one electron absorbs energy of one metal plate C and this serves as the anode.
photon. When a light of suitable wavelength falls on the
• The higher the intensity of the radiation, the higher cathode, photoelectrons are emitted which are attracted
the number of photons. Therefore, the number of by the anode.
photoelectrons/photocurrent is proportional to the The resulting current is measured by a microammeter.
number of incident photons( intensity) The current produced by this type of cell is
• Of the photons energy hf, part is used to overcome proportional to the intensity of the incident light for a
attraction of the electron by the metal surface and the given frequency.
rest appears as kinetic energy of the emitted electron.
Minimum energy required to emit an electron W0 = Applications of photoelectric cells
hf0 . Thus below { 0 , no photoelectric emission • Photoelectric cells are used for reproducing
occurs. sound in cinematography.
• Increasing frequency of the incident radiation • They are used for controlling the temperature of
increases energy of the photons so maximum kinetic furnaces
energy increases with frequency. • Photoelectric cells are used for automatic
• Increasing intensity only increases the number of switching off and switching on traffic lights
photons of the radiation but the energy of each • They are used in the study of temperature and
photon remains the same. Therefore, the same spectra of stars
amount of energy will be available for each electron • They are used in automatic opening and closing
so maximum kinetic energy is independent of the of doors
intensity of the radiation. • Photoelectric cells are used in burglar alarms and
fire alarms
Photoelectric cells and their applications In burglar alarm, ultraviolet light is continuously
The photoelectric cell is a device which converts light made to fall on the photocell installed at the door
energy to electrical energy. The photoelectric cells are way. A person entering the door interrupts the
of three types. beam falling on the photocell. The abrupt change
(i) Photo emissive cell in the photocurrent is used to start an electric bell
(ii) Photo voltaic cell nngmg.
(iii) Photo conductive cell In fire alarm, a number of photocells are installed
A simple photo emissive cell is shown below. at suitable places in a building. In the event of
breaking out of fire, light radiations fall upon the
photocell. This completes the electric circuit
through an electric bell or siren which starts
operating as a warning signal.

Experiment to determine Planck's constant


lt consists of a highly evacuated bulb B made of glass

or quartz. A semi cylindrical metal plate C connected
to the negative terminal of a battery acts as cathode.
This plate is coated with a low work function material
such as caesium oxide in order to get a large number +
of photoelectrons.

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad :SZl

Photoelectric emission
A radiation of known frequency f > fo is incident on E =hf
the metal cathode of a photocell According to Einstein's mass energy relation, a mass
A p.d V is varied from zero until the photocurrent m is equivalent to energy.•
measured by the microammeter is zero. E =mc 2
The p.d at this point is recorded as stopping potential If hf = mc 2
V0 and it is measured by a voltmeter. he
-=me 2
The procedure is repeated with other known
frequencies f of the radiations. il =~
The results are tabulated and a graph of V0 against f is For a particle moving with a velocity, v, if c = v, then
plotted. il=~=~
mv p
The slope S is calculated.
where p = mv, the momentum of the particle
Planck's constant h = Se where e is the electronic
Wave mechanical concept of the atom
According to the de Broglie's hypothesis, an electron
Experiment to determine the stopping potential
of mass m in motion with velocity v is associated with
and maximum kinetic energy
a wave whose wavelength il is given by
il =~where his Planck's constant
On the basis of de Broglie's hypothesis, an atom model
was proposed in which the stationary orbits of Bohr's
model were retained but with difference that an
electron in various orbits behaves as a wave.


C':> /'"'\ ......... C7\ C> i"'"""-

v <::::7 """"" <::::> 'CJ-c:;:;

It was suggested that stationary orbits are those in

A radiation of known frequency f > fo is incident on which the orbital circumference (2rrr) is an integral
the metal cathode of a photocell multiple of the de Broglie wavelength.
A p.d V is varied from zero until the photocurrent 2rrr =nil
measured by the microammeter is zero. where n = 1, 2, 3, .... and r is the radius of the circular
The p.d at this point is recorded as stopping potential orbit.
V0 and it is measured by a voltmeter.
2rrr = n (~v)
K. Emax = eV0 where e is the electronic charge
Matter waves From the above equation, it is seen that the total
The radiant energy has dual aspects of particle and angular momentum of the moving electron is an
wave hence a natural question arises; if radiation has integral multiple of..!!:....
dual nature, why not the matter? 2rr
Thus, de Broglie's concept confirms Bohr's postulate
Louis de Broglie put forward the hypothesis that
moving particles should possess wave-like properties
under suitable conditions. r~~l~~~,f!t~!ititt{}~r~-~-
l.A metal surface is illuminated with monochromatic
de Broglie's wavelength of matter waves light and it becomes charged to a positive potential
de Broglie equated the energy equations of Planck of 1.0 V relative to its surroundings. The work
(wave) and Einstein (particle). function energy of the metal surface is 3.0 eV.
For a wave of frequency f, the energy associated with Calculate the frequency of light.
each photon is given by Planck's equation [Ans: 0.97 x 1015 Hz]

A Must Have A-Level Physics by ]{aw_!!ma_fahad j~:J2

.L .LlU\.IUV~'C'\,.;LI.J...J..'--' .._..~_.......,..., ........, ........

2. A clean surface is irradiated with the light of ( i) How many photons per second are emitted by
wavelength 5.5 X 10- 7 m and electrons are just the laser?
able to escape from ·the surface. When light of (ii) lf the beam falls on the caesium cathode of a
wavelength 5.0 X 10- 7 m is used, electrons photocell, what photoelectric current would be
emerge with energies of up to 3.6 X 10- 20 ]. Find observed assuming 10% of the photons are able
to eject an electron
the value of the Planck's constant.
(iii) Given that the limiting frequency of caesium is
[Ans: 6.6 x 10- 34 ]s]
5.2 X 1014 Hz, what reverse potential
3. Ultra violet light of wavelength 12.2 nm is shone
difference between the cell ele.ctrodes is needed
onto a metal surface. The work function of the metal
to suppress the photocell current?
is 6.20 eV. [Ans: (i) 2.5 x 1017 s- 1 (ii) 3.9 rnA (iii) 0.39 V]
(a) Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of the 10. Caesium has a work function of 1.9 eV. Find the
emitted photoelectrons (i) threshold wavelength
(b) Show that the maximum speed of these (ii) maximum energy of the liberated electrons
photoelectrons is 6.0 x 10 6 ms- 1 (iii) the stopping p.d
[Ans: (a) 1.53 x 10-17 ]] [Ans: (i) 6.5 x 10-7 m (ii) 1.4 x 10- 19 ] (iii)
4.Electromagnetic radiation of frequency 0.9 V]
15 11. Sodium has a work function of2.0 eV. Calculate
0.88 X 10 Hz falls upon a surface whose work
function is 2.5 V. the maximum energy and speed of the emitted
(a) Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of electrons when sodium is illuminated by radiation
photoelectrons released from the surface of wavelength 150 nm. What is the least frequency
of radiation for which electrons are emitted?
(b) If a nearby electrode is made negative with respect
[Ans: 13.2 x 10-19 ], 1.5 x 10- 6 ms-1, 4.8 x
to the first surface using a p.d V, what value ofV
1014 Hz]
is just sufficient to stop the photoelectrons from
12. If a photo emissive surface has a threshold
reaching the negative electrode?
wavelength 0.65 Jlm, calculate
[Ans: (a) 1.125 eV (b) 1.125 V]
(i) its threshold frequency
5. Light of frequency 5.0 x 1014 Hz liberates (ii) work function in eV
electrons with energy 2.31 X 10- 19 ] from a (iii) maximum speed of the electrons emitted by
certain metallic surface. What is the wavelength of violet light of wavelength 0.40 Jlffi.
ultra-violet light which liberates electrons of energy [Ans: (i) 4.6 X 1014 Hz (ii) 1.9 eV (iii) 6.5 x
8.93 X 10- 19 ] from the same surface? 10 5 ms- 1 ]
[Ans: 2.0 x 10- 7 m] 13. Light of photon energy 3.5 eV is incident on a
6. In an experiment on the photoelectric effect using plane photocathode of work function 2.5 V. Parallel
radiation of wavelength 4.0 X 10- 7 m, the and close to the cathode is a plane collecting
maximum electron energy was observed to be electrode. The cathode and collector are mounted in
1.40 X 10-19 ]. With radiation of wavelength an evacuated tube.
3.0 X 10- 7 m, the maximum energy was 3.06 x (a)Find the maximum kinetic energy of
10- 19 ]. Calculate the value of Planck's constant. photoelectrons emitted from the cathode.
[Ans: 6.64 x 10- 34 ]s] (b)Find the minimum value of the potential difference
7.An a-particle accelerated between a pair of parallel which should be applied between the collector
plates in a vacuum tube acquires a kinetic energy of and the cathode in order to prevent electrons of
103 eV. What is the potential difference between the maximum energy from reaching the collector for
plates? [Ans: 500 V] electrons emitted
8. The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons (i) normal to the cathode
ejected from a tungsten surface by monochromatic (ii) at an angle of 60° to the cathode.
light of wavelength 248 nm was found to be 8.6 x [Ans: (a) 1 eV (b)(i) 1 V (ii) 0.75 V]
10- 20 ]. Find the work function of the target.
[Ans: 4.45 eV]
9.An argon laser emits a beam of light of wavelength
4.88 X 10- 7 m, the power in the beam being

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 333

--=:r ---- - ....ia.
Atomic structure
+2."~~-4':·~:/ S." 0- ~~"';
• Few a-particles are deflected or scattered
through small angles < 90°. This is due to
Rutherford's a-particle scattering experiment
repulsion by the positive charge in the nucleus.
A fine beam of a-particles was obtained from a
• Very few a-particles are scattered through large
radioactive material like radium or radon by placing it
angles > 90°. This is because the nucleus
in a lead box with a narrow opening.
occupies a small portion of the available space
of the atom. So the chance of a head on collision
is very small.
~ • t l\ gold foil Conclusion
• The positive charge of the atom and nearly all
the mass are concentrated in a very small
+--- movable microscope volume at the centre.
• Electrons were moving very fast and hence
fluorescent their effect on a-particles was negligible
The a-particles are emitted from the source in all
• Electrons are in motion in spheres around the
nucleus and the volume of the atom is
possible directions but only a narrow beam emerges
accounted for by this electron cloud.
from the lead box. The remaining particles are
absorbed in the lead box.
Rutherford' model of the atom
After passing through the lead plates, a narrow beam
An atom consists of a positive charge confined to
of a-particles incident on a gold foil is scattered
the centre where most of the mass is concentrated.
through different angles. The scattered a-particles
Electrons round the nucleus in circular orbits. The
strike a fluorescent screen coated with zinc sulphide.
electron cloud accounts for the volume of the atom.
When the a-particles strike the screen, tiny flashes of
light are produced. The observations can be made with
the help of a low power microscope.
An a-particle directed towards the centre of the
nucleus will move up to a distance To where its kinetic
energy will appear as electrostatic potential energy.
The experiment is carried out in a vacuum because the
After this, the a-particle begins to retrace its path.
range of a-particles in air is limited so the vacuum
Let m and v be the mass and velocity of the a-particle
allows the a-particles to reach the gold foil and the
directed towards the centre of the nucleus.
screen beyond the foil.
K.E ofthe a-particle= ~mv

Analysis Charge of a-particle= 2e

Charge of nucleus = Z e
Electrostatic potential energy = (2 e)(ze).
4rre 0 r 0
where Z is the atomic number of the atom and e0 , the
permeability of free space.
a-panicles 0 nucleus On reaching the distance of closest approach, T0 , the
kinetic energy of the a-particle appears as its potential
K.E =E.P.E
1 2Ze 2
-mv 2 = - -
2 4rrE0 T0
• Most a-particles passed through the thin gold
foil undeflected. This is because most space in
the atom is empty

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad ~3'1 1

1\.l.Oillll: t:;l.rUl:~u.t t::

Examples Rutherford's failures/ Draw backs

1. a-particles of mass 4u moving with a velocity of Rutherford's atomic model offered serious
2 x 10 7 ms- 1 are accelerated towards a gold difficulties as regards the stability of the atom. The
nucleus of atomic number 79. Find the distance of following are the draw backs of Rutherford's model.
closest approach of the a-particle towards the (i) An orbiting electron is constantly changing its
nucleus. direction and therefore has acceleration due to
Solution electric charges
m = 4u = 4 x 1.66 x 10- 27 kg (ii) In classical physics, charges undergoing
v = 2 x 10 7 ms- 1 , z = 79 acceleration emit electromagnetic radiations and
1 2 2Ze 2 therefore they would lose energy. This implies
4rrt: r 0 0 the electron would move (spiral) towards the
1 4Ze 2
r.0 - -- -- nucleus and the atom would collapse or cease
- 4rrE • mv 2
2 within a short time yet the atom is in a stable
T. _ 9X10 9 X4X79X(1.6X10- 1 9)
0 - 4x1.66x1o- 27
structure. Thus the atom cannot be stable.
r0 = 2.74 x 10- 14
m (iii) Since the electrons are continuously accelerating
around the nucleus, continuous emission
2.An alpha particle is projected with an energy of 4 spectrum should be emitted by the atom.
MeV directly towards a gold nucleus. Calculate the However, experimental observations show that
distance of its closest approach given that the it is line emission which occurs.
atomic number of Gold is 79.
Energy of a-particle= 4 MeV :~Ji~'si)~iiilrt!~~~· ' ~'"' s';
= 4 X 106 X 1.6 X 10- 19 = 6.4 X 10-13 j Bohr modified Rutherford's atomic model in order
Z = 79,r0 =? to explain the stability of the atom and the emission of
sharp spectral lines. He proposed the following
K.E = 2Zez
4rrE 0 r 0 postulates
1 zze 2 (i) An electron cannot revolve round the nucleus in
r.0 =4rrE
-- •- -
K.E 0
all possible orbits. The electrons can revolve
r. = 9x1o 9 xzx79x ( 1.6x10 -19) = _ X _ 14 m round the nucleus only in those allowed or
0 6.4X10- 13
5 688 10
permissible orbits for which the angular
momentum of the electron is an integral multiple
$~.(r-Evaluation exerc}S~\, '''"'
1. a-particles travelling at a speed of3.0 X of.!:... where his Planck's constant
strike a block of gold. By assuming that the gold These electrons are called stationary orbits or non-
atoms are fixed in the block, calculate the nearest radiating orbits and an electron revolving in these
distance that an a-particle came to a gold nucleus. orbits does not radiate any energy.
(mass of a-particle = 6.8 X 10- 2 ~ kg, atomic If m and v are the mass and velocity of the electron
number of gold = 79, permittivity of free space = in a permitted orbit of radius r, then
8.9 x 10- 12 Fm- 1 ) [Ans: 1.2 x 10-12 m] Angular momentum = mvr = -nh
2. In the Rutherford's a-particle scattering experiment, n is called the principal quantum number and has
a-particles of mass 7 X 10- 27 kg and speed 2 X integral values 1, 2, 3, ...... .
10 7 ms- 1 were fired at a gold foil. What was the (ii) An atom radiates energy only when an electron
closest distance of approach between an a-particle jumps from a stationary orbit ofhigher energy to
and a gold nucleus? (Atomic number of gold= 79) an orbit of lower energy. If an electron jumps
[Ans: 2.6 x 10-14 m] from an orbit of energy £ 2 to an orbit of energy
3. Calculate the distance of closest approach of a- =
£ 1 , a photon of energy hf £ 2 - £ 1 is emined..
particles to the copper nucleus when a-particles of 5
MeV are scattered back by a thin sheet of copper.
(Atomic number of copper= 29)
[Ans: 1.67 x 10-14 m]

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma f;;:-.Jo..o D5

Atomic structure

Raal.fis~,Qf~t~~~~;;, ,~ '~~' 1 1 Ze 2

-mvn2 = - - . -
2 8:n:E0 Tn
Consider a Bohr atom whose nucleus has a positive e2
charge e. Let an electron revolve around the nucleus in EK=--
the nth orbit of radius rn Total energy of an electron in the nth orbit is
Electrostatic force of attraction between the nucleus e2 e2
1 (e)(e) En= Ep +EK = -4:n:E0rn
- - +8:n:E
and electron = - - . - -
4:n:E 0 Tn e2

Since the electron revolves in a circular orbit, it 8n:E0rn
experiences a centripetal force. Substituting for rn gives;
mv 2 e2
F = --.....!!. = mrnw~ E ---
n -
8:n:Eo rrme2
where m is the mass of the electron, Vn and Wn are me 4

the linear and angular velocity of the electron in the E

= ----=--
8E~n h 2 2

nth orbit respectively. Substituting the known values and calculating m

13 6
The necessary centripetal force is provided by the electron volt, En =- n
~ eV
electrostatic force of attraction.
As there is a negative sign, it is seen that the energy of
1 e2- 2
- - ·2-mrnwn
4:n:E Tn
the electron in its orbit increases as n increases.
2- e2 . Electrons are bound to the nucleus of the atom so work
Wn- 2 ••••••••• (t)
4:n:E0 mrn has to be done against the attraction binding the
angular momentum of an electron in the nth orbit electrons in the atom.
= mvnrn = mrJwn
nh Bohr atom
By Bohr's postulate, mrn2 Wn = -
nh This is an atom with a small central positive nucleus
Wn = 2:n:mr2n with electrons revolving round it only in certain
Squanng both stdes, Wn -
. . 2 - n2h2
(n) allowed circular orbits and while in these orbits, do not
4:n: 2 m 2 Tn4
emit radiations but when an electron makes transition
From equations (i) and (ii); from an orbit of higher energy to one of lower energy,
e2 n2h2
an electromagnetic radiation is emitted of frequency
4rrcomr..n2 - 4rr 2 m 2 r..n4 given by !1E = hf

Shortcomings of the Bohr's theory or model of the

Note: It is seen that the radius of the nth orbit is atom
proportional to the square of the principal quantum Bohr's theory was able to explain a number of
number i.e. rn oc n 2 . Therefore the radii of the orbits experimental observations and correctly predicted the
are in the ratio 1 : 4 : 9 ........ . spectral lines of hydrogen atom. However, it fails in
the following aspects.
Energy of an elect,ron in the nth orbit • The theory could not account for the spectra of
The total energy of the electron is the sum of its atoms more complex than hydrogen
potential energy and kinetic energy in its orbit. • The theory does not give any information
regarding the distribution of electrons in the
e • It does not explain the experimentally observed
variations in intensity of the spectral lines ofthe
For hydrogen atom, Z = 1 • Bohr's theory failed to account for the fine
Potential energy, E p =
(Ze)( -e)
=- - e
- structure of the spectral lines ofHydrogen.
4:n:E0rn 4:n:EoTn
• Bohr said the electron orbits are circular but
. . energy, EK = 2mvn
Kmet1c 1 2
were discovered by Sommerfeld to be elliptical.
1 Ze 2 • It could not explain the Zeeman and Stark effect.
From-- .-=mv~
4:n:Eo Tn

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad ~36

Atomic structure
Spectral series of hydrogen atoms Paschen's series
Whenever an electron in a hydrogen atom jumps These correspond to a series of lines with different
from higher energy level to lower energy level, the frequency or wavelength emitted by an electron
differences in energies of the two levels is emitted as a jumping from excited states to the second excited state
radiation of particular wavelength. It is called a (n = 3). They correspond to the infrared part of the
spectral line. spectrum.
As the wavelength of the spectral line depends upon
the two orbits (energy levels) between which the Ionisation energy
transition of electron takes place, various spectral lines This is the energy required to remove an electron
are obtained. completely from an atom in its ground state to infinity.
The different wavelengths constitute spectral lines Ionisation energy = Eco - E1
which are characteristic of the atoms emitting them. = 0- ( -13.6) = 13.6 eV
The spectral series of the hydrogen atom include the Ionisation potential = 13.6 V
Lyman series, Balmer series, Paschen series, Brackett Both ionisation energy and ionisation potential
series and Pfund series. have the same numerical values but different units

Energy level diagram Examples

1. Hydrogen atom in its ground state is excited by
u.v Visible fu:frared
radiation spectrum radiation
means of a monochromatic radiation of
Eoo ------------ ------------------r----------------- ---------n = oo wavelength 9.706 X 10- 8 m.
-----,~------~~------11r----n=6 (a) How many different transitions are possible in
the resulting emission spectrum?
I n =4 I
1 1 1 j
17 = 3
(b) Find the longest wavelength among these
(Ionisation energy of hydrogen in its ground state is
~tl_ series n =2 13.6 eV, take h = 6.6 x 10- 34 ]s)
Ez I I I I I I Bzlmec
scncs Solution

E1 n= 1 . he 6.6x1o- 34 x3x10 8
Lyman Ground Energy of the exctted state, E = -;- = _
A 9.706X10-
senes state
E = 2.04 X 10-18 j
Energy associated with the nth orbit of the hydrogen 2 04 10 18
E= " x - eV = 12.75 eV
. gtven
atom ts . by En = - 13.6
n2 e
V 1.6X1Q-19
12.75 =En- (-13.6)
Energy associated with the first orbit of the hydrogen
atom is En= 12.75 -13.6 = -0.85 eV
E1 = - :~ eV = -13.6 eV
1 6
B ut En = -nz-
Jt is called the ground state of the hydrogen atom 13.6 - 16
n 2 -- -13.6
-- - - --
w hen n = oo, Eco = - 13.6
oo2 =0 n=4
The number of possible transitions in going to the
Lyman series lower state and hence the number of different
These correspond to a series of lines with different wavelengths in the spectrum will be six as shown
frequency or wavelength emitted by an electron from below.
excited states to the ground state. They correspond to 11
ultra violet part of the spectrum
1 3

Balmer series
These correspond to a series of lines with different 1 2

frequency or wavelength emitted by an electron J

jumping from excited states to the first excited state
(n = 2). They correspond to the visible part of the j

---~---- A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 337

. / ___,J
Atomic structure
(b) The longest wavelength corresponds to minimum SeJr~Ji:YaiR~ti;~n~~~tc•s~;';;_,;
energy difference (i.e. for transition 4 ~ 3) !.Explain the results of Rutherford a-particle
1 6
£3 =- :; = -1.51 eV scattering experiment.
he 2.What are the drawbacks of Rutherford atom model?£4-£3
max 3.State the postulates ofBohr atom model
he = (-0.85- -1.51) 4.0btain the expression for the radius of the nth orbit
6.6X10- 34 X3X10 8
of an electron based on Bohr's theory.
Amax = (1.51-0.85)X1.6XlO-l9 5. Prove that the energy of an electron for hydrogen
Amax = 1.875 X 10- 6 m atom in the nth orbit of an electron based on Bohr's
. -me 4
theory IS En = 8E02 n 2 h
Line emission spectrum
It is emitted when atoms of elements are excited 6.Explain the spectral series ofhydrogen atom
in some form of heat from electricity. 7. What is meant by energy level diagram?
When electrons make a transition to higher energy 8. The diagram below shows some of the energy levels
levels, the atoms become unstable since energy is for atomic hydrogen
increased. Electron transition may occur to a vacancy - - - - - - - - - - - - -1,51 oV
left in the lower energy level and an electromagnetic - - - - - - - - - - - - -3.39oV
radiation is emitted and lines formed on the spectrum.
The lines appear bright against a dark background.
These lines are separated and discontinuous and this
gives evidence that energy levels of an atom are
separate. - - - - - - - - - - -l3.6eV
IdentifY the transition which would result in the
Line spectrum are discontinuous lines produced by emission of light of wavelength 660 nm.
excited atoms and ions as they fall back to the lower [Ans: from -3.39 to- 1.51 eV]
energy levels 9. The figure below represents the four lowest energy
levels of the hydrogen atom
Line absorption spectrum - - - - - - - - - - - -0.85eV
An atom's energy can change only by discrete - - - - - - - - - - - -1.50eV
- - - - - - - - - - - -3.40c:V
amounts. If a photon of energy hf is just enough to
excite the atoms, an electron can jump to one of the
higher energy levels and the photon will be absorbed.
- - - - - - - - - - - -J3.60c:V
The intensity of the incident radiation is reduced since
it has lost a photon. (a) Calculate the longest wavelength of the spectral
A dark line on a white background is observed whose lines which might be emitted
wavelength - or frequency is that of the absorbed (b) Determine the total number of different spectral
photon. This forms the line absorption spectrum. lines which might be detected in the emission
spectrum of atomic hydrogen due to transitions
between these four energy levels
(c) Explain briefly what is meant by ground first
excited state and ionisation energy
(d) When two hydrogen atoms collide, one or both
of them may be boosted
[Ans: (a) 1.9 x 10-6 m (b) 6
10. (a) Explain what is meant by electron energy
levels in an atom.
(b) How does this concept account for the
characteristic emission spectrum of an element?
(c) The diagram below represents the lowest energy
levels of the electron in the hydrogen atom, giving

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 338

Atomic structure
the principal quantum number n associated with Energy
each level and the corresponding values of the n - 6 -0.60 X 10- 19 J
energy. 5 -0.87 X 10- 19 J
n Energy in eV
4 -1.36 X 10-19 J
6 -0.38
5 -0.54 B
4 QU 3 -2.42 X 10- 19 J

3 fA 1.51 A

2 3.39
2 - -5.43 X 10- 19 j

Ground state -21.7 x 10- 19 J

Ground state
-----....;..~.;.;;,.;;...;;.:.:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13.6
(i) Calculate the wavelength of the lines arising
(i) Why are the energies quoted with negative from the transitions marked A, B, C, D on the
values? figure
(ii) Calculate the wavelength of the line arising from (ii) Show that the other transitions that can occur
the transition A, indicating in which region of the give rise to lines which are either in the
electromagnetic spectrum this occurs. ultraviolet or the infrared regions of the
(iii) What happens when 13.6 eV of energy IS spectrum
absorbed by a hydrogen atom in ground state? [Ans: (i) 661 nm, 489 nm, 436 nm, 412 nm]
[Ans: (c) (ii) 6.6 x 10-7 m]
11. Some ofthe energy levels ofthe hydrogen atom
are shown in the diagram
E"nergy/eV o.~.OO:::.,_ _ _ _ _ _ __





-13.58 Ground state

1 eV = 1.6X 10- 19 J
(a) State which transition will result in the
emission of radiation of \Vavelength 487 nm
(b) What is likely to happen to a beam of photons
of energy
(i) 12.07 eV
(ii) 5.25 eV, when passed through a
vapour of atomic hydrogen?
12. (a) What are the chief characteristics of a line
(b) The figure below representing the lowest
energy levels of the electron in the hydrogen
atom. gives the principal quantum number n
associated with each, and corresponding value of
the energy, measured in joules
cfb ~ A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 339
Electronic deviceE
~ ~~~w,'c-',>~"L',~ ~-:~~~ ~, ~
However, if the anode is at a negative potential relative
to the cathode, no electrons reach the anode and the
Electronic devices are components for controlling the diode does not conduct due to a repulsive effect on the
flow of electrical currents for the purpose of electrons.
information processing and system control. Prominent
Anode current, Ia is read from the milliammeter and
examples include transistors and diodes. Electronic
the voltmeter reading gives the anode potential Va
devices are usually small and can be grouped together
into packages called integrated circuits
A graph of I a against V a
Thermionic diode current
The thermionic diode is used to rectifY alternating
currents. lt has two electrodes i.e. the anode and the Is ---------------JC

--'-- • Anode

A Anode voltage

, "" I Cathode
• At A, Va is zero since electrons are emitted by the
cathode is a range of velocities. Some of the
electrons have sufficient energy to reach the anode
, j Heater
and a very small current is registered. The majority
The cathode is heated and emits electrons by the of the electrons with low kinetic energy gather
process of thermionic emission. When the anode is around the cathode to form an electron cloud
positive with respect to the cathode, the electrons which has a space charge.
emitted by the cathode are drawn to the anode and
current flows. When the anode is negative with respect
• Along AB, as Va increases, the space charge
decreases and an increased number of electrons
to the cathode, the electrons are unable to reach the
reach the anode hence anode current increasing.
anode and there is no current flow.
This current is said to be space charge limited. In
The device is often referred to as a diode valve because
this case, the number of electrons collected by the
it allows current to pass in one direction only.
anode is less than the number of electrons emitted
by the cathode.
Diode characteristics
• Along BC, when the p.d is sufficiently large, all
electrons emitted by the cathode reach the anode.
The space charge ceases to exist and the current
reaches a maximum value called saturation
current. This current is said to be temperature
E.H.T limited. In this case, the number of electrons
emitted by the cathode is equal to the number of
electrons collected by the anode.
1. Space charge is the negative charge of the
When the cathode filament is heated with current from electron cloud.
low voltage supply, electrons are emitted 2. Anode resistance Ra = LWa
thermionically. If the anode is kept at a positive 3. At higher temperature, saturation current
potential Va relative to the cathode by using a variable increases therefore more electrons are emitted
voltage from the E.H.T supply, some electrons move from the cathode at higher temperature as shown
from cathode to anode due to an attractive effect on below
them and therefore the diode conducts.

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 3~'Q

Electronic devices
I\ I,
T3 > T2 > T1
Conduction band Conduction band i !. .\)'
Tz 1't •I ;,--.
r1 \I \j
\' i \• • .•
\, \I
Valence band
o eo • o •
Valence band =:::::@)=:::::~
Anode voltage ~ M ~

While coming out of the bond, a hole is said to be

Transistors created at its place which is usually represented by an
Transistors are electronic devices made from open circle. Since an electron has a unit negative
semiconductors. They are used as automatic switches charge, the hole is associated with a unit positive
and amplifiers in circuits. charge.
The importance of a hole is that it may serve as a
Semi-conductors carrier of electricity in the same manner as the free
Certain materials like germanium, silicon, carbon, etc. electron but in the opposite direction.
have resistivity between good conductors like copper
and insulators like glass. These are known as Intrinsic semiconductor
semiconductors. A semiconductor which is pure and contains no
The resistivity of a semiconductor lies approximately impurity is known as an intrinsic semiconductor. In an
between 0.01 !1m and 10000 !1m at room intrinsic semiconductor, the number of free electrons
temperature. The resistance of a semiconductor and holes equal.
decreases with increase in temperature over a Common examples of intrinsic semiconductors are
particular temperature range. This behavior is contrary pure germanium and silicon.
to that of a metallic conductor for which the resistance
increases with increase in temperature. Doping a semiconductor
Germanium and silicon are mostly widely used as Electrons and holes can be generated in a
semiconductors. semiconductor crystal with heat or light energy but in
these cases, the conductivity remains low. The
Electrons and boles in semiconductors efficient and convenient method of generating free
Figures (a) and (b) represent the charge carriers at electrons and holes is to add a very small amount of
absolute zero temperature and at room temperature selected impurity inside the crystal.
respectively. The process of addition of a very small amount of
The electrons in an intrinsic semiconductor which impurity into an intrinsic semiconductor is called
move into the conduction band at high temperatures doping. The impurity atoms are called dopants.
are called intrinsic carriers.
In the valence band, a vacancy is created at the place Methods of doping a semiconductor
where the electron was present before it had moved 1. The impurity atoms are added to the
into the conduction band. This vacancy is called bole. semiconductor in its molten state.
Figure (c) helps in understanding the creation of a hole. 2. The pure semiconductor is bombarded by ions
Consider the case of pure germanium crystal. It has of impurity atoms
four electrons in its outer or valence orbit. These 3. When the semiconductor crystal containing
electrons are known as valence electrons. When two the impurity atoms is heated, the impurity
atoms of germanium are brought close to each other, a atoms diffuse into the hot crystal.
covalent bond is formed between the atoms. If some
energy is received, one of the electrons contributing to Extrinsic semiconductor
the covalent bond breaks and it is free to move in the An extrinsic semiconductor is one in which an
crystal lattice. impurity with a valence higher or lower than the
valence of the pure semiconductor is added so as to

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 341

d. /'..,.
Electronic deviceE
increase the electrical conductivity of the Symbol for a semiconductor diode
semiconductor. The diode symbol is shown in the figure below. The
Depending on the type of impurity atoms added, an arrow on the diode points in the direction of convection
extrinsic semiconductor can be classified as N - type current.
or P-type.
PN junction diode
If one side of a single crystal of pure semiconductor is
Forward bias characteristics
doped with acceptor impurity atoms, a PN junction is
The circuit for the study of forward bias characteristics
formed as shown below.
of PN junction diode is shown below. The voltage
.. - I+··---...
,r••~····t between the P-end and N- end is increased from zero
~ ! (j;f Donor atom in suitable equal steps and the corresponding currents
~ i
e+ e+ e+ ee EB61~ EB- EB- ar 8 + Acceptor atom noted down.
e+ e+ e+ ee tl1tl1l ar ar ar + Holes
e+ e+ e .. ee EBEa! 61- Elf EB-
Electrons +
p N

P region has a high concentration of holes and N

region contains a large number of electrons.
(a) Diode circuit-Forward bias
Forward biased PN junction diode
When the positive terminal of the battery is connected
to the P -side and the negative terminal to the N - i
side, so that the potential difference acts in opposite Ir
direction, then the PN junction diode is said to be
forward biased.

e+e+e+ei ~e-e- EJJ- e- Vr (volt)~

e+e+e+e+; ie-e-E!je-
{b) Forward characteristics
e+e+e+e1 ie-e- EJJ- e-
p Figure (b) shows the forward bias characteristic curve
of the diode.
Voltage is the independent variable thus plotted along
+ the X -axis. The following conclusions can be made
• The forward characteristic is not a straight line
Reverse biased PN junction diode hence the ratio~ is not constant i.e. the diode does
When the positive terminal of the battery is connected
not obey ohm's law. This implies that the
to theN- side and the negative terminal to the P- side,
semiconductor diode is a non -linear conductor of
so that the applied potential difference is in the same
direction as that of barrier potential, the junction diode
• Initially, the current is very small. This is because
is said to be reverse biased.
the diode will start conducting, only when the
e+e+ ee EJJ e
Ef1- Ef1- external voltage overcomes the barrier potential.
The voltage at which the current starts to increase
e+e+ ee ee Ef1-e-
rapidly is known as cut- in voltage or knee voltage
e+e+ ee ee ~e- of the diode.
p N

A Must Have A-:-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad i42

Electronic devices
Reverse bias characteristics Step down

The circuit for the study of reverse bias characteristics transfonner
of PN junction diode is shown in the figure (a). The
voltage is increase from zero in suitable steps. For each Line
voltage (j)
voltage, the corresponding current readings are noted from an
down. Figure (b) shows the reverse bias characteristic
curve of the diode. Pz

p..._ IN
The a.c voltage (\'s) to be rectified is obtained across
the secondary ends 51 and 52 of the transformer.
The P - end of the diode D is connected to 51 of the
71; Vr 71) 1,.
+ + secondary coil of the transformer.
TheN -end of the diode is connected to the other end
52 of the secondary coil of the transformer through a
(a} Diode circuit-Reverse bias load resistance R1 .
The rectified output voltage Vdc appears across the
+-- vr (volt)
load resistance R1 .
During the positive half cycle of the input a.c voltage
1r (J.ii\) \'s, sl will be positive and the diode is forward biased

1 and hence it conducts. Therefore, current flows

through the circuit and there is a voltage drop across
(b) Reverse c1wracteristics During the negative half cycle of the input a.c voltage
From the characteristic curve, it can be concluded that \'s, 51 will be negative and the diode is reverse biased
as voltage is increased from zero, reverse current (in hence does not conduct.
the order of micoamperes) increases and reaches the No current flows through the circuit and the voltage
maximum value at a small value of the reverse voltage. drop across R1 will be zero. Hence no output voltage
When the voltage is further increased, the current is is obtained.
almost independent of the reverse voltage up to a
certain critical value. This reverse current is known as 51! rot
the reverse saturation current or leakage current. This (a) input
current is due to the minority charge carriers which
depends on the junction temperature.

PN junction diode as rectifier rot

The process in which alternating voltage or alternating (b) output

current is converted into direct voltage or direct current

is known as rectification. The device used for this Full wave rectification (Bridge rectifier)
process is called a rectifier. The junction diode has the A bridge rectifier is shown in the figure below. There
property of offering low resistance and allowing are four diodes D1 , D2 , D3 and D4 used in the circuit
current to flow through it in the forward biased which are connected to form a network. The input ends
condition. This process is used in the process of A and C of the network are connected to the secondary
rectification. ends 51 and 5 2 of the transformer. The output ends B

Halfwave rectifier
and Dare connected to the load resistance R1 .
A circuit which rectifies half of the a.c wave is called
half wave rectifier.

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 3'43

I! ~.A
Electronic devices
Step down (i) Base (B) layer: lt is a very thin layer and the
pl central region of the transistor.
(ii) Emitter (E) and collector (C) layers: The two
L ien
voltage neD layers on the opposite sides of the B layer are
from an
ACpower vdc emitter and collector layers. They are of the
p2 same type of semiconductor.

An ohmic contact is made to each of these layers.

The junction between emitter and base is called
During positive input half cycle a.c voltage, the point emitter junction. The junction between collector
A is positive with respect to C. The diodes D1 and D3 and the base is called collector junction
are forward biased and conduct whereas the diodes D2
and D4 are reverse biased and do not conduct. Hence The construction of PNP and NPN transistors are
current flows along S1 ABDCS2 through RL. shown below.
During the negative half cycle, the point C is positive base base

~ ~
with respect to A. The diodes D2 and D4 are forward
biased and conduct whereas diodes D1 and D3 are
reverse biased and they do not conduct. Hence current emitter collector emitter collector

flows along S2 CBDAS1 through RL. The same process For a transistor to work, the biasing to be given are as
is repeated for subsequent half cycles. follows
It can be seen that current flows through RL in the same (i) The emitter-base junction is forward biased so
direction during both cycles of the input a.c signals. that majority charge carriers are repelled from
The output signal corresponding to the input signal the emitter and the junction offers very low
corresponding to the input signal as shown below. resistance to the current.
(ii) The collector-base junction is reverse biased so
t that it attracts majority charge carriers and this
·~- ~)v~•·-;~fii/·-~;)57t
) rot
junction offers a high resistance to the current.
: (a} mput
Transistor circuit symbols
The circuit symbols for a PNP and NPN transistors are
t f. v v v v 'i' ) rot
shown below.
Vdco rt 2rt sn 47t 57t

~ ~
(b) output C collector C collector

bas bas
Light emitting diode (LED)
A light emitting diode (LED) is a forward biased PN E E
emitter emitter
junction diode which emits visible light when
(a) PNP {b)NPN
energized. Its symbol is shown below.
The arrow on the emitter lead pointing towards the
~ base represents a PNP transistor. When the emitter
base junction of a NPN transistor is forward biased, the
direction of the convectional current flow is from
LEDs are used for instrument displays, calculators and
emitter base.
digital watches.

NPN transistor is represented by arrow on the emitter

Junction transistor
lead pointing away from the base. When the emitter
A junction transistor is a solid-state device. It consists
base junction of a NPN transistor is forward biased, the
of silicon or germanium crystal containing two PN
direction of the convectional current is from base to
junctions. The two PN junctions are formed between
three layers called base, emitter and collector.

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad S4U

Electronic devices
Working of a PNP transistor
A PNP transistor is like two PN junction diodes which B C
are placed back to back. At each junction, there is a +
depletion region which gives rise to a potential barrier. E
The external biasing of the junction is provided by the
batteries VEE and Vee·
(a} CB mode
The emitter-base junction is forward biased and the
(IJ] CE mode
collector base junction is reverse biased.
B a = -IEIc = - lc
- smce 1E = 1B + 1e

.!:. = IB+lc = JB + 1
a lc Ic
1 1
VEE --1=-
a {3
IB a

Applying Kirchhoff s current law to circuit, the emitter Characteristics of a NPN transistor in common
current is the sum of the collector current and base emitter configuration
current i.e. The three important characteristics of a transistor in
IE= [B + lc any mode are (i) input characteristics (ii) output
This equation is the fundamental relation between the characteristics (iii) transfer characteristics
currents in a transistor circuit and is true regardless of The circuit to study the characteristic curves of NPN
transistor type or transistor configuration. transistor in common emitter mode is shown below.
The action of a NPN transistor is similar to that of a
PNP transistor.

Transistor circuit configurations

There are three types of circuit connections called
configurations or modes for operating a transistor.
They are (i) common base (CB) mode (ii) common
emitter (CE) mode and (iii) commo collector (CC) (i) Input characteristics
mode. Input characteristic curve is drawn between the
The term common is used to denote the lead that is base current (1 8 ) and voltage between the base
common to the input and output circuits. The different and emitter (V8 E) when the voltage between
modes are shown below for NPN transistor. collector and emitter CVee) is kept constant at a

J d}B

IC ~Vee
particular value.
CE + ruB V8 e is increased in suitable equal steps and the
corresponding base current is noted. The
cc • v31i • vr:c . vrr
procedure is repeated for different values of Vee
(a} CB mode (b) CE mode (c) CC mode
and 18 values are plotted against V8 e for constant
In a similar way, three configurations can be drawn for VeE
PNP transistors.
i VeE

Current amplification factors a and fJ and the I.

relation between themThe current amplification
factor or current gain of a transistor is the ratio of
the output current to the input current

In common base mode, current gain a = :~ The input impedance of the transistor is defined as the
ratio of the base-emitter voltage to the base current at
In common emitter mode. current !!ain p
= 18Ic a given Vee

' A Must Have A-Level Phy;;.ic:: by Kawuma Fahad 345
Electronic device
Input impedance= vBE The output impedance of a transistor in CE mode i
The input impedance of the transistor in CE mode is
very high.
(iii) Transfer characteristics
The transfer characteristic curve is drawl
(ii) Output characteristics
between Ic and Is when VeE is kept constant at:
Output characteristic curves are drawn between
particular value. The base current Is is increase<
I e and VeE when Is is kept constant at a particular
in suitable steps and the collector current Ie i:
noted down for each value of Is. The transfe
The base current Is is kept at a constant value by
characteristic curve is shown below
adjusting the base emitter voltage VsE· VeE is
increase in suitable equal steps and the
corresponding collector current is noted. The t VeE

procedure is repeated for different values of Is. (mA)
Now Ie versus VeE curves are drawn for different
values of Is. The output characteristics thus ~~B

obtained are represented below.

IB ()J. AJ --'.!>

. p = -Me
i 18 =100 AA
Current gam,
The common emitter configuration has a high input
Ic I.=SOJ.t,;\
{mAl impedance, low output impedance and higher current
gain when compared with common base configuration.
-·cr. r.=40M
l 8 =20J..lA
cut off region
18 =0)1...0. Transistor as a switch
0 Transistors are widely used in switching operations. In
VeL (volts) ~

the figure below, NPN transistor is connected in a

Saturation region common emitter configuration and a resistor Rs is
The initial part of the curve (ohmic region, OA) is connected in series with the base. The load resistance
called the saturation region i.e. the region in between Rc is connected in series with the collector.
the origin and knee point. Knee point is the point where
fc is about to become a constant. Rc

Cut off region

There is very small collector current in the transistor, 5:Jl
even when the base current is zero Us = 0). In the
output characteristics, the region below the curve Is =
0 is called the cut off region. Below the cut -off region,
A pulse type waveform is applied as the input to the
the transistor does not function.
transistor through Rs. When the input is high, base
emitter junction is forward biased and current flows
Active region
through Rs into the base. The values of Rs and Rc are .
The central region of the curves is called the active
chosen in such a manner that the base current flowing
region. In the active region, the curves are uniform. In
is enough to saturate the transistor.
this region, E - B junction is forward biased and C -
When the transistor is saturated, it is to be ON.
B junction is reverse biased.
(maximum current)
The output independence is defined as the ratio of the
When the input is low i.e. at 0 V, the base-emitter
collector-emitter voltage to the collector current at a
junction is not forward biased. So no base current
constant base current in the active region of the
flows hence the transistor is said to be OFF.
Output independence = vCE

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 3'i6


.l~dtl,;L.rUI.ll~ UC: V .1.\..CO

Transistor as amplifier LOGIC GATES

The important function of a transistor is the There are circuits which are used to process digital
amplification. An amplifier is a circuit capable of signals. They are binary in nature.
magnifying the amplitude of weak signals. A gate is a digital circuit with one or more inputs but
The important parameters of an amplifier are input with only one output. The output appears only for
impedance, output impedance, current gain and certain combination of input logic levels.
voltage gain. A good design of an amplifier circuit Logic gates are the basic building blocks from which
must possess high input impedance, low output most of the digital systems are built up.
impedance and a high current gain. The numbers 0 and 1 represent the two possible SUles
of a logic circuit. The two states can also be referred ro
Examples as ON and OFF or HIGH and LOW or TRL""E md
1. The current gain f3 of the silicon transistor used in FALSE.
the circuit is 50.
Basic logic gates using discrete compoaeats
The basic elements that make up a digital ~~ are
-HJV OR, AND and NOT gates. These three gates 3lre ~
basic logic gates.
VBB= 2V~
All the possible inputs and outputs of a 1~ ~are
represented in a table called TRUTH TABLE Tbe
Ifthe barrier potential for silicon is 0.69 V, find
functions of the basic gates are explained bdl..-. •lth
(i) I8 (ii) Ie (iii) IE (iv) VCE
circuits or truth tables.
(i) V88 = 2 V, Vee= 10 V, f3 =50
(i) OR gate
R8 = 10 kn, Re = 1 kn An OR gate has two or more inputs tu: .::.&~ coe
Barrier potential, V8 E = 0.69 V
output. It is known as OR gate ~ ~ ~
VBB = IBRB + VBE is high if any or all of the inputs are hr~. rae!...~
I = VBB-VBE = 2-0.69 = 131 J1A.
B RB 10 X 10 3 symbol of the two input OR gate is 5h..-.a1m ~--­
The Boolean expression to represent OR g::me is
(ii) Current gain, f3 = Ic
IB given by Y = A + B ( + symbol should be Jl"e33l .as
fc = f3IB =50 X 131 X 10- 6 = 6.5 mA OR)
(iii) Emitter current, IE = Ie + I8

= 6.5 mA + 131 J1A.
= 6.5 mA + 0.131 mA = 6.631 mA A+B
(iv) Vee = VCE + fcRe B

VeE = Vee- IeRe The OR gate can be thought of like an electrical

= 10- (6.5 X 10- 3 X 1 X 10 3 ) circuit shown below where the switches are
= 3.5 v connected parallel with each other. The lamp will
2. A transistor is connected in CE configuration. The glow if both the inputs are close or if one of them
voltage drop across the load resistance (Rc) of 3 kfi is closed.
is 6 V. Find the base current. The current gain a of
the transistor is 0.97.
Voltage across the collector resistance= IeRe = 6 V
6 6
I e =-=
Rc 3 xl0-3

Current 2.ain. f3 = ~ = ~ = 32.33

- · 1-a 1-097
Diode OR gate
I = Ic = 2 xl0-3 = 61.86 J1A.
8 fJ 3233 The figure below shows a simple circuit usinf
diodes to build a two input OR gate.

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma F~-

Electronic device



Only if A and B are closed, the lamp will glo\
The working of the circuit can be explained as
and the output is high.
Case (i): A = 0 and B = 0
Diode AND gate
When both A and B are at zero level i.e. low, the
The figure below shows a simple circuit using tw1
output voltages will be low because the diodes are
diodes to build a two input AND gate. The working o
non - conducting.
the circuit can be explained as follows
Case (ii): A= 0 and B = 1
When A is low and B is high, diode D2 is forward
biased so that current flows through RL and output
is high. Rc
Case (iii): A= 1 and B = 0 A • ~ I )
When A is high and B is low, diode D1 conducts
and the output is high. B I 141 I

Case (iv): A= 1 and B = 1 Do

When A and B are both high, both diodes D1 and Case (i): A= 0 and B = 0
D2 are conducting and the output is high. When A and B are 0, both diodes are in the forward
Therefore Y is high. bias condition and they conduct and hence the output
will be zero because the supply Vee will be dropped
Truth table of OR gate across RL only. Therefore Y = 0
Inputs Output Case (ii): A = 0 and B = 1
A B Y=A+B When A = 0 and B is high, diode D1 is forward biase<
0 0 0 and diode D2 is reverse biased. The diode D1 will
0 1 1 now conduct due to forward biasing. Therefore outpu
1 0 1 y = 0.
1 1 1 Case (iii): A = 1 and B = 0
In this case, diode D2 will be conducting and hence
(ii) AND gate output Y = 0
An AND gate has two or more inputs but only one Case (iv): A = 1 and B = 1
output. It is known as AND gate because the In this case both the diodes are not conducting. Since
output is high only when all the inputs are high. D1 and D2 are in OFF condition, no current flows
The logic symbol of a two input AND gate is through RL. The output is equal to the supply voltage.
shown below. Therefore Y = 1
Thus, the output will be high only when the inputs A

A ut
In and B are high. The table below summarizes the
function of an AND gate.
The Boolean expression to represent AND gate is Inputs Output
given by Y = A · B ( · should be read as AND) A B Y=A·B
AND gate may be thought of as an electrical 0 0 0
circuit shown below in which the switches are 0 1 0
connected in series. 1 0 0
1 1 - - - - -

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 34~

Electronic devices
(iii) NOT gate (inverter) The grid is used to regulate the space charge i.e. when
The NOT gate is a gate with only one input and it is slightly more positive than the filament current,
one output. It is so called because its output is space charge is minimized and the anode current
complement to the input. It is also known as increases(amplified) and when it slightly more
inverter. negative relative to the cathode, space charge increases
and current flow reduces. The triode is therefore used
A~A as an amplifier.
Input Output

The Boolean expression to represent NOT Space charge

operation is Y = A. This is the large number of electrons that gather close
The NOT gate can be thought of like an electrical to the cathode as an almost stationary cloud of negative
circuit as shown below. charge due to lack of sufficient energy to enable them

lT Ic ~put A
reach the anode.

Space charge limitation

When the anode potential is not sufficiently high to
attract all the electrons emitted by the cathode, a space
When switch A is closed, input is high and the bulb
charge is formed. The space charge exerts an
will not glow i.e. the output is low and vice versa.
electrostatic repulsive force on the electrons being
For a transistor in CE mode which is used as a
emitted by the cathode. They are prevented from
NOT gate shown below
reaching the anode thereby decreasing the anode
current. The anode current is said to be space charge
limited for the low potentials.
--: \"cc
A Saturation
It occurs when the anode potential has a value such that
all the electrons that are emitted per second by the
cathode do reach the anode.
When the input A is high, the transistor is driven into
saturation and hence the output Y is low. If A is low, Amplification
the transistor is cut off and hence the output Y is high. This is the process by which an input signal is
Hence it is seen that whene\er input is high, the output increased by some factor i.e. V0 >Vi. The output
is low and Yice Yersa. signal is made bigger than the input signal.

Truth table of ~OT gate

Anode resistance, Ra
Inputs Output This is the ratio of the change in anode voltage Va to
A A the change in anode current Ia at a constant grid
0 1 voltage Vg
1 0
Ra = (~Va)
Ma Vg

The Triode
The triode works on the same principle as the Mutual conductance, Om
thermionic diode though it has a third electrode called This is the ratio of the change in the anode current Ia to
the grid between the anode and cathode as shown the change in grid voltage Vg at a constant anode
voltage Va

~\. -
gm = (::)Va

L ::2:::-co: i~ament

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 349

Electronic devices
Amplification factor, p
This is the ratio of the change in the anode voltage Va
to the change in grid voltage Vg at a constant anode
current Ia. Rr Vo

f1 =
( LlVg Ia vi
LlVa _ LlV:
____!!_ X -Ma = Ra X gm
Also, f1 = LlVg - Ma LlV
Current through the load = Total E.m.f
Thus f1 = Ragm
E.m.f = amplification factor X input voltage
A triode as a single stage amplifier = f1Vi

+ Output voltage, V0 = I RL
Load, RL flViRL
~ v.o=--
Voltage gain, A= Vo
= Ra+RL

Va l. A triode valve passes an anode current of 5 rnA at
Input, V; anode voltage of 150 V and grid voltage - 2 V.
When the grid voltage is reduced to - 3.5 V, the
triode passes an anode current of 3.2 rnA when
An alternating input signal results into changes in the anode voltage is maintained at 150 V. When the
grid voltage Vg making it highly positive such that anode voltage is reduced to 128 V, maintaining grid
voltage at - 2 V, anode current reduces to 2.6 rnA.
space charge is eliminated making anode current to
increase thus amplified output signal V0 .
(i) the mutual conductance
(ii) the anode resistance
Current- voltage characteristics of a triode
(iii) amplification factor
• When the grid voltage is constant
TT ffl

Anode current/mA Va
V.> V:">V.'"
• a (")
I •
Anode resistance = (LlV:
Llla V
= ( (5 _150-128
) _)
2.6 X103

= 9166.7 il
(ii) Mutual conductance
Grid voltagelmV = (Ma) = ((5.0-3.2)x10-
) = O.OOI 2 .{}
LlVg Va -2.0+3.5
• When the anode voltage is constant
(iii) Amplification factor
v.:"' v; > v;r > ~ ,,
Anode cunentJmA g

LlVa) (Ma) (LlVa)

f1 = ( Ma V: X LlVg V: = LlVg I
B a a
f1 = 9166.7 X 0.0012 = 11.0
Anode voltage!mV
2.A single stage triode amplifier has an anode load
resistance of 15 kO and anode resistance of I 0 kO.
Voltage gain, A
Calculate the amplifier gain when mutual
This is the ratio of the output voltage, V0 to the input
conductance is 0.003 o· 1 •
voltage vi
A= Vo
vi Voltage gain A= LlVi
- _!!!!_
But f1 =gmRa

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 350

Electronic devices
=> A = RagmR = 0.003 X 15000 X 10000 = 18 _0 .•·Self.::Ey~~atl6n exercise
R+Ra 25000
1. Explain what is meant by p-type and n-type
semiconductors. Describe a p-n junction diode.
3. A triode with mutual conductance of 4.0 x 1o· 3 AV· 1
Draw a graph which shows the variation of the
and anode resistance 5 kQ is connected in series
current through such a diode with the potential
with a load resistance of 10 kn. Calculate the peak
difference across it and explain why the diode
value of an output alternating voltage with V rms is 30
behaves differently when the potential difference
mV (assume the triode to operate at optimum
across it is reversed.
Describe the junction transistor. Sketch curves to
show the variation of the collector current with the
Peak value of input signal = 3 Ox 10·3 x .J2 collector-base voltage for various values of the
= 42.43mV emitter current and explain their form.
. llV0 _ RaDmR
Since voltage gam, A = l!Vi R+Ra 2. Draw a sketch of a p-n-p transistor used in (i)
common-base (CB) and (ii) common-emitter (CE)
= (4.0 X 10-3 X 5000 X 10000) X 42.43 X 10-3
Yo 15000 arrangement showing clearly the polarities of the
= 0.57 v batteries. Explain why the common-emitter
arrangement is preferred in an alternating frequency
4.A triode value of anode resistance 3000 n is used as amplifier circuit.
an amplifier to an alternating signal of amplitude 3. Sketch graphs using the same axes showing how the
0.5V. Calculate the V rms of the output signal and the current through a thermionic diode varies with the
voltage gain across a load resistor of 50 kQ given d.c potential difference applied between the anode
that amplification factor is 15. and filament for two different temperatures.
Solution Explain three special features of the graphs.
Amplification factor "J.L" = (l!Va) 4. What is meant by
llVg Ia
(a) half wave rectification
:::} V0 = 15 X 0.5 = 7.5 V (b) full wave rectification?
Since (Ra + Rd = Va
Explain with the aid of labelled circuit diagrams
how each of these may be achieved using
= (3000 +7550000) = 1.42 X 10-4 A
thermionic diodes
V0 = laRL = 1.42 X 10-4 X 50000 = 7.08 V
5. (a) Describe the structure of a diode
:. The V rms across RL = Jz
= 5.003 V
(b) Explain how a triode differs in structure and
7 08
The voltaeoe 2.ain..A = Vo = " = 14.16 operation from a diode
~ · vi o.5
(c) Explain how a triode may be used to amplify
small alternating potential differences
Advantages of a transistor as an amplifier as
6. For a triode, sketch curves to show
compared to the triode
(i) the form of anode current/grid voltage
• A transistor needs low voltage as compared to the
(ii) the form of the anode current/grid voltage
• No heat is required to produce electrons (current
carriers are available in the semiconductor)
How may the amplification factor of the valve be
• Transistor has no vacuum which may deteriorate
deduced from these curves?
like in the triode causing unnecessary ionisation.
7. Give a brief description of the construction of a high
vacuum diode. Draw a graph which shows the
variation of the current through such a diode with
the potential difference across it, and account for
the main features of the curve.

·- A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 3:51

Additional questions
8. The base current of the transistor is 50 J1A. and 4:dd~fi2nal qJicstiqn~'
collector current is 25 mA. Determine the values of
I. (a) (i) Draw a labelled diagram to illustrate the
p and a. [Ans: 500, 0.998]
arrangement of the apparatus used in Millikan's oil
9. A triode valve is to be used to amplifY a direct
drop experiment to the determine the magnitude of
current of 10- 7 A flowing in a circuit incorporating
the charge of an electron.
a resistance of 10 5 .n. The valve has a mutual
(ii) Why must the arrangement be maintained at a
conductance of 2 mA v- 1 and an anode resistance
constant temperature?
(impedance) of10 6 11. Draw a diagram of a suitable
(iii) How are the oil droplets charged?
circuit and calculate the current amplification.
(b) What are the measurements and how are these
[Ans: 200]
measurements used to deduce the magnitude of the
10. In the junction transistor voltage amplifier circuit
charge on the drop?
shown below, if R 1 = 100 k.O., R 2 = 1 k.O., Vee=
(c) An oil drop of density 800 kgm- 3 falls uniformly
6.0 V and V8 E = 0.60 V. Calculate
through a distance of 4.00 mm in 16.0 s between two
(i) voltage across R1
horizontal metal plates in the absence of the electric
(ii) I 8
(iii) I e if current gain is 60
(i) Ifthe viscosity of air is 1.80 X 10- 5 Nsm- 2 ,
(iv) voltage across R 2
determine the radius of the oil drop
(v) voltage across the collector emitter.
( ii) If the oil drop carries a charge of one electron
and the electric field between the plates is
2.0 x 10 5 vm-1, calculate the ratio of the
Rl .,.+

electric force on the oil drop to its weight.
(iii) Describe what happens if the value of the ratio
:Vee in (c) (ii) above is one
--L- (d) In a Millikan's oil drop experiment, experiment, the
terminal velocity of an oil drop in a constant electric
field was measured repeatedly and it was found to
change greatly. Explain this observation.

[Ans: (i) 5.4 V (ii) 54 J1A. (iii) 3.2 mA (iv) 3.2 V (v) 2. (a) Differentiate between soft X-rays and Hard X-
2.8 V] rays
(b) (i) Sketch graphs to show the variation of
intensity with wavelength in an X -ray spectra
obtained at two different voltages V1 and V2 (V2 >
V1) across an X-ray tube.
(ii) Explain how the continuous background
spectrum and the characteristic line spectrum are
(c) A beam of X-rays incident on a crystal of
potassium chloride gives a first order diffraction
image at a glancing angle of 8.58°. If the density of
the crystal is 1984 kg m- 3 and its relative molecular
weight is 74.55,
(i) estimate the separation between its atomic
planes and deduce the wavelength of the X-
rays used
(ii) determine the maximum order of diffraction

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad J6!

Additional questions
(iii) explain what happens if X-rays of per
minute 1000
wavelength 8.12 x 10- 10 mare used
(d) Explain why the emission of X-rays may be SOil
considered as the reverse effect of photoelectric
emtsswn 600

3. (a) X-rays can easily penetrate matter. What

conclusion can be derived about the interaction 400 vohage/V
400 !iOO 600 700
between X-rays and a single atom?
(c) Suggest a suitable voltage range for the working
(b) Derive Bragg's equation nA. = 2d sin 0 for
of the tube
diffraction ofX-rays by a crystal
(d) Explain why the tube is an efficient detector of
(c) The separation between a set of atomic planes in
{1- particles but less efficient for a-particles and y-
a nickel crystal is 0.215 nm. Find the maximum
order of diffraction that can be obtained from these
(e) A Geiger-Muller tube was used to examine the
planes ifX-rays of wavelength 0.154 nm are used.
radioactivity decay of a source. The corrected count
/ 4.(a) State two properties ofX-rays
rate N at time t is as follows.

tfminute 0 50 150 300 450
(b) The graph below shows the original X-ray
1 7150 4450 1790 446 112
spectrum produced by an X-ray tube Nlminute
Estimate the half-life ofthe source
inlmsi1y 6. In a model of the hydrogen atom, an electron of
mass m and charge -e moves in a circular orbit of
radius of radius T about a stationary proton cJf charge
oogrna! X-ray speruum (a) If the centripetal force is provided by the
electrostatic force between the electron and the
proton, derive an expression for the angular
0 A..... •·;n·e&cnrlh velocity w of the electron in terms of e, T, m and
E0 , the permittivity of free space.
Copy the graph and sketch on the same axes, the new
(b) Hence show that the angular momentum L of the
X-ray spectrum for each of the following cases. 1
(i) The filament current in the tube is increased
e I ectron m . orb"It IS
. Its . (mre )2
2 -

(ii) The potential difference across the tube is 4n:E0

increased (c) Show that the total energy of the electron IS

(iii) The target element in the tube is replaced by an
2mr 2
element of higher atomic number (d) If the angular momentum of the electron can only
Give reason for the change to the X -ray spectrum in
take discrete values nh' where n is an integer and
each of the cases above. 2n

5. (a) Give a labelled diagram of a Geiger-Muller tube his the Planck's constant, fmd an expression for
and explain its working principle the radius To of the orbit of lowest possible
(b) The response of a Geiger-Muller tube at a steady angular momentum in terms of e, m, Eo and h. If
source of {l - particles is determined as a function To = 5.3 X 10- 11 m, calculate the energy
of the voltage applied to the tube and the required to ionize the atom.
characteristic curve is as shown below. Explain 7. (a) When electromagnetic radiation falls on a metal
briefly the shape of the curve. surface, electrons may be emitted. This is
photoelectric effect.
(i) State Einstein's equation photoelectric
equation, explaining the meaning of each term
(ii) Explain why, for a particular metal, electrons
are emitted only when the frequency of the
incident radiation is greater than a certain value.

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 353

Additional questions
(iii) Explain why the maximum speed of the emitted copper and caesium are respectively 6.4 x
electrons is independent of the incident 10- 19 ] and 3.2 X 10- 19 ].
radiation (d) Describe an experiment to verify the equation
(b) A source emits monochromatic light of for the kinetic energy of the photoelectrons and
frequencyS.S x 1014 HzatarateofO.lOW.Ofthe show how the work function of the surface and
photons given out, 0. I 5% fall on the cathode of the Planck's constant can be obtained
photocell which gives a current of 6.0 f1A in an (e) Light of frequency 6.0 X 1014 Hz incident
external circuit. You may assume that this current on a metal surface ejects photoelectrons having a
consists of the photoelectrons emitted. Calculate kinetic energy of 2.0 x 10-19 j
(i) the energy of a photon
(ii) the number of photons leaving the source per 10. (a) Use quantum theory to explain the
second experimental observations of photoelectric effect
(iii) the percentage of the photons falling on the (b) Explain how the wave theory fails to account for
cathode which produce photoelectrons these of observations
(c) (i) Calculate the wavelength associated with (c) In an experiment with a vacuum photocell the
electrons which have been accelerated from rest maximum kinetic energy of the electrons emitted
through 3000 V. was measured for different wavelengths of the
(ii) Indicate one situation you would expect illuminating radiation. The following results were
electrons of about this energy to behave as waves. obtained.
Give a reason for your answer Maximum kinetic Wavelength/
8. (a)(i) Explain what is meant by photoelectric energy/10- 19 ] 10- 7 m
emission 3.26 3.00
(ii) Briefly describe a simple experiment to 2.56 3.33
demonstrate this effect qualitatively 1.92 3.75
(b) Describe and explain the effect of increasing the 1.25 4.29
intensity of the incident radiation. 0.58 5.00
(c) In an experiment in photoelectricity, the maximum Use these results to plot a linear graph and derive a
kinetic energy of the photoelectrons was determined value for Planck's constant
for different wavelengths of the incident radiation. The (d) If the experiment were repeated with radiation
following results were obtained. of wavelength (i) 7.5 X 10- 7 m (ii) 2.8 X
Wavelength/nm 300 375 500 10- 7 m, would photoelectrons be emitted and if
Maximum kinetic energy 2.03 1.20 0.36 so, what would be their maximum kinetic energy?
Use the results to determine (e) Describe and explain how the graph might
(i) the work function of the metal change if a different metal were used for the surface
(ii) a value for Planck's constant of the photo-cathode.
(d) (i) Describe how a photocell functions
(ii) Describe one application of a photocell
9. (a) List the important experimental facts relating to 1. (a) (ii) so that viscosity of air remains unchanged
the photoelectric effect and explain how Einstein's (iii) due to friction of the air or X-rays
equation accounts for them (c) (i) 1.61 x 10-6 m
(b) A clean surface of potassium in a vacuum is (ii) 0.234
irradiated with light of wavelength 5.5 X 10- 7 m (iii) Oil drop remains stationary
and electrons are found just to emerge, but when (d) Due to the oil drop gaining or losing electrons
light of wavelength 5 x 10- 7 m is incident, 2. (a) Soft X-rays: longer A, less penetrating
electrons emerge each with energy 3.62 x Hard X-rays: shorter A, more penetrating
10- 20 ]. Estimate the value of Planck's constant h (b) (ii) Continuous spectrum: The energy of
(c) Deduce the effect of irradiating in vacuum retarding electrons is converted to X-rays on striking
(a) a copper surface the target atoms.
(ii) a caesium surface, with light of wavelength Line spectrum: The bombarding electron ejects an
5 x 10- 7 m, given that the work functions of electron in the target atom from a lower energy level
A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 35xt
Additional questions
to a higher energy level. When the vacancy in the The y-rays give rise to secondary pulses of current
lower energy level is filled by an electron from an outer and hence the count may be inaccurate.
energy level, the difference in the energy level is (e) T1 = 80 minutes
radiated as a photon of characteristic X-ray. e
(c) (i) 3.15 x 10- 10 m, A= 9.40 x 10- 11 m
6. (a) w = vr;:::-

(ii) nmax = 6 ( d)~0 = e0 h
(d) Photoelectric emission
7. (b)(i)3.6 X 10- 19 1(ii)2.8 X 1017 s- 1 (iii)9.1o/o
• Electromagnetic radiation incident on a metal
(c)(i) 2.2 x 10- 11
surface ejects electrons
8.(c)(i) 3.4 x 10-19 1 (ii) 6.68 x 10- 34 1s
• X-rays are produced when fast electrons
9.(b) 6.64 x 10- 34 1s (e) 1.96 x 10- 19 1
bombard a heavy metal surface.
10. (c) 6.7 X 10- 34 ]s (d)(i) no emission (ii)
3. (a) Interaction between X-rays and atoms IS
electrons emitted with KE of 3.74 x 10- 19 ]
(c) Maximum order = 2
4.(b)(i) When the filament current is increased, more
electrons bombard the target every second. The
intensity for all A increases but Amin remains

intcn~it}· f l
I ~Jl
I ;; ' ori)!lnal
0 ..
l_ "'avelenglh

(ii) When a p.d increases, Amin decreases, since eV =

Line X-rays remain at the same A since it IS

characteristic of the target.

intcll•ity i

0 •
. ..
~ ~
~ •3velelleth

(iii) With a target made of an element of a higher

atomic number. the ''a' elengths of characteristic X-
rays are shorter and the intensity of all A increases as
frequency increases.
Amin remains unchanged as V is unchanged.





5. (c) 550 V to 650 V

(d) penetrating power of a-particles is weak and
some a-particles may not penetrate the mica window
of a G-\.1 tube.

- - A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 355

Examination questio~

Ex~unin~~dioll ~q1J~$iit.~~~ ( i) Calculate the least distance of approach

1. (a) What is meant by the following the nucleus of the gold atom given that i
(i) Radioactivity, atomic number is 79.
(ii) Isotopes? (ii) State the significance of the value of tl
(b) (i) Define mass defect least distance of approach
(ii) State the condition for a heavy nucleus of [2017, No. U
an atom to be unstable 4. (a) (i) Distinguish between mass defect an
(iii) Explain your answer in (b)(ii) binding energy of an atomic nucleus
(c) A sample of 2 5~Ra emits both a-particles and (ii) Sketch a graph of nuclear binding energ
y-rays. A mass defect of 0.0053u occurs in per nucleon versus mass number fc
the decay naturally occurring isotopes and use it t'
(i) Calculate the energy released in joules distinguish between nuclear fission an1
(ii) If the sample decays by emission of a- fusion.
particles, each of energy 4.60 MeV and (b) Describe with the aid of a labelled diagram
y-rays, find the frequency of the y-rays Millikan's oil drop experiment to determine
emitted the charge on an oil drop
(d) (i) Sketch a graph showing the variation of (c) (i) Explain briefly diffraction of X-rays b)
binding energy per nucleon with mass crystals and derive Bragg's Jaw
number, clearly showing the fusion and (ii) A second order diffraction image is
fission regions obtained by reflection ofX-rays at atomic
(ii) Use the sketch in (d)(i) to explain how planes of a crystal for a glancing angle of
energy is released in each of the 11 °24'. Calculate the atomic spacing if
processes of fusion and fission. the wavelength of X-rays is 4.0 x
(e) State two 10- 11 m.
(i) applications ofradioisotopes [2016, No.8; (c) (ii) 2. 02 x to- 10 J]
( ii) health hazards of radioisotopes 5. (a) State Bohr's model of an atom
[2017, No.8] (b) An electron of mass m and charge -e, is
2. (a) What are X-rays? considered to move in a circular orbit about a
(b) (i) With the aid of a diagram explain how X- proton.
rays are produced in an X-ray tube (i) Write down the expression for the
(ii) State the energy changes that take place in electric force on the electron
the production ofX-rays in an X-ray tube (ii) Derive an expression for the total energy
(c) In an X-ray tube, the electrons strike the target of the electron given that the angular
with a velocity of 3.75 X 10 7 ms- 1 after
momentum of the electron is equal to nh
travelling a distance of 5.0 em from the 2rr
cathode. If a current of 10 mA flows through where n is an integer and h is Planck's
the tube, find the constant
(i) tube voltage (c) With the aid of a labelled diagram, describe
(ii) number of electrons striking the target per the operation of a diffusion cloud chamber
second (d) The energy levels of an atom have values
(iii) number of electrons within a space of £ 1 = -21.4 eV
1 em between the anode and cathode E2 = -4.87 eV
(d) Briefly explain one application ofX-rays
E3 = -2.77 eV
[2017, No.9]
£ 4 = -0.81 eV
3. (a) State Bohr's postulate of the atom
(a) Explain the occurrence of the emission and Eoo = 0.00 eV
absorption line spectra (i) Calculate the wavelength of radiation
(b) Explain the main observations m emitted when an electron makes
Rutherford's a-particles scattering transition from E3 and £ 2
experiment. (ii) State the region of the electromagnetic
(c) A beam of alpha particles of energy 3.5 MeV spectrum where the radiation lies
is incident normal to a gold foil [2016, No.9; Ans: (c) (ii) 5. 97 x to- 7 m]

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 3:5:6

--~ -~
Examination questions
6. (a) Describe how positive rays are produced (b) In a photoelectric setup, a point source of light
(b) Describe how a Bainbridge spectrometer can of power 3.2 X 10- 3 W emits mono-energetic
be used to detect isotopes photons of energy 5.0 eV. The source is
(c) (i) What is a time base as applied to a Cathode located at a distance of 0.8mfrom the Centre
Ray Oscilloscope? of a stationary metallic spheres of work
(ii) Draw a sketch graph showing the variation function 3.0 eV and radius 8.0 x 10- 3 m. The
of time-base voltage with time efficiency of photo electron emission is one in
(d) An alternating p.d applied to theY -plates of an every 10 6 incident photons. Calculate the
oscilloscope produces five complete waves on (i) number of photoelectrons emitted per
a 10 em length of the screen when the time second
base setting is 10 ms cm- 1 . Find the (ii) maximum kinetic energy in joules, of the
frequency of the alternating voltage electrons
(e) (i) Explain the motion of an electron projected (c) (i) State the Bragg's law ofX-ray diffraction
perpendicular into a uniform magnetic field (ii) Show that density p, of a crystal can be
(ii) An electron accelerated from rest by a p.d given by
of 100 V, enters perpendicularly into a M sin 3 8
uniform electric field of intensity p = 125NA(nA.)3
105 Vm- 1 . Find the magnetic flux where e is the glancing angle, n is the order of
density. B which must be applied diffraction, Ais the X-ray wavelength and M is
perpendicularly to the electric field so that the molecular weight of the crystal.

the electron undeflected through
the fields.
[2016, .So. 10:; Cd, 50 Hz (e)(ii)O. 0169 T]
7. (a) (i) Define .-hogadro"s constant and Faraday's
[2015, No.9; (c)(i) 1. 0 x 10 5 (ii)3. 2 x 10- 19 J]
9. (a) With reference to a Geiger Muller tube, define
the following
t constant
( i) Quenching agent
(ii) Background count rate
( ii) Sho~\ be>,. the .:barge carried by a
~ mono~aknt io...-.:~ is L6 x 10- 19 C
(b) (i) With the aid of a labelled diagram,
describe the operation of a Geiger-Muller
(b) With the ai.l .:of ii.3bekd diagram. describe (GM) tube
Millikan· s oil drop experiment for (ii) Explain how half-life of a short lived
determi~'l() c-ime ~--e vfan electron. radioactive source can be obtained by use
(c) A beam 0f f"-lS.~"o! i..."'ll:S mo~ing with a of a Geiger-Muller tube
veloci~ V roilll~ a. region of uniform (c) A radioactive isotope r~P which has a half-life
magnetl.: fie-id .;;::.[ ~~ Bwith the velocity at of 14.3 days disintegrates to form a stable
right angks :.:-!be :5dJ B. By use of a diagram, product. A sample of the isotope is prepared
d~--nre rlle ~o..--c ..:of t.T:.e i.._"'flS_ with an initial activity of 2.0 X 106 s- 1 .
(d) A charged oil dro-p of densi~- 880 kgm- 3 is Calculate the number of P atoms after 30
held stativnary between two parallel plates days. [Assume N = N0 e-A.t ]
6.0 mm apart held at a potential difference of [2015, No. 10; Ans: (c) (i) 3. 78 X 108 (ii)
103 V. \\ nen the electric field is switched off, 49. 5 s- 1 (iii) 18.83 x 107 ]
the drop is observed to fall a distance of I 0. (a) What is photo electric emission?
2.0 mm in 35.7 s. (Velocity of air = 1.8 x (b) ( i) Describe a simple experiment to
10- 5 Nsm- 2 , Density of air= 1.29 kgm- 3 ) demonstrate photoelectric effect
(i) Calculate the radius ofthe drop (ii)When a clean surface of a metal in vacuum is
( ii) Estimate the number of excess irradiated with light of wavelength 5 x
electrons on the drop 10- 7 m is incident on a metal surface,
[2015, No.8; Ans: (d)(i) 7. 254 x 10- 7 m (ii) 5] electrons are emitted each with energy
8. (a) (i) State the laws of photoelectric emission 3.62 x 10- 20 }. Find the value of the plank's
(ii) Explain briefly one application of photo constant
electric effect

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 357

Examination questions 1
(c) ( i) With the aid of a labelled diagram, describe (d) A beam of electrons each of mass. m and '
an X-ray tube and how X-rays are produced charge, e is directed horizontally with speed,
(ii) Describe how intensity and quality of X- u into an electric field between two horizontal
rays is controlled in an X-ray tube metal plates separated by a distance, d.
(d) An X-ray tube operates at 1.5 X 10- 3 V and (i) If the p.d between the plates is V, show that
and the current through it is 1.0 X 10- 3 A. the deflection of the beam is given by
Find the
(i) number of electrons crossing the tube
_ 1 (
y- 2m du 2 x
eV) 2

per second ( ii) Explain the path of the electron beam as

(ii) kinetic energy gained by electron it emerges onto of the electric field.
traversing the tube. [2013, No.8; Ans (c) (i) 3. 84 x to- 16 N (ii) 4. 22 x
[2014, No. 9; Ans: (b)(ii) 6. 637 x to- 34 Js 10 14 ms- 2 (iii) 5. 62 x 106 ms- 1 ]
(d)(i)6.25 x 1015 (ii) 2.4 x to- 22 JJ 13. (a) The figure below shows some of the energy
11. (a) (i) What is specific charge? levels of a hydrogen atom
rrin~;ip;•l (jllllli!Vfll 1111111hcr. F.."i!r;:..v,r;V
(ii) State the unit of specific charge n
(iii) Describe with the aid of a diagram how the 6 -o~

specific charge of positive ion can be $ ·fL54

.. -0.&5
determined using a mass spectrometer
(b) A beam of singly ionized carbon atoms pass 3 - 1.51
undeflected through the region of cross magnetic
and electric field of0.10 T and 1.0 x 104 NC- 1 ., ·3.%
respectively. When it enters a region of uniform ~---------------·13.6(1
magnetic field, it is deflected through an arc of (i) Why are the energies for the different
radius 0.75 m. Calculate the magnetic flux levels negative?
density of this magnetic field (mass of carbon (ii) Calculate the wavelength of the lines
atom= 1.0 X 10- 26 kg) arising from a transition from the third
(c) (i) Draw a graph to illustrate the variation of to the second energy level
ionization current and p.d across an ionization (iii) Calculate the ionization energy in joules
chamber and explain it main features of hydrogen
(ii) Explain how ionisation chamber can be used (b) Explain the physical processes in an X-ray
to detect ionizing radiation. tube that account for
[2014, No. 10; Ans: (b) 1. 667 x to- 2 T] (i) cut off wavelength
12. (a) Explain briefly how positive rays are produced (ii) characteristic lines
(b) An electron charge, e and mass, m is emitted (c) Calculate maximum frequency of radiation
from a hot cathode and then accelerated by an emitted by an X-ray tube using an
electric field towards the anode. If the accelerating voltage of 33.0 kV
potential difference between the cathode and (d) Derive Bragg's law of X-ray diffraction in
the anode is V. Show that the speed of the crystals
electron, u is given by [2013, No.9, Ans: (a) (ii) 6. 58 x to- 7 (iii) 2.18 x

to- 18} (c) 8. ox 1018 Hz]
14. (a) A beam of a-particles is directed normally to a
thin metal foil. Explain why
(c) An electron starts from rest and moves in an
(i) most of the a-particles passed straight
electric field intensity of 2.4 X 10 3 Vm- 1 .
through the foil
Find the
(ii) few a-particles are deflected through
(i) force of the electron
angles more than 90°
(ii) acceleration of the electron
(b) Calculate the least distance of approach of a
(iii) velocity required in moving through
3.5 MeV a-particle to the nucleus of a gold
a p.d of90 V
atom (Atomic number of gold = 79)

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 358

Examination questions
(c) (i) Define space charge as applied to (b) Derive an expression for the amplification
thermionic diodes factor in terms of anode resistance, Ra and
(ii) Draw anode-anode voltage curves of a mutual conductance, gm of a triode value.
thermionic diode for two different filament (c) A triode with mutual conductance 3 rnAV- 1
currents and explain their main features and anode resistance of10 k.Q is connected to
(d) ( i) What is a decay constant a load resistance of 20 k.a. Calculate the
(ii) A sample from fresh wood of certain amplitude of output signal, if the amplitude
species of tree has an activity of 16.0 of the input signal is 25 mV
counts per minute per gram. However, the (d) ( i) Sketch the output characteristic of a
activity of 5 g of a dead wood of the same transistor
species of tree is 10.0 counts per minute. (ii) Identify on the sketch in (d)(i), the region
Calculate the age of the dead wood. over which the transistor can be used as
(assume half-life of 5730 years) an amplifier
[2013, No. 10; Ans (b) 6. 49 x to- 14 m [2012, No. 10; Ans: (d) 0. SV]
(d) (ii) 1. 719 x 104 years] 18. (a) (i) Describe with aid of a well labelled diagram.
15. (a) (i) What are cathode rays? the structure and mode of operation of a C.R.O
(ii) With the aid of a diagram, describe an (ii) State advantages ofC.R.O over a moving coil
experiment to show that cathode rays travel galvanometer
in straight lines. (b) In the determination of the electron charge by
(b) A beam of electrons is accelerated through a Millikan's method, potential difference of
potential difference of500 V. The beam enters 1.5 kV is applied between horizontal metal
midway between parallel plates of length plates, 12 mm apart. With the field switched
10 em and are 3 em apart. If the potential off, a drop of oil mass 1.0 x 10- 24 kg is
difference across the plates is 600 V, find the observed to fall with constant velocity 4.0 x
velocity of the electron as it leaves the region 10- 24 kg between two metal plates 12 mm.
between the plates. When a potential difference of 1.5 kV is
(c) State the laws of photoelectric emission applied across the plates, the drop rises with
(d) Explain how line emission spectra are constant velocity of 8.0 X 10- 5 ms- 1 . How
produced many electron charges ae there on the drop?
[2012 No.8; Ans: (b) 2. 93 x 10 7 ms- 1 , 63. 3°] (Assume air resistance is proportional to the
16. (a) (i) What is meant by the term radioactive velocity of the drop and neglect air buoyancy)
decay, half-life and decay constant? (c) Explain why
(ii) Show that the half-life t~ of a radioisotope (i) the apparatus in Millikan's

is given by experiment is surrounded by a

0.693 constant temperature enclosure.
tl = - -
2 A. (ii) low vapour-pressure oil is used
where A. is the decay constant (d) In Millikan's experiment, the radius, r of the
(b) With the aid of a labelled diagram, describe drop is calculated from
the structure and action of a cloud chambers
(c) A radioactive isotope ljX decays by emission r= {9;
of a gamma ray. The half-life of the isotope if ~zpg
360 minutes. What is the activity of the 1 mg where 1J is the viscosity of air and p is the
of the isotope? density of the oil
(d) Explain the term avalanche as applied to the Identify the symbol v and describe how it
ionization chamber is measured
[2012, No.9; Ans: 1. 95 x 10 14 s- 1 ] [2011; No.8; Ans: (b) 6]
17. (a) Define the terms below as applied to the diode 19. (a) (i) Explain how X -rays are produced in an X-
(i) Space charge ray tube
(ii) Amplification factor (ii) Explain the emission of X-ray
(iii) Mutual conductance characteristic spectra

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 359

Examination questions
(iii) Derive Bragg's X-ray diffraction equation
(iv) Under what conditions does X-ray
diffraction occur? --;:>-
(b) With the aid of a labelled diagram, describe
how a Bain bridge mass spectrometer is used
to measure specific charge
[2011, No.9]
20. (a) What is meant by unified atomic mass unit?
(b) (i) Distinguish between nuclear fusion and
nuclear fission
(ii) State the conditions necessary for each of
the nuclear reactions in (b)(i) to occur Ultraviolet and infrared radiation are directed
(c) (i) With the aid of a labelled diagram, describe in turns into a zinc plate which is attached to a
the operation of an ionization chamber gold leaf electroscope as shown in the figure
(ii) Sketch the curve of ionization current above. Explain what happens when
against applied p.d and explain its main (i) Ultra violet radiation falls on the zinc
features plate
(d) A typical nuclear reaction is given by (ii) Infrared radiation falls on the zinc plate
~~U + l,n ~ l~M0 + 1 ~jLa + 2ijn + 7 -~e
(iii) The intensity of each radiation is
Calculate the total energy released by 1 g of increased
uranmm. (c) An X-ray of wavelength 1010 m is required
Mass of for the study of its diffraction in a crystal. Find
the least accelerating voltage to be applied to
l,n = 1.009Jl
an X -ray tube in order to produce these X -rays.
-~e = 0.00055Jl (d) Sodium has a work function of 2.0 eV and is
l~Mo = 94.906Jl
illuminated by radiation of wavelength
~jLa = 138.906Jl
150 mm. Calculate the maximum speed of the
~~u = 235.044JI
emitted electrons.
lJI = 1.66 x to- 27 kg
(e) With the aid of a well labelled diagram,
[2011, No. 10: Ans; (d) 8. 837 x 1010 J] describe how stopping potential of a metal can
21. (a) (i) With the aid of a labelled diagram, describe be measured.
what is observed when a high-tension voltage is
[2010, No.9: Ans: (c) 12375V (d) 3. 2 x 1o-19J)
applied across a gas tube in which pressure is 23. (a) (i) What is meant by mass defect?
gradually reduced to low values
(ii)Sketch a graph showing how binding
(ii) Give two applications of discharge tubes
energy per nucleon varies with mass
(b) Describe Thompson's experiment to number and explain its main features
determine specific charge of an electron (iii)Find the binding energy per nucleon of
(c) In Millikan's oil drop experiment, a charged
~~Fe given that '
oil drop of radius 9.2 x 10- 7 m and density
mass of 1 proton = 1.007825u, mass of I
800 kgm- 3 is held stationary in an electric
neutron= 1.008665u, lu = 931 MeV
field of intensity 4.0 X 104 Vm- 1
(b) With aid of a diagram, explain how an
(i) How many electron charges are on the
ionization chamber works
(c) (i) Show that when an alpha particle collides
(ii)Find the electric field intensity that can be
ahead with an atom of atomic number z, the
applied to move the drop with a velocity
closest distance of approach to the nucleus,
0.005 ms- 1 upwards. (Density of air =
x 0 is given by
1.29 kgm - 3 , coefficient of viscosity of air =
5 1
ze 2
1.8 x 10 Nsm- ) x=
rrc0 mv 2
[2010, No.8; Ans: (c) (i) 4 (ii) 2.48 x 10 vm- ]6 1
where e is the electron charge, £o is the
22. (a) Explain what is meant by photoelectric effect?
permittivity of free space, m is the mass of the
A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 3~6:0
Examination questions
alpha particle and v is the initial speed of the (b) Distinguish between excitation and ionization
alpha particle. energies of an atom
(ii)In a head on collision between alpha particle (c) Draw a labelled diagram showing the main
and a gold nucleus, the minimum distance of components of an X-ray tube
approach is 5 x 10- 14 rn. Calculate the (d) An X-ray is operated at 50 kV and 20 rnA If
energy of alpha particle (in MeV). (Atomic 1% of the total energy supplied is emitted as
number of gold = 79) radiation, calculate the
[2010, No. 10; Ans: (b) (iii) 7. 704 MeV (d) (i) (i) maximum frequency of the emitted
4.55MeV] radiation
24. (a) State four differences between cathode rays and (ii) rate at which heat must be removed from
positive rays the target in order to keep it at a steady
(b) An electron having energy of 4.5 x 10 2 eV temperature.
moves at right angles to uniform magnetic field (e) A beam ofX-rays of wavelength 0.20 nrn is
of flux density 1.5 X 10- 3 T. Find the incident on a crystal at a glancing angle of30°.
(i) radius of the path followed by the If the interplanes separation is 0.20 nrn, find
electron the order of diffraction.
(ii) period ofmotion [2009, No. 10; Ans: (d) (i) 1. 21 x 1019 Hz
(c) (i) Define the terms Avogadro's constant and (ii)1990W (e)n=t]
Faraday constant 27. (a) What is meant by a line spectrum?
(ii) Use the Avogadro constant and Faraday (b) Explain how line spectrum accounts for the
constant to calculate charge on an ion of a existence of discrete energy levels in atoms
monovalent element. (c) The energy levels in a mercury atom are
(d) Explain the meaning of the following terms as -10.4eV, -S.SeV,-3.7eVand -1.6eV
applied to a GM-tube (i) Find the ionization energy of mercury
(i) threshold potential difference joules
(ii) dead time (ii) What is likely to happen to happen if a
(iii) a quenching agent mercury atom in an excited state is
[2009, No.8; Ans: (b) (i) 4. 78 x to- 2 m (ii) 2. 38 x bombarded in an electron of energy 4.0eV,
to- 8 s] 6.7eVor 11.0eV?
25. (a) State the Jaws of Photoelectric effect (d) An X-ray tube is operated at 20 kV with an
(b) Describe an experiment to determine the electron current of 16 rnA in the tube.
stopping potential of a metal surface Estimate the
(c) A 100 rn W beam of light of wavelength 4.0 X (i) number of electrons heating the target per
10- 7 rn falls on caesium surface of a photocell. second
(i) How many photons strike the caesium (ii) rate of production ofheat assuming 99.5%
surface per second? of the kinetic energy of electrons is
( ii) If 65% of the photons emit photoelectrons, converted into heat (e = 1.6 x 10- 19 C)
find the resulting photo current. [2008, No.8, Ans: (e)(i) 1 X 10 17 (ii) 318.4 W]
(iii) Calculate the kinetic energy of each of 28. (a) (i) Define the term binding energy
photon if the work function of caesium is (ii) Sketch a graph showing the variation of the
2.20 eV binding energy per nucleon with mass
(d) Distinguish between continuous and line number
spectra in an X-ray tube. (iii) Use the sketch graph you have drawn in (a)
[2009, No.9; Ans (c) (i) 2.02 x 1017 photons (ii) (ii) to explain how energy is released
2 X 10-Z A (iii) 1. 43 X 10- 19 }) during fusion and fission.
26. (a) (i) Explain the observations made in the (b) Explain why a high temperature is required
Rutherford's particle scattering experiment during fusion of nuclides
(ii)Why is a vacuum necessary in this (c) The isotope 2 §~U emits an alpha particle and
experiment? forms an isotope of thorium (Th), while the

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 361

Examination questions

isotope 2 §~U when bombarded by a neutron, the load resistance is 3 X 104 ll, calculate
forms 144 235
56 Ba ' 36 Kr and neutrons .
the voltage of the amplifier.
(i)Write the nuclear equation for the reactions (c) (i) Describe the structure of a junction
Of 238U and 235U transistor
92 92
(ii) How does the reaction of 2 §~U differ from (ii) Sketch and describe the collector current
that of 2 §~u ? against the collector emitter voltage
(d) A steel piston ring contains 15 g radioactive, characteristic of a junction transistor.
[2007; No.8, Ans: (b) (iii) 22.5]
~~Fe. The activity of ~~Fe is 3.7 x 10 5
31. (a) What are isotopes?
disintegrations per second. After 100 days of
(b) With the aid of a diagram, describe the
continuous use, the crank case oil was found
operation of a Bain bridge spectrometer in
to have an activity of 1.23 X 10 3
determining the specific charge of ions.
disintegrations per second. Find the
(c) Explain the purpose of each of the following
(i) half-life on~Fe
in a Geiger-Muller tube.
(ii) average mass of iron worn off the ring per
(i) a thin mica window
day, assuming that all the metal removed
(ii) argon gas at low pressure
from the ring accumulates in the oil
(iii) halogen gas mixed with argon gas
[2008, No. 9, Ans (d) (i) 3. 13 X 1017 s (ii) 4. 9 X
(iv) an anode in form of a wire
(d) (i) What is meant by binding energy per
29. (a) Describe the mechanism of thermionic
nucleon of a nucleus?
(ii)Sketch a graph of binding energy per
(b) Explain the following as applied to a vacuum
nucleon against mass number for naturally
occurring nuclides
(i) space charge limitation
(iii) State one similarity between nuclear fusion
(ii) saturation
and nuclear fission
(iii) Rectification
(e) (i) At a certain time, an a-particle detector
(c) Sketch the current potential difference
registers a count rate of 32 s- 1 . Exactly 10
characteristic of a thermionic diode for two
days later, the count rate dropped to 8 s- 1 .
different operating temperatures and explain
Find the decay constant.
their main features.
( ii) State any two uses of radioactivity and two
(d) (i) A triode value with an anode resistance of
health hazards
3.0 x 10 3 n is used as an amplifier. A
[2007, No.9; Ans: (e) 0.139 per day]
sinusoidal alternating signal of amplitude
32. (a) (i) Describe with the aid of a diagram, the
0.5 V is applied to the grid of the value. Find
production of cathode rays
the r.m.s value of the output voltage if the
(ii) State and justify two properties of cathode
amplification factor is 15 and the anode load is
50kn (b) Explain each of the following terms as applied
(ii) Draw an equivalent circuit of a triode a
to photo electric emission
single stage amplifier.
(i) stopping potential
[2008, No 10; Ans: (d)(ii) 5. 003 V] ( ii) threshold frequency
30. (a) Describe briefly the mechanism of thermionic
(c) Explain X -ray diffraction by crystal and derive
emiSSIOn Bragg's law
(b) ( i) Draw a labelled circuit to show a triode
(d) The potential difference between the cathode
being used as a single stage voltage amplifier
and anode of X-ray tube is 5.0 X 10-4 V. If
(ii) With the aid of an equivalent circuit of the
only 0.4% of the kinetic energy of the
triode as an amplifier, obtain an expressi<;m
electrons is converted into X -rays and the rest
for the voltage gain.
is dissipated as heat in the target at a rate of
(iii)A triode with mutual conductance of3.0 X
600 W, find the
10 3 AV- 1 and anode resistance of 1 x
(i) current that flows
104 n is used as a single stage amplifier. If (ii) speed of the electrons striking the target

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 3i2

Examination questions

[2007, No. 10; Ans (d) (i) 1. 21 X 106 A (ii) 1. 33 X 28.8 days. Determine the activity of l g of the
104 ms- 1 ] isotope.
33. (a)(i) What is a photon? (b) ( i) With the aid of the diagram, describe the
(ii) Explain, using quantum theory, the structure and action of a Geiger-Muller tube
experimental observations on the (ii) Sketch the count rate-voltage
photoelectric effects. characteristic of the Geiger-Muller tube
(iii) When light of wavelength 450 nm falls on a and explain its main features.
certain metal, electrons of maximum kinetic (iii) Identify, giving reasons, the suitable range
energy 0.76 eV are emitted. Find the in (b)(ii) of operation of the tube.
threshold frequency for the metal [2006, No. 10, Ans: (iv) 5.1 x 1012 s- 1 ]
(b) Explain, using suitable sketch graphs, how X-
ray spectra in an X-ray tube are formed.
(c) A beam of X-rays of wavelength 8.42 x
10- 11 m is incident on sodium chloride crystal
of interplanal separation 2.82 x 10- 10 m.
Calculate the first order diffraction angle.
[2006, No.8; Ans: (a)(iii) 4. 83 x 1014 Hz (c) 8. 6°]
34. (a) (i) A beam of electrons, having a common
velocity of enters a uniform magnetic field in a
direction normal to the field. Describe and explain
the subsequent path of the electrons.
(ii) Explain whether a similar path would be
followed if a uniform electric field were
substituted for the magnetic field.
(b) Describe an experiment to measure the ratio of
the charge to mass of an electron.
(c) Electrodes are mounted at opposite ends of
low pressure discharge tube and a potential
difference of 1.20 kV applied between then.
Assuming that the electrons are accelerated
from the rest, calculate the maximum velocity
which they could acquire (specific charge of
electron= -1.76 x 1011 Ckg- 1 )
(d) (i) Give an account of the stages observed
when an electric discharge passes through a
gas at pressure varying from atmospheric to
about 0.01 mm Hg as air is pumped out when
the p.d across the tube is maintained at extra
high tension.
(ii)State two disadvantage of discharge tubes
when used to study cathode rays
[2006, No. 9; Ans: (c) 2. 06 x 107 ms- 1 )
35. (a)(i) What is meant by half-life of a radioactive
(ii) Given that radioactive Jaw, Nt = N 0 e-).t,
obtain the relation between A. and half-life T 1

(iii) What are radioisotopes.

(iv) The radioisotope ~gsr decays by emission of
~-particle. The half-life of the radioisotope is

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad 363

• Chapple, M., (2003). Complete A-Z Physics Handbook. 3rd Edition, UK: Hodder Arnold Publishers.
• Crundellk, M., (2001). A2 Salters Homers, Advanced Physics. 1st Edition, Heinemann Publishers.
• Keith Johnson et al., (2000). Advanced Physics for You. 1st Edition, Nelson Thomes Publishers.
• Mee, C. and Crundell, M., (2001). Advanced Level Practical Work for Physics. 1st Edition, Hodder
and Murray Publishers.
• Muncaster, R., (1993). A Level Physics. 4th Edition, Nelson Thomes Publishers.
• Nelkon and Parker, (1995). Advanced Level Physics. 7th Edition, Heinemann Publishers.
• Steve, A. and Allday, J., (2000). Advanced Physics. 1st Edition, Oxford.
• Tom, D., (2000). Advanced Physics. 5th Edition, Oxford: Hodder and Murray.
• S. Chand's Principles of Physics Class XI, V. K Metha and Rohit Mehta (2011)
• Calculations for A-Level Physics, Lowe and Rounce, Nelson Thomes Publishers
• 1000 Solved Problems in Advanced Level Physics
• New Understanding Physics for Advanced Level by Jim Breithaupt
• Simplified Advanced Level Physics, Mechanics and Properties of Matter, Mukose Sowali (2006)
• Uganda National Examinations Board examination past papers.

A Must Have A-Level Physics by Kawuma Fahad ~~


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