Office and Show Her Where Everything Is?

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 You must be...: a grammar point used to draw a conclusion about a

person based off of some evidence

 Your flight arrived late last night. You must be tired.

 You haven't eaten all day. You must be hungry.

2. to be the head of something: to be the leader of something

 He is the head of marketing in our company.

 She is the head of this project.

3. to work closely together: to work together on many things and with great

 We worked closely together on this project.

 We have worked closely together for 20 years. So, we know
everything about each other.

1. to take a tour of the office: to walk around and look at an office

 Welcome to our office. Let's take a tour of the office and I can show

you everything.
 Mark, this is Carol's first day of work. Can you take her on a tour of the
office and show her where everything is?

2. to show somebody around: to guide a person around a place and show
them things of interest

 My cousin is new to the city, so I will show him around this weekend.

 Please show Jon around the office. He is new here.

3. to have a view of something: to be able to see something from a certain


 His office has a view of the city.

 Our hotel room had a view of the ocean.

in a hurry: to be in a rush; to have a need to go or do fast

 I'm sorry, but I can't talk right now. I am in a hurry.

 Can you please speak faster? I am in a hurry.

2. How do you like...?: a question used to ask a person whether they like
something or not

A) How do you like your new job?

B) It's okay.

A) How do you like your new house?

B) It is great. It is convenient, since it is so close to my office.

3. to be lovely: to be wonderful and nice

 Your house is lovely.

 Everybody has been lovely.

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