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 to be on the phone: to be using the phone or having a conversation on the


 She cannot talk right now because she is on the phone.

 I couldn't talk to him because I was on the phone with an important
client when he came.

2. an old friend: a person who has been one's friend for a long time

 I met my old friend from high school last week.

 We are old friends.

3. to catch up with someone: to talk to a person that one has not seen or
talked to in a long time and find out about the person's life

 I caught up with my old friend last night. We hadn't seen each other in

over 20 years, so we had a lot to talk about.
 I will meet Sally tomorrow. We haven't seen each other in a long time, so
I want to catch up with her.

1. to bump into someone: to meet someone by chance

 I bumped into Greg at the store.

 She bumped into her ex-boyfriend at the concert.

2. to be back in town: to return to town after being gone for a period of time

 Mark is back in town.

 Tina was in Europe for 3 months, but she has been back in town for a
couple days.

3. to keep in touch with someone: to regularly contact or communicate with


 She moved to New York 2 years ago, but we still keep in touch with
each other.
 I don't keep in touch with my friends from high school.

What's going on?: What's happening?

 It is very noisy in that room. What's going on?

 There are many police cars outside. What's going on?

2. to get a divorce: to legally end a marriage

 Mark and Sally got a divorce.
 She wants to get a divorce, but her husband doesn't want to.

3. to cheat on someone: to secretly be in a romantic relationship with a

person who is not one's husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend

 Tina and Mark got divorced because Tina was cheating on Mark.

 He cheats on his girlfriend a lot when he travels on business.

 office rumor: a story, gossip, or piece of news that may or may not be true
that many people in an office or company are talking about

 Have you heard the latest office rumor?

 She is always spreading office rumors.

2. to lay off: to fire or discharge a worker from a job (sometimes temporarily)

 The company laid off 100 workers last month.

 Do you think the company will lay off a lot of people?

3. several: more than 2 but not many

 I have been to several countries.

 We have been working on this for several hours.

to be mean to someone: to not be nice to a person

 She is mean to me.

 He is often mean to his employees. He is not a nice boss.

2. used to do something: did something in the past but now do not do it

 I used to play basketball every weekend, but these days I can't play

because I hurt my knee.
 He used to eat a lot of hamburgers, but now he is trying to be
healthy, so he only eats a hamburger once a month.

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