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 to be (time) early: to arrive (time) before the scheduled time

 We were 20 minutes early.

 He was an hour early for his job interview.

2. to find a seat: to get a chair or place to sit down

 Let's find a seat.
 I will find a couple of seats for us at the front. Call me when you get

3. I bet...: I'm pretty sure that...

 I bet that the stock price will go up next week.

 I bet that she will be fired next week.

As you can see, these portions of our lessons are dedicated to school. There are many
things to learn here, so we are going to spend numerous lessons on school. But don't
worry; only a couple will be geared towards classes. The rest will be about night life,
partying, and having a good time. Before we start learning about topics such as classes
and examinations, let's learn some general university phrases.

The first type of speaking you will have to do is when you meet new people. During this
time, you can engage in idle small talk. Since you have learned small talk, feel free to
use your new skills. On top of that, let's learn some new phrases that will help you.

"Where are you from?"

"What high school did you attend?"
"What are you going to major in?"
"What are you majoring in?"
"How many credits are you taking this semester?"
"What classes are you taking?"
"What year are you?"
"What is an easy class to take?"
"Where is the best place to hang out?"
"Are you in the dormitory?"
"Where do you live?"
"Why did you decide to come to this school?"
"What made you choose Berkeley?"

Many of the answer to these questions are general things you should already know. But
it never hurts to review again, so let's go over how we can answer some of these

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from Seattle, Washington."
"I'm an exchange student from Seoul, Korea."
"I'm from Dublin, Ohio."
"I'm from Southern California."

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