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 the front desk: the place in the main lobby of a hotel to help guests check
in, checkout and with other services

 I will call the front desk and ask them.

 Wait here, I will go to the front desk and check us in.

2. How can I help you?: a common question used to offer help and service
after a customer or guest enters a place of business

A) Hello sir. How can I help you?

B) Hello. My name is Michael and I have a reservation.

A) Hello. How can I help you?

B) Yes, I am looking for a new TV.
A) Our TVs are this way. I will take you there.

3. an attached office: an office that is connected to another room

 This hotel room has an attached office.

 My boss is a workaholic. Even his bedroom at home has an attached

1. a room with a view: a room that has a good view of a city or ocean

 I want to stay in a room with a view.

 Do we have a room with a view?

2. to be occupied: to be unavailable

 All of the seats are occupied. I guess we have to stand up.

 All of the conference rooms are occupied.

3. to discount something: to lower the price of an item

 This product is not selling well, so we will discount it.

 Can you discount this shirt for me?

1. luggage: bags or suitcases that one takes while traveling

 The family had a lot of luggage.

 The airline lost my luggage. I am so angry.

2. to locate something: to find something

 The airline said they will try to locate my luggage as soon as possible.
 We are trying to locate the missing document.
3. right away: immediately

 I will find it for you right away.

 She said she will send it right away.

1. to report lost luggage: to tell the authorities (usually the airline) that one's
luggage is missing

 I reported my lost luggage to the airline and they helped me.

 She reported lost luggage, but the airline couldn't find it.

2. to fill out a form: to write all of the information in the blanks on an official
piece of paper

 If you want to get a loan, then you have to fill out many forms.

 Please fill out this form, sir.

3. to contact someone: to call, message, or email a person

 I will contact my client and tell them that we need to reschedule the

 Please contact me once you decide.

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