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Landscaping Installation and Maintenance

Learning Activity Sheet Quarter 1 - Week 1-2
Work in Team Environment

Introductory Message

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The Learning Activity Sheet is a self- directed instructional material aimed to

guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the
contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in
acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The Landscaping Installation and Maintenance Activity Sheet will help
you to facilitate the teaching- learning activities specified in each Most Essential
Learning Competency (MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between
you and the learner. This will be made available to the learners with the references
link to ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The Landscaping Installation and Maintenance Activity Sheet is
developed to help you continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning
material provides you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent
learning. Being an active learner, carefully read and understand the instructions,
then, perform the activities and answer the assessment. This will be returned to your
facilitator on the agreed schedule.

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) no. 2

Name of Learner: _______________________________________________

Grade and Section: ______________________ Date: __________________

Landscaping Installation and Maintenance

Work in Team Environment

I. Learning Competency with code



II. Background Information for Learners

This Learning Activity Sheet is made for you to learn the knowledge, skills and
attitudes required to maintain lawn grasses in residential and institutional landscape


If you want to foster a culture of creativity and productivity, then you may want
to take steps to create a team environment. While it does take time to develop the
strong working relationships that you need for a successful team environment, the
result can be transformative for companies, with greater innovation and higher
employee morale. Learning the steps to take to build a team environment can help
you create one within your own workplace.
In this article, we discuss what a team environment is, the many benefits of one, how
you can build one and how you can successfully work within one.
What is a team environment?
A team environment is a setting in the workplace that's focused on everyone
working together toward a common goal. Brainstorming, joint projects and
collaboration are all common elements of team environments and strong, open
communication is essential for success.

Benefits of a team environment
There are many benefits to having a team environment in the workplace, including:
 Better learning and creativity: When people work together as a team and
spend time brainstorming, creativity tends to thrive. Each member of the team
brings their own unique perspective, which helps to generate more creative,
effective ideas. It also increases learning, as team members have the ability to
learn new skills and maximize their shared knowledge.
 Increases conflict resolution skills: When team members come together
who have different habits, backgrounds and work styles, conflict can occur.
However, in a strong team environment, the employees resolve the conflicts
themselves. This improves upon their conflict resolution skills and strengthens
the relationship between team members.
 Encourages healthy risk-taking: Because employees in a team environment
generally have the support of their team, they are more apt to take calculated
risks and try innovative ideas. Sharing successes also helps the team to bond
further, which can be transformative for a company.
 Improves productivity: Working on a team has been shown to inspire people
to work harder, as team members can help motivate one another to be more
 Boosts morale: People are naturally sociable and enjoy sharing experiences
with one another. Employees can draw energy from their team members,
share in one another's successes and experience greater levels of control over
their decisions. Additionally, working as part of a team can increase their
feelings of belonging, which is fulfilling and helps people feel more connected
to the company they work for.
Important skills for working in a team environment
There are a number of skills that are important for working successfully in a team
environment, including:
This skill is critical for working well as part of a team. You must be able to
communicate in a manner that's clear and concise about deadlines, expectations
and responsibilities. Maintaining open lines of communication with members of your
team also helps to promote trust and create a positive team environment. While
conflict can occur, maintaining respectful and open communication can help to
resolve any issues rapidly.
Problem-solving skills help you to be able to look at challenges objectively and
explore creative solutions. With strong problem-solving skills, you can more easily
identify obstacles and inefficiencies that are impacting the success of your group,
which in turn makes it possible to improve those processes in the future.
Time management
Time management skills include a variety of skills, such as goal-setting, prioritization,
planning and delegation. Teams are often working collaboratively on projects and
rely on one another to complete their portion of a project in order to achieve group
goals. Strong time management skills are essential in order to balance a workload
and meet deadlines in a fast-paced, collaborative environment.
Critical thinking

Critical-thinking skills can help you make more informed decisions. They help you to
look at an idea or issue from multiple perspectives, reflecting on experiences you
may have had in the past and listening to the opinions of team members. By
remaining open and objective and using critical thinking skills, you can help your
team arrive at the best possible solution.
Collaboration skills are also essential for succeeding in a team environment.
Collaboration skills include facets like open-mindedness, organization, long-term
thinking and adaptability. By maintaining a willingness to learn and be open to new
approaches, you can become a better contributor and leader within your team.
How to build a team environment
Here are the steps you can take to build a team environment:
1. Choose a leader
Choose a manager that employees already trust. The person you choose should be
an individual who's good at motivating others and keeping a team focused. They
should have strong delegation skills and also be someone who's a visionary.
2. Consider the team size
There are advantages and disadvantages regardless of the team size you choose.
With large teams, you have the advantage of a larger number of skill sets to draw
from. However, it can also be challenging to reach a definite consensus with a large
group. In contrast, a small team can allow you to foster strong working relationships.
It can be challenging, though, for a small group to manage large, long-term projects.
Ultimately, you need to consider the size of the project, the length of time it will take
to complete and the skill sets that it will require.
3. Communicate roles
Each person in the team should have a set role for how they will contribute and what
they need to accomplish as part of the team. By assigning roles, you know that there
will be no overlapping responsibilities or miscommunication over who is responsible
for which aspect of the project.
4. Create a collaborative environment
The final step is to create a collaborative environment where employees understand
that all suggestions will be heard, everyone can express their opinions and everyone
is comfortable asking questions. Each person within an organization should know
that their input is valued by the organization.
How to work in a team environment
It takes time for a team to develop strong working relationships and for everyone to
become accustomed to their roles. However, there are some steps you can take to
work effectively in a team environment:
1. Put yourself in the right mindset
When you work independently, you generally focus on projects in a manner that suits
your personal preferences. In a team environment, though, it's important to
remember that workloads are divided and group consensus is needed to determine
the scope of the project and its direction. You also need to keep team member
responsibilities in deadlines in mind when you're managing your own workload.
Understanding this can help put you in the right mindset to work effectively in a team

2. Be respectful of others' opinions
It's important to be respectful in your interactions with other members of your team,
keeping in mind that there are multiple ways to approach a project. While it's
important to speak your mind and be open about concerns and objections you have,
you should always do so in a manner that's respectful to others.
3. Fulfill your role
Even when responsibilities are assigned to individual members of a team, there are
times that overlap may occur. There may also be times when some people on the
teamwork more than others. Always give your full effort to the responsibilities you're
tasked with and meet deadlines you've been given. Also, be willing to offer your help
to others when it's needed.
4. Recognize team member contributions
Acknowledge the efforts of people on your team and express appreciation for their
insight and creativity. It's best to acknowledge specific contributions that they made
and verbalize the impact that they had on the project as a whole. While you are
working together as a team toward a common goal, your team members will also
appreciate that their individual efforts are being recognized. It will help generate
enthusiasm and create a feeling of camaraderie among the group, which can help
encourage further exceptional results.


A team environment is any setting that focuses on everyone working together
rather than individually, particularly in the workplace. Whatever role you prefer to fill,
it is likely that you will occasionally encounter situations that call for teamwork. It's
especially important to learn to work well in teams if you land a job that focuses on a
team environment. You'll need to learn how to communicate well in meetings, work
together on projects, and be professional in the workplace, and in fact, you'll likely
need these skills in any office you work in.

1.Let everyone contribute to the discussion. When you're meeting together, it's

important that everyone has a chance to speak. Try not to cut off your peers, and if
you notice other people getting cut off, speak up to let each person have their say.
For example, you could say, "Sorry, Rob, I'm not sure John was through. Did you
have something else to say, John?"
2.Listen well. In addition, it's important to actually hear what your peers are saying.
Often, you may be thinking hard about the project and want to jump in with what you
have to say. However, in that time you spent thinking, you haven't heard what
someone else is saying. Make sure you take time to hear each other out, as
otherwise, you'll never be on the same page.
If you find your mind drifting on an idea, jot a quick note down, then refocus on what
other people are saying.
Remember to make eye contact with the person who is speaking and lean in towards
him or her. Put away anything that might distract you as well, such as your cell
phone or laptop.
You can also try nodding your head while the person is talking to show the person
that you are listening.
Avoid interrupting the person while he or she is speaking. Wait until he or she has
finished to ask questions or make comments.
3.Don't shut down ideas. You may be set on one idea. In fact, you may think it's the
only way to work through a situation your team is facing or a problem you're working
on. However, you can't just shut down other people's ideas. For one, it will keep
them from wanting to speak up later. More importantly, someone may have a better
idea if you give it a chance to develop.
Sometimes, an idea can sound outrageous at first, and you'll want to reject it
immediately. It may take you a little while to warm up to the idea and see that it
actually could work, particularly if it's out of the box.
Ask more questions about the idea to better understand the logistics. Even if the idea
doesn't work, it could be a springboard for other ideas.
4.Draw in the holdouts. You'll likely find that there's someone on your team who
doesn't quite know how to work well on a team. They may be shy, or they may have
never been taught how to work with others. If that's the case, try to draw them out.
Invite them to speak out when they're quiet in group meetings. Ask them questions to
get them talking.
In addition, figure out what they're good at, and then propose that they work on
certain tasks to play to their skills. You can even use flattery to draw them in, such
as, "You are so good at the details. Would you mind putting together the
spreadsheet for this project, Jen?"
1.Ask questions and seek to understand. It is important to ensure that you
understand what the speaker is trying to express. One way to ensure that you are on
the same page as someone else is to ask questions. This may help you to avoid
conflicts due to misunderstandings.
You can use questions to help you understand something that a coworker has just
said to you. For example, if your coworker has just explained a task to you, then you
could say, "So, I think you're saying _____. Is that right?" If you are not on the same
page, then your coworker can clarify his or her meaning for you.
You can also practice empathetic listening to maintain good work relationships with
your coworkers, such as by echoing what the speaker says. For example, if a
coworker says, "I'm having a terrible day," then you might say, "You're having a
terrible day? What's going on?" By asking a question, you are demonstrating to the
speaker that you have heard him or her and that you would like to know more.
Provide updates regularly. Good communication is essential to working well in a
team environment. You need to be able to talk about what you need from your
coworkers, as well as discuss the progress of community projects regularly to figure
out what you've accomplished already and what you still need to accomplish.
You have the power to make changes to your own work experience and that of
others through conversation.
You can't be passive-aggressive when working with others in a team environment.
Passive-aggressiveness just leads to people being upset. Confront problems head-
on as they arise in a professional manner.
For example, if you don't like the way something was done, the passive-aggressive
response would be to make a slightly condescending comment or to go back and do
it the way you wanted it in the first place. The professional approach would be to
discuss why you think another way is better, and then defer to your peers if your idea
is rejected.
3.Do what you say you're going to do. Reliability is one of the main components of
being a good team member. If you don't follow through with your work, you're
dragging the rest of the team down. Plus, you're team members won't trust you with
any work in the future, and your performance could get back to your boss.

4.Find your niche. Everyone has something to contribute to a team. You know what
you excel at, and you can use that to make the team better. For instance, if you are
good at organizing, offer to help oversee the paperwork for the project to help keep it
on the right track.
Sometimes it can be easier to find your niche when you feel more connected to your
coworkers. Don't be afraid to try to do more projects with the people you work best
5.Be willing to do the dirty work. While you should play to your strengths, you're not
always going to be given the prize jobs in group work. No matter what task you're
working on together, everyone is going to need to do some of the grunt work. Be
willing to dig in and do what needs to be done to finish the project.[8]
6.Don't criticize a method just to criticize it. That is, if someone does something a
way you wouldn't do it, analyze the situation before you jump in to "fix" it. You may
realize that the method they are using is just as effective, even if it's not what you
would do in the same situation.
1.Be respectful. Of course, you're not always going to like everyone you work with,
and you certainly aren't required to like them. However, it is important to treat the
people in your workplace with respect and professionalism. Throwing fits or getting in
arguments with people you don't like is unprofessional and will slow dow n the team's
work significantly
2.Take the time you need. Sometimes, you may want to rush to get certain tasks
done. However, in a team environment, that can lead to mistakes or an ineffective
work process because you're not taking the time to work with other people or
communicate what you're getting done. Make sure to spend the proper amount of
time to do your work well while working with others at the same time.[11]
3.Realize it's always your job. When you're not in a team environment, your job
description may be fairly well defined. In a team environment, you may need to jump
in to help in areas that aren't exactly in your job description because someone else
needs the help. Being willing to help out makes the group work more efficiently and
builds good will.
In addition, jumping in when you see a need looks good to your boss, earning you
brownie points, which is never a bad thing.
Also, you may find yourself needing help in the future, and if you've given help in the
past, others will be more willing to offer you help when you need it.
4.Show enthusiasm. If you're excited, you'll get others excited. When you're working
together, that excitement can lead to better results, as you're all motivated to do your
best on the projects you're working on. On the other hand, if you constantly criticize
or talk down about a project, that can be catching, too, and it can bring a project
For example, don't start out the day by saying, "I wish we didn't have to work through
these ridiculous budget reports." Instead, you could say, "I know a budget report isn't
everyone's cup of tea, but just think, going through these budget reports means we
get the money we need to do the projects we love."
5.Take time to get to know each of your peers. Remember that no two people are
alike, and that each team player has strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes.
Knowing what makes your teammates tick is necessary to develop strong and
productive working relationships, where you complement each other rather than
work against each other.

Spend some time each day talking to your coworkers. Ask how they are and really
listen to their answers. Let them talk about their home lives if they feel like talking
about them.
For your teammates to trust you, they have to feel like you see them as individuals
with their own desires, fears, and memories, not just as ways to achieve your
professional objectives. Then, people will feel comfortable enough around you to do
things like be more innovative when problem-solving.
6.Don't steal credit. It can be tempting to take credit for other people's work. While it
creates animosity no matter what environment you're in, it's especially detrimental in
a team environment, as it can create major rifts. On the other hand, offering up who
deserves credit for each part of the project goes a long way to building bridges.
Offering up who deserves credit will make others feel appreciated, and feeling
appreciated for hard work can help create the feeling of being on the same team.


The following 5 reasons summarize the importance of teamwork and why it
matters to you:
 Teamwork motivates unity in the workplace
A teamwork environment promotes an atmosphere that fosters friendship and
loyalty. These close-knit relationships motivate employees in parallel and
align them to work harder, cooperate and be supportive of one another.
Individuals possess diverse talents, weaknesses, communication skills,
strengths, and habits. Therefore, when a teamwork environment is not
encouraged this can pose many challenges towards achieving the overall
goals and objectives. This creates an environment where employees become
focused on promoting their own achievements and competing against their
fellow colleagues. Ultimately, this can lead to an unhealthy and inefficient
working environment.
When teamwork is working the whole team would be motivated and working
toward the same goal in harmony.
– Listen to our teamwork fundamentals audio course:
 Teamwork offers differing perspectives and feedback
Good teamwork structures provide your organization with a diversity of
thought, creativity, perspectives, opportunities, and problem-solving
approaches. A proper team environment allows individuals to brainstorm
collectively, which in turn increases their success to problem solve and arrive
at solutions more efficiently and effectively.
Effective teams also allow the initiative to innovate, in turn creating a
competitive edge to accomplish goals and objectives. Sharing differing
opinions and experiences strengthens accountability and can help make
effective decisions faster, than when done alone.
Team effort increases output by having quick feedback and multiple sets of
skills come into play to support your work. You can do the stages of
designing, planning, and implementation much more efficiently when a team
is functioning well.
 Teamwork provides improved efficiency and productivity
When incorporating teamwork strategies, you become more efficient and
productive. This is because it allows the workload to be shared, reducing the
pressure on individuals, and ensure tasks are completed within a set time
frame. It also allows goals to be more attainable, enhances the optimization of
performance, improves job satisfaction and increases work pace.
Ultimately, when a group of individuals works together, compared to one
person working alone, they promote a more efficient work output and are able
to complete tasks faster due to many minds intertwined on the same goals
and objectives of the business.
 Teamwork provides great learning opportunities
Working in a team enables us to learn from one another’s mistakes. You are
able to avoid future errors, gain insight from differing perspectives, and learn
new concepts from more experienced colleagues.
In addition, individuals can expand their skill sets, discover fresh ideas from
newer colleagues and therefore ascertain more effective approaches and
solutions towards the tasks at hand. This active engagement generates the
future articulation, encouragement and innovative capacity to problem solve
and generate ideas more effectively and efficiently.
 Teamwork promotes workplace synergy
Mutual support shared goals, cooperation and encouragement provide
workplace synergy. With this, team members are able to feel a greater sense
of accomplishment, are collectively responsible for outcomes achieved and
feed individuals with the incentive to perform at higher levels.
When team members are aware of their own responsibilities and roles, as well
as the significance of their output being relied upon by the rest of their team,
team members will be driven to share the same vision, values, and goals. The
result creates a workplace environment based on fellowship, trust, support,
respect, and cooperation.
Without the ability to effectively work in a team environment, you could delay
the success of developing, formulating and implementing new and innovative ideas.
The ability to problem solve is reduced, as well as the attainment of meeting goals
and objectives, in turn, limiting the efficiency and effectiveness of growing a
successful company is hindered.
I’m sure that by now you are totally convinced about the importance of teamwork, but
if you would like to see more benefits, here’s a video from our teamwork course that
gives you yet another perspective.
The synergy of individuals is a powerful and strong instrument; don’t be fooled by the
idea that working alone brings glory. Working alone may help your ego sometimes,
however, will not necessarily make you a regular winner!

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Other Educational Book

Training Regulations (TR) of Landscaping Installation and Maintenance NC-11
Competency Base Learning Materials (CBLM) of LIM
Business Communication Book, s.2015
Strategic Management Communication,s.2017,2 nd Ed (Reyes)

lV. Activity Proper

Activity 1: True or False

Directions:  Read the statements carefully. Place T on the line if you think the
statement is TRUE and F if it is FALSE. Use a separate sheet of paper.
________1.If you want to foster a culture of creativity and productivity, then you may
want to take steps to create a team environment. While it does take time to develop
the strong working relationships that you need for a successful team environment,
the result can be transformative for companies, with greater innovation and higher
employee morale. Learning the steps to take to build a team environment can help
you create one within your own workplace.
_________2.A team environment is a setting in the workplace that's focused on
everyone working together toward a common goal. Brainstorming, joint projects and
collaboration are all common elements of team environments and strong, open
communication is essential for success.
_________3.Better learning and creativity, When people work together as a team and
spend time brainstorming, creativity tends to thrive. Each member of the team brings
their own unique perspective, which helps to generate more creative, effective ideas.
It also increases learning, as team members have the ability to learn new skills and
maximize their shared knowledge.
_________4.Increases conflict resolution skills, When team members come together
who have different habits, backgrounds and work styles, conflict can occur. However,
in a strong team environment, the employees resolve the conflicts themselves. This
improves upon their conflict resolution skills and strengthens the relationship between
team members.
_________5Encourages healthy risk-taking:, Because employees in a team
environment generally have the support of their team, they are more apt to take
calculated risks and try innovative ideas. Sharing successes also helps the team to
bond further, which can be transformative for a company.
_________6.Improves productivity,Working on a team has been shown to inspire people
to work harder, as team members can help motivate one another to be more
_________7.Boosts morale, People are naturally sociable and enjoy sharing
experiences with one another.
_________8.Problem-solving,Problem-solving skills help you to be able to look at
challenges objectively and explore creative solutions. With strong problem-solving
skills, you can more easily identify obstacles and inefficiencies that are impacting the
success of your group, which in turn makes it possible to improve those processes in
the future.
_________9.Time management,Time management skills include a variety of skills,
such as goal-setting, prioritization, planning and delegation.
_________10.Critical thinking,Critical-thinking skills can help you make more informed
decisions. They help you to look at an idea or issue from multiple perspectives,
reflecting on experiences you may have had in the past and listening to the opinions
of team members.

Activity 2: Performance Task
Directions: You are required to make or to form a team or How to build a team
environment. Perform the following by making a portfolio like scrapbook, pictures or
video. You will be evaluated using the rubrics herein.
1. Choose a leader
2. Consider the team size
3. Communicate roles
4. Create a collaborative environment
Rubrics in Rating

Creativity 95% 90% 85% 80%

Describe team The role and The role and The role and The role and
role and scope objective of the objective of the objective of the objective of the
team is team is identified team is team is
25% identified from from available identified from identified from
available sources of available available
sources of information sources of sources of
information information information

Identify own Individual role Individual role Individual role Individual role
role and and and and and
responsibility responsibilities responsibilities responsibilities responsibilities
within team within the team within the team within the team within the team
environment environment are environment environment
25% are identified identified are identified are identified

Work as a Effective and Effective and Effective and Effective and

team member appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate
contributions contributions contributions contributions
25% made to made to made to made to
complement complement team complement complement
team activities activities and team activities team activities
and objectives, objectives, based and objectives, and objectives,
based on on individual skills based on based on
individual skills and individual skills individual skills
and competencies and and
competencies and workplace competencies competencies
and workplace context and workplace and workplace
context context context


Activity 3: Fill the gaps!

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the step on how to build a team environment.
Here are the steps you can take to build a team environment: Choose the correct
answer from the word box. Use a separate sheet of paper.

1. Choose a leader
2. Consider the team size
3. Communicate roles
4. Create a collaborative environment
5. Put yourself in the right mindset
6. Be respectful of others' opinions
7. Fulfill your role
8. Recognize team member contributions
9.Better learning and creativity
10Increases conflict resolution skills

_________1.Choose a manager that employees already trust. The person you

choose should be an individual who's good at motivating others and keeping a team
focused. They should have strong delegation skills and also be someone who's a
_________2.There are advantages and disadvantages regardless of the team size
you choose. With large teams, you have the advantage of a larger number of skill
sets to draw from. However, it can also be challenging to reach a definite consensus
with a large group. In contrast, a small team can allow you to foster strong working
relationships. It can be challenging, though, for a small group to manage large, long-
term projects. Ultimately, you need to consider the size of the project, the length of
time it will take to complete and the skill sets that it will require.
_________3.Each person in the team should have a set role for how they will
contribute and what they need to accomplish as part of the team. By assigning roles,

you know that there will be no overlapping responsibilities or miscommunication over
who is responsible for which aspect of the project.
_________4.The final step is to create a collaborative environment where employees
understand that all suggestions will be heard, everyone can express their opinions
and everyone is comfortable asking questions. Each person within an organization
should know that their input is valued by the organization.
_________5.When you work independently, you generally focus on projects in a
manner that suits your personal preferences. In a team environment, though, it's
important to remember that workloads are divided and group consensus is needed to
determine the scope of the project and its direction.
_________6.It's important to be respectful in your interactions with other members of
your team, keeping in mind that there are multiple ways to approach a project. While
it's important to speak your mind and be open about concerns and objections you
have, you should always do so in a manner that's respectful to others.
_________7.Even when responsibilities are assigned to individual members of a
team, there are times that overlap may occur. There may also be times when some
people on the teamwork more than others. Always give your full effort to the
responsibilities you're tasked with and meet deadlines you've been given. Also, be
willing to offer your help to others when it's needed.
_________8.Acknowledge the efforts of people on your team and express
appreciation for their insight and creativity. It's best to acknowledge specific
contributions that they made and verbalize the impact that they had on the project as
a whole.
_________9.When people work together as a team and spend time brainstorming,
creativity tends to thrive.
_________10.When team members come together who have different habits,
backgrounds and work styles, conflict can occur. However, in a strong team
environment, the employees resolve the conflicts themselves. This improves upon
their conflict resolution skills and strengthens the relationship between team

Activity 4: Enlighten me!
Directions: Answer the following questions briefly on a separate sheet of

1. How to build a team environment?


2 Benefits of a team environment?.


3. What is a team environment?


4. Important skills for working in a team environment?


5. The importance of teamwork and why it matters to you?


Activity 5: Pick me out!

Directions: Identify the important skills for working in a team environment
There are a number of skills that are important for working successfully in a team
environment. Choose your answer from the word box.

Time management
Critical thinking

1.___________ 2._____________

3._____________ 4.___________

Activity 6: Choose the best!

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on
a separate sheet of paper.
___________1.This skill is critical for working well as part of a team. You must be able
to communicate in a manner that's clear and concise about deadlines, expectations
and responsibilities. Maintaining open lines of communication with members of your
team also helps to promote trust and create a positive team environment. While
conflict can occur, maintaining respectful and open communication can help to
resolve any issues rapidly.
A. Communication
B. Problem-solving
C. Time management
___________2.Problem-solving skills help you to be able to look at challenges
objectively and explore creative solutions. With strong problem-solving skills, you
can more easily identify obstacles and inefficiencies that are impacting the success
of your group, which in turn makes it possible to improve those processes in the
A. Communication
B. Problem-solving
C. Time management
___________3.Time management skills include a variety of skills, such as goal-
setting, prioritization, planning and delegation. Teams are often working
collaboratively on projects and rely on one another to complete their portion of a
project in order to achieve group goals. Strong time management skills are essential
in order to balance a workload and meet deadlines in a fast-paced, collaborative
A. Communication
B. Problem-solving

C. Time management
___________4.Critical-thinking skills can help you make more informed decisions.
They help you to look at an idea or issue from multiple perspectives, reflecting on
experiences you may have had in the past and listening to the opinions of team
members. By remaining open and objective and using critical thinking skills, you can
help your team arrive at the best possible solution.

A. Critical thinking
B. Problem-solving
C. Time management
___________5.Collaboration skills are also essential for succeeding in a team
environment. Collaboration skills include facets like open-mindedness, organization,
long-term thinking and adaptability. By maintaining a willingness to learn and be
open to new approaches, you can become a better contributor and leader within your
A. Critical thinking
B. Collaboration
C. Time management

V. Reflection

Directions: Complete the statement.

In this lesson, I learned that


VI. Answer Key
Activity 1: True or False
Activity 2: Performance Task
Rubrics is presented for Learners Rating
Activity 3: Fill the gaps!
1. Choose a leader
2. Consider the team size
3. Communicate roles
4. Create a collaborative environment
5. Put yourself in the right mindset
6. Be respectful of others' opinions
7. Fulfill your role
8. Recognize team member contributions
9.Better learning and creativity
10.Increases conflict resolution skills
Activity 4: Elighten me!

Activity 5: Pick me out!
3.Time management
4.Critical thinking
Activity 6: Choose the best!


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