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Case Study on Google


Google is well recognized for its Online search and computer programs including Gmail, Picasa,
and Google Drive. Google invented the commonly used Gmail email, for instance Google is a
technology company whose headquartered in California that specializes in Web businesses and
services such as web marketing, search engines, cloud services, coding, and technology.
Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft are among the top companies in the world, it is
considered among the top Five corporations in the American information technology sector. is now the most visited website on the planet. Many of these prominent websites
include YouTube and Blog, two other Google-owned blogging. On Forbes' list of many of these
famous firms, Google is placed 2nd, and Interbrand is ranked fourth. Confidentiality, tax
avoidance, discrimination, search impartiality, competition, and misuse of its dominant position
have been extensively criticized.

IT management issues

On the last few years, Google has faced internally and externally criticism over a range of
issues, ranging from a lack of representation in its staff to its work in China. The company's
tolerance of "abnormal genius" is a primary source of those problems. Some are the issues
google are facing today:
1. Regulatory Risks are Increasing
Alphabet openly acknowledged to the state's competition inquiry early this year, however
law enforcement officials from all across the world are scrutinizing the corporation’s
business models. About the FTC and DOJ probes, a group of state attorneys general is
investigating the firm. Alphabet has received track regulatory financial penalties in
Europe in recent years, as well as the European Commission, the EU's competition law
regulatory agency, has lately reopened the case into Google's data gathering
procedures, which could include information relevant to community relevant searches,
marketing, ad targeting, login services, web browsers, and other topics.
2. Data Acquisition Problems
Firewalls that protect email, programs, and web surfing in Smtp systems can cause large
performance degradation. This can result in considerable loss of data and network
speed reductions, performing business collaboration impossible. Gateways, which do
not have the appropriate high-speed storage, might cause major losses. IT
administrators should seek out greater computer resources capable of handling large
sets of data, as well as a secured gateway to link geographically scattered scientific
groups. They'll should also use high-speed connections to gather, analyze, and store
information in more intelligent ways.

3. Lack of Efficient Data Storage Architectures
In today's environment, cloud storage has mostly replaced internal memory. Though this
is a cost-effective and flexible digital storage option for IT administrators, it lacks the
necessary digital storage structures to support a broad array of applications. The IT
community requires a more versatile cloud based solution that goes above capacity and
price. To strengthen IT architecture, it is critical that online storage solutions are
becoming more adaptable. The cloud storage infrastructure should be simple to optimize
based on the application that is being installed. It must be more dependable, efficient,
and capable of handling a wide range of applications and customer requirements.
4. There aren't a lot of options for improving data analytics.
There's not many tools available currently nowadays that IT managers can use to pick
useful information across large data sets. It's vital to see trends in data, appropriately
analyses it, and use it to support strategic managerial decisions. The quickest method to
deal with this problem is to design the best service available, which incorporates a
benchmarks method that enables for easy data transfer across multiple devices and
layers. Consequently, faster data transfer and, more precise analysis of data will be
possible. This research could help with industrial control systems, connectivity, and IT
5. Improper Networks and connectivity
It is critical for any company to have a solid and stable network in place for it to run
successfully. IT capacity planning can be tough for any institution's IT director without
the need for a stable data connection. For level and high, new software-based
technologies and network architectural design are necessary. The way to exchange an
IP address will help with managed services transition to new devices. Integrating
knowledge into both wire and wireless connectivity links is yet another solution to this
challenge. This will help carriers optimize bandwidth allocation and minimize costs while
improving service.

Risk Management
Business intelligence and survey method are at the heart of Google's strategies. It helps that
Google is a technology-driven company. It prefers putting numbers to topics that others could
struggle to determine. Several various sorts of statistics are used in this procedure, include
qualitative and actuary research in the coming years. They have used the following 5 steps in
the risk management process:
1. Determine the danger.
Forecasting projects dangers is not a cause of doom and gloom for your organization. In
reality, it's the polar opposite. The strategic planning is a fun and beneficial exercise that
your entire squad can participate. Choose a risk matrix structure to list potential dangers
in an endeavor and categorize these by degree of reliability, with one of the most serious
costs at the top and more specific worries at the bottom. This image will aid you and
your organization in predicting where hazards may develop while planning assigned

2. Examine the danger.
In this stage, the team will examine the likelihood and impact of each danger in order to
choose what and how to focus initially. Factors such as the foundation's possible
financial harm, time lost, and the severity of the impact all play a major role in assessing
each hazard effectively.
3. Prioritize the danger.
This step provides you with a comprehensive picture of the current project and identifies
where the team's attention must be. More crucially, it will assist you in identifying
remedies to each risk. As during processing step, the work will not be disrupted or
postponed in any substantial way. The process of prioritizing now begins. Rank every
rating based on its probability as well as its possible impact on the project.
4. Treat the hazard
Perhaps the most serious dangers have been identified, send out your care plan. While
you won't be able to predict every risk, the following methods in your risk management
process should put you in a good position to succeed. Assign your team the task of
resolving or, or in the very minimum, reducing the principal issue to the point that it no
longer poses a danger to the project. Strategic planning effectively also requires making
optimum use of your squad's resources without affecting work efficiency.
5. Keep an eye on the danger.
Whenever it relates to constant threat assessment, effective communication between
your employees and clients is critical. In addition, while this may feel as if you're herd
cats at moments, with your risk management plan and project risk registration in
existence, trying to keep track of those fluctuating objectives is far from dangerous.

IT solutions with business operations and strategy.

There really are numerous advantages to integrating your company's IT plan with its company
goals, but they may be divided into three categories. It's important to integrate company and IT
objectives in order to stay competitive, ensuring that all parties are striving towards that
objectives, and get the most value out of limited funds. Although innovation for sake of
technology is pointless, this does not imply that IT's role must be restricted to executing
production schedules and generating labels. IT's real business value will be realized if it
provides technical expertise and aligns with the organisational mission.
Integrating IT plan with business goals helps with judgment by assuring that everyone is moving
towards that goal and is on the similar path. IT systems chosen and executed in accordance
with a strategic strategy are more likely to be helpful and widely adopted. Concentrating IT
activities on attaining information business goals will ensure that the entire organization believes
in the importance of IT in accomplishing the organization's core strategic path. There are an
increasing lot of tools these days to assist in harnessing the power of data from various sources
to improve business operations.
Further benefit of aligning IT plans with strategic goals is that it assists partners in focusing on
the corporate goals. The IT resources can then be used efficiently to meet those strategic goals.
It may appear straightforward simple, but you should first define your corporate strategy and
properly explain it to everyone in your organization, especially your IT staff, so that everyone
understands and therefore can work toward primary business objectives. It's common to
assume that a company has already a strategy in place and is actively implementing it, but that
is not always the case.

It's easy to get wrapped up in the newest glittering devices and fads when it comes to
technology. While owning the newest gadget may be exciting, that may not be an essential tool
for investors to fulfill their objectives. There will be places when business would not want to
invest more in technology due to high threats, prices, and even stored and processed
segmentation. When IT values are met with business objectives, the company can be strategic
and strategic with IT spending, reducing wasteful expenses associated with those at the mercy
of patterns.


Hence, this report contains the analysis and case study on google. Google is well recognized
for its online search and computer programs including Gmail, Picasa, and Google Drive. This
research contains, the contemporary IT management issues in which the google experiences
and their impact and solutions to resolve this issues. Any organization has risk; this study will
also talk about the risk management processes used in the company. The value of the
organization is very crucial, this can achieve from aligning IS/IT solutions with business
operations and strategy.

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