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Through email


o/o the Chief Postmaster General, Telangana Circle, Hyderabad - 500001

i.No. Tech/Holidays/2019-20_dated at Hyderabad1 the 18.08.2021


fauuSub :- Change of closed Holiday on 20th August, 2021 on account of "Muharram "

in Telangana Postal Circle reg.

GqICVRef -Central Government Employees Welfare Coordination Committee,
Hyderabad circular Dated 18.08.2021.

Vide Central Government Employees Welfare Coordination Committee, Hyderabad

Circular dated 18.08.2021, has declared 20.08.2021 (Friday) as closed holiday on account of
"Muharram" accordingly, 20.08.2021 is to be observed as closed holiday on account of
"Muharram" instead of 19.08.2021 (Thursday) in Telangana Postal Circle.

Encl: Reference.
ee e
Assistant Director (Rectt, Technical),
paJHaLI. ÀcioIaI zfbal, drararg.90000
for Chief PMG, Telangana Circle, Hyderabad - 500001.

aiTo: (forinformation):
1. The Postmaster General, Head Quarters/Hyderabad Region.
2. The DA(P), Hyderabad.
3. The AD(CEPT), Hyderabad for information and requested to upload the Circular in
Ph: 040 23425482

10th floor, A Block,

Income Tax Towers
Central Government Employees
WelfareCoordination Conmmittee & AC Guards
Regional Sports Board, Hyderabad. Hyderabad.

F.No. CGEWCC/CIirculars/ 2021-22 Date:18.08.2021.


Sub:- Change of closed Holiday on 20th August, 2021 on account of

"Muharram" in all Central Government offices in Telangana- Reg.
1.Minutes of the CGEWCC dated:11.11.2020.
2.DoPT OM No. 12/13/2016-JCA-2 dated: 11.08.2021.
3.G.0.Rt.No.1827 dated:17.08.2021 of the Government of Telangana.


the closed holiday on account of

Vide DoPT OM dated:11.08.2021,
August, 2021 for offices located in
"Muharram" has been changed to 20
offices outside Delhi, DoPT has instructed the respective
Delhi/New Delhi. For
Committee to decide the date
Central Government Employees Coordination

depending upon the decision of the concerned State Government.

The Government of Telangana vide G.0.No.1827 dated:17.08.2021 has

as closed holiday on account of "Muharram".

declared 20.08.2021 (Friday)

Accordingly, 20.08.2021is to be obsenved as cdosed holiday on account of

in all Central Government
Muharram_instead of 19.08.2021(Thursday)
offices in Telangana.

Encd: Ref No. 2 & 3.

(B. Srinivasa Rao)
Joint Commissioner of Income Tax
& Secretary, CGEWCC/RSB, Hyderabad.

TO offices in Hyderabad.
1. All Head of Central Government
on website
2. DD (Systems) for uploading Bhavan, IT Towers,
Income Tax Towers, Aayakar
3. Notice Boards at and Kendriya Sadhan, Koti.
Signature Towers, CGO Complex, Kavadiguda
HOLTDAYS Declaration of Optionai Holday on 19.08.2021 (Thursday) on the occasion of
9oharrarm insteadMoharram'
of 18.08.2021 (Wednesday) and General HolldayModfication
on 20.08.2021Orders
on account of 10
instead of 19.08.2021 (Thursday) -

****** **************


Read the tolgwing

G.0.Rt. No.1756, GA(Spl E) Dept dated 09.11. 2020

. From the Chiet Executive Officer, Telangona State Wakf Board, Hyderabad,
Letter F.No.E1/35/2007 5, dated: 12.08.2071

i n n e G.0 1 read above, Government have issued orders declaring 18.08.2021

CwnescY a5 Optonal Hollday on the occasion of 9 Moharram' and 19.08.2021 (Thursday)
as General Hollday on account ol "1C Moharram'.

inthe relerence 2 read above, the Chiel Executive Officer, Telangana State Wakr
odrd,yoerdbad has informed that Moharram' oand '10 Moharram will be celetDrated on
19.08.2021hursday) and 20.08.2021 (Frlday) instead of l8.08.2021 (Wednesday) end
19.08.2021 (Thursday) respectvely.

5 he Government, alter careful consideratlon of the matter, deaded to modity the

oponal oday to 19.08.2021 (Thursday) on occasion of 9 Moharam and General Hoday
to 20.08.2021 (Frlday) on account of "i0 Moharram' Accordi ngiy, the following nodfication is
SSUeC and snall be published in the extra ordinary Gazette of Telangana state

in partlal modiflcation of the orders issued, notitying the General Holidays and Optional
Holiaays in a.0.Rt.No.1/50, General Administration (SPLE Department, dated 09.11.2020,
overnment hereby decare the Optional Holiday on 19.0S.2021 (Thursday) on the octasion o
9 Moharram instead of 18.08.2021 (Wednesday) and General Holiday on 20.08.2021 (Friday)
on accountof"10 Moharam Insteed of 19.08.2021 (Thursdav)

Further, the orders i5sued n G.0RLNo.1756. General Administration (Spl.5) Dept.,

dated 9.11.2020 shall stand modified to the above effect.



The Commissioner of Printing. stationery nd stores Purchase, Chanchalguda, tyderabad. (He

is requested to publish the above Notifhcatian in the next issue o' Telangana State Extra-
Ordinary Gazette and supply 03 copies to Government.)
The Commissioner Information and Pubic Relatons, Teangara, t4yderabad. (He is requested to
9ve wide pubiaty tirough media).

All Departments o Secretarnat

All Administrative Sections In General Administraton Department
Al Heads of Departments/ All the Collectors & District Magistrates in the State.
The Resident Commissioner, Telangana Bhavan, No.1, Ashoka Road, New Delhi.
The Secretary to Govemment of India, Ministry of Personne, Public Grievances and Pensions,
New Dehi.

The Chief Secretaries of all States and Union Territories

r e Registrar General, High Court of Judlcature for the State ot Telangana
The Registrar, Institution of Lokayukta, Hyderabad.
The Secretary, Telangann State Public Service Commission, Hyderabad.
The P.5. to C.M/Pr.Secy. to C.M/All P Ss to Ministers
PS. to Cs./P.5. to Pri,. Secy.(Pol}/P.S. to Joint Secy.(Proto)

No 12/13/2016-JCA-2
Government of India
Minintry of Personnel, P'ublic Grievances & PeSions
(Department of Per sonnel & Training)
stabiishment (JCA- 2 Section

North Block, New Delhi - 11000

Dated the 11th August, 2021

Subject: Change in the date of Holiday on account of Muharram.

The underwgned is directed to say that holiday on account of Muharram was

notified for 19th Auust,
202 va erednp on sighting of the Moo
daled 10Junc, 2020, subject to chang
Now the Ruiyat Hilal [Moon Sightung) Committce, headed by Shahi Imam, Jama
Masj Delhi, has announced that. in Delhi, Muharram would be observed on
20.08. 2021(friday)
Accordingly, in Delhi/ New Delhi, the loliday on account of Muharram wil be
oDsrrved on Priday. the 20h August, 2021 and all Central government Adninistrative

Delhi / New Deihi, shall remain closed on accourt ol Munarram on

ces, iOCaled in
20 August, 2021

For Offices outside Delhi / New Delhi. the Central Giovernment Employecs
Head of Offices not
Coordination Cornmittee
function1rng) can decide the
(where such Committees are
dale, depcnd1ng upon the decision of the concerned State

eputy secretary to the uovt. ot I n d i a

A l l Ministries/ Departments of the Government of India.

2. UPSC/ CVc /c&AG National Commission for Languislic MinoriliesNauona
Commission for Scheduled Castes/NationalCommission foT Schedulcd
Tribes/National Comnission for Minoriues /Presidents SecretariatVice Presidents
Secretariat /Supreme Court/ High CourtCentral Adiinistrative iriouna Lentra
infor mation Commission/Prime Ministersce binetrea ct
Commssion ot India ward
for Wornen erretaruat Classes Niti Avog/ Lok Sabha
Secretariät a nd Suburdinate offices of Ministry of Personnel, Pubie
Allattan s / MHA
Staff Side, National Council JCM. 13-C Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi
All satl Side Members of the Natjonial Counc" tu
6 Chaurman Secretaries, Ceritral iUverninen Eripluyee Welfare Coordination
7All Staff Side Members ot the Deparlmiental Coiuneil (JcM, Ministry ol Personnel,

Publie i i e v a n c e s and P e n s i o s .
C h i e t Srcrelary, all the Stnte Governnents,
Delhi Govt, Secretariat, TG Stadium, 1.TO, New
Deputv Secretary (Coordinalinn),
Delh of
O.M. the Website
19 NIC DOPT ith the request to
pliace thiss
O WA'W prrsmin nic-Jn

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