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State Verbs

When we start to learn English there is Topics:

the verb “To Be”. It is a State Verb. There
are too much state verbs like it. For  State Verbs VS.
example: Love, Know, Like, Taste, etc. Action Verbs
We have other verbs that people know  English tenses
such as Action verbs. Action verbs denote  How to watch T.V. in
that people do something because it
starts in an instant and finish then in
another instant. For example, when Mary
is calling to her friend, the action start
when she takes the calling and it finish
when she stops and closes the calling.
With action verbs we can verify the exact
moment when the action happens. With
state verbs there isn´t a process because
these verbs are associated with knowing,
desires, likes and dislikes, perception.

For more examples we can mention the English tenses

case of play. It is an action verb. We said When we use English tenses we How to watch T.V. in English?
Maria is playing cards here action begins have to observe the context for
when she starts to open the box and When we watch T.V. in English we
example we can say She sits on the realize some Tv channels show
finishes when she saves the box. We can table or She is sitting on the table.
say the same with play soccer there is an programs with language different
Two are correct because in the first and it seems difficult for someone
entry in yard every time ball runs and example we denote a girl is on a
entries and when it leaves to move. to understand. One tip in children
specific table maybe the coffee programs is to focus in the object or
table and it can be broken. And in toy to encourage children to play
the second example there two and they are noisy. All scenes move
figures one is the table and the around all actions of children with
other is the girl. In the example with those objects. And one tip in adult
Present Continuous we can change programs is to focus in magical
the sentence and the tense such as situations. That situations are
It sits on the table, it refers a ball. because the majority people who
watch Tv is the children public.

All was written by Lic. María Auxiliadora Jácome Ortega

Tuesday, 5th may, 2021 IQ Magazine 01

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