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RDRD Bldg.

, Santiago Boulevard, General Santos City

Tel. # (083) 878-1173


Name: Mary Jane
Sex: Female
Age: 30
Civil Status: Single
Birthdate: May 24, 1991
Place of Birth: Jose Abad Santos, Davao Occidental
Educational Attainment: Elementary Level
Religion: Alliance
Tribe: Blaan
Complete Address: Upper Puting Bato, Calumpang, General Santos City
Occupation: Labandera
Classification: Indigent (Survival level or D)
Per capita: 3.80


Name Age Civil Relation to Educational Occupation Monthly
(years old) Status the Client attainment Income
30 Single Subject for Grade 2 Student Php500.00
Roland 3rd year High
35 Single Husband Fisherman Php1500.00
Jake school
Shandy 11 Single Daughter Grade 5 Student N/A
Cheska 9 Single Daughter Grade 3 Student N/A
Sophia 7 Single Daughter Grade 1 Student N/A
Jeboy 5 Single Son N/A N/A N/A
Phil N/A
3 Single Son N/A N/A

The client was seeking medical assistance for her daughter Cheska and other
possible services that will help to sustain her family needs.


The daughter of the client, Cheska, was admitted to the barangay health center of
Barangay Calumpang last March 18, 2021, Thursday and experiencing high fever and
diarrhea. The client asked for help for her daughter’s medicine and other services.

On Wednesday, March 03, 2021, the client's daughter was crying in pain. So Mary
Jane decided to bring her daughter to the Calumpang Barangay Health Center.

On Monday, March 15, 2021, Mary Jane found out that her daughter was
experiencing diarrhea, so she decided to bring her daughter again to Calumpang
Barangay Health Center. The health center gave them some medicine that will alleviate
her child's condition.

After two days, Cheska's condition was getting better, and she starts playing with
her other siblings. However, Mary Jane observed that her children are malnourished
because they don't have enough food to eat. In addition, her husband, Roland, is having
a problem with his work as a fisherman due to a pandemic.



The client is 30 years old, but she appears more senior than her age. She
originated from Jose Abad Santos, Davao Occidental, but she is currently residing in
Upper Puting Bato, Calumpang, General Santos City. She finished Grade 2 in Jose Abad
Santos Elementary School.

Mary Jane is a junk trader (bote-bakal) and sometimes she is doing laundry
(Labada), and she felt sad about her situation because she can't find a job, which will help
her to provide financial needs and to provide for her children for them to achieve their
Despite the problems, she still pursues her endeavors in life and seeks some
possible chance to find other extra work to sustain the needs of her family. Thus, Mary
Jane has a positive outlook on life.


The client's family are both from the Blaan Tribe, originated from Jose Abad
Santos, Davao Occidental. They are recently living in Upper Puting Bato, Calumpang,
General Santos City. Her husband Roland is working as a construction laborer. But to the
pandemic, her husband decided to work as a fisherman.

Mary Jane is doing laundry for their neighbor, for her to earn additional income.
The family’s relationship to their neighbors is good because they showing concern with
each other and taking good care for their children. In addition, they have a good attitude
with their neighbors, participates in Church services and activities and also engaged in
community activities.


Mary Jane's family lives in Upper Puting Bato, Calumpang, General Santos City,
with plenty of neighborhoods around. They are using deep well pump as their water
source, and they keep their house neat and clean. The school, churches, and markets
are just walking distance from their home, making it easy and accessible for the family.

Based on the gathered data, there is high cases of out-of-school youth in Barangay
Calumpang. Most of her neighbor's work are street vendors, constructions workers,
fishermen and tricycle drivers.


Mary Jane sought medicines for her daughter Cheska experiencing high fever and
diarrhea on March 03, 2021. Also, asked for other possible services will help her family.
They are living at Upper Puting Bato, Calumpang General Santos City.

Mary Jane showed great motivation and interest to participate and cooperate for
the referral for her child's medicine. The client was a shy person, so she needs more
explanation for her to understand.
The potential solution for Mary Jane's problem is quite easy because the
resources and services that could help her are just available nearby. Since they are
qualified to avail of such services, and the medicine that she will receive will be a big help
for the fast recovery of her daughter.

If Mary Jane's problem was not addressed immediately, it will cause her emotional
stress, and will also affect her children’s health problems and will probably become more
malnourished and other problems may came up. On the other hand, if her problem was
properly catered, it will be a big help for her and for her family, especially for her children.
And will brick her back to her social functioning.


Goal: From May 2 to 18, 2021, the client will avail of the medicine needed for her
daughter Cheska and other possible services to help sustain her family's needs.

Objectives Activity Persons Resources/ Expected Time

Involved Materials Outcome Frame
To gather the Conduct Social Work Intake Sheet, Get the May 02,
client interview student and Ballpen, and information 2021
important Mary Jane Progress about the
information note client

To conduct Discussion Client, Ballpen and The family May 03,

individual of the family Family Progress got some 2021
and family members members, note idea on how
counseling about the and Social to help each
current Work other
situation Student
To refer the Presenting Social Work Intake Sheet To avail May 07,
client at the client Student, and Progress assistance 2021
Barangay and raising Mary Jane, note from Health
Health the problem and Midwife Center like
Center in medicines
Santos City
To refer the Presenting Social Work Progress To avail May 11,
client to the client student, note assistance 2021
Barangay and raising Mary Jane, in birthing
birthing the problem and Midwife like family
home/ planning
Family home
To further Follow up Social Work Intake sheet, To know the May 11,
gather conduct Student and ballpen, and complete 2021
information interview Mary Jane drafting information
on the client paper of the client
To refer the Presenting Social Work Intake sheet To avail May 14,
client to the client Student, and progress assistance 2021
General and raising Mary Jane, note from the
Santos the problem and Social OSCA office
OSCA office Worker
To refer the Intake Social Work Intake Sheet To avail May 18,
client at interview Student, and Progress assistance 2021
General and Mary Jane, note from the
Santos Progress and Social CSWDO
CSWDO note Worker office


Objectives Activity Responsible Time Expected Remarks

Person Frame outcome
To gather Conduct Social Work May 02, To get Done
the client interview Student and 2021 information
important Mary Jane about the client

To conduct Discussion Client, Family May 03, The family got Done
individual of the family members, 2021 some idea on
and family members and Social how to help
counseling about the Work Student each other
To refer the Presenting Social Work May 07, To avail Done
client at the client Student, 2021 assistance from
Barangay and raising Mary Jane, Health Center
Health the problem and Midwife like medicines
Center in
Santos City
To refer the Presenting Social Work May 11, To avail Done
client to the client Student, 2021 assistance in
Barangay and raising Mary Jane birthing home
birthing the problem and Midwife like family
home/ planning
Family home
To further Follow up Social Work May 11, To know the Done
gather conduct student and 2021 complete
information interview Mary Jane information of
on the client the client
To refer the Presenting Social Work May 14, To avail Done
client at the client student, Mary 2021 assistance from
General and raising Jane, and the OSCA like
Santos the problem Social kitchen ware
OSCA office Worker and basic
for the necessities
To refer the Intake Social Work May 18, To avail Done
client at interview student, Mary 2021 assistance from
General and Jane, and the CSWDO
Santos Progress Social like basic
CSWDO note Worker necessities


With the client's participation, all the information necessary for the helping process
was gathered through intake interviews during the initial phase of the helping process.

After the initial phase, the social work student and the client formulated the goals,
focusing on helping relationships.
The client was informed regarding the requirements needed for Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4P's).

After five days, the client complied all the requirements and presented it to General
Santos City Social Welfare and Development Office and will be evaluated by a Social
Worker from Barangay Calumpang.


The study shows that the client needs medicines and other possible services that
will help her family; therefore, she is recommended to avail the services offered by
different agencies.

She was also recommended to take good care of herself and her family.


In the case of Mary Jane, she received all the assistance she needed for her family
with the help of Social Welfare agencies. The objectives and goals set by the client
through the guidance of the social work student during the initial phase of the helping
process have been met. The case is terminated.

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