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Pluto in houses


Pluto in the first house indicates those who are intensely aware of themselves.
Apt to be quiet and unassuming, these individuals also possess personal
magnetism. Some of them choose to develop their personal magnetism to
great advantage, while others allow it to lie dormant. Though they are likely to
enjoy being surrounded by very powerful people, they may show little
evidence of wanting to project a similar image of power themselves.
Outwardly these individuals are often so pleasant and accommodating that,
unless others make a serious attempt to probe beneath the surface, the
intensity and depth of their personality stays hidden. When strongly
motivated however, the energy and stamina they exhibit is fierce. They are
highly resourceful, and can develop remarkable powers of recuperation and


Pluto in the second house indicates those with intense desires. These
individuals may focus so intently on attaining something that everything and
everyone else becomes meaningless. They find it difficult, if not impossible, to
give up one thing in order to attain another. Consciously or subconsciously,
they tend to equate wealth or status with control or power. However, the real
power these individuals can gain comes through their understanding that
money and material assets may be attained but never really owned, and. . .
that all things, including the amount of time and the physical body they are
given at birth, are merely borrowed. Pluto's influence suggests the potential
for complete regeneration of assets. It includes the potential for these
individuals to experience circumstances that help them develop much deeper
values and priorities. Other potentials include those who are more likely to
leave an inheritance than to gain one. Pluto also suggests that by choice or
circumstances, there may be secrecy associated with their income or assets.


Pluto in the third house indicates those who develop singular powers of
concentration, and are often very intense in the way they express their
thoughts and ideas. As very keen observers, they miss very little of what goes
on around them. Ability to concentrate their attention does not guarantee
that they will apply it to scholarly pursuits, or that they have any real
understanding of what they observe. It implies that they can present
incredibly detailed descriptions of their observations. They consciously or
subconsciously regard information as being useful in terms of the power it
gives them over others. The old saying "mind over matter" is particularly true
for these individuals. Though they may not choose to develop it, they possess
remarkable mental ability to persuade themselves (as well as others) that
something is true, whether it is or not. They enjoy secrets, mysteries, and
intrigue. By choice or circumstance there may be some secrecy related to their
communications, travel, siblings, and neighbors, or to their primary school
experiences and/or their father's work or health.


Pluto in the fourth house indicates those who may experience trauma in
childhood, most likely as the result of the death of someone in the family, or
because of their physical or mental abuse by a family member. Whatever may
have actually happened, or how they may have felt about it, childhood
experiences ultimately leave them with a sense that they have no control over
things. They have difficulty as adults in relinquishing any control over
themselves or their home. Some of them may never seek to own a home of
their own. They may be reluctant to marry, or find it difficult to stay married
to a spouse who insists on dominating their domestic environment. Pluto in
the fourth house also implies individuals who may not experience the full
potential of their power and energy until later in life. There are definite
periods (especially after the age of thirty) when they may have to start over
again in some new enterprise or life style. Though they may or may not
attempt to escape their childhood home or its circumstances, they find
themselves returning to it again and again. By choice or circumstance there
may be secrecy connected to aspects of their home or family background.
The intensity of Pluto is often very obvious in its influence on ego and
creativity when this planet is in the fifth house. It is a strong indication of
those who seek outward manifestations of their creative urges. They may not
want the spotlight to shine directly on themselves, but they do seek attention
for their creative outputs. No matter how modest or nonaggressive they may
seem in other matters, they are sure to have a healthy ego involvement
(sometimes vainglorious pride) in what they produce. Those who lack creative
ability may focus their energy and ego on procreation. If these individuals are
emotionally insecure, there is danger they will produce children merely as
extensions of themselves. They may attempt to emotionally manipulate
offspring. The positive side of Pluto suggests that these individuals seek
projects and activities that allow them to develop the full potential of their
skills and talents. Romantic encounters are apt to be intense, and these
individuals may have to avoid a tendency to dominate the relationship. They
are romantically attracted to those who are intellectually superior or have
positions of power and status. Learning to understand and exercise proper
control with respect to children, creative talent, and the pursuit of pleasure is
the karmic responsibility of those with a fifth house Pluto. By choice or
circumstance there may be secrecy or wrongful manipulation connected with
creative projects, romantic attachments, or speculative ventures.


Pluto in the sixth house indicates those who seek to control their daily
environment. If they work at home, they are compelled to control their
domestic environment. If there is too much chaos at home, they may seek to
work elsewhere, staying out of the house as much as possible. It is not a good
idea for others to visit them unannounced. If their daily environment is in an
office, they work better without interference from co-workers. These
individuals prefer to work for themselves, or in a job that allows them to work
alone, and where they are given control of their assignments or co-workers.
They are capable of completely reorganizing their work environment and
revising job assignments, often with highly successful results. Many of them
possess great power of concentration, attention to detail, and formidable
research and investigative skills. Other Pluto potentials include those with
enormous physical strength and stamina. When afflicted with illness, these
individuals exhibit astounding recuperative power. Pluto's influence suggests
that by choice or circumstance, there may be secrecy and hidden control or
manipulation related to their work or health.


Pluto in the seventh house indicates those who feel compelled to control and
manipulate relationships. If they happen to have an aggressive nature, they
are compelled to interfere with other peoples' relationships as well as their
own, not always with happy results. The negative potential includes those who
are victims of manipulation by others including their marriage partner. Pluto's
influence in the seventh house suggests individuals who consciously or
subconsciously want to gain the first advantage where other people are
concerned. They do not have a strong sense of cooperation or fair play unless
factors in their personality or background encourage them to develop a more
even-handed approach in dealing with others. Pluto does, however, imply
justice in the form of eventual retribution. Sooner or later, they are likely to
get what they deserve, both good and bad. Whether or not they make a
conscious effort to do so, they attract people who are intellectually superior or
who have more power or status than themselves. Other potentials include
those for whom marriage becomes a continual contest of wills, and joint
ventures or other cooperative efforts turn into power struggles.


Pluto in the eighth house indicates those who possess formidable strength
and endurance; a truly remarkable life force. However, Pluto in the eighth
house also indicates those with a dark side to their nature, a side that can
cause cynicism and despair. Pluto's influence in the eighth house implies a
strong sexual appetite that often plays a major positive or negative role in
their life. Sexual urges can be and often are sublimated into other activities,
but however they choose to apply such energy, indifference to sex is unlikely
to occur. The ability to concentrate their energy and attention helps these
individuals develop remarkable investigative and research skills. They are
resourceful and observant, with great interest in human motivations and
behavior. Pluto's influence in the eighth house indicates secrecy and hidden
control or manipulation related to sexual matters, legacies, debts, joint
income and other resources.


Pluto in the ninth house indicates those likely to seek advanced degrees or
specialized training in the belief it will give them more control or power. They
want to separate what is relevant from what is not. These individuals may
focus such intense energy acquiring advanced knowledge or particular skills,
they develop little understanding of how to handle simpler circumstances and
problems. If their interest turns to philosophy or religion, they may become
formidable proselytizers. They may have particular fondness for solving
mysteries, puzzles, and other challenging mind games. By choice or
circumstances there may be secrecy and hidden control or manipulation
related to education, publishing, religion, politics, or cultural pursuits. This is
also true of circumstances related to in-laws, a second marriage, or court


Pluto in the tenth house indicates those who want to control their own
destiny and as a result, are reluctant to allow anyone to assume power or
influence over their decisions or the directions they take. It must be added
however, that they may not develop this desire until later in life. If, for one
reason or another, they do not develop control over their own life, it is likely
to become a significant impediment to their ultimate growth and maturity.
Other Pluto potentials include those who focus intense energy in pursuing a
career or other long-range goals. Whether or not they gain power and status
themselves, they seem able to attract the attention and association of those
who do. By choice or circumstance there may be secrecy and hidden control
or manipulation related to a parent (usually the father), their career, or the
amount of public influence these individuals possess.


Pluto in the eleventh house indicates those whose central theme in life is
analyzing what makes them happy. To accommodate what may be an intense
desire to find true happiness, they make a completely new beginning with
new friends and if possible, in a new environment. The fresh start they
attempt may be successful, but if it merely represents a desire to run away
from unresolved problems or unsatisfactory relationships, they are certain to
fail. By choice or circumstance there may be secrecy and hidden control or
manipulation related to the role they play in the lives of others, as child,
parent, sibling, lover, spouse, or friend. Understanding the necessity of
directing energy away from the self and toward a relationship or group effort,
being able to work as part of a group instead of dominating it, and focusing on
common goals rather than emphasizing differences are what give ultimate
influence and power to those with an eleventh house Pluto.


Pluto in the twelfth house indicates those who are keenly alert to their
dreams, subconscious mind, and psychic energy. Many of these individuals
pursue their understanding in these things in order to gain the hidden
strength and power that comes from such awareness. Other potentials for
Pluto's twelfth house influence include those who are involved in secret
activities, and those who learn to sublimate their physical desires into mystical
experiences. Whether or not they get involved in the occult or subconscious
mind, most of these individuals are intensely private. They prefer to exercise
their influence behind the scenes, and they may deliberately hide their
monetary assets and other resources. They may actively seek a solitary
existence. Pluto's influence also indicates those whose marriage partner may
work in research and development, the funeral business, or areas that involve
secrecy or managing public resources.

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