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NAME: Amira mohamed

sagda ossama

Mandara Beach) Beash zoning and

litter management )
Beash zoning

1) sports area : This category of beach sports includes all the organized sports of
the world that are played on the beach, or at least on a sandy surface. Some
are just traditional field sports that have been adapted to be played on the
sand surface of the beach, while others have developed independently as
suited for the beach environment.

)volleyball./football/Racket game/ beach golf (

2)Beach Games And Activities For Children

A dedicated area for children to play on the beach and practice some activities

beach sand play/Squirt ball race/Beach Toys For Kids

3)beach Pets area

An area designated for those who own a pet, such as a dog or cat, allowed to walk on the beach,
take his animal and play with him.

Anyone who owns a pet, such as dogs and cats

4)Non-smoking area: The smoke-free area on the beach is an area where people are not allowed
to smoke.
5)Beach cafes and restaurants

It contains drinks and food for the beach

6)litter management

Reduce Your Use of Single-Use Plastics. ...

Recycle Properly. ...

Participate In (or Organize) a Beach or River Cleanup. ...

Support Bans. ...

Avoid Products Containing Microbeads. ...

Support Organizations Addressing Plastic Pollution

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