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Disadvantage of 7 principles of quality management:

1. Customer forcus.
Lack of Innovation:
Customer-focused businesses operate solely on customers' needs and wants, which can have a
negative impact on a company's creativity. When companies are customer-focused, they may
resist coming up with ideas to improve products or create new products, so they begin to lack
Ever-Changing Customer Needs:
Customers' needs are ever-changing, which means your customer-focused business needs to have
the resources, such as financing, staffing and time, to constantly keep up with customer demands.
This may be problematic for small businesses, as it can be expensive and lead to employee
Loving the Customer Doesn’t Mean They’ll Love you Back:
Conventional wisdom says customers are more loyal to businesses that exceed the customer’s
expectations. However, authors Matthew Dixon, et al., in the “HBR” article Stop Trying to
Delight Your Customers, found a weak relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. In fact, 20
percent of the “satisfied” customers studied by the authors said the
2. Leadership.
Decisions are made more slowly:
Leaders either make snap decisions or take their time in making decisions. As a result, the
decision-making process is slowed as the leader evaluates facts and data.
Employees may be unmotivated:
Workers may become demotivated if team leaders fail to keep employees in a team positive and
satisfied. Leadership strategies and attitudes can sometimes cause more harm than good.
Leadership may not suit all workers:
Not every employee in a team or a company loves to follow leaders, they work better when they
are alone. In this case leadership may suit to this type of worker.
Leaders are only in charge of making decisions:
If all of a company's decisions are made by its leaders, the employees may become demotivated
because they are unable to raise their voices or make decisions without consent.
Employee lack of freedom:
Employees' freedom in the workplace may be impacted by leadership. When employees are
required to follow all of their leader's commands, they may feel restricted.
3. Engagement of people.
The following are the most important policies:
There are some policies that are not to be communicated with subordinates by the company.
Some matters should be kept private, therefore involving subordinates in big conversations, such
as meetings or workshops, is not a smart idea.
The problem of matching IQ levels:
In meetings where high officials sit and discuss, it might be difficult for members to match the
discussion to their subordinates' IQ levels. As a result, the conversation becomes unbalanced, and
the difficulty level rises to a greater extent, which is not a good sign because it wastes not only
time but also a lot of energy.
Liberalizing them:
The subordinates have sufficient freedom since they are granted the same freedom and authority
as their superiors. As a result, freedom should be granted in accordance with an individual's
responsibilities and power.
If subordinates are given more independence, there is a risk that they will not perform effectively
because they believe they are no longer subordinates because they share equal space in meetings
and seminars with others.
As a result, it is also critical not to involve the staff in the debates.
Making people grasp the situation can be challenging at times: 
The meeting's substance must be presented to the attendees. It is simple for the corporation to
make the content understandable to other members who attend meetings on a regular basis, but it
is much more difficult to make subordinates grasp the same thing. It is due to the position as well
as the employees' differing levels of experience.
As a result, before allowing the subordinates to join in the talks, the members will need to hold
an additional meeting to explain the notion to them.
4. Process approach.
Process writing could be time-consuming with large classes. Teachers may not have en time to
schedule individual writing conferences in large classes.
Lots of grading for the teacher.
Learners who are unused to process writing will view revision as a sign of failure.
5. Improvement.
Unless your business model is dependent on coasting by with a subpar or simply passable
product, there is no significant downside to upgrading. Some of the methodical methods and
approaches to attaining continuous improvement, on the other hand, may not necessarily be in
your company's best interests.
Innovation has been stifled. If your company has set goals for how it wants to grow and improve,
it may limit itself to one sort of development and cut off other options. In addition to missing
opportunities, this has the potential to suffocate rather than reward your employees' creativity.
6. Evidence-based decision making.
This is most likely a guideline that few Vietnamese firms follow. Many decisions to invest
billions of dollars are emotional, despite the fact that leaders sometimes require decisiveness and
speed. The most likely cause of this problem is that firms are unaware of it.
It is worth noting that internal company choices such as recruitment, wage increases, and so on
are emotive. Some management systems are required to measure evaluation criteria that are
relatively broad.
7. Relationship management.
Loss of Autonomy:
While you may appreciate having complete control over your company, in a partnership, you
would share control with a partner and make crucial decisions together.
When you're considering the benefits and drawbacks of forming a partnership, consider the
following: Are you willing to compromise and give up some business practices if necessary?
This may necessitate a mental shift that may not be easily sustained over time. If you've worked
on your own for a long time and are accustomed to being self-sufficient, it may be stressful to be
unable to accomplish things your way.
Emotional Issues:
Working with a partner might be tough due to a variety of issues. Conflicts might emerge as a
result of differences of opinion or unequal effort put into the business, for example. One of the
partners may not be able to carry his or her own weight. Relationships can become strained.
When assessing the benefits and drawbacks of a partnership, don't forget to consider your
Future Selling Complications:
As circumstances change in the future, you or your partner may wish to sell the business. This
could present difficulties if one of the partners isn't interested in selling.
Lack of Stability:
When weighing the benefits and drawbacks of a partnership, you must also examine your ability
to deal with uncertainty. Even if your partnership agreement includes a good exit strategy, a
change in a partner's status can generate business instability. Is it one of your skills to ride the
crest of a wave of unpredictability?
After considering some of the benefits and drawbacks of a partnership, you may come to the
conclusion that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Furthermore, with due diligence,
appropriate inquiry, and a precise, signed business prenup, some of the downsides of a
partnership may be overcome.

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